GOODYEAR TIRES Are better, last longer, ride easier and the famous Goodyear tread makes them safer. KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet Dealers Phone 52 and Black 379 a “_ Pid ® >, * es | | Tomorrow’s Tides v6 r ol DB rc High ...... ee eons 88- - 16:49 p.m. 18.6 ft. | « TA 11:00 am. 17.6 ft. 23:15 p.m. 5.1 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER 6 vol. XXIII, No. 301 a — = PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, DEC EMBER: 31, eee em 19 32 EDITORIAL | NEW YEAR GREETINGS Tomorrow begins a new year. The old one passes without any regrets. It has been a period of chastening. To a few the chas- tening has been too severe and they have fallen under it. To oth- been greater activity ers it has a Stimulus to Increased keen ness and greater watchfulness. It brought the message that the old of of spending and of high finance had era speculation careless passed. To many who had been denied the right to work for a living it brought irritation and. in some cases, despondency; to oth rs it brought the desire to agi tate for a change that would make another such a year as 1932 im possible The new year is full of hope for betterment, Every day that passes brings ws nearer the time when the industries of the country will once more be flourishing and the wnempleyed working. There may be no return to conditions as they sere in 1978 but there should be a cradual improvement commence ne early in the new year. Those whe are new despondent should with the be invigorated hanging cenditions and enter nto life ence more with their old est It is diffieult te say much about Prince Rupert just now. We have had our setback like other places As impertant factors in the pro duction ef feed, the people here have been as hard hit as the far mers, grain growers, poultry rats ers and fruit growers. Low food | prices have proved nigh fatal to the city’s greatest industry Ry ng it is hoped the price of food nmodities will hav advanced 1 point where production of halibut will be profitable. A lew would make all the diffe: e between profit and loss, The ermen have learned to operat ' omically, Now every advanet n price will prove a very material The advance in food prices ' d to come soon and, with tt ¥ me greater prosperity te the producers and for other Pendent industries, The cycle o! improvement, which has neve! failed in the past, will not fail this time, Because of this and 'n ‘ite of the inability of the People’s leaders to take effective action, we know that better tim tre close ahead, The natural law rotation insures improvement the very near future Under these conditions Ww treet the people of Prince Kuper! ‘nd district cheerfully and wish Sa appy and prosperous ney Year! Hritih Pound and Canadian Dollar on New York Exchangé NEW YORK, Dec. 30:—The B 1 sterling closed he local foreign ¢% 'hursday. The Cat ed at B& Dominion Conamninial Declines Loan Direct But Suggests Remedy Otiawa Would Lend Money to Alberta Government to “Meet Situation”"—Bank of Montreal Refuses Municipality Further Credit CALGARY, Dee. 31: (Canadian Press)—The Dominion government absolutely refuses to loan the city of Calgary sufficient gold to enable it to pay United States exchange rates on $2,135,000 in debentures maturing in New York m January 1, Hon. Edgar N. Rhodes, minister of finance, as advised civie auth orities. s. Mr. Rhodes said, however, | Albert 7 “REDS GET Ye : Bank of Mor BUSINESS wou extel I fur ity owing to the sr to pay $300.000 ex. Muge Order for Lumber Placed With aia’: | Soviet by British Importing Mayor Andrew -Davidson~«aid, Firm, it is Revealed have t 1s LONDON, Dec. 31 Canadian This would include! Press!--An agreement was signed today between Timber Distributors Limited and Soviet timber interests whereby Timber Distrbutors import from New Year Message (i202 ct" Vancouver Report VANCOUVER MacMillan lumber during 1933. | Dex 31 H R. | British Co- prominent announces | ' lumbia lumber exporter that he has been advised from Lon- don that a British lumber import ing firm has placed an order in So viet Russia for $20,000,000 worth of | lumber If aC em ed fror Londo have been entered int between Timber Distributors Lim t al Russian timber interests for 800,000,000 board feet of lumber for the British market is sanctioned yy the British government and the be tual i ved to ence! Great Br I \ be utterly u I Canada ex] t any ma il ‘ he ade t Wa il ‘ ivem d here PREMIER S. F. TOLMIE ay t nem be f the delegatiol {tl British C robia lumbt n- | istry Ww ly irveye e | Britist ! market with a vie wi to increa busines fo Britis} \ { umb her NO PAPER MONDAY j } M day, being a atutory holiday | \ eit the observance of New Year here will be no regular edition of the Dally News. The next regular sue will appear Tuesday after points noon More Freedom For Inmates Of Canadian Penitentiary Institutions Is Provided rrPAWA. Dee, 31: (Canadian Press)—Greater { .v) : ‘ . : i ites of Canadian penitentiaries is ew prison regulations which become 4 ‘ \} nday next, p vor nversation, installation of elec- ' in co | and dormitories for reading pur- o” of hair on incarceration to be thy “military” or short hair cuts and greater arette papers and smoking are new regulations. opp ; .. ee ot COO, | will} Russia 609,000,000 SELL GRAIN BUILDING dian Press) sale to Soviet This Proposal | If Manchuri sn ving Manchuria Hi iiliteds of to disarm bandits and w TO RUSSIA Made by Wheat Pool—To Liliminate Burdensome Over-Suppiy Dec. 323 — Bartering ot Canada’s surplus CALGARY, of wh Russia is proposed year Alberta Cana- credit vat im end statement issued by the Alberta Wheat Pool The suggestion is also offerea that all wheat exporting coun tries should take similar steps and thus eliminate the burden some extra supply of grain on the world’s markets John Hover Lost Life on Christmas Day and Lee Williams, Both Well Known Alaska Men, Burned to Death NOME, Dec. 31: (Canadian Press John Hoyer and Leo Williams 'both well known in Western Alaska were burned to deat! a fire which destroyed their cabin at | Deering northeast of here, on | Christma Day. Word of tl louble fatality has just reached her: e+ +t? @ eee e & + + + * CANADA'S FAVORABLE + + TRADE BALANCE FOR + + 1932 FLETY MILLION + + + * OTTAWA, Dec. 31 (Canadian * Press) Canada's favorable + * trade balance for the calendar # * year 1932 will be slightly over # | * $50,000,000, it is announced by # }# the Dominion Bureeu of Sta- + # tistics + * . ee? @ @ &@ Gee eee o “+ - ates Teale Make It Impossible for Canada To Do Business There as Moscow Wants to Sell Its Goods for Cash and to Purchase Its Own Requirements on Basis of Long Term Credits i OTTAWA, Dee. 31: (Canadian Press) —The deal, so far |4s it was ever started, to exchange 100,000 Canadian cows |for Russian petroleum is off. Col. Herbert J. Mackie, who |returned to Ottawa today after a visit in New York with Peter Bogdanov, chairman of the Amtorg Trading Cor- poration, admitted the accuracy of reports from New York that there was no prospect® pend children for such a barter. “Russia's policy is to sell its pro- ;ducts for cash and to buy what it | requires on long term credits,’ Col. Mackie declared, “and it is only on these terms that a deal couid be {put through either with Canada or any other country.” BENNETT RECEIVER Vancouver Alderman is Namea Commissioner For, Municipal- ity of Burnaby VICTORIA, Dec. Press) | Vancouver has been named com- lanissioner for the munielpality oz Burnaby by the provincial govern- | iment. His Salary will be $4,500 per |} year and he will be given compiete | leontrol of all affahe of the muni- cipality. ‘Sir Auckland Geddes Hurt ———— | the dogs are going to sing trained near Tokyo ped to China. 31—(Canadian WS are b 1 be shi, IS DOWN Prince Rupert, Like All Other Places | On ontinent, Shows Substan- tial Decrease This Year Building permits issued in the] Fermer British Am*assacor to the ity of Prince Rupert during the} United States Injured Aboard ear 1932, ending today, totalled Ship While Crossing $54,230 in value as compared with Atlantic $156,443 in 1931, $148,694.50 in 1930, | $91,296.82 in 1929 and $160,379 in LONDON, Dec. 31 Sir Auckland | #28. The decrease of building value ‘Geddes. formerly of McGill Univer Ald, John Bennett ox/ Ottawa Romance Culminates in London Wedding LONDON, Dec. 31— A romance which began at the Imperial Eeo- nonic Conference .in. Ottawa lds: summer has culminated here -with the marrisge of Miss Diana Kings- mill, daughter of Admiral Kirigs- mill of Canada, to Capt. Vietor Gordon Lennox. The groom was & member of the British press dele- gation to the conference. Assize Dates For 1933 Are Stated Supreme Court Will Convene Here Next Yeat on May 4 and | September 14 VICTORIA, Dec. 31: (Canadian ; Press!—Dates of spring and fall assizes for 1933 include: Prince Ru- jpert, May 4 and September 14; : Prince George, May 11 and Septem- . i ber 21. MAYOR'S MESSAGE The year 1982 has proved a very difficult one for many people but it is my sincere opinion that we will see better times during the coming year if the same courage is displayed as in the past. May I wish one and all a happy and pros- perous 193: C. H. ORME, Mayor. 1 Prince Rupert is about propor-!sity at Montreal and later Britis ate with that which has been/ambassador to the United States | orded cities in anada and/is reported to have been injur a} United States during 1932 aboard the German liner Bremen} During the past year eleven new/on which he is returning to Eng-! build Ss, including one apartment, land after a visit to New York block and te esidences, were er- een | 1 in the city } | _ Vancouver Wheat | | December List The building for December | VANCOU VER. raion 31 iCa-| ear, totalling $1,125 in value, ..dian Press)—Whe al was quoted} AS TOMOWS at 42\4c on the local exchange! V. Reda, general repairs, Fulton yesterday | treet, $25 | VANCOUVER, Dec. 31 (Canadian | Chris Berg, residence, Ambrose | press).-Wheat was quoted at 42%c Avenue, $1000 jon the local exchange today Alex Barbe, residence, Alfred treet, $500 Mrs. Robert Dowther, addition to residence, Eighth Avenue East, $200. aaa Waray Has Birthday Former Governor Alfred EB. Smith Fifty-Nine Years Old Yester- day—Family (jive Him Dinner — Ring out the old year NEW YORK, Dec. 31 Former Governor Alfred E. Smith yester- day celebratea this fifty-ninth Throw out your chest birthday given he was his wife In the evening a dinner party by All pull together and In Hateful Memory of Old Man D. PRESSION Who, after a period of terrible anxiety, passed away quietly and was decently interred on December 31, 1932. Depression is ending—it’s now up to you, , ring in the new! , lads, swing up in line, smile, darn you, smile!