LAST NIGHT'S ELECTION NEWS I.nTuTr OppOtlltlOII. LABORLEADER IS DEFEATED Arthur Henderson Goes Down Bator Liberal; Seven Women Elected Special to lully News LOMM3N. Dec. 8. Illghl Hon. Jesuit. HI. 'parkin, banjo. j ... MfhM I a. ft NEW mm BOSTON GRILL Third Ave. a hurry 1 The Latest in Restaurants. in Private Boxes for Ladies Pbene J and Party Use. PRINCE RUPERT Beat Food. Best Service. "Take Her to the Boston." I In the City. ii Ra.Ua Reasonable n Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. VOL. XIII, NO. 289, PHINCH HUPBIIT, B.C., 8 ATI II HAY, DECEMBER 8, 1023. not r.t sim. PRICE FIVE CENTS. RAMSAY MACDONALD LIKELY NEXT PREMIER MANSON OBJECTS TO METHOD OF CONDUCTING MOUNTED POLICE PROBE British Farmers Rejected the Subsidy Proposals: Baldwin has Confidence of Own Constituents LONDON. Dec. X. The rnral return gave lie Tune a hard Mow, Hie farming element veering out to the Liberals to u considerable extent. Wluil was felt to lie one of Ihs most Inking answer to the sub-idy proposal came in the defeat of its sponsor, Kir Itoherl Sunders, the minister of uirrimlture ul llndgcvvaler by th" Liberal rundidate, W. E. .Morc, by u majority of I0.U3. By half jwisl five the Laborites were definitely assured of being returned a His Majesty's oipoiluni in the House of 'Coimnoiis a the Liberal could liiol overtake them even if they wim all the remaining scats. The .greatest number of seals the tellurites ever had before was The situation is now one of the must complex that has ever oc. Returns at Six O'clock Showed Clirn., m British politic. II Is Baldwin Impotent Before Ki-uernlly believed that premier Combined Opposition j Baldw in will continue fo conduct - the government until be meet LONDON. Dec. 8. Returns W jih defeat in the Bouse or Coni-from the constituencies up to six mon. Since it will be lmposi-n'cloek last evening gave the foL ,le for bfm to nut through the lowing returns: (protection ni.Mur which form- , t ia I M IU nr priii;uij unrmiiir Liberals feat as the moot graceful way out Olher (turtle 10 of his poilion by propoMiig any j Still to come I 'motion in the House which the The Conservative majority over iborflrs and Liberals or-pose. all the olher jwrtles in the The government will thus be House of Common was definitely overthrown and the King, weenrd- . .. . - . . t lolnl of DIG accounted for at six mm. nnnosition party to form a p.m lat nlglit the following cabinet. lotilii be fiirally slated: j Baldwin's Statement The Conservatives will have a I U.:NV,iKY ,)(.c 8..flcr the maority over any other parly in lcchirl,Mn of ,!C ,,uu ,prc how. he House of Common but will . ... . . . , ... III. II I" lin,i; .-.v... lack a nfaiorlry over all oilier j I lit look of things I'm goiiur iir jhave a rather difficult time In j front, but I'm never ufraid of dif-Ificulties and, ill all events, I shall b" able to face them knowing I hae your confidence and suiniort." DELIGHTFUL TEA AND SALE FOR ANGLICAN CHURCH YESTERDAY! Arthur lleuderson, Labor lender. Mr8 H T willett and Mrs wnose majorny in me in'-'i""" election was 11,113, was defeated by a Liberal. Seven woinVn have now been returned, two Conservative, two ... ..... , ..i...- ti....- H. St. Lee Hostesses at Successful Affair i.ilierals anil inree i.auor. i m-j , - - .,.., ,,, r i..,...., delightful , tea and sale or home are Lady Aslor, Duchess or Alhol. a Mrs. Wh, triiiMlian,. Erring jcooking and f""f-tj" ;J homo of latter cnl Ion. Margaret Bonirield. Mrs. Ih;' I'h.lllpso.i. Susan Uwrcnce. ln.aiu'rmH.n ' " ' ' .V.. " ",, 1 ,:. Warwick consliluency the Anglican Church, '''"J'' .. . .unless of Warwick was at the,! factory s bottom of the polls, A HOCKEY PLAYER IS SUFERING FROM BLOOD Mrs. II. T. Willetl und Mrs. H. m (I I.i-e. were Joint Hostesses ni reaiieu us I Mr. .1. C. McLennan poured and was assisted by Mrs. Reginald Beaumont and Mrs. Oeorrrey Whitehead. Mrs. A. K. Ifcuielt- i - nn.i Mrs. C. 1'. Kemn were UI'll' C . ... - - - DAICA1II1IP IT CCATTlC i.. rUaesn- of the homo cooking ruioumnu ni asm ill ;,, ,, h. wrigiu and Mrs. I.M M, Stephens, the fancy work. Calgary Boy, Foley Martin, Oot,M VnUnce c. Orchard Was Slight Scratch on Foot as'liicr. Which May Prove Fatal j A fonur(. 0f thu arternoon SEATl'LE, De7 8.-l'oley Mar- which wtm "icl. enjoyed and up-ii..... . i in. ....... ini... i wns the rend lion or mi, a young nocsey piayer wuiii-"" -- - Ihe Cal(tai7 tinm which defealed, several selections ? om-Seatllo here Wednesday night Is phony orchestra of he "" lea Club under the direction In a grave condition at Ihe SenlllelMusienl Ceneral Hospilal, suffering from of Mrs. Oeorge Bryant, Mrs. J A. bhod poisoning resulting from a Minion was ncompanist; Mrs. flight scratch on his foot. It ha.l.Ccorge A. oodlan.l played first gained iich headway before it violin; Mrs. Adanv Mnckie Mrs. Theo. Colhut and Mrs Max leil- was diagnosed that the doctors aitending him are fearrul of Ibo.Droner, sn-o,....-. .-. ... LABOR LEADER IS LIKELY TO BE NEXT PREMIER OF BRITAIN Special lo Daily News LONDON. Dec. 8. J. Ham say .MacDonatd, leader of the labor group andnfllcial leader of His Majesty's loyal oppoi-tion in Die House of Common is expected to be the next Prime Minister of (ircat Britain, providing he succeeds in forming a (rovernnienl that will have the confidence of Parliament. To do that it is expected be will try to induce the Liberals lo work wilh him in opposition to the protection policy 6t thp Conservatives. 4 ' NAYAL RESERYE IS 1 BEING ORGANIZED w.ped out at the enerai c.rc- cusiom. wouni sunn.,.. VanC0UeP Send, Word of Ap seats out of a MacDonald leader of ' Inn.. Willi 580 Hamsay polnlmenls "v.," ,. .. as Registrars D,i,.n and d . . . m I I ... . I UVI ItlHVMiv - Number of Recruits Needed (Special to Daily News OTTAWA. OTTAWA, '' Dec. Dec. ' 8. 8. The the iHaval naval ' : from the Library Board consist, lug of Rev. O. fi. Hacker, II. V. I'ullen and 0. V. Wilkinson waited on the finance coimniltee of Ihe city council to discuss with llmm lllirnrv filinnces. It was ntt. l.v Mr llnt.r tliat nt! grant, This was decided upon by the committee and Ihe matler will come before Ihe council on Monday in the form of a recom mendation. The cily solicitor has betAi instructed by the Attorney Gen eral's department lo prosecute all persons in Iho cily operating in nubile places nunchbnard. guessing competitions, drawings oc lotteries or olher gambling devices. Kirr!A ?'-', 9V3mT u- .. .NoBw. arviHffi BirB r i Kv L jlBIBSiBBBBB BBsA BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBmH. r r?BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ HHMHHSHBEEHdV HHHHHHHv i!lILflPLl riirI MVa'VXLJirH BBBBJBjpBJff &BttB&Ste L4- BBBBBBBBBBb BL. M sBflBBBBaBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBVI The actmlies of Premier W L. Muckenzie King in England were many during his stay there. He is shown signing tli Visitor's book at the new Canadian Club in Loudon, which he opened. Steamships are all Delayed by Snowstorms Down the Coast ....-l...- Il...r..r., Ilrwiil lr ll.llll... . . . . . . . ... .. . I l I.... I Prince Rupert Due in Morning Snowstorms down the nwst yesterday havt seriously w ith slenmship schedules and boats due today are reported many hours bite. The steamer Prince Hupert, due at IJ o'clock this afternoon, will arriv? at 2 u'rlock tomorrow morning and will sail at :t for iStewarL Four hours late at least in leaving here for the north, it is misrule snc may make up some oi mai iime ueiore re turning nig here ntrru lo iu sail miii south uum tomorrow iuiuhuh night 1115111. i-i -!., ' "' .- Mi.cral opponeni ny a miijorny oi .aval Heervc iroiu I'rince iui-.murro iiioriuio. ai.ui.-st. w.n win - uovernment uoverumenl fland ..lands I'J""'- ptvicu- l(,rc ,. lhail fi Oi00o. (00 SaIli.y Stanley Hal.-I.. Bald-L, r.n rn.m VHin-nuver. 32 from Union sleamer Venture lo a ipiestion in the Legislature ASKS FOR CONCESSION imissioner of fisheries, told the j House thai Ihe total fish produc- Meets Finance Commltteo of.tion of British Cniumiira in ivcz Cn.mrll Who Aopee to Re- Wjis $18,819,058 or 15 per cent commend Small Grant of the total fishery products lb s morulmr a cominiuee , . Ihe Dominion of 11 1. Canada. .111.1. III. In tUtG the total total catch catch valued at $1 1,138,320. I:t8 3-n. the close or the year Ihe pruned Albert A McCaffery will Furnlsn ( esiimaies oi ine noii.i. m.uiu in- exceeded by about $100 and nn- other 8100 w'as needed lo bind some of the tmoks which were at present ofr Ihe shelves. M. M, Stephens, chalrnmn of Ihe committee, expressed apprecia tion of Ihe frank way in which the board dealt with the mailer and said he ravored recommend ing th'at the council make the Cltv with Nanalmo-Web llngton Lump at $12.30 The tender of Albert Mc CalTery -JI2.30 per ton for Nanaimo-Wellinglun lump coal was aecepled by Ihe civic fi nance committee for the supply or 30 Ions lo Ihe City Hall. TRAINS ARE THROUGH One Arrived at 2:45 This After noon from East and Tonight's la on Time The first train to iret throuiih Ihe trouble at Lucerne following Ihe burning or a bridge last Tuesday arrived from the East at 2:15 this aflernoon. Tonight's train is due to arrive on lime at 4-30. for the south. on Called to Vancouver on ac- count of another relapse which 0j .Mrs. uoiicrge na suuereu, vv . r Mr. Roberge is winding up his affairs in the city and plans to. locate in California though at which point lie has not yet decided. He has disposed of his mercantile airencies to W. D.. Ymiee who is leaving: the staff or F. (1. Dawson Co., Ltd. to up for himself. While rezreltinz that il set lias Manson Tells Legislature that Commissioner Smith Unfair in Mounted Police Investigation VICTOBIA, Dec. 8. Commending his counsel, C. L. Har rison, for withdrawing rrom runner appearance ueiore me Boyal Commission iiivesliguliiig thargos agusl 5the Hoyal Canadian Mounted Police, Attorney General Manson informed the Legislature that he had regretfully come to the conclusion . . . f I .... . i. r il. that Commissioner amun nan uoi a proper conception ui me commission imposed ujkh him. He said: "He has put such a nnrriiw colls truction on il that his investiiration is not in til's interest of the public nor of Uite department he seems so anxious to protect. I say auvise.ny mai hp amiarenllv has a brief for lite (department he is supposed lo be jim estimating. I have already iu-'formed the department of Justice Itbat there is a strong feeling that lie is prejudiced and unfair and that feelin: is also strong in my own mind." VANCOUVER. Dee. 8. When in formed of the stalemenl made by Attorney Oeneral Manson, Commissioner J. P. Smith. K.C., aid: "I have no reply lo make lo any of my critics. I'm going risrlit ahead with my commission and intend to make my report as I started out to do. DIVINE HEALING IS DISCUSSED BY DOCTOR Victoria Physician Says no Heal ing Power In Medlclnss but Nature Must be Given Chance VICTORIA, Lc 8. -"All Tieal- i i . i:. : it. I'mhi llnll L . t it... i.. ii. nolo a puDiic iiiftruii or by a sudden eoninrtmd. Processes Same "However these methods may be applied, Ihe result mliy fol low. However veiled the pro cesses l ' ' may . be in the incania VICTORIA HAS I i. ..' i- u . airUiii Minimi Slio u-ill noL be nicht to the Naas River out .,.ni..o tand Ihe B. I.IK UCi r wunir . - i.w. - mijiv.tiv i. ...... .... , Ihe House nf Commons over his crui for ,e Royal Canadian here until the early hours of lo- of here and left this morning for :. piasters, ,in pliysician, priest or CII,or1, ally deUMted because It would be m, ,,rimc Mh,,,i,.rt Id hi to to.v impotent in the face of combined . hi . constituents. . .., "I lhink think from! froniL the south on time at nivl .this mornin?. victoria Recri.its must be men heavy snowsiorms in me rKeeira; union Mramcr im.-na, .1Uc cr.ii fcn be i,e done ,onp is H , ,axi, followed a seafaring River yeslerday. She arrived here 'here rrom Vancouver tomorrow ,.,aiice to work, I ii ' i ' ii tw lninr lain vestenlav after- aflernoon. has not yet reported. done in many Ki twin McCoskrie. shipping masler at prince Rupert, was ap- lilnted registrar and sub lieutenant or the Naval Ueserve. Oeorse Kirkemhilc is similarly appoiuled for Yleloria and J. B. Campbell for Vancouver. LIBRARY COMMITTEE NEARLY NINETEEN iFRED ROBERGE IS VICTORIA, Dec. 8.-In answerjCalltd South to Vancouver In ...I- , . i. i. .. MILLION DOLLARS i LEAVING CITY TO YALUE FISHERIES! LOCATE IN STATES Account of Mrs. Roberge Having Another Bad Turn "" Kinff. in laying on oi ..anus ui m 'holy water ami olive oil. All that to sive nature a Ibis can be, ways, sometimes byt the removal of a tumor, 'by the ; closure or a peroration, by sug AN ELEVATOR Craln Belnn Handled Bar;e to that City Not for Export by Car But VICTORIA, Dec. 8. While olher British Columbia ports have been talking about grain elevators, Victoria has gone ahead and built one ami il is now in use. It was erected by the Brackman-Ker Milling Co. Already there is grain in it, the Cauadian .National.. car. .bar-te, having made its fir.-f trip from Port Mann carryintr nine cars of grain which were transferred to the elevator. While (lie capacity of the Brackmen-Ker elevalor is only 50,000 bushels it will be extend ed if conditions warrant. It is being used in connection with the company's mill at that point. It is equipped wilh an airveyor, a new discharging lall MCUliiri ii nil cj' ii;uuiir, line iicic inn 11111111115, lenillal JlClIltMIlV iiiun;ii uuioip 1 . .. f 11 1 reported her position at 12.55. - 'an a-ldrcss on "Divine Healing." ai'paraius. lie urs ins, e. ... I . - . ... . ft. a iiul 111,, it r i in li'imllfil Iiv (iniilnirJiil (miuniiJiu passing passing v" gnMinoon '""" nui " niaue : siko -""i wnu? 01 uer -! --mere "There i is no no healing iit-ann pu-r power m m --- l,M ( r " V . . - . a.. .1 .. II... T ?- S I?- 1. AlAI'lllkP Ihl tklll fllP ha iiirvlil Wti run In Ilia " r, o Itu-nn mil .lintmonlu 1 -.111. nitls. Mn,l lilt Lk. n. U Ciawi v NEW CONSULATE STARTING HERE gestion, by prayer, by hypnotic' .TZTu,. n.eiHrf sleep, by the laying on or bauds,"""8" to be Officially Represented In Prince Rupert John Dybhavn, Norwegian vice- consul here, is advised by the Danish Consul General at Mon- I .... I II... rriv-i.rtmi'llt II f ilt'Ul iiiai .in .....,. lions or a medicine man or the penimu.k j,as decided to eslab- tnrhi.lL'W nf l'riri. thev . . : .1. .1... ...... ..I.. I a ;.l ipi"u'- " r " . HSU a minis., occ-vuunuiotc .if. are Ihe same, whether presented nrjCe Hupert. Applications are" in an Egyptian teniple, or in Ihe 10W iKmf: received for Ihe posi- L.. t II... ....... I. . . . . . . . ic.orKi ..fiia. iinucnuiri ...... jj01 nf vice-consul anil appoini- ! while psychic healing r has fre- nie)l Uieill wj Will j)0 IIU UIUIUU.IV.-.I a,inounC.d I in the was .. lu,1,7, , ., ,0 ' r,ow I..I.I ' ' 'quently been very much assisted npar futurt.t lt u M,icclei,. 0,1 ,,,, ',m 1,r'"ce Hu,erl.hy by its its association association wilh with religion,, religion,! J TENDER ACCEPTED FOR COAL SUPPLY the religious element is by ,u, rnrn CTADlf CPPAIfQ JTISSA '.rXVSI ' BEFORE ST. ANDREWS ject has ever done. The devout relieious mind is the one mostJnieresiing uiscourse oy m.r favorable for impression, for su gestion. Awakening of Force What particular form. of Parliament on "Canada" become necessary for him lo ueauocu .s miu,vau ... rirk, ...... "".."i-" ,"";,""' leave Ihe cily Mr Roberge S an siven case uepvnus uj.uu mu mir -aunress i wiim ,i. . .'oi i! ii.l temperament and education or ihe SI. Andrew's Society last The Vvollwl He ileelare.l that the Mrs. Iho individual evening c nge wl l be benelicial to Roberge's health whicli nas ""."' v """"" " I i.n.i nf Inte ollc "or the Christian over the t,e present had been dun lo the tieen verj nun ui ouc. i ., , . . , . , . i.,i.i.i CONSERVATIVE MAJORITY Gives Good Advice li... u.v. Ii.l' tin. liUlorv and de- of velopmenl of Ihe Dominion, Fred ..loiiuiiiiiieiiuii, ik is nuk ine icni.3 innusiry uon ia.nn m n.-. i....u..-i.f 11m snint. ihe holy water of tnnts nml that the solution of Lourdes, or Ihe olive oil of the future problems would depend in fimriv uric 1701 travelling evangelist that is the upon continuation of hard work 1H nALirAA TlftO II J4 effective agent, but it is the by the people living In the coun- 1 awakening and Arousing of the try. HALIFAX. Dec. 8 W. A. Black, fowe inherent in the mind of the' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Teng and Conservative, who won the by. patiel that accomplishes the cure, . C. Biggins contributed lo the election contest here Wednesday and the best that any system or program wilh vocal solos nd a dcreatinc fieorge A. Redmond.'philosophy, or -any type or healer violin selection was rendered by Liberal, secured a majority oi can no is to stimulate mis iorce, itnam .Murray jrH vv. iiiusnun 101 voles and broke Ihe solidlinto activity and give it inlclli- Davies was accompanist or the sixteen Libera 1 direction." eveninff, and I). C. Stuart, presu that Nova Scotia sent to Ottawa jdent, was in the chair, there wn in ii21. Subcribe for the Daily News, a, good attendance.