PAGE SIX ' "' I I ! I H . HOSIERY SPECIALS All This Week Children' Hose, all sizes, black, white and brown, 3 pairs for SI .00 Ladies' Cotton Hose, black, while and brown, 3 pairs for $1.00 Penman's Pure Silk Hose, black, navy, grey and nigger, ' Per pair SI .50 Ladies' Drop Stitch, brown, white and black. Per pair 65c Radium Art Silk Hose, brown, while and black. Per pair 95c M WALLACE C0,LTD. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Phone 9. We pay delivery charges. Have You ever heard of "Salt Spring Island" This wonderful inland in situated in the Oulf of Gcorpia, and is noted for the tremendous crops of small fruits raised there. HaiKlicajrjied by an irregular boat service, the growers cannot ship their fresh fruits to Vancouver or Victoria, consequently thy have established a Co-operative Jam Factory to which they send all their best fruit only. The result of this policy is amazing. No pectin is Used in manufacturing, and wc doubt whether liomw made jam is nearly as good Oup first shipment has arrived, and we invite you to a real treat. This is 1923 season's jam and the best wc have ever seen. Three lines only In 4 lb. Palls Strawberry, Raspberry and Loganberry. 95c. per pail We are ole agents for this line. PRESERVING CHERRIES. (.Vol sour . Lamberts, 18 lb. cases $4.00 In baskets, each .... 85c Peaches, per basket ... 85c Iiarllctt J'ears, per basket 85c Large Haskels Plums, each 85c Cantaloupe .... 20c and 25c Outdoor Tomatos, In... 25c Hothouse Tomato, lb. 30c Crccn Corn on (Job 3 for 25c Cucumbers, 15c, 20c ami 25c Green and Yellow Beans, 3 lb, for 40c New Green Peas, 3 lb... 25c Large Heads Celery . . . 20c Complete Block all lines Greens. Rupert Table Supply Phone 211-212. LING The Tailor Phone 649. 'WE D0 DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING: OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BY STEAM. SUITS ordered to measure Second Avenue. Opp, Post Office Corner, St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third ..Avenue. C.N.R. CONNECTIONS FOR WHITE STAR SAILINGS .Steamships of the White Star line will sail from Montreal during August as follows: S.S. "lle- jgina," August I; "Meganlic," Aug. II; "Doric,' Aug. 18; "Canada,"' Auje, 25. Passengers for lhee boats should arrange to leave Prince Huperl ia Canadian National Hallways July 28, Aug. i, II and I Bt It. For rales and reservations, call or wrile Cily Ticket Oflice, 52t? Third Avenue. Prince Huperl, H.C. Phone 200. 171-1-7 Advertise in the Hiilv Nw DRYiWll electric washing machine tuiitiiniiiti liiffi'HMcani Let us show you how to do jour whole family washing, bed-clothes, comforters, pit lows, etc., without bnce putting your hands in the water or having to handle wet clothes, Kaien Hardware Tel. 3. P.O. Box 1646. Summer COAL Great satisfaction! Repeal orders being filled every day for Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal Quick Fire! Lasts Longer! Cosls same as oilier .Vit Coals. Phone 116 or 564. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST.. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, . C. Office Hours, 9 to 6. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. FRESH MILK DAILY From Our Government Tested Herd of Guernsey Dairy Cows. BETTER MILK. BETTER 8ERVICE. STANDARD DAIRY Phone Black 51. FISH ARRIVALS ARE HEAVY AGAIN TODAY Ten Schooners Marketed 207,000 Pounds at Exchange Today 1 Four American schooner marketed 1 1 1,000" pounds and six Canadian schooners 63,000 pounds, a lolal of 207,000 pounds of halibut' at the Fish rlxchaiige Ibis morning. The sales were) again markcl by heller prices! for l.olli Cauailiau first ami j second class catches. 'Hie arrivals and salei were: American Hepublic, 78.000 pounds al t.'e and tc; Omaney, 12.000 pound at 11.5c and Uc. to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Company Lancing, 15,000 pounds, at 12.7c ami lie; Eagle. y.UOO pounds, al 12.7c and 'Jc. to (he booth Fisheries Canadian Co. Canadian Cape .Spencer, 1 1.000 pound al 13. 7c ami 10.7c; Tramp. I J 000 pound, al 13.0c ami I0.5 to Hie Allin Fisheries. IMphiii, 12,000 pounds, at 1 3.5c and IO.Cc; Cape Spear. 000 pound. I la.Gra and I0.8e: and Plop, 2,000 pound al 13c and loc to the lloyal Fih Ci. Mal.-imule. I5.nnn pounds, at 13.7c ami 10. He lo (he Canadian Fish & Odd Storage Co. TERRACE NOTES Mrs. II. SI. (i. Lee and family of Prinee Ihmerei are eampnij? al l.akeNe Lake. II. MeFarlan In ant a I rip lo Rupert tins veJ 'injr down on SUMMER COMPLAINT Cramps and Diarrhoea Tbre Is no other kind of diee that comes on so quickly and with u little uarnlnr an attack or bowel trouble, one ma) retire at nifht. In (lie best of health, and befurr riH.rmnir be awakene.1 by terrific cramps and pains In the stomach followed by diarrhoea, dysentery, summer complaint or bowel trouble lu one form or another. At thlt season of the year, when bowel troubles are so prevalent, we would advise I lie precaution of always having-on hand a buttle of Dr. fowler's Eifrart of Wild Strawberry so that you will he ready for any and all emerreiicle. You will find that a few dotes r this valu able remedy, taken promptly, will be the rani or preveiitliia- a treat deal of un- nrr.ary eurferlnir, and many a Ume iave life. Mrs. W II. Jtidd, 171 Catherine St. S., Hamilton, Out- writes: "Lat sum-mer I had a very bad attack or summer complaint, cramps and diarrhoea . I trie! many different remedies, but they did not seem to help me. I heard of It. Fowler's Eitrael of Wild Strawberry, so derided I would try it. t only Wiok a few dosel, and In a short time I was better.' I'rlee 50c bottle: put up by The T. Mltburn Co, Limited. Toronto, Out. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ANYOX QOVERNMCNT BUILDINOS. SCALtli TL.M)UiS. siiMrsrrlbed "Ten der tor Anyov Govrniment Ilulldlnrs," will be received by the Honourable the Mlnliter of 1'iiMle Works up to tt o'clock noon of Tuesday, tne I7in day or Juty, vti, tor tlie erection and completion of Government Offices at Anyox, In the Atlln Electoral Olstrlrl. B.C. Plans, specification, contract and Forms of Tender may be seen on and after the 1Mb day or June, ijj, and runner in formation obtained al the Iipartmetil of Public woiks, parliament uuiidinrs and at Ho roiiowinr offices: uovernineni A rem. Court House, Vancouver, and Uovernineni Afftit, Court House. Prince Huperl. GMiies or plans, spertricaiions, etc., can he obtained from the Department on payment of deposit of Ten Dollars (110.00), which will lie refunded on ihelr return In yood condition. The lowest or any tender not neees-Victoria. H.C. June tlth. 19S3. sarlly accepted. i-. Public Works Engineer Department of public Works, TVUtlte Dolterty Compared Willi ordinary sited plana WHY DO WITHOUT YOUR REGULAR PRACTICE? You can have this little favorite right in your own room at less than 23o a day. Walker's Music Store Lid. THl DAILY NEWS frlday, Juy 7t ,93 m IE.W.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED Monday. rai..i j urn Tuesday ngnr - A sreal M-p fmward tii tnilriiiiiii2 our Umu will It- taken wlien F. C. Histtops iirU his system of ilrri lighting in operation. Hr i. w.n-kini: on it it present. Th.- I'rofrress Gluts Hall which i l.-ae.t by Mr. His. hop is already lipliled Iy pUt- Irkily. exleminl I In- system lt his own Iiorh wtiieli is a Inert distance front the hall and the llishop's rv naldeil lit en-ijoy all lh eviivenhm-e wf elec tricity. ' .Mrs. Ceo. Imr and FraMt liimer went to Ituiwrt oh nl- ncsilay. . 4 Mr. ami Mrs. James Itirlunoml made a trip In lluiellon over the week end. David I. Miiiii-o of Vancouver has heen visilin? Mr. and Mrs. I. I. Muuro here this week. - I. I). Muuro who tins heen al home with a had eold litis week, left for Telkwa Wenlnesilay iiiplil. Miss hersiiii of Prinee Huperl Is visilint,' Mrs. A. Oleson. Mis Mary Teeple and Miss Klainla Marsh left for Pacifie Wednesday njeiil lo visit Mrs. T. II. McCuhliiu,! C. It. tiilhert lefl Tuesday niplil on a IiU'ltiess trip lo Van- derlioof. .mV. Ilughsiiii who lias lieen eonrineil lo I lie liospilal Willi a broken les for over a mouth returned home Saturday. Mrs. Itleecker enlerlained a number of I lie young people al a most enjoyable dance Tuesday night. The crop of wild raspberries. Iduc berries and saskatoon have been very heavy Ibis year and litere have been constant expedition of berry picker from town. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DKJHY ISLAND. Fog: calm: barometer 30.13; temperature, 03; sea siiioolh; H p.m. spoke steamer Cape Scoll abeam Skeeua river southbound; 8 p.m. spoko Canadian lliglilauder 2H mile from I'rincc iluperl bound for Yokohama; strainer I'diice John in llecale Slrail southbound 12.30 a.m.; 1.15 a.m. spoke steamer Oueeii loading at Wnn- gell southbound; 0 a.m. steamer Prince tleorge oft Walson llock sotilliboiiitd; G a.m. spoke steam er I tu fin d due al Ketchikan 1 1 a.m. northbound; liKAI) I'llKi: POINT. Cloudy; calm: barometer 30.23; lemper- afure 50: sea smootli. HULL HAliliOIl. Misty, calm: liaiomeler 30,18; temperature 50, sea smooth; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Spokane 250 mile from Ketchikan northbound; K p.m. spoke lug Lome olf Camp Island northbound; H p.m. spoke Canadian Farmer I OH miles from Ocean Falls bound for Ocean Falls. (Noon JMOllY ISLAND.- -Clear; calm: barometer, ,'I0,IH; lempeniliiic, 0(5; sea rmoolh; Princess Alice out 10.15 a.m. northbound; II a.m. steamer Prince Itupeit abeam 'Klewtiuglfet due Prince Hupert 3 p.m. northbound. Di:.D THKlPOINT. - Cloudy, calm; baromelif 30.27; lempera-lure 02; sea smooth; lo a.m. in steamer Prince John southbound. HULL IIAllltOIl. 1k; northwest wind;? ibmonielei' 30.18; llemiiiralilre 'SSj 'iiea smooth. . ..JtS' . . FISH HARVEST 1 BIG THIS WEEK Total Landings or 911,600 Set up Record For Week so Far This Year The halihut landings for (he week, up to and including th-' tale al the Fish lLvcltaiific this monilntr. Mulled Oll.fioo pounds which constitute the largest to al for one week yet this year. While lite landings have heen particularly heavy during the week tt has not materially affected the shipments over the Canadian National llailway.. A tiuantily of fresh halihut now being brought in i being put Into cold storage by the variou cold storage plants both in (Canada and the t uited Stales a a guard gainst the closed fishing season which comes into effect in November next. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES High Low Huh I.OW High I.UW High ltw llizh Low Friday, July 27. 0.25 a.m. 2 13:19 p.m. t 7:00 a.m. 10:11 p.m. Saturday, July 28 I -.0K a.m. 13:50 pan. 7: til a.m. 10:55 p.m. Sunday, July 29. 1:10 a.m. 1 1 :.'l p.m. 8:23 a.m. 20 :3H p.m. Monday, July 30. 2:20 a.m. 10:10 p.m. O.nO a.m. 21:20 pju. Tuesday, July 31 3:in a.m. 15:55 p.m. .0 :.lrt a.m. .'2.1 p.m. 1.0 0.1 it 5.V 21 ll I 5 21 10 I 5 2ft 10 10. 10. 3. 0 ft. ft. ft. It. 2 ft 6 " I " 5 " .0 fl. ,M " 3 " 5 fl. 7 " 0 " 7 " fl Hilbelhi r,4t V(I Nw SYNOPSIS 01 LAND ACT AMENDMENTS Minimum prt.. ot flrt-ela ibI r-duced lo 14 an scr: eondilaM U 12 10 an acr iTe-emptlun now eonftn4 to ur. vered lands only. Records will bs granted covertng JOiJ land rultabls for agricultural purposes and which l non.ilmbr land. Tartnershtp bollhH. but parties of not mora than (our may arranft rnr aajarem pr.mpiion with joint residanr. bu. each maklna ' neresMry ImproTemanta on r7ctlf claims. Ira-emptor must occupy claims lot j value of tit per acre. Including clearing and cultivation of at laaat k befa receiving Crown Oianl. Whera pra-eir.ptor In occupation nv lesa than 1 yers. ard haa mad pru portlurtte Improvements, h may, 1 cau of Ill-health, or othar cau, w granted litermedlate cert If lea ta of tm provement and transfer hla claim. Records wltnout permanent res. dene may t Isnued, provided appli ciM makes Improvements to snent of tl'il trr annum and records same eai-t year. Failure to make Improvement! or record nmi will operate aa fo, fslturt. Title cannot be obtained lu ess than I years, ard Improvsmanu of 1 10 00 per acre. Including aciaa cleared and cultivated, and residence of at ieat I tear are required. I're-emrrtor holding Crown Orant may record another pr.mptlon. If he toiuirea land In mnlunetlori with hl farm, without actual occupation, provided statutory Improvements mad and residence maintained on Crown granted land. Ursurveyed areaa. not eireeding 20 ..cres, may b leased aa homaaltaa, title to be obtained after fulfilling residential and Improvement condition For grating and Industrial purrxeea areas exceeding (41 acres may t Irai-eo bvont person or cunmsny, Mill, factory or Industrial sltea on timber land not exceeding 40 acres may be purchased: conditions include imyment of stumpag. Natural hay meadowa Inaccessible by existing roads may ha purchased conditional upon construction of a road to them. Rebate of rn-half of coal ol road, not exceeding half of purchase price, la mad. PRC-EMPTOR!' FREE GRANTS ACT. The oopa of this Act Is enlarged k Include all persona Joining and serving with Ills Majesty'a Forces. Th tim. within which th heirs or devisees of a deceased pr.mntor may apply for title under th Art Is HI ended from for one ysr frm the death if such person, aa formerly, until on year after the conclusion of the gteat war. This privilege Is also mad r I roost It. No feea relating to pre-emption, are due or payabl by soldiers on pr. empllona recorded after .fun 21. till Taxes are remitted for flv yeara. Provision for return of moneys ae rrued. due and bn paid sines August 4, 1D14, on account of psymants, ; i.r taxes on soldiers pre-emption. Interest on sgreementa to purchase town or city lota held by member of llled Forces, or ie;.enderta. acquired direct or Indirect, remitted from enlist ment to Mareh It, l:o. SUB. PURCHASERS O' CROWN LANDS Provlilon mad for Issuane of Crown grants to ub.pirehaara of Crown Lands, acquiring rights from purchasers who failed to complet purchase, Involving forfeiture, on ful-flllmsnt of condition of purchase In. tsrest and taxea. Where sub-purchss-er do not claim whol of original parcel, purchase price du and taxes msv ba distributed proportionately over by OUyTi2A0PP'IC mU,t m4 ORAZINO Orating Act, lllf. for eyalematlc devslopmsnt of livestock Industry ore. vide for graslng dlatrlcta and ran administration undsr Commissioner AnnunJ grating permlta laaued based on numbers ranged; priority for stab llshed onrs. otock.ownera form AasoclaUon for rang manaji. may mnt, Fre. or partially ft,, urnfu, to't tt cmpr, or rllrm, uj Phone 376 The House Phone 375 of Quality Watch This Paper for Universal Shoe Sal e Greatest on Record Sec Our Advt. on Page Three UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Proiiip' delivery all parls of I'rtiire ll Satisfaction or Money Back. Wo Prepay Mall Ordta WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. Harold Lloyd aaaaxaaaMMnaHMHMjiBaBSSMaaBsaaBBisaaBBaataaBaBasaaaasxeasi In the Great 7-Reel Mlrthqutke. 'SAFETY LAST bl,.-l..! I. Mght.-r ( Will set the n' rs e S Kirsl. Sb!'' t:n- i v 1 1 tuition- and c , .. ti "Surely Last." CENTURY COMEDY "A FAMILY AFFAIR." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 50c and 25. JMsk l 7! DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8. 9 Smith Block Office I lours. 9 to 9 lone 575 Lady Aiinta Coast Steamships Sailings Jrom Prince Rupert S.S. F iince Rupert and Prince George FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8EATTLE, IntermediiU foinis, moncay, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNE8DAY, 10 FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 8.8. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen CharloUt Islands July 25, Aug. 8 and PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EX0CPT SUNDAY. ... !'r",r IH'I'Tl dslljr except Sundiy at S.41 pm. fur rr.:: J hitmonton, Wlnnlpeir, rtlrecl rntinecllon all points Caslern Canada and i Slates, 9 . aofnxr ro all ooun itiamship links. Cltr Tlttel Office, 827 Third At, Prlnc Hupirl. Psest .CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, 8.S. PRINCE88 ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and 8eattle, June 3, 8, 10, 23, 30 July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25. il' For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and 8kagway, , June 11,18, 25 j July 2, 6, 13, 1620, 23, 8.8. PRINCE88 BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, Cast Bella Bella, Oce1 Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vn couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all 8teamshlp Lines. Full informntion from , . I S f r AnAll.nn m m w. w. ununnnu, uenerai Mrjeni. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD' Haillnii from Prince iiuprrl, or VANCOUVin, VICTORIA, Ocean falls, and Swanaon aaj, Tusadar. for VANCOUVin, VICTORIA, Alsrt Bsy, and Swanaon Ba, Saurd "' roe ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STIWART, Walaa Island, Sunday 10 f--For PORT SIMPSON and Naa Riser Oannarlas, Friday A.M. , OIJ tnd Avrnu. j. SarnsUy, Ajsnt. I'rlnr Impvf'