THE DAILY NEWfl rkoz Tnntfi BROOKLYN EAGLE PARTY Local and Personal j IS LEAYING TONIGHT!i tarn XKW.YollK, June Tlifl II. (1. Unlet takers. V bone 41. If llrooklyn I'.nili' parly leave lliin evening Tor Montreal en route lo Distinctive Hayner. Under laker. I'hnue Alukn. They will visit n ureat 351. tf . tunny iniinlH or inleresl in t'.an-Hil.i IIHIIOIIII, WH II l!ssrlg ..j. making slop iver nt kiicIi BLUE fj I a Hi a distinctive match. Even plaee as Wairiwrixlil, Illiffalo from the box I Ih1 MtU train for Kmilliei - when taken am I'nrk. Juier 1'ark. Monnl llolison I" easily recognized. My brilliant Mi- ' l-iuHI -ml lai Park, nml various ullier places head a band of blue, tipped with rid niirlil V11111- Ami will utinJy roiiililionn Ifl Alaska. Is the mark of my Identity. 1 outer tin u -- The main olilerl is fnlake I rip. purl in the ileilirylion of .Mount I hare c?cry quality that a match MrKinley I'nrk. can have eyery added safety and For Plumbing arid IIKATINU, lighting, long certainty sure W. Longwlll. I'hone lilue 270, 'i soups Til rough I lie eioirlesy of lliq burning, non-poisonous, no ir I'.O. Hox 730. If William liolillilii in t sailing Alaska Sleamsliip Cunipaiiy, the after-gloTf. I am Indeed l"ini,i i'iu ufirriiooii tin I lie rii-lure different and better. I'igle will he nlloweil nil fa Ili'v. anir Mf, ;H A. Ciml.Iniy. for Vniieouvei . paj-ly Chu Wn For a special To? hour nml a half in I'rinee Htlperl "f Killmant. nailed lal night un Look for my head -a band obhe, I ClArl MJj treat try Clark's 1 In- l'rliiri! Iluperl fur Vancouver. W have severnl -naps in small siiilnhly luring which eiileHaliieil lime they locally.will he mim? tipped vith red. Ask for me by Vvll Million Brotli I fooal ami four cycle engines. name. M Jul;. Jt is.wonderfully cr.. V Have .l uiiey! liny our Nutiaitno-Wrlllnglon Noi l In-i ll Kxrliauge. MM HOTEL ARRIVALS " Sm. dcliciouK. OtT.a Xul Oial nl 113.5(1 11 -s BLfSZEjk Pea A I rf.l.n tv-' Hr inn. Albrrl A MrCafrery, I.UI. tf Madame l.illlun I'onro, charK- Prince Rupert HF5 A" O"' '' ' - i'il wilh Inloxloaln'ii. was re. 4. II. Agar, Amshury; C II. K" fsW h'CnoJa Approved labt, P.'i-iixi-ii, hi uiiIhiiI for I lit mamieil for einlit ilays in llieclly hayfoftl Yicloria; W. F. Iiennv. w CLH limit. MONmAl ItiijfHl I Co.. all(t IhM niiilil police eoiirl Mils iiwirnlng. Uimluji: Jmlac llohnrlsoii. Fort on the I'rlliPf- ltucrl for Yaucuu- (teorgT: A. V. Curler, Oceanie: !. Mrs. Harry Sife nml il.iujililer. I'elersnii. Shames: Mrs. W. IO.S-Z3 of Anyux. arrUrnl on the I'rlnce Hale. Oilick: II. I). Soi thnm. II. i;nii. II. OiiiiiHtuii, iiwUrr of lluvcrt from Hie norlli lust nixht W. lrnili, F. Larsen an.I l. M. t ii litililhoiixf lMiilrr Newinu tor. ami enlraiiifl for Winnipeg Walson, tyox: 'I'luttnas A. II. "iiili-il IhhI mvht on (lie J'riivetf her they will sjieml a lioliilay Ferris. W. C. Ilohklrk. F. V. In-I- llui"Tl for YMiii-nirVrr. roiirl nml It. II. Sims. Yancomer: I: I Aho bochct size 4.. Mrs. C. Whatman, senior, of It. Sweeney. I.orkeport. i i Rupert" Brand JiKlur rHfiHTtH4ni. of Fwrt I he llearh aarlliicnl sleppeil Central ' i..c,i ui . nrrivcij nil li.l ntfrtil'it throuxh lite shlesAnlk yesterday Mr. ami Mrs. Samlerwon, Sal- MAPLE train lo i(piili. mm rne liflnt. evening when lesiving Hie Salva mi: i;ari iioiin. KeiriuKnn. Iiimii-H 111 lh' :.iiihI' Court. lion Army cilmlel on Frascr SI reel, i-nusin a painful injury Hearing of the ehni-KP of I'tii' C.N.R. traimr I'rinon In her leg. sun II luitl I'V Mr. Siimlersnn. of MATCHES licornc. l'.Bif. V. N Mooreliourf'. Salvns, agaiusl llii'tinril Connelly, ilui' from VanMv'r nlnl way The L''iiHn leanier Yenlure, is proceeding in the County Kippers lvrl at : thin Hflernoon. im r--IHirti'iJ Capl. A. Jolmslone, arrived this taourl this afternoon before THE CANADIAN MATCH C9-LIMITED.MONTREAL lo rrif at 1.15. morning at IU:15 from Yaiicoti Judse lliM"rtsoii ' of lrinc ver and wayimrt ami sailfl ul lieorgewho is acting in place nt I'lif I.m.Iiow AW of Ihe Irn- 1 1 t.'ttl for .Naas Itlver points. Tin1 Judi:e Young. Witnesses arrived iiyicnan cimrch will bout a vessel is echeiluled lureliirn and from the interior on last nivlii ale of Iiohi rooking and candy ail for Yancouver al nKn t- I rain. W. l. Fulton appears for JT FY A JS" Put it in your pocket and on haiuntu) afternoon, June 2.'T Hmrrow. Mrs. and Milton ;..ii- DAILY in i riiiiity store on Hiiril 4 zules f..r Ciiiuelly. V V V t Puts your trip in SMOKED Avi'imt' opiiiMile I lie Hank of of Hie II. M. Smith, purser pictures. i i Monli-ral. Ii sleniiier Yenlure, will lake over CHANGE OF TIME - - the i.fliee of (he new 1'iiiim KODAK FILM lhXX A t. .VIpk M(M-fiiitu-. Mrrrtnr) steamer Oanlena when Dial ves ON C. N. RAILWAYS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. rwli'iii.rf llif lirnai rH.rt WVir'Wtcriin lb iuviulMThi Aio- sel enters Hie Yaiicouver-I'rinc your size is here. service arriving of Dial iirKanuMlloii lo W k!ill lluperl-Anyiix Kfferlive Sun.lay June 2 1111. PRINCE RUPERT here on Sutnfay rveniiig, July I. Self Timers, Carrying vi'flimt. At Iht cural Mwiitiv there will he a tii'iieral Chanvc KODAK Ui- ni-lil fifteiMi new aoplira- H. K. Hughes, purser of the Chcl- of lime in I he srheilule of Pas Cases. Tripods. ohsiti. will sucecetl Mr. sjnilh on senger trains on the Canadian die Yenlure. Ilerl Klslen, chief Natlntial Kys. After that dale, ACCESSORIES Portrait Attachments M, Calliro ami MrKnielit tewnr.l of tlitlilol.sili,"w.HI be passenger train will leuvt Priuc they re all in stock Iraiisferrct l IliuwCaidetiu in lluperl for the Mast Haily F.xcept SPECIAL! iii i iu'il 111 I lie rity from Anyoi here. sjmilar 'B4Kjt- Sun.lav at 0.45 p.m. instead of I lal ninlil Miitt look I tie train for 1Tir . .. . ... Ji. .....i : i i r ; IIm- Ca-I ImiIIi liifiiu on lioliilay - jr om 3i"."vt aim hiii nrnir i ro ill uic Let us help you plan a Kodak Outfit irii. The fol'iin'r khiiib I Wilh tttf jrtwiipe jHhle- rrl., ,alj.. ,.xt.,.,,t Tuesday, n' (iaiiailian Xaliviiiit .trains east' for good pictures and lots of fun Toronto ami tin- lalli-r lo W'iimi. -. i.jii p.m. insteuil or p.m. Good Quality ami hkxlHn. ami west .SPjlig U'lw ClTei't ! Full particulars at City Ticket .. inorruw. I here will also be u(irrire Phone 2u. 151 Wheat, $2.70; Scratchfood, $2.85 I inar llcycr. Alaoka orH. change in Ihe lini.'of arrival moll ORMES LTD tor. xaili-il lt iimbl on th closing of Kitsleru mails al Ihe SUMMER EXCURSION 100 lbs. 100 lbs. I'rnire llui-il for Seattle iM.-ollire. Muils will arrive it f per rr afroiml 1:30 and rl-c at :3U mail The Rexall Stores Phones 209,..82 and Ji 11 William on FARES VIA CANADIAN SPECIAL PRICE OS LOTS OF FIVE SACKS OR OVER I ! hy OieulM-rir. I- the mail im.'...ii ihkI M. Jai'oli. Xew lays, (ruin leaving lien Prices on othtr Feeds also reduced York Imyei-H who liavi- Im-imi iil- ill : t r on Mon.l.iy, Wcduesilay NATIONAL RAILWAYS in: tin- rity for thf few and Friday evenings. Mails will fjie Brackman-Ker Milling Co. Ltd arrive on Monday. Thurday uud The Canadian Nalmnal lla.i I lie Mllliallll W ill liolil mi -X- Saturday evenings. ways ami.Mince special low rontut DENTISTRY PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. rurion neil NiititUy. .lime !. trip Summer Fxcursiou Fares l. Iial leave- Crinee lliiierl lloat- WIRELESS REPORT Jasper Xalioual I'ark, KtliiNint." . Iixiiki- at Ml H.m. 'INrkelM Sllr S a.m. Caliy. WinuiH'g ami I'omi.H i, 1 1 ri MK your luneli ami iliie. Ill I.I. IIAltltlllt. light rislern Canada ami the I n ..i itoiiimitlee will nerve lea ami er. iiorlliwesl uiml haniiueier 2'..0 Stales. Full particulnrs al Citt Dr. Jos, Maguire Coast fee. All Seaiuliliat weleome. Ticket Steamships Ihiin (iffiee, 58 Thinl A. leinperaliire 50; light swell; 8 s I'hone 2ti0. If), Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block spoke sjeamer llc.l.ui.l.i IKj Sailings from Prince Rupert II. I). liilihoiiH, presiilenl of the . mile miles north of Ketchikan QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DISTRICT, Office Hours. 9 to 9 ll"url of TraJe ami S. J. Mr- iiorllilHiiitid; M p.m. spoke steam j l.einl, ier-presiileiil, left on the Application to Lease Foreshore Phone 575 Lady Assistant S.S. Prince Rupert er Alaska SOI miles sou 111 of I ruin Inst niuhl for l.kele lo Lands. Ketchikan soulhhouml; H p.m. In Oil.'.Ml Charlotte f.nml Ilisl and Prince inuke I George he necessary arraiijre-meiils spoke steamer tirilTeii SAT. miles trict. Itei'onling DUtrict ofi FOH VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate in roiinisi'lion wilh the nhiilh of Anyox u.ivIIiImhiii.I. I'rinee lliioerl. ami sitoiiiii i I fisliiny evpiMlilion I here of Sir iivuiii or Mulecliiick Creek. Kagan Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, n p.m. Henry Thortiloii over the veek-eml, IF..I TJIHK I'UI.VI'. - IllWtr: liuy. Skiileuate 1 lllel liriiliam FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. culm; liuroineler, 21i.(l; leiuper-illure, i.iauu, Jl.l.. FRIDAY, 10 SI; sea siiioolh. Take Xoticn Unit v u in FOR STEWART p.m. : . " .. " '' y DKillY ISLAM .' theiVast. ..on is. oi Vancouver, li.l . m en. i 8.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte I'.ily Solii-iliir II F. Jones snileil pal ion miner, intends to apply 25th culm; liuroineler, ilt.7ll: lemper-ulure DID YOU lilaid June 13th, 27th, July 11th, jl.i-l uiwht on Ihf I'riurc lluperl ior permission to lease f.. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. lor Yirloriu haviutf hei-n cnllcl 50; seu smooth; spoke lowiiiu itescribe.l foreslioie tun,I. Lutt ' '' II l" n dalit i-io-ih mih.h.v ( ( mi p.m for rnn.e Orrr. steamer HI Ciculo. Ynncoiner for IrflinineilCllll: at H tui.l nlnnln,l ul f diii ml. n, W iium r nun i i iiwi i til il K.iK-ru i;mtat I'ullrd south in eonuei'tiun with the llucktey Hay, SKI tulle south nT high tide mark on the west bauit Stole. U.T.I'. Ili'M'lopinenl ro.'n taXHlion of Slaleclipck Crc-k. ahout t.Sou AOfNCV fON ALL OCEAN ITIAMIHIP LINKS. lluekley Hay; 1 1 :;iu p.iu, sleamer icei west or or tlie southeast coi uppi'iil Hlni'li will he 1 1 en n I in Mi" citr TUt om, sar tuir ., rrmc Rup.ri. rtim eo. I'rinee lluperl out spulhliouinl. ner post of Lot I; 'thence 10 THINK I'.olirt of Appeuls next week. The Noon ciiains Kouilieaslei'lv lloowu In Jcane is ilue I" conn' up next IUH.I. IIAIIHlill. chains norlhenslei'lv- llmnr. in I Monday. -s- Cloudy. cnains noi itiwesierly; tlienre fol IikIiI tiorlhwesl win.l Imromcler. low nix uign wuter mark to point CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ?l.Htl; lemi.crulure, ; "ti;: light of coiiimenreinent. and containing What the smoke-filled valleys meant to you last in swell. acres more or Icsh. iHISSIkauSr WILLIAM CKOIUii: year? McMOIUUS. B.C. Coast Services f . UKAII TIIF.F. I'til.VT. Clear . .paten ainv i'0, IU?3. 'culm; barometer, 2.7T ; lempern- Jure 7,t; sea smooth, QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIS What the timber charred, burned, and blackened-means .Sailings from Prince Rupert HKillY Isl.AMt. therms!. Application Purchase Land. to YOUR future? . o " jciiliu; horomeler, 20.70; lemper-ii In Oueen Charlotte l.iui.l Hi. S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS Al-iot. I lire, 01; sea smoo'lh; a.m. I rid.-according llistrict of Prince That the wages paid last year for the tie crop For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, Plus 1o Canuiliaii Transporter in; I(I..'Ill itipcri. umi situate in Kaguu along the Grand Trunk J- nay. .-ai.legale inlet, ami known was approximately 28. June 3, 8, 16, 23, 30 July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, Per Piece, H.m. Yenlure in noi'llilioilml. as llnrnl Island, lying to the For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, southwest of l.ina Island. $383,000? June 11, 18, 25 July 2, 6, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27. FISH ARRIVALS Take .Notice that V. n. Mc-Morris. . S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. M Four hulihul l.nals sold Sll.Sllli cupation of miner,Yuucouvcr.inleml Hi;lo apply iu. That the forest will remain a source of revenue For Dutedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean a pound '..ims of fish ul IIm' J'i,, Ivv-chuug ior periiiiftsiou lo purciluse m to you If kept green? Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-couver, FLOAT-IRONED lliis im.ruing, nrrlvuls following ileHcrihei lands: Com. every Saturday at 1 p.m. Family Service ,111111 sales being us follows: northeasterly meucing al a post corner planted of nt Hiirnl the Then be careful with fires. Do not destroy your Agency for all Steamship Lines. I Fl'Uliln. J.IIUII poiuuls, ul Uc. Island thence following shoreline own livelihood. Full ii roi'inahon from All of your w.ihiny go 'and Or I.. Ilic ..yal Fish Co. of said island to point of W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. pr cm or your ironing lliclma II 8.Mm pounds, III commencement. containing 20 Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. v.rytbing; r.iurnod dry i l; and I lir . uim) I allow, f twenty WILLIAM ai r.'S liKOIHU tnore or less You simply touch up a Mc.MOnniS. f.w out.r (rm.nla .uch 000 pounds al l lr uud llic to llslst Mat 0!S IQ"t Prevent Forest Fires w.lsta, blou houi. the As 1 1 n ! kIi.'i'ii's UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. dr.utt,Phon. ua with today.h.nJ-iron. llipl " I H,mill : .iinds, ul (,k llnst to l S.lUiif. 'r.m rrmc nup.r. and lOr hi i lie 4 uiiiidiait Fih A CATARRH for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Hr. tU tU !! Smi"ll . Tu.tti P.. CANADIAN Cold Siorugc Co el tha It for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert HJT aittl 'ii H. ttiuri.t Noon. STEAM LAUNDRY. i The Tut low ills., had j?o BatUaU!I!3H BLADDER Xia,HuM Pays fr ANYOX, ALICS. ARM, Aruutl.1", VU' Id. A I'MI SIWJMlou, Sund Mld'hl. BaWTTT?VVaaW for NAAS RIVCR CANNIRItS f,M, Phone 8. Ipound of jed salmon which wasl rtJf.MlllaW Crh C.natila i tt4 Avrnue jack MRNSLtr, A9.nL mur. nu..n, n.c. jtold i" the At I ill fisheries ul Or btwt pama Sf '"nul. ,