The Finest Green Tea HIGH PRICES is undoubtedly FOR FISHERMEN Some of Vessels Hae Earned s ALADA" Good Money Weeks DuMng Last Few I ibermen who niarkele1 IVrir ail-lie al Prince RnpCrt have It is fresh and wholesome Im-cii nuikiiiir prelu sto.nI money pure of Inle. They Uf had tKlilJ and the flavor is that of the true weather In contend Willi and sntimf I base not dmie any Inn well butt green leaf. Hll on lift- whole iherr 11.1 been; Motiey In the pant, belter fuoneyi than Ihry hoi riMdp fnr many a, i1ny Take two typical tmals thrift The Daily News nt-rived recently as examples: j I'MINCr. nill'KUT - HHITISII COLUMMA American Boat 'Hie American trtuvfir Vonie.i Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Cait. Andrew Olson, a thirleeul Huperl Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. ii.iii boat, arrived hi pru-i on Mon-j II. P. PUIJ.EN. Manning Editir. "y. alter an ansence or Ihren' Vck. wiili ifi.Hi-o ..ninl ..f halibut which was o. ill Irt.iri UAILV EDITION Friday. March 23. I9f3 (for fir-l class and I fir ccnnd ' (class fll In the Pish A Cold Slorase Cunpaiii. This Will Back Oliver pelted the boat appioisnately r On Rates. Freight lor first class fish sl.f.OO. and Premier Oliver has Marled oul on a lour of Ihe nrovlllce . 1 for s.voiinf rlas (cIi sl.rvoo or In explain hi- tsisition ami In enlhite.lhc I'tuflf in tin cause. la total f elto. M.ii of ifiis a. We hope hi- will rume here, but jet we hardly nr-d his infltt n mount hup-fifth was taken fnr A enee lo make u tiiorougtigoing supporter 01 me ciiiie wiiim i( (inj .j,,, r UK -mer- lie espouses,, tionservamr nnu i.aor, an np-rcr mm i inc upke. fi, repairs ami profit to in Ihe mailer of rate. Pesipb the 4 we sImmiM hae fair piny on the vessel, as well as a ItniiM In western prairies lo feel that they should not be rallcit on lo he sMpncr. This tefi a halancsr pay high rates jflsl because the has a poor grade through of Sf.HKO mil or winch Ihe rs the mountain. ietrs of Ihe trip had to ! We lmll li...k forward lit a viil from the premier and also fueled, iiirfuriific 'net, oil andj we shall do fttlrresled to ee what kind of a reeeplkin he pel. prniins. The expenses of a from Ihe people Jif what are snppoed lo be stronghold of a I of this nature won 1,1 apprtnul new Colonel Mrftae pari)-. !imate i,hoO which wnubl lcav about fS.DMtl In lie divKiett c.ially Senate Reform NHmf Ihe rf!"w of IhpHen men. Before Parliament. Thus eah member of Ihe While we do not feel over enlhiied over Ihe PieMinp ptan of Siiale reform, we mit-t admit it i a Hllle lep in Ihe right Canadian Boat mi dtre.-iion. At ire-eiil the Senate i a political old men's home, 'Hie Piiii" of lacks, a lanaliftn the chief dulie of whose members i lo grant divorces (o lhoe iol skippered by (Uipt. J. Uar-I who come lo (hem wilh marital infelirilies. H is a cr- expensive mir, with a crew of four men, r- divorce court, much Icmi exfenie for a rounlry Ihe sip of riveti m or. on .M on-lay after -fil trinaiU. three weeks alienee wilh 9.MM packpt 7 lb. iia While !h Fielding proposal i not half radical enottgh for ptointl of halibut whili was so'it many penP'' be Ihe entering of the wedge xvhjeh will at t.5e ami lo Ihe Pacific in time hoist the old me ft off the Canadian political map. Jt Fisheries. Out of this mtrt: A Mems ipjeer Uiat we should have to appoint a group of ancient !ViO pnh1s -was first rlss fjh (irer label) and disgruntled fs-.Iitii is, moMly men who bad lol Ihe' con.'anil nHlnl I.7J. while i.MHt fideiice of Ihe people, to prevent Ihe people's direct represcnta- ri-ouwt of sroint ota fish net live roissing legivlation that might injure themelves. The 'eH ?6 or a total of l,7. It - ei-afev is an ebdele Jioily and as urh should go into the' dis niciicu renm mis amount one-l rartl a together. fifth as he bnal share, a balance! of l 037. leas pxwn--p. of the I Scrapping Warships - - trip, approximately tort. cav OGD EN'S Causes Unemployment. - f fi37 lo w 4i i.fprt between foti LIVERPOOL The rpnu-gjtf w-aohir-s. in fireat HriTatn h undoubted-."4"" r f-ut ! each. ly lieen one at lie Mufs of linem ploy men 1 1n thl country. No' I1" eaminpr rapacity ipr man reform is ever made but it hurts somebody.'. When Ihe Wh-'" "r eoorse tefen4eni upon Ih. ingtoo roufereiH-e was silling. Ihe shipyard resmtmled with o-""i'r of fih, weather comti- he Imm of macfiMirv ini Ihe oiatler of ifidusln. In a few ''""' ""e absent from port, and wvek Morle of 1 hem were ijniel and Ihe men employe! thereU" Prir prevailing -uxm irrnal .ere looking for employ menl elsewhere. The employees wenfj'" "n" '"-. when hoafs nav to iiicre.isc Ihe mass of unemployed tlimtipl.oiif (he eountn. . A ma,,, e eji,Htally piick Inp. rhf -j -,f "lie a awani. ti. , do-palcb yesterday JM thai in all (wo million too of warships f"u hJ,v- ' market whit fisJicric ui II i! isli I iluinli.j As '1 tfjib' r of (C Canadian National Railways and auxiliary vessels had been sent lo Ihe srranhean. II is tlifri-tf--- were at Iheir peak, lb to the itiesi ' i. win. n my ; ight fcnt tlie ilifw nn eti cult to imagine What (hal mean in a lilUe eounln like Kritaio I imrN,nl shared r man ba hmi. frtemi i :i e-. not know i laa.e.rily vt. of ' ilie shipbuilding was kepi gouig at Ihe expense of Ihe Hrili-I, ansreii From .ioo t.. jim. (m (1r irc-.iv u-r.. ,,.,... bixpayer and hen it soppe1 Ihe Uxpaer was relieved by thai i Be oilier iiami. lakuiK int.. ci.n. m pHr-t.auieni before being Tile lllnch"!"" .'OyrMm W: .11 Prince Rupert much. Yet saving that money for Ihe taxpayer caused untold -r-icraiwn Mo- whole -ason s negotiated. Ihe .lis.ii..n al ihe haiuls -if ih- j.iiMi. il) r..m-.niltpp m tiering and inconvenience lo thousand. i.hinw there are I,,,,,., when a ways lakes place afterwards. cso.ailmr of ti . Pollen. win s.riRp uiny w-aim-r audi Mr. Meiphen: I am afraid I M Hail.iff nl I !'.ie. The DRYDOCK Radical Changes " "lio-.i to siicii anmud on ran nol aeree wjUi the bon lat pwu K.lie.l . iriee itf Ihe To Be Avoided. me ueep sea grrntnds tor eeral minister. should like-thrf.mlnls .iJUSiiMl a-r.mwetiicnU ami Ititdical changes are always Ix'be avoided. II looks simple w.k- and Ihen come in wjlh only ,, Ueforp be la the .lis iHfjilier dt N'lwtiiHii wee- pla.d AND eiiooph m the surface lo make changes, but the aelnal prar-Imi- i poor catch. It th. r. thai the ,(,. of Ihe bill Usejf. lo he good. .y the elob or. licit, n 'Miistioat is nol simple by any means, flhangcs always cause inroti-veniencf ' o r ii'iiiiin- foriu irienoutrh lo I.Ktk 'up some of his of II. v. Ilne. James I rr. (, SHIPYARD and ijflen ranch suffering. The Ihing lo do is lo bring niiio is latior nml llu- honi ..wner owu feclws and Ihose t ni VVpdatid and Dr. Ilayne. . J. t'. them about gradually. Changes bate lo come. We n- all I".-- ni. lie . leaders on the auhjerl of eeerrtiMbolU hiwl thn'rum ti.f Ihe rom. agreed on'Ihal. We all want o see heller condifions for everyone.; liplouiary. , piunlly sinainc. - Op.rstlna G. T. P. 20.000 Ton Floalinfl Dry We..wtit o see Ihe condition or Ihe wotkingmati im-rroved HALIBUT TREATY Mr. I.aoinle: I do IMil like Tbre was a flrawiog contest Cnglnaar, Machinists, BolUrmakara. Blscksmllhs, . j-ohiation improved, facilities for the coin fori and eu-joymentof to read my own speech; I en- for ti no pne wa awarded, makers, Founders, Woodworssrs. its. Ihe roimiiiinity improved, but Ihe irnprovemenl MENTIONED IN HOUSE joy much more Ihe reading oflThe reuis. hotvever. wer- uuitn Electric and Welding. must come Slowly. IVnm every radical forward slep lhere j my right bon. friends slarllinir. Acetylene usually a reaction thai sets us bark, sometimes i a ,Utlul ar. Minister of Marine Explains for Mr. Hpeaker: lion, roemher Iher In the rear than thai from which we slat-led. Benefit of Mr. Melghen bad heller reserve any furlhar Our plant is equipped lo kadle all ilads ot The democratic awakening has come on Ihe peoples of the remarks on this subject until Ihe The Mao in the Moon Work world raUier The signing of ihe treaty Marine and Commercial suddenly. A rentury ago It xvas hanlly thoughl ntlrjueslion comes up regularly be nhoiit. Today evrryonr is thinking about it and if rciiuires a lot halibut prolection with Ihe 1'iiil-lfore the House SAYSe. PHONES 44 AND SM or thought and careful adaptation. The en Mates na. discussed in Ihe here are Mill many dark spol jn j. of these have lo be House ?f Ooriimons recently STUNT DAY AT THE i:kiiy sausatte maker is rn-a brought in line berore any real progress an be made. No na-ton when Mr. Jlr. I.nt.oinle said: .gaped in kln game. . nil lodav live lo The treaty provides for certain latest is the altitude of Canada ilself any more Ihnn RflTARV I UNf HrYW any person ran live in to trying make her o litniself We are all r.arl of the great whole. Many wrilers disosjoiiM w-liich were recotn TO whal exit at tti$ Jnw own WOOD ...... mended in IUIK hy Ihe - - ih. a a . treaties and Ihe altitude in Stove r nis i.i wiupi repitiiiie. jr tiiey irnvel lo all the Coiiiniission np.oinlel InlrrtlQ-lional Orch.stra Played Selections and "7" . . ". h-'"r" " ," Jirifain In regard lo Canada's i ; V . . " nowever ,,,e fin'1 dreams shal both governinenis tiy D. W, Bone Won Prlxe Woe useless t art bm, ...u uike ceniuries of rnrerul iiurlui-jng lo brinir by the gov Best Title For City some of ihe nations lo a point where l,ey can hope 0 lake Iheir ernment of which my ritiht hon It" this kin.) of weather keeos We ha'.e j t . r- ,-,,. rrtend was lender and by Ihe The Oru ital fiulewny whal will become TIIK nrit time Ilrlloln wants ,.iriiiers in any iiiiernunona! union. was up of Ihe mll- car load of dp fovernurenl nf the L'nile.1 Klates Ihe Kile for Ihe city adjudge.! to liner? lo make a trejdy with any cotin-try, ciinranteed f Among many older reronuiienda- the lu st ihmiiied nt the notary - we in Canada will have to Hue rut I "' . lions, a treaty had been prepared! Hiii ti.-m y rday nflernooi It DKMCATi: situations urn de. Insist that she consult u. Ours dry. In u My Heart Would Palpitate. nt Ihe lime i(l regard, lo Ihel ias miI.ii.jH.i1 by I). V Mono.vebapina every hour One nt n.. K a bigger country than hrrs. , Also Klndllna salm-iij -fislieries of Ihe I'raser I I Had Weak Spells" river, and -ft ws signed but was ANOTIII'H delicate slltintlon li I'nr I'rlct s, WhilWf' 202 SL never ratified by Ihe American thai where u man find" another writeil' We,t. BrodrriU., Ont Henate. A nol tier treaty had hern I rnnn making love lo his wife. HydeTransfei "I tool sick prepared lull was not signed, andl vrry with my amti snd itonuch. and tttmtd Till: of vranls B0- to "tie of its disposilnns was flic mayor Haysport Phone U all d,-q At fua timet my hrart would flutter and pilpiuie l. know whether lots io fteellon Uusiilr .nd I would Uk very one which is now agreed l Service and so such we.k iptll. in h. pit ol in tlie presenl treaty. Thai four are worth fZCO each or 17, Motto. my ttomsch that I tome treaty, I say, was neter signed. and if the price Is 7, will they timet thought I would lull il bus been unanimously re e. hniige block for u similar ever get better. I fc4d uopnized iy llie-iperl of thel block in rkerns Oily. iloioit given up hope when f)eparltneols of Marine and COAL s friend advised the uie Fisheries or both countries (hull Don't THT. development Company's EDSON down cf Dr, Chile's Nerve Food. il was hjghly desirable lo en- get run big blulT did nol get lb out fur, ...... . I did not stop until I had n.rci- mi- I'jose season, lo suj -take 0X0 won judge Young prrausn in Uken twenty-five boses. It nolhing of Ihe older dispositions 4udge happened In know beller. We run nowHUpP'rou; hsi done wonderi for me which had In-en reconniended by . "WN C0t Ad I wint to recommend the InU-rnutinnal Commission. The power of Oxo lo create im NEXT thln we know tbe fa PAM0UI it to everyone." I may soy alu thai Hits disjxisi. proved maintain itfenglb velopmenl Cumpany's repreen. In aoy laanKr lion bus been ici niiimeiujed lalive will be telling us we area Feed co un and lo illncti, it itiown (esitt Jay DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD it iU ninthly by i lie members of Ihe l"t of dsrped fools, god e. shall Prince Rupert .AO CcuUabos, aJI dealers,or lljuavsoa, Iltlns A Co., Ltd.,Turiai pirttaijieniury rrifumillc whli afler day the world over. have to admit it, beeaiise wa let phone tl w i nppoinlci Is i session fi in blm eon b"tf nd Iry P'" the wool over our eyes,