is reflected in every cup. The) most delicious GREEN TEA In thai world. ' JUST TRY IT The Daily News i IMtlNCE HUPEKT - BHIT1SH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternooa, except Sunday, the Prince Hupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN. Manuging Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. $1.0(1 Uy in nil to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year. . . . $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year. $7.50 TELEPHONE BS Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page . I2.H1) per inch Local Readers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion. ...... 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion . . , lfc per agate line Contract Rates on Application. AH advertising should he in The Daily News OMIce on day preceding publication. AH advertising received subject to approval; Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday, July 27, 1923. Newspaper Is Not . Charitable Institution. A newspaper is not a charitable institution. It is established for the double purpose of erving the community and providing a means of livelihood for the owners. When it ceases to do the latter, the lormer service aIo fails. The cict of printing a newspaper and providing .a proper foreign and local news service is very large. Just now the eot of publishing the Daily News is about four thousand dollars a month. To meet this cost, the subscription' price is hardly noticeable. The income is .derived, from selling advertising to national advertisers, local merchants and Ihose who promote entertainments, public meetings, fairs, theatrical performances and other gatherings' of public or semi-public nature. In every, newspaper office there is constant difference of opinion between the- management and those who want ad vert b ing published without cost in the news columns. Also there is a constant stream oi matter that comes through the. mail that is really advertising and that it is attempted lt get imris iiew. This finds its way info the waste paper basket, . The management of the newspaper judges whether niilter is news or advertising. News is published free of cost. Advertising matter must be paid for if published. II is only by guarding carefully against free publication of .advertising in the news columns that a newVpaper'cau exist. At Hie mot the margin between profit and loss is very small. President Harding's Canadian Address. Couched in a vein of fraternal feelings, the address of President Harding in Vancouver was full of inspiration made more impressive by the fact dial it was the first lime that a president of the United Stales ever made a sneecb in (iinn1. VVll at A talScanml . rt- II.. .J I i IL ' since had passed out of existence, he expressed a feeling Ihal has become firmly established in ibis country. On the olhe; hand, he opened up Ihe suggestion of Uniled 'Slates' annexation by Canada. Such a suggestion may seim a trifle novel but it is a suggestion the effecting of which is as remole, if not more so, lhan the first nentioned. The visit of President Harding wiil have an effect of cementing the friendship between United'Slates and Canada in a manner. Jhe strength .of which could have been established by no other means. ' Canada's Ability To Finance Herself. Canada's ever growing ability lo lake care of herself is reflected in Ihe marketing this week at Toronto of $22,500,000 vvfirtli fir fW,t-n.iimA.,l : 1 ... .. mi.. - . I Kdilor, Itoily News. The Boy Scouts' organization Certainly desjres the support which it asks from the general public from time m time but Ij 'consider the soeial commissioner! of the Scout should Keep In mind the fart that a body which looks to and receives the public support should not lak) an altitude detrimental to anyone in the pursuit of a culling. My complaint is this: There are a number of us here who miike our living carrying the public to nearby places by waler. IH not only pjeked one man's boats exclusively to transfer the general public hut he also notified me by letter as late as Thursliay noon In the effect that if I ran people to the Salt Lakes for the boys' sports that they the general public would he charged 5 Or over and above the fare I charged as he hail arranged wilhSwnn-son's boats for a 50c fare to include admission lo the sports. Legally he (Mr. Horie has no authority to keep anyone landing on the other side from going lo the lakes though I am sure everyone is quite willing lo pay something to help the Seoul. In the afternoon I nolired that the Daily News slated dpt. Swanson had donated the boats for the occasion but Upon speaking to.,Mr. Horie and Mr. ieo. Bryant about it they both denied it I mention this as it would alter matters considerably. I maintain that the fair and square way to -run the sports would have been lo charge admittance on the other side and not presume lo force the public. lo use anyone's boats exclusively. i consider nis letier to me warning me off an unwarranted presumption, monopolistic and nto-t unliritish. J. II Yll ILL-JONES, Launch "Oh Baby IMMIGRANT AND EMIGRANT Editor Daily News. As colonization and Immigra tion are the leading issues oLthe day in this country, I have writ ten the ideal immigrants and emigrants' resolutions or max ims. These resolutions may have the power of strengthening many and taking some of the conceit out of others. As you know, Can ada has been a "refiigium ncc- torunv for a long tinve. Some thing must be done or we will all have lo emigrate. Ideal Emigrant t hey say picking will .soon be good .fnCaiiada. They want immigrants, I am educated and a bit of a schemer. I should stand a how there. I am a citizen of tie world. I have tried the greatest part or it already. Advices I Mi..ic;jcimficu iii ,un.MMrr, mc injures in ine people OX.n rui wqnf fnr I i,nnw ii ii i Canada the. president undoubledly meaning it as such. The Z , '"l ,c loMhings like principles set down are worthy or being followed by Canadians e o eneil country. I will save mv i ;ic i.resi.ieni, uemi who me matter oi annexation. In suit- ,iii,; ing Ihal he annexation of Canada was a bugaboo that lo, S lon-v an, 1 ...rv Z ' ? against me, a fellow is neier stuck. One can always Join the idle class or the bread line. They say the- Canadians are a very hospitable people. I cannot believe in that neighborly idea. "Make the money" is my mntln, "be in dependent." I am in Canada al last. But this is not the land of promise I used lo imagine. I do not know why I cannot mak a living here. I t's too slow, I must emigrate. Ideal Immigrant I must try lo heller . ", c ihhmip. mr ismui-whs uiKen lot in Hi wide wnrt.l s liv fVitimlinti .r..wl ii. i i . . , . .. ' "'w iii no wiot, worm h T. ' "7 . , , . ',y snI(I '"'J'l'py W n.y chance is just as SrJnilh J he Kh 'l?" V 0I?X l"0"1''?'' !lmnrM lp0("' ' iai,!l s elsewhere. I strenglh of ,he Dominion but also shows Ihe confidence of, will be loyal to mv adonled Canadian investors their own securities. Former government Cn . ?My motto S "W I n omls sold m Canada in any qunnlHy such .Clans as Victory Bonds hadlsyria do a the lo " he palnotic urge behind them as an incentive. These latest wi .ake advice of S Cana bonds, however have been old on a straight business basis in Clians I am lys willing to ZTJ; ! " "rlT ""' ?5h- a Yea,isfaelnrv& CaVmdiansconVb ;,:; ir""' 'nnana " mU ""d .and am quite sure they will ap- The STAMP TAX On and afier Augusl 1, 102H, One Dollar is Ihe maxiniiinv nmount of tax paynb on Cheques; Bills of Exchange payable on deman'd or al sight . or on presentation; Receipts for money paid lo n person by n Hank, chargeable ngainst a deposit of money in the Hank lo his credit; Express Money . Orders; Travellers' Cheques; post Office Money Orders. UNION BANK of CANADA Established 58 Years. preciate my efforts, If evils eer come too thick, I will apply io the proper authorities for protection. I believe being neighborly. One might live without relatives but our everyday business is with Ihe neighbors. Charity Is a good thing but it must begin ii) Ihe home community. I do enjoy the local latent ami all good people. I like IcTcbeer them (up. With these qualities I am iniuaicii a good Canadian citizen. S. II. H Terrace, Untlons Over Fundamentals Baptist Preacher Criticises Non-Church ( Goers STOCKHOLM, July .'7. The Christian churcli has "no ines- j sage today to the. .living world, j as a matter of fact Ihe Christian ( Church Is preaching many gos pels and lht result! confusion and failiire.iDriliIVtis Lee iw of Brooklyn, td Today in ad-dressing Ihe Baptist World s Alliance, j " Denomination' are being rent aifnder" today. ' he satd, "and those who hae long been brethren' are in warring camps contending not over non-essen tials, tiut, alas, ner the very foundation principle of Chris, tianily." If Ibis theological war is fought to a finish, he said, at leal the present, generation will perish for lack of viion. "Believing in Ihe sincerity ami high moral character of these warring Iheo- logiean." he said. "I beg I bein in the name- of Christ ami perishing humanity that they will quietly, lovingly. prayerfully gather about a I able with ('rod's hook before them and let that settle every disputed question. That book is Ihe ultimate ground for authority." Dr. Laws criticized Ihe people who fail lo attend church. Today we have the Arabs of Ihe avenues aiidjbw Bedouins of the boulevard,' he said, and they are "a far removed from Christian influence a Jhose who dwell in Ihe lums of poverty and squalor. "The palatial hotel. and magnificent apartment houses send a few people lo the churches as do Ihe tenement-house district. Our hearts are touched when we hear of -vast stretches of territory on the frontier where no church people .can be seen. Bui far more, sinister is ihe fart Ihal xorgeous church buildings, al most countess in number, are to he found in Ihe midst of Ihe teeming millions of all our great cities ministering lo but a handful of people or else utterly deerted and finally abandoned. Ten Years Ago j In Prince Rupert J July 27, 1913. W. E. Fisher left on the steamer Prince Itupcrt this morning lo spend a fortnight with his relatives in Victoria. The, members of Ihe Provincial labor commission, II. O. Parsons, F. 'II. McNamara, It. A. Sloney and A. M. Harper, went south this morning on. the caiucr Prince Ilunert. D. 0. Corbin, president of Ihe Spokane A International Hallway, passed through hern on his return from a trip to the north on the steamer Princess Sophia. The weather report at 5 'o' clock this morning read: baro meter, 30.12: maximum lemiter- Si 5 3 T u i-aor two tot rarer jiewb rrtir, July rt. i; Clear as Crystal ii The absolute purity of SALAD A! GREEN TEA ii hit a In the Letter Box 7 CHRISTIAN CHURCH i! HAS NO MESSAGE UNWARRANTED PRESUMPTION Bng Rent A,undef by Ca. The All Canadian Show Com-puny cnaiiNisliug of Iwenly.fivo persons, which was showing hero during the past week lefl on Ihe steamer Prliice Oeorge lanl hIkIiI, for Powell Hiver al which point lliey will exhibit en route I o nlurn lal ion ".; minimum IH; prccipi-..") i . Tbe Mas in the Mom SAYS- THE best side of motor Is ofeu the inside. A DIAMOND or a rich brandy shade, weighing 20 14 carals, has been found in South 'Africa. The report that the American finder was not allowed (o lake it home lias been denied, JaaraaMaiwa KB 0BB ed a study colors and in bathing rooluuie' xlylen. THEY say If you wear a red continue Ihe water feel warmer. IT'S funny how a Utile boy al-way .iidniires the big drummer in the hand. A NEW comer from Ihe old country was sent to milk the family cow having been ghen Ihe bucket and necemm-y Moot by (tin Tanner. Upon his not re turning after an ahence of two hours the farmer went lo look for him. finding him in the barn, in a pervpiring condition with bis. arms around the cows neck, Ihe farmer asked what Ihe idea was. "Well guvner I've struggled with Ibis darned row for a long lime but I can't get the bloomin' thing In sit down on this dltiol no how" replied he. TIMBER SALE XB36. Sralfrt Trndem UM tip rrrrlvrd by tf .VlnlMrr tit l.arnln, al Victoria, mil lairr than ntKin on lit. m day or AuriiM. Url, for tin; niirrhane of Urrwr X ill, in cm 4i,uuu rrei or reiiar, sprurr, OaUam and Jiwiilork mi an arra illuatrd on tli THE laundry .people are - lauMr'rt tM-"""M'n channel, nanire j. ploying HCientixlM to discovert Two (i y'ar will lr tllomrd for tr- some method of didug without ;"";'":, Further ' "t. Mtarcb in Ibeir work. If they suc ceed II will make Ihe hills less "lltr. 4. A SAINT i a man who can hang stove pipe without partlrnUr of llw chief For-. let, Vlruiria, H.i; Prlru-B Hupert. Il.l. or liintrlrt Forenter, TIMBER SALE X5139. Sealed Tenders will tie rrrrlred by the Minister of Land, al Victoria, not later Ihan iioon on the loth day of Auttiat, 1113. for the, iirrhae of Llrenre XJII9, tu rut . - ..., "ror, spruce, cedar, , ll'lne arid Birch, tt.ttt lineal feet nf IK you were not nl Ihe Salt 'f i'';1"."'' .oo Herniors and fim :t nLn- v..Jl,.,..r ,.fl,w,n uilnli.l V7l i . . ':y" lOiiriCl. j, mi' i i, jrr win ue anowea ror re. ing .he local female vvon-J lSrffi, u;,u,Uic of OM ders perforin you cerlafnly mlss-:icr, victoria, lie, or District Foreiter. .. i jl'rlmo Hmrt, B.C. ' HiVkfiT. BjQQQii grwWrTAi CATARRH i. M IM LADDER SMS, ItMMM 'Each CDul besri pame NOTIOL Take Notice tint one uKiuib af ter tub- .lion oi mm notice, ricific Cartare '!.'..- ?i Si",k "P"''. st Victoria, for PACIFIC CtRTAfir liuitrn Per Williams, Man 0on tales, as Jdllciiors. GOOD MOXli) A' GOOD FARMING Let's Get to Work and N Pay Off the Mortgage" INK vein lto Canadi'i nationil dtbt wii about one-tlrirJ of a bil lion. It it more than two and cnc. third billion today. Our dbu have (really inert ai d our rtvenuea mutt alio (o up. The farmer hai to bear hit share of the increased burden. That meant he muat increaae hit revenue. Complaint hat been heard that farmers under present condition! in Canada cannot make farming pay. And yet many thouamla ot Canadian farmers do make it pay. How Is It Done? Patient and induttrfous "carry on" will do wonders, but 'something more it needed. Too often "patient industry" is ccupled with "dull persistance" in poorly thought out methods. Farmers today more than ever, must plan ahead, as well as "plug, along : indeed they have no option, it they with to succeed. Co-ordination ot head and hand will mean real success. Farming in Canada has paid and pays now on many farms. It can be made to pay on almost every farm. Canadian agriculture has pasted through many low profit-making eras successfully and can do so again. With the increased cost oi production, the present higher standards of living cannot be kept up by poor farm management, "board er" milkers, scrub beevct, poor quality hogs or non-profitable hens. Crop Returns Should Ua Increased On the Central Ei.criroental Farm at Ottawa some crop'cotts and crop proits in 1922 as contrasted with all-Ontario average crop cottt and crop profitt arc given below. The all-Ontario figures are in brackets. Cottptct Profit pt Met Hay $21.13 (SU.50) St 1.21 (JJ.W) Corn for Forage 147.50 (133.75) 110.38 (12.86) Oats 126.47 (119J2) S 7J3 ( .04) laUu lu S frk.w ttm tk KmIiIh EsMftfB!-- I'irM la trf pfl. Eirrlti Ttm cr ut fmmCmt cU1im4 I W r4tr4 mt t. t..l ml TkMHftll f MMflw'. krrr, Ik, IKI tmfm4 trmpplmg mil wtetft? lctfM tfp pr.ft t. Tll b tr m t Eifiaul Ffll U Im Iim m ur ,ul rfr turn That even under present conditions rrontt may be made is testl. fUd bv many tkdful. observant and non-plunging firmer, wha believe more in the policy of "slow but sura" and "pay as you go" rather than speed, with excessive bor. rowing and the often consequent disaster. The results on our Eiperimentat Farms also bear testimony to the value of thorough, skilful work. The Farmer Muat Manufacture Hut crops alone are pot enough. The farmer mutt change hit crops Into lets bulky and more high, priced products milk, pork, beef, mutton, poultry, etc. With fair yielding cows dairying slews good profits in. Canada. The average cow has Increased her yield lift in the last ten years. She can quilt readily go up an-other 2S and more, and there's where the profit lies. Better feeding, better selection and better breeding witl do the Job- feed, weed, breed. To do better feeding meant better patmres and more generous supplies of palatable roughage. Short rotations includlngdoversnd ensilage crops (com, sunflower, pea, oats, etc) will paovidc feed In abundtnee for both summer and winter. The eiperiments and in. vettlgstlons which the Dominion Department of Agriculture have carried on prove that farming scientifically ami systematically undertaken will pay nroits. The records snd particulars of such work in every province are avail, able to the Canadian farmer. Art M rW( (ttla. m prWw4f M.4 w tmtrrm4 tm ftM? M ft. )H UMUa U.I UI fcrfem). ! WtW tural Al ra . h 4titj r4tir It. rm mutwf4 ka MUrr Imt Ait t r tmtmm IM W b... mm lkl vttl Mt rw. W 4 Wtm tat It.. aictflWitMi M (HI rntvtu. boa we rlrcU SrUB Mlk miui I laUtnl u r. IS ttr W mi at. lw tut tl ' pmUmttimmt. m We thill have something more to say later. Meantime write the Department of Agriculture, Ot tawa, about your problems. Have Faith in Canada Dominion Department of Agriculturt W K. MOTHEK WCU. MUUUt. Dr. J. H. CSlSDaUC tatr Mtebue. TIMBER SALE X 5314. Sealed Tenden t.a r..i..H k- ....... . . """"i mi me lllllfr or uiiiH. at Vli-i,.rl. ..... i.... than noon on th jni oy Auiruti ttn n.,,T,,;,rf.h".'.'" X3M. M rut ... , i riTurr. II1IMIII IIm... !.m ir1 altlm head of o iltV' "0"1" tn4,""'l. ' . Coat Two t years will 1, allowed for rt-moral. 1 r " or tlniher. . 'u.,?'r Mf'ulart of the r.alef por. TIMBER SALE X K04O cut tm.iiou re.i ,.f ,. ''".' . " ODS (Ii VBir Kill I.. ...... . . moil of limber, '"Jwi ror re- Further uariicni... . . . ler. Vlrtoria V. .,0" l n"r Fl n r ll-ri'nct hut'erl, & "r t",lrUI rortiur,, in Orank, Crank and Cuss but not with tht New ELTO Atwater.Kent Ignition I'o ered to full 3 horse lpW two cylinder, silent running, and no titration. THE QUEEN OF ALU OUT-BOARD ENGINES. When you buy nn EI.TO tli firt cost is Ihe last r-:' A Complete and QuaranUed Engine. a Agtnl: N. M. McLean Cow Bay. We Solicit THE MANAGEMENT oF PROPERTIES AHdCqi' ' LEOTION OP RENT8 The Satisfactory Service given others, Justify us In soliciting yours Oliver Typewriters. Gary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prlnoe Rupert, I 0."