SS Pata SET PAGE FOUR mms fe Whisky f he Seed HH Days — TEACHER’S i Perfection of Ola ALTERATIONS MISS PITT’S TWO GREAT fj IN SERVICE POEM READ FILMS HERE! Trains to Leave Here For East at, Delightful! Christmas Message Heard “Lottery Bride” and “Congorilla” * Night Instead of in Morning— To Arrive Later THE DAILY NEWS Presented This Week-End at Capitol Theatre By Rotarians at Their Luncheon Yesterday EACHER’S WHISKY is a pure, mellow spirit, every drop of which is distilled, ‘Retion of old S| blended and bottled in Scot- land. Its popularity is world- wide because its quality never varies. If your nearest Vendor cannot supply you der direct from Mail Order Department, Liquor Control Board, Victoria Scotch — \\ S White nd H. Robb i t j t night on 4! P it Victoria wher ses of t barracks. T loca! uni l ¢ idi Naval Reserv i Have You Tables for that Bridge Party 7 _ so Buy Two or Three at This Price $1.75 and $2.95 each Effective January 9, a change will The following interesting poem by Lottery Bride featuring Jean 1 1 the Canadian National! Miss Elizabeth M. Pitt of Premier) ette MacDonald, the popular musi i rain service for Prince! entitled “The Spirit of the North ! ind “Congorilla a fine « whereby trains will leave| was read by President G. A. Wood-| African natu life picture made by a r the east Monday, Wednes- land at the luncheon of the Prince i Mrs. Martin Johnson, the Friday nights instead of, Rupert Rotary Club yesterday e explorers, are betty” nd arrive here from the; Why go to the south for Christm ent n a splendid double bill|@ er on Tuesday, Thursday} tide? | whicl being offered at the Capi irday evenings than at I tre for the It loses all its t Of waken'' ip and seeing th py es to be an January 10, trains will Upon : dow sil ‘ ment program leave here for the east at 9:30 Mon- With palm trees swai I ery Bride” is partly in tech Wednesday and Friday nights "” a eee iddition to afford t 9:30 in the mornings And am phi ‘. ypportunity for M 7 use fine vé { j sin You are sv y 10°15 And W ] ay, Al . ( ; . ; i K ( Of fre i in service will permit Of dark blu k e st Arti H being ma it Red That twinkle and look Cc orilla” wa ide in the very With thr h trains re ngie of Centra m the east The same And Madam Moon that I victure reveals that present will be Across |! " } rore thrilling that And brig! all t I ‘ . east. The ‘ And char I \ South Africa N hides ihivots: Be | eperiences of JOUL Ps rica Ow The hush how two-} : : f Every ma ‘ i : rners of the dark Off Gold Standard “rien Since um cture featur - These are I nigi I I f Africa a Official Announcement Made Yes- Cc terday by Government of To ride out far “ Dominion Here Chr I —— w TOHANNESBURG, South Africa And joy vD ot The Soutl African gov- Christmas R [ iY ‘ oft ld Liv iy ~a A bit of C.N. RB. Trains for the East— 1 Fridays 9:30 am Wednesday 10:30 am From the East— Hotel Arrivals Central i | CNR ~ Hotel Central Ltd. Covenient to business district, homelike, beautiful harbor views reasonable. Spacious sample rooms. Rates Tuesday Thursday and Satur-, southeast wind Gays 8 p.m. | temperature 8; 1 -- = Triple Island—Rai C. J. Norrington sailed last night|*®*“ ** Poe” ; Langara Isi } Pa E Ruy fc a p ) derate southe: ; lve : By proxy shake I Today’s Weather Prince Rupert——I southeasi . ‘ temperat : Dead 71 Point—! Travellers’ Cafe SPECIAL MENU FOR XMAS DAY AND XMAS WEEK TURKEY DINNER Cheapest Rates in Town RENT! | FORSAKE | = Fresh Fish J daily Hele HI Cow Bey 4 Aboard ¢ WT IT t POINT TO A Radio,! | Sewing Machine, | Typewrit er McRAE BROS., LTD. Ae nm i ag - co ‘gar iy: FR ROR b} f) : = - & — a Z oO Nee | ~ end of this week , outstanding ” mee EER Ree eeaee eee ee, . Friday, Decetnber 9p i Eee eee PRR REB Bh ae ge Friday & Sat ur wy ap TWO SHOWS; om WLaA SD ADMISSION — ie ae THEATRE SATURDAY MATINES 7 Li« and 5b at tg “Lottery Bride starts A Wonderful Double Bill—Unparalleled Thritis and Rey in “CONGORILLA” 82 An Amazing Picture of Animals and People. A po, Picture JEANETTE McDONALD) ~~ In the Musical Romance “THE LOTTERY BRIDE With John Garrick, Joe BE. Brown, Zasu Pitts, ys, Part Technicolor, A United Artists Picture “Congorilla” starts at 7:00 & 9:45 “Lottery Bride ably by Primi METRO ‘On coe Starts at jug MONDAY and TUESDAY—“CORSAIK” insist on “GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE”— Th. Origing For Sale at Vendors or direct from "Mail Order Dept.” Liquor Control Board, Victoria, &.¢ ] | “BEST PROCURABLE am fl z( ) | \ | Ih vn Me UN Cc y PURE SCOTCH WHISKY RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Reottled and guaranteed by Wilkam Great @ Sens Lamited Glenfiddich and KalvenieGlenlivet Distillers, Lut town & Glasgow, Scotland The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famow “Rupert Brand” SMOKED ~ BLACK COD - j Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid FIRST CLASS CAFE Pri ; PRINCE RUPERT, B.C 1 Open at All Hours KAIEN| HARDWARE |) tsi"? “% Rooms and Meals mr, mplime of : ; -~ Phone 3 Hotel Central Ltd. Season a Pia 4 ° . ; I R ult M pet 1° R acta . ( ot Ly . jek - canoe Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Kes C ’ ——e ' : " P eh 4 4 —By Westover. No Insinuations TILLIE THE TOILER > Milk and Cream Shi ‘ ' ey : os. tH wT a / ’ ' ’ 2 OW S$ tT DO\MI AD To | \) i ON ' ’ _ on A , ; ipments bis seuinins scar | weed | OS Too BMS MS Oe || | gght ay Rent 3 bat oats ri. : hu “ i} +f : al TO 4 r > rh 7 mI { r 9 Guaranteed Belkley_ Valle . oe em tn ae , See | HOW ATT DIDNT “wales . Seiten’ - | roducts RADE wee f , ¥ a . bO You MEAN ae “ ; mee THE BANQUET ~ ' 7 / SAN “THAT = oi. J ALEN rin D ATRY ion 1 FOUND oy aei!SO- eine it Y “TOOK My Sam “ ~ 2A .: Ae TE . | . ; . _ 3 } - Phone 657 i we ene é cum ) _@ | | / | Maer he — } J <-> 7 YS wr ) cm - | ‘ Cz . Ss 5 i ~ te On the War Path! Tw & mE ONG WAN YOUR? WATCH 2 OH, ! AAC COULDN'T 'D RATH i “THAT- Her,MyYSELF~- | Okay- THEN WE) | BLEASE | | ELLO, $ ; GO OVER AND H O, SHIRLEY DON'T GO| | ILLIE’S MAD ABoUT MILLIE - || / SOMETHING ANO SHES a” ace = || HER Way over. cin iT OUT WITH Ver ANC 1 LOPSBT! | WON'T Yo S&P WV BK Hi “HME WATH eae pong 7 > OR AN ’ wT 7 Gooo jomt | ONE \M~ POSING LY | On /0UR NATURE ie euec DON'T - red | | BBLIEVE a) 7 ' } | ANY= ; Ze j THINGS He Ms 2 yer igs \ | { GUkSS SE HASN'T } ‘ SREN BILL BOLE SIWCe | ’ | ON 'HE PARTY ct ' You -} AND SHE'S Vg ae gins < _——- GONNA “TARE = i | ‘TY OUT ON Ppp Ana a ME - DON'T SS _ % —_ ‘ ail WORRY, t 7 Tits Boy. = ’ | t ; | }> rte rm