.1). lOP THE DAILY WSWB PAflK VTVH GIL'S DEFEATED (MONEY NEEDED f W 1 IVLj SONS OF CANADA FOR SALT LAKE: lfl tft EPAIRING Ctnuck Loil Flrtt Senior League Is the best remedy Bathing Facllltlee In Bad Shape Baaeball Game latt Night t known for sunburn, Score 10 to 8 i neat rashes, eczema, I Now Constituting Danger ii sin;; llcpau'lng plant tore feet, stings and j lo Children and Grown-i Mountain Top ''I lnto m The Sons itf Canada- sustained blisters. Askinfoodl P . M iiv op their rirnt defeat or the canii in ll It.l mill 4 Fillip- fr in prnmpi iianiiinitr - Senior llao)inll I,utf im la! To rnnke the Sail I.ale safe n mihIiI til id) Imiul of Oil' I a II ! : ; of hoot and iy a lialliintr, place for children and ' iiiirx rnri of in to K. In pul the ilanr, final and ilivinx trial order will convince . Oil' firm at hal mad (m OCEAN FALLS BALL lower, etc., In fit Miflpe for ue, run In start villi principally be. that our work and aerie il will he neceary In raioe ome aeoond to none. cause -of loose fielding on I ho TEAM CANNOT COME 500 Immediately, official of part of I ho Hon ami n couple nf the Prince Huperl Swlmniinir Club SIIIC IlilM. fieortre Hill .IpiifL mil SO ANYOX finance hi hni il made ENGAGED lain. At preenl Ihe of I '., . .miiciicii inn nrl on an error the chili are in a iraiKhlene the mountain stand on the peak and before iiiml llaxrll.Jonc wxilkcd. l:aoii cnnilition and I here I no money CLIMB Ocean Fall lias win-il Hie Son -muled ninl scored Mitchell aul of (lunula wilh which lo ilu I lie work. 'In there unfolds a panorama extending as far llijiiiiiiion Day eele-liralinn ltacll..l.ine, llniiiillriii follow. rnie the cluh i ellinK ma up wilh a two hanger which imalile rummillee lhal il will he memherhii money, HrLet fnr adult as your eye can reach. Stay in the valley, and your C.N.R. Office, 3rd Ave. -ri'iisl Lhoii. il. Mllrhrll to eiu a hnoehall learn irot and rhildren and, at the moderate first itn rrror ami Hamilton here a jihjrlnally inlene( he-euiite fee heiiiK rhanred, many tirkel view is restricted by the surrounding hills. uf tut- faei lhal il lia heen scored nilil II. Frirfell got In will have in he old hi realiie Hie ilieiei in liolil a relebrnlion hac on another error which re.piircd nmouril. A lelcKalion innsl Mjlrhell. V. Menzle ami there. Aeeonllnji'ly, the cnninil-lee from Ihe cluh will al appr ir!i This newspaper, properly used, will guide you to For the ninl H. Frlc,fn-i lme Son iiii'ii.of were Canada respon.lliinl ha lo mw liae mail a learn final enine arrangement lipr. for Ihe a cily crnnl.council The Willi provincial,U reiuet Kiev the mountain top. Read it and your vision is enlarged. fmm ! fof 'wo and ono of llii- er- Anym Anyns Mil lnleal.year pnre. nn emrnenl ha penl several hun You get a bird's-eye view of world events. You glimpse inl l-u;'Hff. I iii I dollar Ihi year on improv Willi (ill' having it good kail, ahiinilanre of tooI player inaic-ilip insr Hie in nmnillna- at tlin-lale the doings of the day. ARM DAYS il Hi4ilile to xciiil firl-i iIm- cnnHiiiied in rather a game a hy re.airin Ihe walk and oilier li-il.-. usieh side m- learn here ami also keep a manner, scoring improvenienl and it i fell that now ami lli.'n but not iioiikIi i- aiil al linme lo play (villi Kel- the cily hnuld alio do nomellilnp Fail to use it, and your view is limited i-hikan mi die ;i..i ilay. minu ou lit to make much change ill I lie il-iiiiIioii. toward the raue. miip unuimiir. At Hi em! of the seventh. The iroicrl of Ihe cluh at' Ihe you remain in ignorance not only of events at K I r-i i n -, i it I In- Soil of I',1IIAI.I lllles Weill up lak- including I tin ilani, float and and Cpt. when J. Sim. Far.piliar anil A. ANYOX SENDING ihvinji tower are in h ilil.iiiale. home and abroad, but of much that concerns m at ."ilia Mitchell filled the ha.. wilh III an.l ilanirerou rnmlillon at present. ana wvorn oinriii slroliiiesl Canadian bailers fail Itecauxe Ihe dam doe not you even more vitally news of the very things BASEBALL TEAM Latest Stylet In Summer lowing Ihi'ni. V. Mcnie m.i-.I hold hack Ihe walcr, the level of that have to do with personal, everyday Suiting. ii a nire two bagger vthich Ihe lake i onie M fnche or your -ore Sinn ninl Kariiiilinr more In-low what it should he. life.v llHii-lifonl. ih'xI In l.il. wu wiil Sportt Arrangement Dttcutsed Thi mean that there I nn water u.ilkiil !)' I rirll anil lhi !- by Community League at on Hie beach lhal wn formed, for II ivi full nxam. II. Axlorin raino Smelter Town hil.lren ptiitdline . II riUn me.in Some be better and one might selling a thai H.e shallow- Hi" new, hi. with b UiNr hae hit uliirli water i near -..r.-.l Milrlicll. Menzien ami TWO GAMES JULY 1 float cinlilntinsr a danVer. Tin more economical food; or a utensil that would add im-measureably ihii ii(..rl. I lie rive run wer final themeliy are in had III in .iiiiiii.mil IIMIIVIIII ail Hial lite Soil' were able In AX VOX. June it. The regular shape and loir Vill have to lie to your corrffort and well-being: or some calli'T in. Iniweer, whteh w-re n-newieil and repluc-l under iiieclin? of Die Community l.ea-jnie iml iioiiuU to oereonii (he e. Oniueil liml In lo mainly them. The ilivinir tuwefti hroLcn better material for shoes or clothing but you would luum.l Ihein. wilh I In1 manner In which tin- and in a shaky roudilion, makimr know, because of restricted view. Feature Playa another danpcr. II'.will Iw Inward never your filininn Day wa to tie nhervcl. Kenliire play of Hie eteninp i-i. .... - -u v;j.n i.-i Ihe improviiiK -of thee (SIhiw.! .a prelly infiehl nmnlnir fly y l-'aripihar.ealrh or .lent Callanan. who occupied Hie feililie wimiiiiii(f that,,,,,,.Hi ,'bo.the You may read every line of the news columns, chair In Ih ah-euce nf the pre- ING js.ni of )Uniala hrl loi. in : .... 1 1 i. f -I- .. I'here Iwve liern roni.lerahle -.--. .r. but if overlook the advertising, still living are l'n: eennl limine, ami a henllliy rT--'''- lfl,1rn,M,1,nl at Hie fall l.ako you you I ownlini. Onincillnr Mr. .. ... . IImu htl left fii-l.l in the llilr.l ' "' jmi Ml, Il- U II' ,1 I J in the You remain uninformed about Joue. Sei.telnuin and . inipxin. valley. many ;liv V. Memle wliieh IihiViM L IIkwii poinlnl mil, Ihi work ha he I ailor a homer ami -IioiiM hae leen at remilar The in ine.int mule of were the ren.l prevlnu ami lull I .,.,,Iim.,1 .l.tiw. ,,I.v . I Ii. vim ifiiial things you ought to know in order to live a happy, useful, la.l a Ihree liaanerliiit "fr the Phone Mt, a.ior..e.i, a wre u,e iiiiiiik-- m ,,a)mls fa.jiie Thia life in this of furl that Hi runner lunilli ! proper. profitable age progress. a Pelal ineelinir hel.l on Jnne:u u,,rt Sttimroimr i:i..h ....- Ivifen eeoni anl lliinl ami u a 0 in Hie Oyiiitia.iuiii for Die pur-ifirl,. .... ,, reoiilt a put nut. DO DRY CLEANING Ki.e nf li.ctl-inK Dominion !lay I'llrhiiur ImmtrM were ilivbletl ;ttj ,,.,VI. , ,k ,,,.,. PRESSINQ OF EVERY mailer. l-lwi-ii l.hUlone, of the Kn of w s mj s i l ne ax v m b n m The Secretary" reporl lalei :in:ila. ami llnwnril l"riti-ll. fill,Uirouvhoiil who In-lit earh ilown haMiic Ih miiiHil ritrhl met thai twice Hie SMrl lnce Ihe eoiimiHIee pecinl ineel-iiiK. hail HARVARD-YALE Climb out of the valley to the mountain top. both M'faion heiiiK in ihe -i 1 1 Unix to ln rmiil. The UITS kmi of (Uinaila hail their nhare afternoon, ami liraflcil a pro-if Read the Advertisements. ram for the flrl of July cele- r IiiU ami nuiile more his nneo hralfoii. an.l which wa Niiliinit- ihan l . Melding ernr mere le.1 In Ihe councillor ireeul for ordered to l-rii'i'ipally reoiiihle fur Iheir Two Bin American Unlverelty ilefenl. Iheir appmval. The 1'eniii Cluli Lineup and Scoring hint aktsl fw Hie u.ual lnalio"i Rowing Teama to Compel measure I'. I.annrle iiiol ;. Wall were for Hiepiirehae of rlie for the ! on Thames Second Avenue. llii- iiiiiure ami Hie leaiii' lool, tournament which (hey hail ile- wi. ...w..... ... j .- lln- fiehl a follow: ci.le. 1n out on in innerliii XKW LOXD-IX. Con.. June 22. i i.il' i,eori Hill. 3h; V. with the holiday. The inn al 'Hy Hie AorialetJ Pre). Milehell, rf; S. Ham-J t.Jnnex. II.; ImiIIi playim.iin.l l.nl leen put In 'l1he crew of Ilarvanl an.l Yale, lional I'cileralion; uflern.Min, Ile-ccption fine hy Mer. nn.lwar.l rial for more ihan 50 in j nl Hie I'.lysee; evening, A. A. Ijiiin, : I la mill nn. ef ll. repair year Sport Chat j Milihell. th: II. I,rliell,.p; V. an.) Simpson, ami a iioo.1 job i Hi mhI pii'liirc-que jif colleire hun(Uet lo Ihe International Stove WOOD Umhie. rf; (). O. Shaw. If. had heen .lone. The addition lo)JIal nice, a lonz, four mite-pull, 1 Federation. Kon of CanaiU J. r'arouhnr. Ihe yraml hIuiuI at Ihe hall park :polilie.l iheir wepH loniykl in The end of Knelish t.etlitiff J"' pening reremonic A. Milrlicll. h: V Menjie J pnniplelnl, and I a ery preiarniion lor Hie aoiii renewal still seem far off. The special "' sames; march past of H. Jark lUli-hfonl. rf: Marry .lunula. fin hi Ji.li. l Ihe in Ion I Km I j I Hie event, lo tte rowe.i itown-hae commillce appointed to help Hie nation. We have Just received i he Ladies and : II. Smith. IT: l. FrUell, Mer. Villicrifl anil jlream lomorrow nflernoon on ir.n.eriiment d.H-ide whether il j July l' 13. Allilelie, after-will car load of up river wood, Ih: Ii. l.iiMune. p; J. Slue, rf. (lllleniiie who diil.lhi work dn ;Ihe Thame river. pay lo tax hellinir. heldj",M"- guaranteed seasoned and Gentlemen's Srui'i' i Milling : Ihe footpalh aero the Flat Ailvanre crnwiU of follower of anolher nuhlic session recently Jll'y ft a- fJreco-llomaii dry. bizo cut to order. I 2 .1 I 5 7 hrhlite if I hey call he induced In Hie Mine an.l Crimson fhrweil and exaniine.1 several notice nOLiWrc llinir. Also Kindling In Sacks. Tailor (ill 5 II I S 9 2 010 lake II on. i Dlo New I.oihIhii throiiiiiiyut Ihe ciai. lueir icsiiinony was July 10 lo 13. Free wrestling;.! S. of (.. 0 I I 1 0 0J 8 In Conner I ion with Ihe kinjer-Kiirlen lay trivinir iiruinise of one nf avainsl such a lax. Mr. Caldwell, July 10 In II. Ilowini:. J For Prices, call mailer, Ihe secretary aiil the irayesl and Krenlesl of re-milla f.olice superiiitemlent nf Liverpool, July 12 to 17. M.Hlern l'cn- I..I a w.t n w,nm.. mi at he hail written eal fur luforma-lion iialheriiiK. Tomorrow said such u lax would nnly llialnli. ! IT III lIlilalH I DUIll 1 17 1 BJUl m a In salaries received hy lliey will fin.) place nn Ihe Innfr, lie effective nu Ihe poorer people July 13. Fveninir, llan.picl oj HydeTransfer . S cotiipetenl Iractier ami Ihe iip-proxiuiale larpnuliu covered ohsei-valloii Mho lie I nn the street and would Inlenialioiial Olympic Commillee. ft JTICD9 BIO IJlUtJCiaiO TIMBER SALE X6132. imisI of eqiiiimeul, rlc. Irain or on Ihe river hanks, fnU not reach Ihe more well to do July 13 to 20. lrwn Tennl. ! Phone 580. for such un insliluiion. Tickel low Ihe ppogre nf the even-swept whose bellinir was nul so open. July 13 In 20. SwiuuniiiK. Service and Quality our Repairing. Soiled Teiiilen will be recrlvril by Die are on nle for Ihe Ketchikan-Anyoi lioal ami cheer the Thevor lUngliaiu, assistant commissioner July 15 lo 20. linxing. Motlo. lil.liirt I'umler im.I lalrr tlun IH.m un Phone Red 136, iim lu.t. a.v i,r Jim, ifil. lur Uhi i"ir- hall Kuie and the July slhtinintr oarsnien, of Hie Me(roolilan July 17 to 23. tJymnasllc. in 1 1 ivmiurA iiiiicr. Irlia. .if Inlrl,Llit-nr i .H.X f,in,t: rut mi tllM.south hr( .r l eleln al lorn. IN.uinrrow morniuK Hie color police. force,v said that II would . July 17 In 23. Popular game lleluliM'li, nul lialuill MUM. The fun wiii h wa nnlered am of the universille will tie flut require a prohibitive police force demonstration. IliMjritry ii imils-r.yrtri will ls tllnwed Tur received from the Canadian W'esl-ilUlioiise tered for Ihe imenitip raci'.he- lo enforce such u Jaw fairly 9 July 20. DeinonVlrallnn or inrllrulir- of lh Chief lore ieoie, will he shortly Iwci'ii the yiuiniier crew;. These Hie -slreel of London were riddled French Itoxini;. FSH-MlfK DAILY !lr.I'f'l'ee Vlriuru,Miljierl, r B.C..Ihe Pl.lrlrl rurenler.I inslalhil. and i held up lem- eieni are oer a Iwo-inlle wilh belli nir. e felt thai "July 21 lo 21. Demons rat ion KING GEORGE loorurllv .ltkiiiit lo u lilislllliler. course helween the freshmen ami Home way would he found lo of llasipie pelnle. From TIMBER SALE X 6070. jslamlini.. Hie pnier parl not second varsity rrew. evade such a law anyway.. July 21 lo St. -Weiiihls ami r iinvernmenL ifilcu Seile.1 Tnulert will ! rerrlveil by Hm arrlvillK Willi Hie hliuieiil. . Yule come In 4he t'CKiilta lo-murrirw dumbell. CAFE i ai.i r na.K.nu i ui. MliU.ltr pi Unil . .l,Vl'a-li. Hlrr I T,(, ,.,!,. f Usebal! with one of the' finest The nlllcial program for the July 21 lo 27.- Kqueslrian! i.,i Im piiniuiM. uf Mi-nice x ujo. ui i.eauue lia liccn correspon.uiiK ;ciew in ncr rnwinx nisiory. eiichlh Olympic (lame i( Paris, gaine. First Class BETTER Cowa,MILK. ilU-S Sea X "' 'X Vw rahion.sl from Kiven llmhcr in France, in 102 1, ha been Issued July 23 In 27.- Closing of CHOP Furnished SUEY and NOODLES. Rooms to Rent. BETTER SERVICE. .ii,- or Sim 1 1 is iiiaiui, giie-ii ciiarhme t lie celebration uf Dimini)n Dayles Ihan a year ly u new coach, by the French Olympic Committee, game. Prices reasonable I T wo iniy'liaVrit i jura will l- .. in that cily a learn of hall play-jyounu K.I. Leader. -wlm previously as follow: July 2H. Congress of International Phono Blue 471, ANUAKU JJAIKl ..i r.ir reuMiiai nf umis-r. ers ia wauled. I'nforlunalely.won fame wilh Ihe University of Winter sport, inoluilinj: Ire Olympic committee and uf Us" i.hlrf lores-; Second Ave. 1'iirtlwr rllmlar ... ,.. ... i..h, m... hockey, Jan. 2t In Felt. al jln. H-hM-la. M.I'., r IM.IMrl forra.er, irii.r lllliliiicniiriiia on, .i.-.i ki.mi .-iji.., ..." .our iur S, Olympic fomiiiil lei-. Phone Black 51. iinin ii i- jniinlr wilh Kelclilkan fur one! slly ha hi-en one nf the few iin- Chamenix. TIMBER SALE leillil. A secomi learn was oiier- defenle.l cljtlil of ih.i year. II May .1 lo May 19. llUKby. Two soul hern college pilrher 1 Scaleil Teinler will be received e. ami acc-.li-d ninl Hie ainoiint ha beaten ('.nhiiulila, Cornell, .May 13 lo June U. Fool hall. Jtlsl joined the Philadelphia by the Minister Lands, at ic- ,,f , Kuui-anlce wanlel asked I'eiinsylMinlif and I'riucrliiil. June ID to J illy I. l'olo, ex American. They ur Heard, u tonu, not laler thun noon on in'r...T- SI ralKhl-hacked, indefalitrahle, cept July 3. southpaw, and Jlrice, a right HOTEL HUDSON f' U -i -M " .Mltli .lay of June. UW. for II."' (. nm.ri. ,nm.. well ilislrihuled, Ihi lllue eictil Juua 21 to June 21). IHfle am hander.' Ilolh came from I'.rs-kine ur Licence a aivi. n cul purchase,l.noo.tKM) feet of Spruca ninl yraiii a drawn up hy the com-Hemlock is one of Yale's ifi-ealest allilelie iron, except June 21. Odlege, Due Vel, H.C, 773 Seymour 8t. an.l ;7.8uo lin. ft. of tat i t ami It will he printed hy luriiout. June 2-3. Moniiiis" Ceieinony TIMBER (Near Hudson Ilay 8tor?s), SALE X 3117. Cafe Harvard too, ha a ko.nI rrew, at .Voire Dame. Afternoon -So Sj.alA.1 T in U.p. u i 1 1 l. .....l. . i... .... VANCOUVER, B.C. Shore "l' Halt Lake. Porcl.er.Council iipprnvcl Ilia amount nlthoiitth il earlier rare have rhoiiiic. Vlsi.trr f lasili. al Vk'turia. bui C. U'estergard, Manager. Island, llaiiK & Coast Land Ilia- asked fur oy Hie Trunin Cluh. and not heen so llnireie as Hioe June 21- Opera. I ruT ton Uw niHiii iiurrkM un iim Sill nf Unui day uf July XJII7.lJ.to Late of Winnipeg, Drandon nupervs keaaing vict. that a hall learn he sent In of Yule. The U-iilnn finished June '-'H to July 8.- Fencing UI I.IIl.UUU ll uf l.ril. llviut,Mk an.l and Moose Jaw, il! Lo allowej iflar iw Lol ft cuuubvwt Restaurant. lo S .year- ()fl laff, ul,J- lliinl in the triantrular event wilh aflrrunon uml cxcnliiii, except nanoiii- uuiU lauil Inauirl.lulat, ouceu Modern-Flrep roof-Central -swr uniurDiiuo. Kiirliier imrUculari nf (lie CiMisl.let ahle discussion took Xavy mid I'rinrrlpn un Lake Cur July 3 and H. inotil TU uf t iiiuUir Hear will b alUim.l .u ra We Appreciate Your Third Avenue. Ihlef I'nreslrr. Victoria, M.C.. or i place over the ariantre'iieiila foriiieiiie ami wa beaten by Cornell July 3, Morning-- Court runner parueuiars ? ih Chief rora liuslness, District Forester. Prince Ilupcrt. ' .. I)umm0I1 iay ceiebrattou, ion tlio Charles of Permanent llureuu of Interna lr,I'riurt Vlriiwla,huiM-rl,u.c B.C ur Pull In l orratrr il.O.