.tiieday, 'Ttily , 1023. ijif i ' "in '11 1 1 itt i rn ASPHALT AT BURNS LAKE Oerow Brotli?ra, Who Have Been Seeking For Oil, are Rewarded ill ilXi f.AKK. July I. Dm. excitement I exhibited !y ox ft n rercnl disi'oery of fl u xeepage xouth nf Iturrif jav wi"l f IVIicinkiit .mill i( li nf Francois Lakes'. Strong il iilirallon !ia Won irov-,-,-. ilnrinst Mio pal few year en,i . il-licartiiK shale nro known . ijlillllT llf liK-nl KTolllglst In (xiv iiiill)-. It,, and Robert Oerow. Iwn mr' with mi extpnlve experience ,.. ,, i fji'Ms have been n ( 1 1 y , .. ni)t in thi vlrinily for years .,, ,, endeavor I" run firm I hrtr ..r,.', Hint rnniderabl' oil i,aiJM' h idl-driller In Ihi , i i Tlipjf are njiw rewnrded Jiy .. .- .il find of n'phall deposit h li re limloublfilly the 'ffein i , oil seepage, being Ihe ri'. ,i left after lh evaporation of Vt !.i i.n volatile element u n lif ui 'iil alteration of tlii. re-5 ic -iri' 'Mm asphalt ha been . ;lu: for chemical rmlyi r-'pori u eagerly awaited. CLOSING EXERCISES OONA RIVER SCHOOL Porchtr laland Retldenla Appre-tlit Work of Teacher, Mitt Wary Fawcelt mX. HIVFJI. July I. - The r :il in Oona Hlvrr SehiMtl -. i ..I, Friday with I lie whole I iiiruniB mil In wilne I In 1 '.iiiJ. In th leaeher. Ml Mi rwi-di. In rhihlren here ... .hnin-l -rntiy Un lerm i (hank to hr. lli 1 i It-re i tin tie. I a on of ' ii.i rural thi in lb pro. tii- iiirin ImJhIcI a violin i well playH. Iiy lwf of the , i- !. a (aultful jomb (iliiM I a few kHrlMM antl dialogue. li An.i. r...n, at the rle, made n !. mi. I, on behalf .o .IJ'f i i nBmliiUliNl Ihn teacher I- ii.'i -tirrr and thanked lirr I.., (.mnnI work htrr at lht in.' in.,, making U n pre-n- Ik" duirfel alu lJk the 'i ' in lM li Ailipn a '. .signed lirr pil'n ' will bf ml .! Krmlly 1 ' ' Mi a l.1rirr ninl mi. 4. f NAAS RIVER bSdcT WILL BE AN ASSET Cranbtrry Creek Crottlng Opens Trail to Kltwanga For Stock Purpottt MY VNSII, July . - Th ivnu bunion of Ihr new l.ri.lcr at -nnln rry .y h provincial bov- r-iimoni win I,., n RrP(l attcl , "i" vallry n IL will ennhlo the kittvanpn Irnll In he ttxmlo un of m iir.l.T In ,rliijr in ,H-k. Tlir wirk hru,g irorolwlkwilli wif-N'rMhe MiponlHlnn ufw V.. Hnr-'i-m nnJ will ... pn, jpiT'ti'ii hIiouI ml of ,iifiit. Tho crootlnn "f Mu nri.lffi romill nf ""n rrprp-onlnllonn nuilo In 'I'" MniHlrr of I'nl.llr Work at "'tnii ilnriutr Ui pat wlnlor v I' (".nlnlii on. I K. (1. NYwnlinin, I'oniininn PoiulnMc. Willi llift 'mi'lrlinii nf IU ami alo ti;- '..mic i,.niiir. wlilrli i Mns '""II I" Mr. John I Why, Ihr ilo- "'f'l'mont f ,u part or the ilry wl bo ropl.l, k nniverul ciiston After that kwfiU every Every body. Aids diftillon, Meal, ekanses the teeth, soothes tie throat. WRfSLEYS oodthinr (orcmemoer Silled In Hi Purity rickatt iPt' 11' uiK)tv?ll FLAVOR LA STS V ' " THE DAILY NEWfl " ' " - - r I,,, i-V . , PXOE FTV1 BURNS LAKE AND LAKES DISTRICT A liirttnl-iy party wa In-M IimI wi'i-k al I he li,,,,,.. f,f Mr. ami Mm. II. plrlie, UnrUr i,,, lfl hjinor of li. Saul. In a.ilili,,n In llf ue nf honor ami hi) jm. meillaii relalive, a lariro' nunilmr of local ri.i.,'ii(H jt,mH from HuruM l.aki hipii ,, niak" iii I lii parly. Tin birthday cake, decorated wild il nineiin cainllfi. wax a worthy lrii.nl.. i.. Ihe nkill ami arlilry of,lhe linalp, Mm. Pirlif. Many new, and a few of Ibe n, fntiiom-.l oeial anie, hidpej cnlrl-bule In an ideal i-wnintr, lloh Saul largely cmilrll,ii.-, to Ibe lifenf llio purly wilh hit unfail-iiiK wil, miii ami "'. S. Ma mli of Topley ruanarei In eel away from Ibe i-tlu.ii! dulicn of altendiny In liN .or' and made n lrlr In lluril M-ikn I . vlit oiiii if bin uuiiifrmu friiudi on Friday. 0. jlamiiler Hindi- iui aulo trip from Siuilber In Hum Like on Friday and relumed on Saturday uuiriiinit in lh- tiw mininw idelropoliH iierompanird by Mi Irmn l.ewi and Wiluier ami Mar. laud fw'i. H. It. Woodcock, who is making llc at Sberalnn, wa renew iut old acquainlanec in f turn Lay on Friday. - Many beautiful female form, may In nivn balbina in HuriM Lake now the warm w-alher I ber. Sfteral rommerclal traxrl-Ifr frm I'rlnfn llupfrl were nb- r.ed iiiiik fl"ld irlaei. i ni. for llil, mjr lb jfirl are mil by. Cne.up are oiiili in onlr. f!onte SiipII nf VamlerhiMif w in llil territory nrliwr a a.lfance ajretit for Ibe Provincial Parly lal Saturday. While hp be made arranvciueiil for melnit In fc addrei bv (tetifhtl , i. Mcltae and II. ( IStewaijI. Mr. J. dyib lliiul nrrheil in Hum lake frm Fori Fraer n Saturday. T. T. Iiiinlnp of Smflher I fmlinir the wrk-rnd In lb .11. 1 riil. .ry William nf I'allincr ar rKt in Iturn lik an Stinil.tr rnlmt.lln In o -.milt In Ihr WMarta HtM on July 2 Iml In rlintts hi mlml aflrr lirariiu f Hi' lirfkrr Kali pn'pram for Hi1 ino 1ay. , l.awyrr Frl rrarr ln on r'riil Ay for Ih O.W.V. ronrn- llon in Vanrurr. Hi fallitr Frnl Frarr, of Hi" (ixermnr'nl ImikI nilirr hl arronipnnifi him In I In romrnllon. W. J. Carroll nf Dwkrr l.alr pi'iil Siimlay al IttiriM Lake. SMITHERS II. Mrr.ullorli ami '. Williami if llcrkrr l.aki wrro l.tor in lowii tiwr lh wnk rtnl. I liy jilalf rrn comliilnni in thMr lilrlrl an' rxri'llr-nl and lliry nr riUhiilanr nvr irn nnw l.iir nf limolliv llllV nf wliirli llioy fxporl a Ininiprr cnip. Many Sinlllirrpin arr llll on ImliJav IiniI anil nniontr llioio IravliiK town over 111" wri'k eiul worn Mr., ami Mr. W. fiolnpn ami family iMiuml for Tornnln ami Kalfrn iminh. Mr. (Inln'on will ri'lnrii wllhin ii imuitli hll Mr. (loliPrn ami family will rn main away for I In uinmir. - Mr. ami Mm. K. Ilanllng ami family nrn rnrouli In Vanrnuvrr, whnr lliry will !jioml llu'lr an nu a I tvarallnn. Tlinf rflnrnlnif from Imliilay- inir ri Mlii I'loroncp (IraV of llm Union Hank lalT, who vloilo.l willi mlftlivi'i In Kilinonlnn ami illitrlpli W. DulT, who rnjnyeu lhi Hen hiTfii! nrotiml Vancmi-vir ami Siatlli', ami Mr. ami Mr. S, Jnnt'H nnij ohilil whn prnl lliolr varalinn 'on I In Par I flu (Joal. Small pox nf a niihl form lia ilmolnpcil In (own. A rrcfiil nr-rlval, a liny, from Kilmonlon, l the victim. Ah hi condition wa iiarrmiicil In t It early alugo ami prompt incilical inoafturra Insll-tiilcd, 1111 ml pxpi'clcil llial any further pii.hps will appear. Subscribe for tbe Dally Newa. TERRACE NOTES Oeo. nudfc'e, who ha been vii!inx Mr. ami Mm. Alexander al Kitsumkaluin left on Monday for Victoria. Mrs. J. Haven i vi:lllni lier laiiJiler Mm.. II: S. Creelmnn. On WcdiiP-iduy eight ear nf poles wern shipped ami the load-Inf." i ntill ciiiiliiiuinK.' Tli fruit inspeclor I expecled here M'ry iborlly and Ihe pmillry ibMnouiln(.liiiii will bo held here July l. Mr, ft. Jack nf Vancouver I ipicsl of Mm. I.aufear at Mill arm. Mr. F. M. Whitlow of Usk, pent Wednesday In town. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Taper There is a rather cruel deception being practiced on women who desire Palmolive Soap. Common soaps are shaped and colored like it Some are given names which sound like Palmolive. But they offer you nothing of what you seek, which is benefit to your complexion. Palmolive has won millions of users by its remarkable aid to beauty. The demand has spread almost the world over wherever beauty lovers exist. Its unique results have made Palmolive the world's leading toilet soap. What you prize iri Palmolive is the skin effects which ordinary soaps never brought you. Then don't be cheated of them. Don't let somebody make you think that a like-looking soap is Palmolive. Another value you get in Palmolive is a 25-cent quality for 10 cents. That is due to enormous volume. A beauty soap a scientific toilet soap for 10 cents is unique. You are cheated of that extra value when you get an imitation. Nothing in all ages has compared with a blend of palm and olive oil for skin beauty. Never in a soap has that blend been perfected as it is in Palmolive Soap. That is why it'won supreme place with beauty-loving people. - p Be sure you get it. Look carefully at the name and the wrapper. Otherwise an ordinary soap may be substituted, and you will think that Palmolive has deteriorated. THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited WINNIPEG, MAN. TORONTO, ONT. MONTREAL, QUE. Note carefully the name and wrapper of Pacific bine peen in town with Unir children who hav 'been trying Ibe entrance examination. Mrs'. Hagan' of llanall was in town on Wednesday. II. A. Swain left on the east bound train Thursday night. Miss Weatberbeail "of Usk spent Thursday in town as Ibe, Rues) nf .Mrs, Sherwood. Mr. ami Mm. Olio ,Von Hee and Mr. nnd Mrs. Morse Halt ar spending Ibe,' holiday at Kalum Lake. ; Misses Ada Manigbnr and Vio let Whitlow who wero in town for I ho entrance examination, stayed over with friends to at lend the sports' on July 2. Miss Thelma Ilann of Usk, who has been trying the entrance ex. aminaliou here, returned home Friday night. Miss Mamio Johb left on Thursday for hc:r Imme in Prince Huperl. - J. Johnson, from Ihe Heneh, has irfoved into Mr. Willson's bouse. Mr McOnnald of Usk is visiting Donald llruce. F. .nsli and family have mov ed into one of Mr. Wsalles houses on the hill. Those, registered last week at I ho Terrace Hotel included J. L. Ohristii', Prince Huperl, Olaf llnnsfln. Lake Kalhlyn, K . W. Parker, W. Mc.N'elsh, Vancouver, F. If. WorlM.k, Victoria; .Mrs. Win. llrakenbury, Amsbury; F.'A. .jhker, Vernon, C. II. Dayfootv Victoria; Mr. King, Sinilliers; Fric Hicbmond, Mr. Hall and A. Palm and Otive Oils-nothing else-give nature's green color to Palmolive Soap am I W Sharne. llairllon. J, Martin. S, Dm?, Oerry Trretnan, Vancouver, Harry r.odley, l). 0. Mc-Coll, C. II. Weld, Vancouver, L. Flanagan, G. Paine, A. Oood-enougb, Smiihers, Dan. Whaley, Winnipeg. Cbas. Hryenlon, Princo (ieorre. M. P. MefialTerv. Prinei Huperl. S. J. Mcl.eod, Prince Ru pert, ,Tom J. W. Hick, Victoria, Don Hariier. Vancn.uver. F. W. Milton, Vancouver, Mrs. Searoyd, Anyox; Hev. Dr. hangfehlL F.d. inonlon, Roy Wright, Vancouver, O. W, Mckerson, Prince Ruperl, Thos. A. II. Slerris, Vancouver, H. J. McKay, Vancouver, F. V. Dele.iurt. Prince Hunerl. '(L H. Sawle, New Hatellon, Alonto Hull, Seallle. Oeo., McLaualin. II. A. liarlow, Albert dole, R. K. Al len, llanall, W. J. Own. Edmonton, Mr. Anderson. Pacific. Mrs. Taper, Pacific. J. .Mowai. Vic toria. A. A. McDonald, Copper City. T. V., Golso, Vancouver, R. Sim, Vancouver, R. Howe, Prince Rupert, .Mr. and Mr. Clapp, A. E. (ireen, Vancouver, Clin. II. Olass, p. G. Markley, Terrace.. NAAS fJVER Hie village or Oillakdnmix is almost deserted as Ihe majority of Ihe. Indian are away at" the canneries at the mouth 6f Ilia river. A great deal of mystery surrounds the arrest of James Smytbe, the Alyansh mail carrier, nnd considerable inconvenience' has been caused to the settlers here who uro thus ifeprivpil of. a regular inuil service. The Dominion Gonstable has been approached on Ihe mailer but de-cllnes to make any statement. The weather still remain fln and mos(uitos Are. very. active in Ihe Valley thi year. Mrs. 8nm. cer encountered a grizzly bear on Thursday lust while out walking but managed to get away before any harm befel her.