UNION BANK IS ACTIVITY IN H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. ON SOUND BASIS MINING STILL Phone 370. THE HOU8E OP QUALITY. Phon 7 13th Anniversary AT SMITHERS Pre-Inventory Irregularities In Foreign Ex change Cause Reorganization With Reduced Dividend Dulhle Examines Propertv In SALE ! Bab na: Road Building rro- STATEMENT IS ISSUED gresses Fast The Secret of SALE WIN.NII'Ku. .In IK' SI. Th S.MI MIl;tlS. June II. V. LAST DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. niiin Hunk nf I'.lunula today i- Its Success llonnl. nf IMmonliMi. Aha . wm aiied n alateliifiil to it rhnr inn a lnilne inn lien- in eon Practically Everything In the Store at Reduced Prices. holder rewaiiliiiH it affair. It . inn-lion with lit nilniiiK rlalnm lnid in part Hint ahorlly after Ihe ij THE SALVATION ARMi ,, lhi.int Hay .Mounialn. hern LADIES' SUITS. last animal Keneral jiieetliiR I lie not only believed that there 'before he left for home y way of Hperial ullrutioii i tlirerteil lo lhi uppor-limily 'thrii lO'iH-ial niniuoier irimrl-'d li was hope for the worst, it went 1'rtn. e llii.. i l ami Yam-outer, lie THE THflirTY THE CROWDS RECOGNIZE THt h to iinli;i-o u really high sroile Suit ut the preiient nml direi'tnr tin1 after the worst-in the slum. 'I'"'. " wr'r "u' h MONEY SAVING EVENT liriivery of certain miiiulluiri cd ilit mi' iriM'i-i s anu i'inro ti lc. than inanufiirliirer' price. in the gutter, in the prison- We have iilmiil 15 uT thee Snils lo liti!c Iran-ai'linn. in fiireimi rxrhaiuti .return .In.ill) ! "lull tlevliii- OUR LARGE CLEAN STOCK OF or mill prires ranjfe from from which cnuahleraldc loss re- It is still doing this ail nifiil Mink. MERCHANDISE MLr $27.00 to $35.00. -ulleil In I In- dank wlileh lo. hail I J. I .iMilliie. ni'iuiAiwi turd ty uu hl ni-tu int IIOOM, THIS IS YOUfl CAlu All snil tailored and perferlly fhii'licil. In heen fully provided for. Ilavmu over the world iiiiniiijj eiiuiueer. ami rjpert 1 OUR LOSS. tejrard. however, to all Mirrotitul-'iiia mi a ilt of liiMieetliiu lo the Hie usual Wiiy they eould not be sold under rircumtaiire and view of $1.1.00 (o $55.00. in q YOUR contribution The ""'7 '' " to f' llie chatific of the general man- im'i-iiM-iil of the hank a tlinmiiph SALVATION ARMY Annual ' " " . I" "u.!": DRESSES. rxaminaliiiii and revaluation or SERVICE APPEAL lH Miretiae thi pmii. $30,000 Stock 10 Ladies' liresM' in Silks, Voile, (iiiiglmins ete. To the hank'. a.elw wa laler de- is a wise investment in practical U'ork i inireVliii! sleailil) ' riil.il iiion. Thin valuation elear ul $5.00 eaeh. wit ii llie uiMlnn llay Muuiilaiu Children's (iiiiRlmin drtes, all reduced. All sizes from Irondueted by liiwh executive Christianity. llie new u"W'riiiin'ut inad lo the COME EAnLY. 75c to $1.75. hank, auditor and an 1 C I I'11'!'''I hi'I'liiiK i Inaklun K'h.. WAISTS. executive officer of Hie Hank of Annual oervice Appeal i.ni.u. ami i Hie eiiS)ii"l inn Our entire toi'k of Kanrv Wail ul 20? off. .Montreal loaned for llie ptirpo-c if tile lll-tlrillallilll ill I Itr net UNIVERSAL - SILK CAMISOLES. ne valuation w now rnii- . ,mtehiiier now ul Ho mine, vlitli- TRADING CO. Five dozen Silk ami Crepe de Chine Uamioles. Values (dete.1 ami after caruel rooiil. .ujuiaiit i ,i. ni'ii,. liimnElll, - ,i . I - ,1'" . ,. ..ii... lie under way Outfitter To The Whole Jo 5.:5 for $1.25. ration I here linil lie.-n a tralisfcr n-riu.iiie. umj uitti ne an i-f,,,.. ,.,., Family. SILK GLOVES. Ifroin Hie real aicniiul In emtlin. len the fuiiils with whiel. to. II i iiinlerliMHt thai mm li We Prepay Mall Order. Satisfaction Or Monty pen! reaerve of the iiiu nf nerve Ilia raiiinuiinitv f n unollier ... . Pure Silk liloves. reg. 1.7.1. Tor $1.25 ir. .- " lllllllllllU MI'lltllV Ulll IUMI e - Children's l'araol for 75c each. fOIMHHI ami a re.lm Imn (r the r,-n i.ii .nr. innnii'. ;iriiMri) Children's Col Ion ll.-ds in lug v.iriely til 75c eaeh. dividend to Mtarehnlder of from llie luli'iiil. erei'liiiK 'veral CORSETS. 20', Discount on .ill line. ten to eipht fMr rent. J lie in. me Im-iii" Mil,i i, Hie naval au-4am for hi emttiiyres in nihil -Ni..r afillllimi hail been laeeil on a ilici. iimn ,t other ranm lroelure ound fiMdinp. Ihe nf !.. ihu j The liiiKueiiheini iieoiil.'. m li WESTHOLME THEATRE1 All Ladies' Hats, Half Price 750.0IMI hrina lefl ti Hie cmlil f Hie rent (Meonnt. RAT WPRF VVT RV ;,r "feralmir mi Itnme MimiiiIiiik. are "laleil lo have an ofilutn on Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. FRIDAY and SATURDAY the'I'lie nffii'er reinrl were furllirr liHikinir.talel forwiin'thai LADY WHO TAMED THEM J,"'- Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. -I'i-'-I ami reinr within a short uith rnnfiileiu-e lo the future r EXTRA SPECIALS I line Res. Ingram Presents the institution. The M-rore llie Jersey City Officials Had to Re drop Slitrli Lile Hose. Mark. While and llrown, 65c ikiir. "hareholiter in their IxHkf in move Corpses In Baskets drop Slilrh Hilk Hose. 95c pair. Ihe famianienlal Houndnros f After Slaughter Milburn's The Prisoner Talcum Powder, 15c jar. the liankV Hiitfon and iioinl mil Toolh Hrushes, 10c eaih. that all bad and ilouhlful arruiiul XKW June l I YOIIK. 21. Nail Hrushes. 5c eaeh. lire iimviilifi fnr and not onlv i Laxa-Liver Pills lanadian I'renn: Mr. Mary Crochet Cotton, all colors, 10c hall. Ihe Nink' rapital uniniaifnl hut IVifcin. u ho live at 1 Old Iter. Pearl CoUon. 15c hall. IN reit account is ntill iub-lnn The Great of Zenda en Ituexl, Jerey l!lly, rreenllv Knitting Yarn, all colors. 2 oz. halls for 25c tint. ili-rovere! wrat In her lioune. Hall Orders Promptly Filled. We Pay Delivery Charges. Ilein? afmiil of it, he dnl tint Liver Regulators MAP SIBERIAN COAST like lo Nsrtir il euruily by ap-earintr Taken fnun Hie jm it ii.,wl nf )i . Hnhntahle, mi lie ile- The omy ar lb lir n to prrtar uwl Itovnl i-iiiii.im e mil rl -n I ii i - Im i M.AIHMISTOK. June St. A rideil l lie friendly. he Iikmh " " WW W It- vvnril pin) n.milile lor kin.dun i'niiiilete imrv f Hie whole of it K.l. .r 1 1 .....l ..U....I ... ,. . u-oriu" mn-lerpiei e ( Knyh-li fn lion, lh l'ie liuiiau eiia.l line fnii lighllnl etltiiK". I V I.'hIm iilnk l llie extreme ,Kr ,w " ,,,r "M,r Ibmttt be. lb. ,r U lU'lii. .4 INSIST THAT IT IS Clean and iinrlli. .Nolhiiin- li.alh In aeeel lliee (,mat l trmtt to la safriflrsi qwa Up Ilia heeu i'MiiiMleleil. nml Ihe CENTURY COMEDY "TATTLE TUS." eviileme. ( nMm will. Ihe rat "lr Kf'lli is1 aUwr Urr Irwitlti 'marine i'l:arl of llie rual nr- FOX NEWS GAZETTE. ule the liremt, ilrunk Hie milk and ieiarle.l. Mr. Toln n I'liuvra- I M. II. O. HstrMaMia. rHerboeMih. Admission 50c and 25c Fraser Paint Up Now m lulaleil lierelf on her lael in OBI,MHbMM'tt MI:lAKS.lii- Ul eUla U-rO.rwl BlMf K Jroar ft..V. I li'illlli Willi tier oiiweleiMiie 'dane aw 11 r iwl i iilor. A lay or o later, how- Mjr aw bUKrl aw t mil J4l I ver. flie a- Imrrlfiei! by, rr M ltrvl U lb in tixl Martln-Senour, Preserving iinil tier i I fnuii Ihe ral. ubiii"""' " fyiamw. tn sma iuO'i pure 1'aiiiL mf nwscufjTt. im rr intnf, ii i Vallev -.line wild a down eiiMiiuiinoni) yase Put wM lo 4 Ox urk Itr Alabastlne, in kIimvv Ir iV Hiirerialini .,f lier Ultr iims tariMss I h4 rr Ukra" Shoe Sale Wall Smashing Sanitary Finish. kinilne Mr. Tutiiu vu mi Kyanlze, frtea tc ll tl H drtlm or Bull Strawberries lerrifieij lull ilul imiI kimw linw Hmt wt reertpl U ifM tf Tat T. HII- Varnish Slain. ixi ni Ga, Uoilud. TmtMi On I lo i'el rid nf I hem, mi -lie iur-Miei) ICE Neu-Ton, FOR FOUR DAYS ONLY her former plan of making M0TICE. Flat Wall Fiiiiuh. Vltrallte, frieutl. Knell day lie plaeeii Lasting From Wednesday Until S.turdiy. paiiK nf milk fnr Iheni aleiul Hie Ikr VHIlr uf mi ltrtMHi for Ihe ARRIVING We li.ive In'i Ihe hne liii-no Iahik Life Kuaiiiels. it ii in lioiie ami (.'I'liermioly ililrWnrlei en.tlaial imrrlr i,f Title Barretts Special, rv i-i tatro ikw si r ua im ilul we 1.IU u--'i'i- vim 1li.il - I'll hi i li loavr nf inead, mime ilayi lioliig HHMfml and .411 KM . htmn fin ISi. . CREAM Hiiiigle. Varnlsji. TODAY il ni.lrtrl i afi ofler .Shne .nnl giMal hoe. ,il llir o far a- lo lake no leu than leu II(-Iary pnuf tf U lux ur if Iioneil. Our "link i Ho te-l proiur-il' ' extra love for her i' iiunioiiK Imrifun ,,f irufirtir. I(r Title u. tl.. muH dalrd la H 4a of Vtay. HIS. we deal with rifhi nhiit. The "luiol l i" Kaien Hardware Tin- wenl for irue-lx. im oyer a nivriMi ifcr Mid land. ht-la( Imrrn pr ami o Jo we. forlnl-h'. during whieh lime the dure.1. ft l. no nilmlwia U, immn, I flat 608 Third Ave. $2.75 lav rilralimi imatth fr.au ika rirH STUDY THESE PRICES. r o d e li I " made themeelves The Height of Purity laililK-aiam ,.( u a.ue. a eaalakaal " P.O. Box 1646. Tel. 3. lhorouhly al home. iruri.nu f Titlr in IM naaia nf iaaa :t0 I'aira Miaaea 'Mlraji tianvaa .Si.jer-, J1.U Vaarkaii. uiik-.. i talia li'ai. la vtrrtt aainl rolor. Worili 1.7ft. Hale I'm Their milk" iin-ri'Meil dally tar. I. niij tbrrrtu IM I'aira Miaaea' Ankle (Uuva- JSI Slrap i I laiKl a-iri.r iirim-, ithh-i- huiiert. tit il ill Ihe iMiine Miey made al-Iraelei Per Crate H i . 1tU W IV1 'J. al.Ou value.. Hale I'rire ... Hie ulleulion nf Mr. II r Vlti ijnii i :,U I'aira Chililreii'a Hainlals. Hiie- H h-'ti.inr ir Tlllea. Hlrap FRESH FROM THE GARDENS Tohiu' iieiltborii, win. notified alue. Hale Vrir Dr.E. S.TAIT heallh ouial. Ilul Mr- Tohm "' OF B.C. 11 12 I'aira While Canvaa lavriiiff Hhoea. had iioue Im. far draw hark. 24 Basket Crate value. Hale I'riee . . Her only aivaii"u lay in aiuina n a 2: I'air Iwoliea' Whiles (niv Mxfonls and I' DENTIST. Vegetables Hie nil"" iiITitIiimi. mi. Ihiukinv $1 lo "S.sii lnea. Halle i'rire lo endear liemelf In llioni. kIii ... Helgereon Block, IH I'aira l.ailiea' Wliiln thilivna rilioea, low PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Lettuce, Celery, Tomatoes, hllill a ladder fnun a li"le lhe $1 V aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB ;i..ail lo fl.lMl value. Hale priee Office Hours, 9 to 6. lladiahe. (Jreeii Unions, Rupert Table Supply had made in Hie flimr lo auolliei-iii I 5(1 I'aira l.ailiea OxfiinU hikI ttrl ''I'l'" Ihe ri'"f Till- I'liiihleil II -I'ihIi'hI" Phone 686. Spinach, Cabliaye-. New Carrot. kill uml hrowii. Value lo 11.00. Sal- I Open Evenings Only For HceU and Turnips. i, .luue a "Hal llev lie 'tl i I' Phones 211-212. I'aira lllai k ami While Hatlu IKfunl- " ' Special Appointments. Ihe open hii every liiuhl. nml .i valiirn". Hale I'riew n-t" mini' li'im lur anil m ai Fruit Ilahiea' Hnfl Holeil Hho. I.S5 value. H..ie I'' vvillie. 1 1 1 1 1 if i i ii ul i ii Hie "rev i.' M I' Children' llniwu tilivn. Hhoea. leather -oh $1JI with I heir ligliU. Kinally health low. 2.50 viiliii'a, Hale I'rire t(ruw1ierrie', Gooseber-rica. flirem inleivened. and prepari''! Youth' llrown Cama Hhoea, leather oh -. - LINDSAY'S Pineapple, Cunleloie, a hamiuel Im Ihe raU -! I !iik a.'I.S.I value. Hale I'riee Cherries. ApiicoU, I'eaclie FARMERS' nf liread "naked in Mi'enir. Urn TliaTlttlaDlJierfy. " i: t aide-. Men" Hi Onvaa Hhoiv. leather ow n Cartage and Storage Plum. HaiianaK, Oranges, ollieial "lali'il thai when he rn-lered CofW& Willi bidiikir; sited iia :j.r0 value. Hale I'rire ... Lemons, and (irapofruil. Ihe kilrlieu Ihe finiir wa-eovereil Phone Meat l or Hid email auartment nr (Jirl.' I'alenl llool. wild while kid t. 68. Our wild Iv liundred quality i good and neui a t-raiiipeii livlnn room, the $l.tfft value. Hale I'rire . Cartage, Warehousing, and our prices are right. ral". ulm paid IhI Ihe nliuhleit! DOHERTY SMALL PIANO Mie' Patent Honl. wild while kil in-. -' 13 dialrihuting. Team or allentuui In liliii, 'I hey were, he will he a favorite. ' il.RO value. Hale I'rire Coal,Motor Band Service.and Gravel. F.W.Moersch Market one anirinei,arlually alionliitely lickel iU feailei.-.hand. uml Af-ler Ouality and l n have not been 50 I'aira .Men1 I'reaa Hline, hlio k nl luovvii ' aaerifired for We Specialize In Piano and Hie liiiuiitrl the rain were coinpartness. Hale I'rire J4.7I Furniture Moving, Phone 13, P.O. Box 123. These Low Prices are not removed in iu,kel. I'm Kale and for Kent at Meu'a WorkiiiK Hlioea. 0.75 value Hale I' Specials but Every Day. 70 I'aira Hueile Hlnip Hhoea. in lilaek. hi" 1 Walker's Music Store Lid. Value- ' .'in PEARL VALUED AT $60,000. iilao ill kid ami Milenl leather l'i ' iiliuii' Ham 38c Hale I'rire , If HmliiiK Href lh 60 1.10 I'nira Mdlea' While !iivh Hhoea. lujfh ,'V Ilih Weak 12'aO KVHXI.Y, Juue Tl. 'Ihe dia-envery ami Oxford, leiilher milea, nil sie- sirup $res EPSON COAL Dr.A.H.Bayne it llruolnv nf uieurl nf LADIES! Ili'iiiKi Hd uk 18o Uri gram", tif duuhle liullmi auil up. nuie i'rire -0J( Mii'iilili'i- Itoail., . 10o It 12o for Ladles, Mn. aluipe, ia reporlrtl hy Ihe ehief Running Shoes for tho Holiday! Pork Kleak 25o FIGURED VOILE DENTIST pearliny of Waal Au-Ijalla. and Girls, 15 per cenL DlscounL We van now Supply our HhiHililer I i.i k llouit . . 220 inpr and KverylhiiiK i" "'r Hhoe department ' r','m,,.ia-Jirire. FAMOUS EDS0N COAL Rooms 4, 5, 6 Helgereon Mill Inn Kti-w, '4 lb. . . . . 25o 'Die jiearl, is yalued'.f,ul RATINE DRESSES, 10 ier rent, off nil (Jhildreu r HI"'"'81 "",,,1 In any quantity. Block. Phone 109 Kauitaua Cljuire llaroii 45o too,00(1, niirpnaiiea wjikh the faiuou $8.50 Up. 1.1 per cent, ofr all MeiiN uml LmlicV Hhoe- and Prince Rupert Feed Co Tuesday,Office Thursday,Hours, 9 to Satur.6 Haiuhui'ver 15c 16o "Slur 101 of tframa the Weal"and van which valued weighed at BENT'S Ready-to-wear 1 DHI TD DDAQ I f D. Phone 68, day Evenings, 7 to 9 llegular Hlnpinenls of '5II.00II. )i Hank Third of Ave.Montreal, Phone 045. corner i mru - Jlulkley Valley Cream. .dvertie io he Daily News.