t V V AGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, July 4, 19?3, T" i WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 HARRYCAREY 1! I H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Shaped in the knitting' without learnt BBLiaiafl&v " HIIlBBBk I' I'wB jb' iw V DOT 0 ! and Lillian Rich in Man to Man A dram,a of the Far West. Adventure, Horsemanship, and a thrilling escape from a- stampede i of 5,000 crazed cattle. v COMEDY "STING 'EM SWEET." Admission 35c and 10c INSIST THAT IT IS ".SK G,R- Fracar Vegetables J CIO W Lettuce, Celery, Tomatoes, lladishes. Green Onions, mm Spinach, Cabbage. New Car- II ' ' rols, Heels and Turning. Valley; w III. Strawberries, Gooseber- ' 111 ' l't'f', ''''leapole, Cantelope, JL V mJk Cherries, Apricots, Peaches Plums, JJananas, Oranges, A VAT heinous, and Grapefruit. I -OFl MM la llfl Our quality is good and tlLilTl I - ! F.W.Moersch The Height of Purity j Pnone 13 P.c,Box123. I - i ! J Z. I For the WARM DAYS Swlmmlnu Suits. Summer Underwear, , ("Viking" Union Suits, etc.; Hats and Caps. Socks in all weights. Dress 'and Work Shirts. The Latest Styles In Summer Suitings. Orders Taken for Made-to- Measiirc Suits. OILSKINS-"Princo llupcrt" Hrahd. Homo Manufacture. Thor Johnson Next to Post Office. lr.E.S.TAIT DENTI8T. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 to 6. Phone 680. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. Mercury POINTED HEEL Pure Silk HOSE WITH GARTER TOP. You will find tlietu satisfactory in wear and a perfect fit. In colors nf While, Black, Hrown and Sponge. Specially Priced at, per pair $2.50 ONCE WORN ALWAYS WORN. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Phone 9. SHOE REPAIRING Our Shoo Repairing plant is. the most up-to-date in Northern H.G., and is equipped for the prompt handling of all classes of hoot and shoe repairs. A trial order will convlnco i you that our work and service is second to none. Wc .specialise in haud-made hogging Hoots. McArthur Shoe Store Next C.N.R. Office, 3rd Ave. FRESH MILK DAILY Trom Our Government Tested Herd of Guernsey Dairy Cows. BETTER MILK. BETTER SERVICE. STANDARD DAIRY Phone Black 51. CITY PAYS FOR ENTERTAINMENT G.W.V.A. Gets Vota of $100 to Assist In Defraying Coat of Reception to Navy Men The city .council last night, on motion of Aid. Perry sccondd! by Aid. Macdonald, granted the Great War Veterans' Association $100 towards the covering of ex penses incurred in Hie reception given to the ollicers and crew of the light cruiser Curlew and des Iroyer Patrician which visited here last week. Aid. Stephens, Aid. Collurt and 'Aid. Smith d: tuurred. The mailer was brought up by Aid. Macdonald who fell that something should bo done for Hie G.W.V.A. in view of the fact that it had stepped into the breach and given a fine entertainment The ships bad come in befort' they were expected, otherwise the city might have done something. He felt that a private organiza tion should not be called uon lo pay for such a reception when the city would get the credit There was . provision made in Hie estimates for such expense. The cost, he understood, had 'en $150 and he would move that the G.W.V.A. be reinmbursed in this amount, lie would make it plain that in donation had been olicited by Hie G.W.V.A. Mayor Newton also felt that some remuneration should be allowed the G.W.V.A. If that as. social ion had not stepped in, i would haxe been necessary, for the city to do something at expense to itself. Owing to the fact that the ships had come in with such slwirt notice and also since the captain of the Curlew- hail paid him- (the mayor no of. fieial visit the council, had nol been called together with a view lo an entertainment. Hy the lime he had visited the ship, Hie company was lucked up with engagement. Aid. Perry offered a resolution for a grant of .IU0 which was seconded by Aid. Macdonald who withdrew lus original motion. Aid. Stephens questioned if Hie entertainment vas ollirial as' far as the cily was concerned. The G.W.V.A. had crowded the cily out of its duty. Aid. Collar! fell that the cap- As Monday will be a public holiday there will be a big demand for Green Stuff iver the week-end. We have a complete slock arriving Friday. New Potatoes, 6 lb. for 25c. Head Lettuce, 2 for 25c. Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. 40c. New Green Peas, 2 lb. for 35c. Cauliflower, 35c and 40c. Rhubarb, 5 lb. for 25c. Green Onions, 3 for 10c. New Carrots, So por bunch. New Beets, 5c per bunch. Canteloupos, Watermelons. Strawberries, Plums, Cher-iles, Peaches, Apricots, Cucumbers, etc., at lowest market prices. Rupert Table'Supply Phones 211-212. ita ' iJ nir'Uttlr Doliorly GstiporfJ with ordinary sized piano For the small apartment or crumped living room, the DOHERTY SMALL PIANO will bo a favorite. Quality and tone have not been ; i sacruiceu ior compactness. , ForjRent, only $7 per month. Walker's Music Store Lid The Secret of Its Success J THE SALVATION ARMY not only believed that there was hope for the worst, it went after the worst in the slum, in the gutter, in the prison- It is still doing this all .1 ii over tne world (J YOUR contribution to The SALVATION ARMY Annual SERVICE APPEAL is a wise investment in practical Christianity. Annual Service Appeal Adjutant Kerr, financial rep- rescnlathe, asks only that he ho given the funds with which to serve the community for another year. taill of the Curlew should have ii... ...Uv,... Aid Mimr.1 foil lli.-il if ll,!l"orni"g naval visitors had been suitably entertained by the G.W.V.A. Die expenses slmuM be at least part ly defraed. On (he motion being put, Aid. Perry, Aid. .Munro, Aid. Mac kenzie and Aid. Macduuahl voted in favor and Aid. Stephens, Aid. Collarl and Aid. Smith against. MATT OLEDO FOR OLD MEN'S HOME City Council Takes Steps Towards Sending Old and Almost Blind Man to Kamloops A committee consisting Of Aid. Collurt Aid. Munro and Hie mayor was delegated at last night's council needing on motion f Aid. Stephens, seconded by Aid. Macd'ftahl, to lake steps to have Mall Olcilo. aged Gil and at. most blind, sent lo the Old Men s llome al Kamlooris as a provincial overnnieiil charge. The mailer was brought up by Mayor Newton who staled 'thai Oledo had been vnt al the cily's xpensc to Vaifcouxer for eye treatment hut he hud become totally blind iir one eye and could now hardly see with Hie other, lie hud no means of subsistence and something hud lo be done. He had been a resident of Hie province for J3 years and latlerly had resided on the waterfront off s-celion -. If lie was given food he could get along himself. ' Aid. Macdonald felt thai the Old Men's Home would be the best place for Oledo ami the provincial government should lake care of him. Action with l-his end fu view-was accordingly taken. Recently Hie council rejected n?i uccoiii.il from the Vancouver General llospilul for medical treatment for Oledo claiming that l.e was not a resident of the city. FISH ARRIVALS Nine halibut boats disposed of alches totalling U5,000 MUtids at the Fish P.xchange this morn pig. Four American boats had 10,000 pounds and five Canadians ID ,000 pounds, American boats had t'c. advantage in prices for first class fish. Arrivals and sales: American Hriiiggold, U.000 pounds at 15.5c. and 1 1.0c. and Sentinel, 12,000 pounds al 15.5c. and lie lo the Pacific Fisheries. Viking, 7,000 pounds al 15.8c and 11,5c, and White Star, 18,- 000 pounds at 10c. ami 1 1.5c to I lie (jaiiaillau l lsli v cold hiur age Co. Canadian P. Doreen 10.000 pounds at I3.GU ami lie. and Iteveille, i'O 000 pounds at HI.Kc and lie. lo the Caniullau Fish & Cold Slor age (Jo. Cupe Spencer, 15,000 pounds at 13.7c and lie; Kobe, "i.OOO pounds, al l.'J.Hc. and lie. and Frisbie A., 2,000 'pounds at 13.0c and lie, l-o the Atlin Fisheries The Union sleaincr Canlcna returned from, Anyox and Stewart al 11:30 last niyht ami, afle loading fresh halibut at the Al-I in Fisheries plant for Vancouver, sailed for the south al 7.30, The vessel was delayed this oy. age by Hie fog in the harbor or Sunday night and, after leavim; Hie wharf al 12.30, ImiI to put in again until 1 in (he mor'nlnr several local neonle who made I lie round trip north on the ves sel report a delightful voyage with splendid service. TELKWA Six pupils, two . Telkwa and four from Itouud Lake wrpjpy oii I he entrance exams, here supervised by Miss Allan from (Juki. " . Miss Mary Hell, toning re signed her position us teacher of Woodmen, school, left on Saturday's train for (lie south. Work is going steadily ahead al the Home Mountain mine. Permanent substantial buildings have been creeled liml some forty men are' now emploed there. . Itev. J. S. Hrayfield returned on Mil unlay morning from attending Hie Anglican Synod al Prince llupcrt. Mrs. Itobeitsoii, of the niiisinx home entertained al leu last week. Her guest were Iliu mothers ami babies who hae al different limes been under hei' care at the Nursing Home. W. Hoyle, the local telegraph j (opcraior leaves ou Monday lo spend his two month vacation at Dome Mt. Mine. Miss Muriel Hoyle, who ha been attending school in Prince Hupert, relumed; on Sunday morning to her home here. Several new liou-es arc in course of construction. Mr. Cronin and Mr. Illack are building on Hie river front al the north end of town.. TIMBER SALE X 524. SmImI Tmdrr will I rrrrOrtl by II-Mliil.lrr df t.aiKts. it Virion, nol birr il,.t imm.ii trfi il.. loit. .1.. -.r ia-i for iih D.im.w or umirr x&Yti. i u' U,J u"u Os! Srurr. Mi ill mi liaiiN-u l.im III iiiv ir-ril4 III, IT, rlnun iMrltifil of Alder Crrrt, Haute Cil liMrlil. Tau if - year will lr allt-l rr rr iimval i.f unibi-r. rurilifr inrlirular nt iti cMet Torra Irr. Virion. B.C.. or lu.lrirl lurt-tlrr. I rliwr lliifirrl. B.C. TIMBER SALE XS146. sll Tfiidrra Mill lw ro-lril by On-Miiii.lrr or Land., al Virion. lw lalrr llian noon mi I Ik.- ivtli day of July. tf.l. for ttf tmrrlUM- nt l.lmirr Mill. In rut tti.Ouu Jarkj-liH- llr. frfnii in area llnalnl aNiiii I mllra rrtoii 1'allliif UtkNi. O.H.. Ilanrc S. Co' I Mini l'l trlrl. ; Tlirri- is. year will be allowrd for tr tiHival of Jlmbrr. riiriiM-r isirtiriiiira or iim cmrr it.rr Irr. Vlrli.rla. B.C.. or IMOrlrl lorralrr. rlm-r lliiwrl. H.:. TIMBER SALE X 5040. sralwl Trndrra lll lir rrrrlvnl by Uir Mlnl.lrr of Land, al Vlrtorla, imi lalrr llian ihmiii ihi iIh mill day if July, ). for Uir pirrlir of IJmirr X&nio. li rul 1V.V frrt of. spriirr-, HI.0U0 IMt.X Oilar. ttUitiO f.H.M. Ilrinlork, li,ni llural frrt of I'olra ami I'llliir. anil It Tim, ullnalr rii ail an-a north of I. II. n al Van Omlal, Skwia lllvrr. Ilanrr (, Con I Mud Oltlrlrl. onr (, jrar will br allord fur rr- iihiviI of tlinlH-r Kurllirr liarilmlara of tlit Clilrf t'orr. Irr. Virion, B.C.. or lUatrlct Korralrr I'rlnrr Itiifwrt, B.C. M.T.LEE The Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor We have Just enlarged our store lo make room for our New Spring and Summer Stock. Prices are model ale. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Phone Red 136. Next lo Umpire Office. Stove WOOD Wc have Just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Size cut to order. Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. Service and Quality our Motto. n i Phone 376 Phone 376 The House of Quality gp KING TUT JACQUETTE AND BALKAN BLOU8E8 ARE HERE. To those (hat are inclined lo he superstitious we would say- -don't he alarmed- when j on see Hie bewitching jiul terns and styles- -you cannot possibly resist them. THE PRICE IS ONLY $2.85. Note the effect In our Third Ave. Windows. Real Retina 2-Plece Suits in Jacquettes and Boxed Styles. The colors are Hand and White, Jade mid White, Mauve npil White, lllue and While, Coral and While. The price is only $10.75 Ratlna Dresses llial appeal heciuise Ihey are designed to afford a w'enlHi of comfort and the shades are Sand, Delf lllue, While Sand ami Maim. I)ef lllue and Sandt Jiule and Sand and many other comhiiialions. These must be seen lo he appreciated. HOSIERY SPECIAL. We are featuring Mercury Hosiery in I he full fa-iiiou cd slvle. elastic top. They fit. Ihey wear, and are exlreinelv good t'sle. The price are . . . . , SI .75 up. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Trod-Rlte Shoe For Kiddies in Paieul Leather, Hrown Calf. Hlaek Calf. Smoke Klk. Tlicv carry our guarantee and our general low price -oiisleut with iptalily merrhaii dic. Pre-lnventory July Clearance Sale Continues Another Two Weeks. Shop Early with the Thrifty at UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel, We Specialize In Piano" and Furniture Moving. EPSON COAL Wc can now Supply our FAMOUS EOSON COAL in any quantlt). Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone E8. JABOURS Midsummer Clearing Sale Starts Thursday, July 5, and Lasts Uptll Saturday, July 14. EVERYTHING IN THE STORE REDUCED. Kvcry year al this time we go over our stork mid clr r oul odd mid hrokeu lines in readiness for fall Iiiiiiiess. This vear the on usion ofrers special bargains, a few of which we have lislcd below. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Vests Hegular price :i.c. Sale Price 25o Vesls Jlegtilur price 7Tr. Sale Price. - for $1.00 Nightgowns Hegular price $l.5.-i. Sale Price $1.00 lirsel Cover- Hegular price 85c. Sale Price 50c While.Uinlcrskirls Hegular price 8 1. :.". Sale Price $1.00 Combinations Hegular price l.r.l. Sale Price . . . $1.00 Middies, SI only Hegular price 2.75. Sale Price . . $1.95 Middies 00 only Hegular price t.0(. Sale price . $2.00 20 , Off All Our Coals and Dresses. 33 Off All Our Millinery. YARD QOODS. Sateen All colors. Hegular price Wi. Sale Price, :i yards, for $1.00 Hipelelte t yards for $1.00 White ami (irey Cotlou llegiilar price 2.V. Sale Priretl 0 yanls for V $1.00 While and (Jrey Cotlou Hegjilar price Uir, .Sale Price, :t yards for ...... J&i $1.00 Canton Flannel HegiiTar price lllc. Sale Price, .'1 yards Tor : $1.00 Sheet ing T2 inches wide. . Hegular price Hoc. Sale Price, '2 yards for $1.00 Iticoiiuls on Dress Hoods, Hose, Corsets, Cretonnes and .Scrims. CHILDREN'8 DEPARTMENT. CiriV Middies, all sizes Men. '9 S. Kir. Sale Price .... $1.50 Oirls' While Dresses, from to 8 Heg. Vi.lo. Sale' I'riee y $1.75 Girls' While Dresses, from 8 to I Heg. :i.S0. Sale price $2.50 Oirl' Vests 5 for . $1.00 Hoys' Collun Sweaters Heg. 7."c. Sale Price, J for $1.00 Hoys' Kharki Hlouses Special Sale Price $1.25 Hoys' Panl.s Heg. f'2.7, ( :t.tJn. Sale Price $1.15 Boys' Jerseys, 15'? Off. ' Hoys' 'Mumpers Meg. .t.:(i, Sale Price fV'95c SHOE DEPARTMENT. - iJi Pairs, Chihlren's While Shoes Sizes I lo lM. Sale 'rife ,,. $1.25 Children's l.aco Slioes--White lop, jmleol lealhe liollom. Sizes 8 to I0W. Meg. $t. ii.".. Hahi Price $2.75 liifnnls' High Top Shoes Combination red and fawn. Sizes 2V, lo 5. Meg, $2.75. Sale Price $1.75 Misses' Sand Color Sandals Sizes 1 1 to '2. Meg. !M.7r.. Sale Price $1.15 Children's Sand Color Sandals With strap. sizeV 8 to 1 OK. Meg. .oo, Sale Price 85c The remainder of our While Canvas Shoes, Oxfi'.rd', Strap. Cuban and low heel: Meg. prire l.'2T. Sale Price $2.50 l off our entire slock of While, Hlnck and Mmwii Mini ning Shoes and Oxfords, to fit the whole familyMen, Ladies and Children, Your Money Back If not satisfied JABOUR BROTHERS, Ltd. Corner Third and 8eventh. Phone' 645.