How do you buy oil? Your judgment in buying oil will jivc your motor short life or long life. 'You insist upon distilled water when you. want tin. purest water for your bat tery Hccauic distillation removes the inv purities.That's why you should insist upon SUNOCD THE DISTILLED OIL Mot oili arc a compound of light oils and heavy "cylinder itock." Sunoco ii not a com pound hut a pure, w holly distilled oil, and it's made In tlx type. One ii beat for your car. It will not hreak down ap nvnt oili do; better lubrication, longer life for your motor. More power hecautc Sunoco makes a piston ring cal that prevent power leak. Try Sunoco. Have one of there dealer fill your crank -came today. Ad Kfm or ufitr m fut bnullrt, "What't Hafilng In.iJf Your .Motor MARSHALL-WELLS COMPANY VANCOUVIK MOOtJAW I.OVIOCTON CAICARY UlNNirui Thnt Jtlcn tell SUKOCQtalk lubrication ikem I'rllirc Httperl Ho I llouoe. I'rtiire flupert Auto i-inpany. Tlt Kaien Hardware. "Rupert" Brand Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Coast Steamships Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince George FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte Islands June 13th, 27th, July 11th, 25th PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. r-A'diiua, WinnlMr, aitm t'untu u n ill p-jidu tnurn ctntd nd Lnlil UI, aotacv roa all ocian stcamship Cists. C" TIM, Olflo. SIT Thlr t. Print nupwt. " CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailinesfrom PrinceRuperJt S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PHIPJUfc&a i.ivt. For Vanoouver, Victoria and Seattle, June 3, 8, 10, 23, 30; July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, 28. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, June 11, 18, 25; July 2, 6, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27; S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanion Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full itiformnlton from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. lllll' I' '"I rIH' llnier, 0f VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, Ott.n rtll, nd Swinton B.r. Tu.di, 5 P.M. VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, Aim B., nd Sinon Bay, Slurdr N". rr ANYOX, ALICI ARM, 8TIWART, Wl UI-. ' rf PORT SIMPSON ind Nit Rlr Cnnrlt, Frld A.M. Vtiuvr ''" U ': ' ...! Avenue. I rn.l, POWER OF SUGGESTION Travelling U becoming more and more of a fine art. Formerly it whs regarded Himply as a process of Rtlint; from one place to another mo lirisnmc hut un- avoidable. Now it j looked upon as a joyful undertaking, a de- HKIiI lul interlude in the regular routine., of life, especially when Ihe Journey in over (he lines of Hit lanailiau National llailwayc. t he keynote ,f n,P Cima.iia,. ., lloiial intilwa- u Ken fee. That her let aim.i to make the passen ger aeumTortahle an ubfMlbte. nun lytfve him ery hit of un , j piion. imnxuig u a insula! effort. Patron? of Ihe Dining Pervirv will now find thenvelve saved that trout.!. hy a ra.ual e la nee at the litlle imlgcr thai i distribute! ii i ... mrouaiiuui I lie coaches on all train to which Dining or Cafe ar are attached. Upon th dodder, which j, printed in both i-ii2iiii ami J reneh are several iigirction f.,r a Miltablis eoni. hinnlion of dlshei for the eoming meai. I'rfee for a eomtdele menu for llreakJasd, Dinner ami Supiier range rmni 36 cent lo 1.25. The traveller merely need lo decide what he wi.h. (o pa ami upon entering the Dining Oar lie will find himself Mrl a and a!i'aetorfly n he wmM in any well-apfiinll home. Mr. Kenny, wife of lr. Knnv. of Toronto, Wftf arrive in tlie city til wwk take up permanent Word received from one or ttf of the rMinerlet on Ihe Skeena to the effect rtiai the ealrh f hi year U fcetlm- than lat o fat. - -J. H l'illlmr. manag-fr of ttie Canadian .National dry oyk. i e.f, id home on the Prince Hu-mt( this aflrrnom frnn Van- "Ufr. He went oulh last ' in ..mpany wMh Sir Henry Hiii-iitfn and parly. Hi.- elly council last liltfhl jiro.i,d Ihe Trade- X Ijibor :-ni-i-i exehtefrtrtt' of the The Ketchikan morhif M. Iiiiahaiii wan irr port front 13.30 'iinliiiahi l & o'clock I hi- worn, ma unloading ne carload of halihut and salmon and ) ?o itarifN of herrms oil fcom Alak ("r ilflivery eal 'vt Hie i.nim.liMii National llailwavx. Tl c froli fih n. mihal-d at I lie! Il ' t'-li i i 1 h 1 1 1 and thcii .1' tli" 'iiniIht il.u k. Summer Shoes Men's All White Tennis Shoes, f; 'it heavy e $2.75 Brown Canvas Shoes, from $1.35 Wen's Fine Shoes, from $4.50 LECKIE SHOES, from $5.00 l"-r air. SHOE REPAIRING!. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Third Ave. 0. l .N Ti.-ket Offir Plus 1c Per Piece. a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your washing 80 pf cnl or your Ironing rrjrlhing raturnaj dry You nmply touch up a ftw outf garmnti tuch 1 walttt, blouavi, housa drtutt, with hand-iron, Phnna ui today. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. THE DAILY NEWB ! Local and Persoaal I i i 8. .-. B I'aisley WaMs. Dcmcrt). 150 B. 0. Undertaker. Phone 41. tf Haynera, Undei taker. 351. - Hillie Ilurke Junior from 91.00. Demcrg. Phone If dresses 150 For a transfer or coal. Call lied 533 or 31, lloyal Hold. Geo. II. Casey. if For Plumbing and HEATING, W. Longwill. phone IJlue 270.' P.O. lioi 730. U Mr. 11. lieautiNjiil, Waldron Apartment will not receive tomorrow nor again until Fall. Save Monty! Huy our Nanaiino-Wellington Nut Coal at $13.50 a ton. Alhert A McCalfcry, Ltd. tf Anglican Sunday School picnic tomorrow-. Uoalu leae Ket-clium fkiat 10.3011.30 and 2 p.m. If you fiiKl you cannot yet the daily New regularly, call in and uherihe for it and have It de lierel to your home. tf Mrf. H. McKwrn and daughter SMrley are falling tomorrow of Bill Jy Ihe Prince llupert for Vancouver on a holiday trip. The steamer Prince Itu- iert, Capl. I). Donald, due at 3 this afternoon from Vancouvei nd way jmrlf, is reiKirled" on lime. - The Oranne Association will run a special train to Terrace on July 12, leaving at S a.m. turning same evenlnn. Adults $3.85, children $1.95, return. The liiollo hacehall leant ha heen dihauded and the players are bein;; lakeu into Hie other leain-. Ui flreiiglhen I hem. Tlial makes the result of tomorrow I . r..,..i Hill (rroumlM in tinor nightV fame ery uncertain ii. VHifmMr 3. for the la- K "f Hie annual ederation l.i .Milr.l that H-ual condttkMiH Mo- i.rred. - Steoaen .hejilicrd. Indian, wan fined (ii under Ihe Indian Act lbi moronis by Mai-iclrate Mr Clvttioiil for bavin? liquor in hi leiiMi. heidirnl '' ar reeled lat night hy SrrBpaiit Mc imitcii;. 4- A lea and fite of Immc omk hb will he heW at the home, of Mr. . Ho?uri. 10-0 .Ninth Ave, (corner of llacoir oil Thursday luly 5 in aid of the llidlcy Home MiiildiiiB luiid. Lverjhody cor iJially invited. iiwerin? a que-liuti by Aid Stephen ll night. Aid. Munn liairman of lUp Hoard of Work" indirated thai the hoard would nivextigale Ihe quolion of rc- .airnu- the lane between Third Avenue and (he lni.erial Mucluue Work and Ihe old libMitiur jdant Cd. J. T. Crablte. ircideut o Hie (iranhy CoiiMilidalcd Miuiiu Smell iiib and IViwer Co., vvil ia through Ihe pity on the I'riiiee Hupert lomurmw night on Iim return to Now vork after having fjenL the past thre week al Auyox on an inpc- ion trip. . The Imperial Oil Go.s tanker Imperial, dpt. Foole, vva in liort from 2 ti'chnk this iimrniiu lo 2 o clock tin afternoon li.- rliarging a.lHMl liarirU of bulk engine ililillate, lino caKCf nap. Ilia and Co barn'l. lubricating oil at Ihe local tanks of (lie lin pei-ial f HI Vm. from Kci. Tenders for charter of launch to Provincial l"i.herie. depart tii' nl for patrol on Skeeim Hiver will lie received hy Chief Constable Minl.v, 1'ioMiical police. Prince Ituperl. Charier lo com-uietue July It for nppniximiilolv one month. Applicant lo slab? rate per day and full particulars ;f launch nlfii where. Maine may he inspected. 157 William (ioldhltMiin, Ihe lot-al fur dealer who vvas the fiil nii!i-eiii.'er lo Mep olf Ihe new xleamer Canleiia on her maiden An entirely newT kind or soap A new kind of soap. Made of pure materials combined in such a way that it has more cleansing power than soap has ever had before. It gently soaks loose the most ground-in dirt without weaken ing a single thread. Even the worst soiled spots need but a light rubbing with Rinso. "Diitolvt in boiling water Pour into tub of lukewarm water U$e enough to get big lasting nidi Tenders for 15(10 poiuyl pilf leail In lie used in rutiuer' n.ii witli Ihe water work were opened at last night's couneil iim'i'I -iiu- aud referred ! Hie Hoard if Works. The iinN. ;ir hundre d pounds were: Smilli Mailed.; flO.'JO; Prince llupert Supply 0 i.55; Howe & Mc.Niilt), and !(. ' 4 , The Alaska .'ul(ralkii Co.V ; slramer Alaka, calling: here on Monday iiiornin?. had eiht Ions of perishable freight from .Seal -J He foa this port. This was thej first call of the lim-'s huals here, northbound wilh liH-al freight.! advance no! ire of which vva-' siven some we?ks ayo. The steamer Jefferson will call hen-in future. A report was received by the city council last ui?ht from the finance committee reconuiiemlin that Ihe resignation of Miss K. M. Ililchey a- utilities clerk be ar- repletl prowling she pives llurly diiy notice from June 30. Mayor Newton reported thai Miss Ilil chey had already left Hie eily'n, service lo enter Ihe provineial Koveruinent forestry ollice. Aid.' Macxloiiabl aked Hie I to aii I of Works at last ni?hi rouucil nieotiiip if there was anv misumlerstaiuliii? in connection with Hie Atlas Hoiler Works ae- ount lor parts to a certain hoiler which was repudiated by Ihe council recently on rec-oin- inendalion of the citv eoiiucil. Mr. Harris, manager of Hie Atlas poller Works, had iudicated that lie was going lo sue. TJie Hoard of Works had uotlilng further to offer in explanation. AM. Mardouajd asked al la! night's council meeting what was bein? done in connection with Ihe investigation as to why II. K. Walker, waterworks foreman. resigned without notice and was paid seven days without working. Mil. Stephen replied that the mailer win trot dropped but had merely been delayed because o fil ial. had been out of town. Mayor Newton ked if the eoun- il was under any apprehension thai he wa Jo blame. If thev were he would explain that lie had signed Mr. Walker's check1 on recQiunicndaXon of Hie Hoard of Works. His worship recciveili i rip from Ihe soulh lasf Sunday 1,0 a,l!'r- A1,1- lpl'iis staling iiiuht. sneaks vcrv liiclilv ,ir n.n'Hial tlie committee would deal new vessel and fjie service given on board. MrAiUdilbhMjm, who has travelled on almost every ship on the roast, made Ihe pas. sage from Vancouver. The steadiness of Ihe boat is a feature, he says,'' and though it was rough in- (Juren Chmlotto Sound she harilly, jnade 'a fremvr. fully with the matter and repotf. H EM0RRH01DS Do not nuffer another Jar wlta ltcblns, Ulrodlnr. or rrotrudlns riln or HrmorrbolU. No urelcal operation required. It. Clmiie t Ointment will relieve -ou t one anl nffurJ lavtlnr benent. too a box; all dealer, or Rdmantnn. Hatei A 0-. UniluO, Toronto. Saml box fro. IEBBB9 LLLLLLLLLLLBiaffvBllKCsa satriM PAOl THflli For all the regular family wash Rinso soaks clothes so clean that boiling isn't necessary. But if you like to boil your white cottons, pour enough Rinso solution into your. boiler to give you the uds you like. NOTE: U kri wurr It tain frata ' 1 1 I pekre I Kmw I a tvh to MM t jraad woAb. In try Lord rtrf p. wlj imevJ Iraw t 2 vckc ! twfe to txi flic Imj Uuf Bi iW lo.,t all the oW LEVER BROTHFRS LIMITED TORONTO Tff T A T Put in y'jr pock3t aid pictures. KODAK FILM your size is here. KODAK Self Timers, Carrying Cases. TriDods. ACCESSORIES ------. they re all m stock here. Let us jjelp you plan a Kodak Outfit for good pictures and lots of fun ORMES LTD The Rexall Stores Phones 200, 82 and 134 ARRIVED! Complete New Stock of DRY MASH HOPPERS. Prirorl GRIT AND SHELL BOXES. 1 ' drinking founts. frnm 20c CHICK FOUNTS AND FEEDERS. See these new sanitary poultry requisites. The Brackman-Ker Milling Co. Ltd PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agenls For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 81. FLY TIME IS SCREEN TIME Wire Fly Cloth in 21, 30 and 30 inch widths, priced al 30c, 40c, 45c per yard for black; sutne wiUths, galvanized, 50c, 60c, 75c per yard. Screen Doors, all sizes, $3.50, $4.00 ami $5.00. Screen Windows, in 5 sizes, 60c, 65c, 85c, 90c & $1.00 ea. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Tel. 3. We Deliver. 0