. . A. IK botiford B. C. nnopc R Prnsnpnlnpc ytjUl U U i iuujjuuiviu OQ15 men riito bhwti iii $4.50 , s Well, wide or nar-.-i from $5.50 no miua biruucn nuuii $8.50 RCPAIRINQ. EO. HILL The Shoeman. X ' St IlfKU Cfe. if mi iJi m.k. mf oj .ru- 4ii inr vm i,iinu ci llot.l ituilding. - - - or the Month. :n i - Jed Hot and Cold Water POOL TABLES. It ilaiiMnl In connection. z wm in af rnn ti m ui r LINDSAY'S rtorfnonrf StnrarfO o j Phone (A. riase. warrimminir. and ')utributlhjr. Team or Motor Service. Coi Sand and Gravel. specialize, in riano ana Purnltur Moving. 4. U Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unaurpaeeed. Third Avenue. ALENTIN S DAIRY NOW OPEN Phone 81 DAILY DELIVERIES iwmi ran h a We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL In any quantity. n . r l n i mi mm rtbu uu Phone B8. my olrtike if it.mmI f..iiune. that libit mi. ;mnt even endeavor to ruh into print and HI you I he torywhirJi jocraioned Uik jrreat event. Itut Ifirst I III II I give y.Mi Hie M(er fnon MplliJir. Kipling's Letter I'rivale. Halernan'n . llurvali Simdftv HllMKI'X. J Kill S(l.lpinl.pr lUV-I ifc-ar Sir - hate read willi inurh uii-ret ynur IHlrr of AtijfiiHt and I reeall the rwetiiiK you 'inenlioii willi (he two Canadian Mddier in London. I am afraid. j however, Ihal I cannot take ''mill for having pent o Ion? a I one with heiu ,tt Ihey Ve. purled, hot It w4 iiflen Hie cae in ihoe day Ihal one found men I from the !miim)ioii At Iimop endx in lAmAim and wanlinir In find Uomliere In jro, an.1 It wa al. (way quit ea-y t t I hem on llhHr way. ! Willi many than for your kind Jetler. hlie m, I Yr Irnly. l IU HY.MII) KII'I.INfi. Uieorpe fi. Kilimaiirie, IUq ! I'rinee iluperl. llritfxh (Vtluiiihia. Canada How It Happened ll IibIiimmimI ilii ui.f. Iii the llalicr rl of Oelidr or iM-jriiu llillig of N.OUHlicr IH, jllt liffnr" !the ArniUllee. I. Private Fill-jmauriee. of the ILIL K., wa "ear-Irjins on," a hi I lielow par a re. .m.U ninon. al a his llanadiani i, nnalrril hoxpilal at a plaeej ,nnni.l "If -arWooir' near Head- I oik well known donlde Ui a !hl of llniia-liaH ho wnl '.ere. I hail only .e-n oer 'frtmi hVanee ahout a tntith. and a honlrl for (Canada, inalide. 'mil Ihey termed it. Well. I wa In a warl nn the prmiml flmtr. uhieli ii. nl lo he th l.ltliar.1 hmiim .lur-IlllK I he U) uhen I lie htile ,(K-ru.ie.LI) a luir family. Iliere were elpht or nine of n in the iuanl. nio.tly womide.1 eae. li'-IUiuf ready lo pn luirk to Hie tr.-eiehe htm Id the war R" on a Lit loncer. II wa a rule of the. h.Kiiiial Ihal after a man had been there three week he wa entitled to four day leave in liifloo. Ynu left nn Ihe W'elne-ila n ami relure.l Sumlay mi.liiiahl. Two of the ly. one a middle aped KnulUhntan. an ex. A WrIUr Chap The nexl morning after hreak-fa. of rmire I had to gel huy and Mart to interview them on Hieir adventure whill on leave. You ee I wir figuring on gelling leave melf pretty eoon. They fili.l uol enlhn very much alniut Ithelr ouling. 1 Hunk it wa Ihe New llrunswirker. a Wile more loquaciou than lit confrere, who vouchsafed n litHe Information. He nid that Ihey layed al a (Canadian Maple Leaf Cluh or lint. 1123. Mr tin- r.H..irurlli f ami ITlr W aiwri -" retract ran be rn 'and -VM-rlflritMi and form f lender tfiliie.1 Ihl" at ll re I ll IH-Iiarlnwiit. ir thi l' lrl l tnalm-er. I'wl orrire. Vie- r.niti.r ill and Hella (jU. HX. render; .ill ! ,!LniZ onade on jwwiea, ." - - - . 1I.ri.aninr..i .'.....j ..- jand that they wandered around a line aricrnoon Ihey wvre nil v and Benllemaii who aid into con- teraiion Willi lliem. The u'iu llemaii, who my friend' in ome iieeull fahion I eould not fathom, described lo me "a n ort .if 1. U'Hfur ililin " diliirnu.A.I them rheerily, and aked them liow Ihey were enjoying I hem. nelveo. 'I hcv eooliln'i liav liwiLi! ver' hilariou. for he offerel to lake them around a hit, lellini; hi wife he would Join her a litlle later. Ihey appr.renlly utarled in lo the mbIiI. Ihe .Newi Hrunw1eker oai.l he took Ihemj to the "Tjiiirl lliiiiup " I .llruv' eritl later thai he referred to the Hone of Oomnion. "the Mother of Parliament." The Magic Card i After an liimr or tlie Liml irentlemaii kIihmI them om fea ami n "ration" .if rake, and aid i(hmIIivi I., lliain iriviiie llipni lii lea til, ayins Ihal if ever Ihey were Hi til part of (lie country lo lw ore ami rail ami e ti i tit. Al thi point the ilent jind olemu et. Tommy fumlded in the orEel of hi liinie uiiere he Lent hi ja)hk anl rlure.L for my edification a pieee or tale iwiani, a centleniaii' viilinr. enrd. I clanes :j it more or le mow ferenlly and real 'lialemau' "HtirwtMh "JUelyanl Kti.tlnsr.-"Alheneum tauli" tl..r.ln dllHNia rminiiiru uex. I B0lell I t.lKBere.l! I went LralKht hi! It wa no ue 'l lifv .Hit tml uiulwroLBHil. I fanrv the ex.ToHiHiv ha a elinuneriuc hlea that he had nnee lieant .of ueli n man. The .New llnin. weker' faee wa a hlank. I aid 'What! ! you mean lo uy that you fellow enl nearly two hour wild UtHtrurd Kiplin? and Irfid not know it. or realiie what lit meant, after he hail given you . . . ti,...i .... ...... ......... ni cam. hj : i nn that there are thousand of (Viii. adian w1ii would hae pixeii all they wer.. vvorlh in tin worl'l or the next to hae ueh a elianre." Monumental Ignorance Ami that wa Ihe end of that. For Ihe time heine I wr eom-ulelelv overwheliiONl and ahaed al the pi-tacle of (sued nxuiu. mental Ijrnorance. I paeip on Tommy I Mieve . the other a Homwfully. ponderlnu ,ekly .orl of a ehap , ,, ,, contrarl. ,d..r.ire pari of f the - !.,,, of lillB, In wnl. If only l.me pmvlnre. tot ll.e.r leave n.t r uI1 aj) Bi.ll.er and journeyed up to hf- y . rnn(wter ,itf eily. nhey returne.1 on p:lia(W,, " a f,.w ,,ay!, fore Ihe dot at midnight on Ihe following, , .... .... ,,r(. atw, strain of Hioe prltlral day Hie matter paed out of my mind. I intended al the lime lo write to Kitdinc and tell him Hie Mory a I sol it, hut never did o, until quite recently. Without Peer To mv mind Hudyard Kipling- i iiulnv wlllinut n oeer in the FnB. tih speaking world a a writer of proe nn1 ver.e. tor ine iai forty year since he first raiiM' liefore Ihe puhlie. wilh III tory lli I. luiii rial ra ei. loi. lowe.l with "The Itarrark Hoom llallad," hi work have heei) a liniiihold wonl almost, wherever the F.nullsh language wa poken. To no man living noes ine-woru Kinoire" 11 t in il liesl and worth iel ene convey more. The flung oupol of llrilaliu far ., , o ' KillO TF.Mini!) tlJ iMn-Hl ,A to ll" ",, ,, ..... iiiiiifr.Tiiieil. iiKi e.lr..i Tni.hr ror 0inanaung mini . iii""- nine iurf in.Mi imi mtir. "'"i i.lnnd In Ihe Norlh Sea. "whoo ilt.r ' lll I rwrom i 1,11 ... .... , . .............. Tu. TMii ocr " "-iiiatr .., na urm"i "" It It et'ttotk oclli eoon, eoon, year Hie hallle and the hreere are whal he love and lng of liet. On land or ea. in the wrvod or Hie mine. In Ihe farlorie and Ihe. shop he eems wilh nn al-nlosl uncanny knowledge lo live Ihe live of lhoe he write ahout. of Hie r.uglih. I.MI An Knglifdiman I.Oiie...u.m ! in'' .-.ui.r inif.l be ammiranled by i,r0li nn i,, ,i fnllier nnd L,:v,r.hi,Tr,d"Vr inolherN side, a hrolher in W".e'vvn.kV "wuia H.Vu lnw f 'l"' tvi.lrnl John Hull. 3, te Villi" nrllil b ilalwed a ih . Lirt iiflil W dijHiKlUiiir an arnnted itendina blddrr anbmil rerular W.I. '"' Secretary. l.rtrtinenl "f I'.""''. 1.' tn a Out, Octuuer a. ! f Hill' llrilUh Premier, vet he t more than Ihal. he I Ihe greatest Im-nerialisl nnd Hrillher in, Ihe F.nfnlre Indav. He did not need lo he duMted pool, laureate, or Bivrn n "lie In raue hi name to live n long n Hie r.ngllh llangunge lasts. The last two lines f ,brr IS, I0J8. TOT ifssct JrtPUl pxni 7u;o Tommies who Spent Two Hours ofCARUSO-md Instrument lUustrmttd wtrrii with Kipling all iheJPfenln) Console Victrolt IT lllVatatatatatatatafatM ll of Sony of AW A and yet did not Know it "His Mai ten Yoke" No.215-$200.00 i mM Victor Record No. t0 ii ii J arfic Milk alio. Ur.ir year ami have he ftrl ran which tiee-i in perfect modi, write from New i uv i-amied nillk'ynti ihiimi no In perfect n,u,.,. n,!f...L,af " ' ' , 1 ''' " ' ' """"" ,1(,,'''ry for for me me In lo Uii.uk (hank you you i advance for l ..Mil KrNliuK r,n,,,m me Ihe M,ce, Hr- Hr., i ' j-r V"f valuable valuable pane, paper, in do I you a good Mory alioul llu-(fonl Kipling. iieiiii n" fn,r" ",y '""f l'rie.-f in Northern llnliMi U.lun.bJa, whal n n.. of reader ami admirer of Kipling ",r" Ihere " are here. ! nm m.i IK'I nfraid t.fmi.i ,.r of ii.; V I ,"3 lnrkitiK mi audience. To ;hare received from Mr. Kinlinir a mi..i ....,,;..,, i , personal lelter signed by himself wan good tny fortune a day or I lu.i WO alio, ...... nllil ...... i I I am ... " an. I if II I Parlfie - am ho over- 8 re et-y Mire lo gel whelmed with pardonable pride al . . .. ...... .... . i . . . . a urs. riiri. un wrirrai CllI J.TJI11XX ViU. Limited d Office, Vancouver, B. C. dories at Ladnee and Ab- of hl soleniu and Inspiring poem written at the oulhreali of Hie, great war, "For all we have and; are," telling Hie Knipire, what vvn j before it in the ttfnnio trtiggle that hnd been thrust upon It, flt-i ll...... .... I 1 1 . a ..nm. . f .it if IIIIM1 rrpicriii mil ivij nvui the man who has preached Imperialism from hi boyhood days: Who land If freedom fall, Who dies If England live?" O. S. FITZMAUIUGK. Tbe Mao ii the Mom SAYS:- at...., . I'VK flitted in an aeroplane And padilled u canoe. I've Journeyed on an elephant And rode a camel too,' I've even dipped ill submarines And poled a hollow tree; And yet my lillle motor boat 1 good enough for 'mo. WHAT we mi more than anything In Ihl city I having to provide car fare for self and fpjhe, Theatre of the Home ' Illy "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" VICTROLA dominates Tbe Yictrola px-Mk wipport the Knind box. aHowing it full pby It ukrt ihe ri(ht olf the netdle point, ma tint Coubility and consequently produce that unequaljcd exartnrM of tone for hich -HIS MASTER Y01CE" Xlctroli i pre-eminent; at tbe umc time pretctving the record from wear because -cl the very light weight preure upon the needle. This a but one of tbe many leaturrs that combine to make'lllS MASTER'S VOICE" Tctrola incomparably bett. The stage is set, the performers ready. Your mood this eveninj calls for the inspiring strains of Verdi. Suddenly you hear Caruso singing "Celeste Aida" (Heavenly Aida) clear, sweet, vibrant, real as life itself. For the moment you sit in an orchestra seat at the opera with all its pomp and pageantry. Then perhaps you long for the sweet strains of "The Last Rose of Summer" and as the soft clear notes of Elman's violin sound in your ears, you can all but see him draw his bow across the magic strings. But whether it be Caruso, or Elman, or the boom of Sousa's band, or the latest happy-go-lucky dance hit, "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Victrola and "HIS MASTER'S V01CE"-VICTOR Records prove their superiority by making you forget the man-made reproduction and remember only the sensation of having living artists and real musical instruments a few feet beyond the chair in Vhich you sit. And by V virtue of such masterly performance "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Victrola it the standard by which all instrnroenti are judged. Often this, causes many to refer to all instruments as Victrol&s but for your own best interests as well as ours, remember there is only one real genuine Victrola and that bears our famous trade-mark "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" under the lid. Be very careful to see that it is on the instrument you buy. Genuine "H Master's Voice" Victrola from $37.50 to $615.00 HIS MASTER'S VOICE, LIMITED S tsj I family. WITH all their boast ahout brain, it seem as if the Hritish labor party ha failed when it comes lo running a newspaper successfully. DID you ever hear about the girl who wanted to sing like a canary so she ale hint seed? Af ter a while she began to moult. THK fat woman declares that she like it because she does not have In give up her Turkish nilll.S have no need to imagine that if they had how legs Ihey would get more beaux. - A imif)K and bridegroom spent their honeymoon in an aeroplane Thev fell out. And where did Ihey, go? SIXCi: there Is a probability of gelling a road built lo Port Ed ward, some .of the young peopU i are undecided whelher to buy a; Ford with their spare cash or, make a first payment on a suit of clothes. ! A NICK complexion is all right in its place but not on a man' coat lapei, . THK' difficulty about the way we spend our Supdays is that it takes all day Monday and some-limes Tuesday and Wednesday lo get over it. Joseph S. Rogers of the Prince Rupert Hy-Products Co. relumed from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert Saturday evening. Oeorge (. Hushby, manager of the plant, camo as far north as Swanson Hay where he debarked and boarded the salvage steamer Al- gerine bound for the wreck of the motorship Kennecolt on Oraham Island accompanying Capt. William II. Logan. The Algerine just after leaving Svvansoti Hay went ashore herself tn Principe Important! Rtd Seal Rueril art new dubU' tided. Itettelec liens fr practit-uttj i price j mt. Cum pit tt arw coia-Urne littini utt ituUe-sided Kid Seat Retards aw ready Cet ynt upy. Ittjrm. His Masters Voice-ViCtrOla SEALED TODEHS addreed la the underlined, and endorsed "Tender fur ornve-dwellinr and Boat Landing at Schooner Haare. M.C." will lie reeled it thi nrrire until 11 a'clack noe. FrMaf. Noiwnber Z. IMS, Mr tl eouxtrucUoa of an omr"-delliuv and Ruat taiMlIng al SrbiKinrr ratoaire. Sleena liiMrlrl. tS.C. riant and funiu of euntrari eaa oe een and r:eeinratkm and rurm of tender obtained at thl Department, al tne off let or Ihe Mtriet Enrlnwr, Vl OfOre Bulldlnr, VletorU. B.C and at tbe fol Ofrieen. Vaneiuer, B.C. and Sebooner Patsare, o.c. Tukr ttill not be eoaMdered aaleat mad mi ptintml furui auprlied by the IM-partnieiil ana in areuraanee no -dlllAn rout lined tnerefn. Earn lender uiu'l be aeeooipanieu uj an arrepled cheque vu a . bartered banK payauie u nr uruer w i'ir .vnu.irr Itiblie Wui-ta, muai 10 i pj. ut . amount of the tender. War Loan Bond of tbe bonitnWKi will alao be arrepied a aerurity. or War Bond and cueoue u required tn nuke up an odd amount. Note.--Blue prlnu ran be obUlned tl thl liepartment by depiMltlnc an accepted bank cheque for the aum of Ite.ue. parable lo the order, of He Nhilater of fublie Work, vbirb lll be Jeturtied If tb In-lendun bidder aubiiut a rerular bid. ' BT order. R. C HESHOCIIER. secreure.- Department ut Publie Work. . . :-" 0tia. October 4, list. SIS t i i i 3 I I' 2 v 3 ai I I I 2 i