Widne'day, September 12, 1923. Exhibition Week Specials 1 Writing Tablet C f and Package of " Envelopes for - "" This Is a 50c Value. Chocolates QANONQ'S CHOCOLATES 'lie finest in (he lain, 65c lb. 4 65c per lb. Sponges 80RBO SPONGES. A Hitigc dial ran c thoroughly cjennsed without damaging it. No. I 25c formerly iOr. No. U (iii'l J 75c formerly ?.oo and 1.50. A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF TOILET, BATH AND MEDICATED SOAPS AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES. ASSORTED TALCUM POWDERS fur 20c, 2 for 35c Face Powders in mc. Flesh inid Hit. net te Shades 50c box ORMES LTD. The Rexall Stores. Phones 200, 82 and 134. 3rd Ave. and 6th. 3rd Ave. and 2nd. We pay postage on all mail orders. Premier Gold Medal Beer .The New Wonderful Beer There i ouly one way to prove thai I'llKMIKII "HOLD HfJi-W' -HKEU 11- THY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. Tln aiHerieuieiii o mil published or dtsplnved by (he l.iipioi Umlrol llo.ird or by 'he tiorunieut of British CobttiiVla. liiTT. mm lIlUlya a. a. rnmvt nurtni rn act ctf a ifciunc t uti i 1 1 Li a I a r u hi An i r . a I vLll nnnrnr and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR .VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX . WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. SS. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. fr; fort Slmpton nf Sltrt Mont;, S p.m. Vntur il QVn CImpIoU ttUnfi Wntf S pjn. St ma Nlftr Pru Suf a-m. PASSENGER TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Ive Prlnr nnrx-rt m p.m for NII.XCE geoiwe. i:dmo.ntos, wi.v MI'LO, ll polnlt MMrrn Canada, l ulled SUIm. AOINCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINKS. Cltr TlcWt Offlta, S2S Third Am., Print Ruparl. Phon 2S0. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRiiDert . firi - PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, Sept. 1, 8, 14, 25 1 Oct. 5. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, Sept. 3, 10, 21 1 Oct. 1. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Hiilinr From ITlnc liuprrt. tor VANOOUVtR, VICTOaiS, Oet FIU, n Snoii ttj, TuMdif, S r.M. 'ft VANCOUVIN, VICTORIA, lrl Swnion B, SturSy Noon, ror ANVOX, ALICE Aam, STSWART, W.I.I I.Und. Sundiy S P.M. rf PORT SIMPSON nd Nm Rl' 0nnrl, Frld A.M. J nd Avctiu. '"'ft ,Bl' I'rlnc Ruwrt. B.C BEST BABIES ARE CHOSEN Presentation Taking Place This Afternoon In the Exhibition Hall HAZEL CRATE PERFECT All Prize Winners Took Very High Score and 65 Were Entered Tin- excellence of t lie children in Hi1 Heller Habie' Contest held thi year in connection with Ihe inhibition has been a subject of remark by the physicians -who examined I he children and . all UiM? who li At anything lo do Willi I lie Mazing of the. show. Judging wait a ery dilllcult mat- ler and il wa no easy matlif for ne juip ir. 11. t.. I re inayne Dr. J. P. Cade and Dr. L. W. Ker piH, 1 seleel th winner. There wa one 100 per cent baby, Hazel Hie lillle daughter of Mr. and Mr.". A. !. Crate. AH prize win iter fame within a very few point of Die possible. About CD lialoe wiyv ; entered. The Im perial Order Daughter of the Fmpire had charge of the arrangement fur the examination "f the habie with Mr. IJlance an roiiMMier. She wa alled" by other jnejiilwr pf tlie Order while gradual r:iijtir.;i of Ihe,, city ailv the ikHilnrsrf The presentation of prize lo the following "winfk will lake place this attention; in the F.x- InlMiiofi Hall. lilrl. Si to 30 month! Wimiifred J. Ilipzins, daughter of Mr. and Mi. 11. C. Htjrfrins II.' 'Ninth Avenue F.al; S. Vlr iiniH It. While, (lauzhler of Mr. and Mr-. Howard While, 515 Got street. Itnyx. ;'t hi 36 month -i I lt i nai.J llepj.i-v, Mm of Mr, and Mrv J. J. It ley, tairlilh A. rune Wet; Jolp unberp, 111! i.f lr'.i,..'tl. I pVrjAm 1 1ft If .yVftie Ya. . tfftJr.lS In 1 monlh I, Ihiel r.rule, dausliler of Mr. alil Mrj.. A. U. i.HtiTs IS Klevenlh i.iaucy Hremner, d.iiij:lit.T iff Mexund Mr. Jolin Itrrtnner, Fifth Jeime Fjist. Ili-yc. I; lo' 21 months I, Sl. pUyU-JlWomex. mU oj-'t. al,d Vcc JAmiJniif,rttfAe- ui i- liil: 2, liny Mann, ttii of Mr. and Mr. K. A. Mann. 871 Summit Avenue. (iirlx. 6 In 12 month. I, I 'iuif lielphme Italasno, daugh lei of Mr. ami Mr.. 'Charleii ItalNKiio, 33 KHIh Avenue Wcl; .'. Helly (irimwond, daughter of Mr. and Mrc. Harry (Irimwood, Ioh Ki:hlh Avenue Wet. lio, c lots month. 1, Mel bourne HuM'y, on of Mr. and Mr. William ltucey, I i liener Apartment; Itoi Norman JuiUe, on of Mr. and Mr. J. J. Judge. 7ll Taylor ilreel. tiirl under 0 month I, Klea'-nor r.lapp, dauk'hler of Mr. and Mr. Kdward Ctajip, At list Avenue; 2. Dorothy Joan. Squire, dauKh- (ter of Mr. and Mr. Alfred j Squire. 220 Ninth Aenue Ka. Hoy under C niontlts Milton ' I Soriano, miii of Mr. and Mr. A. Soriano. l;i37 Kighth Avenue ;Hal; 2, Holier! Hoy. son nj Mr. atnl Mr. Alex. Hoy. Fulton Street. INVITE COMMISSIONERS TO VISIT PEACE RIVER ! YANCOI VKU, Sept. 12. An iiivitaliou for the grain i-omiui-ion now iltiug here lo visit Peace llivcr country was received al Hie morning einu. II wa leiiileied by I.. II. Shaw, president ir the Spirit Iliver Hoanl of j Trade. W, A, line, former meni-jelir of the l.egsl;ilni;e of Alberta loi the commissioners of the icondilion al present existing in that area and said wheat raising: in the Peace Hiver country was n losing proposition under present condition due In high freight rale ami market conditions. The farmer urn nlereled in developing llie coast route for grain shuniienl. a (hi would reduce market iiij: csl. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill HO. I.O.D.F . Hallowe'en. Haxnar. October 20 rCZEMA I You n not i p e rlmret. lng wliti vuu ue lr. io rut lor Krtrma Mid Mil", l"1- ,llr lwH Ui kln. Kausple Iwx Or. Chaw'j OlntniMit lr If you mention itl- luiwt uj eiid M. iuoup liritr. toil nil iteMfr or Ktmn.-ti, Jl & 0.. Llmlt-I. Xoro"'" Ii.C. TBI DAILT N1WB PASSTHlUt Ucal aid PersMali Undertakers. Phone tj,. Hayners, nndeitsksrs. Phoue 361. ; tf Maquerade OoUumes at "De ri lers. 210 Mr. and Mr: Milton Gonzales left on lat nig lit train for Hnrna Lake on a holiday trip. Mr. and Mr. It. F. Winch and on of Port Kduard failed lal nisrli 1 by (he Cardenu for Van couver. Kvery dollar buys a book! The library will be clo?ed from Tues day until Friday inclusive durin? the campaign. 210 . tlN'.H. leamcr Prince Hupert, Capt. D. Donald, due from the outh at 3 o'clock thig afternoon, i reported on time. The Library i free. HooVs cot moneyl I Do your hare to- wanU helping t lie library' cam paign for ? 1,000.00. 215 Kvery dollar buy a book. The library -campaign i for $1,000 You can uberile at the Hook eae Hoolh at the Exhibition Hall Car of our famous .stove coal azain arriviir.'. You'll like it We have no ub-agent. C(JN SUMKHS CdAL.CO., Ltd. Phone 7. 219 -- Provide good readme matter for the children!. More book are required in Ihe Children' Set- linn in (lie Library. Make your donation today. 216 Paul Allen ami lleter Ityan, Indian, were each found guilty of intoxication and fined 9 1 0 and col by jMagUlrale McClymont in Ihe police court tlii morning, Mike Jurovich, charged with supplying liquofy.to Indian, wan diiuied in the police court this morning. S. W. Taylor appeared a counel on behalf of accused. Provincial Countable A. Collin i leaving by the teauter Prince John tnnighl fur Jiuckley Hay, where he will be temporarily stationed. He come from Fernie If you would like to have a el of your favorite author, ak the librarian. She will obtain Ihe el for you if you lell her how much you are prepared to pay. 216 21.U01 book loaned in eight month! And le than 3,000 books on Ihe shelve. We need more book. Make your dona lion at Ihe booth in Ihe Kxliibi lioti Hall. 215 A large number of native here for the Fair enjoyed a dance in Ihe De Luxe Hall last night. Johuon Hus of Port J?impou wa in charge and hi orchestra furnished the music. FAIR PROGRAM, TOMORROW, THURSDAY. 10 a.m. Indian Football. 1.30 p.m. Football, Ocean Falls vs. Telkwa. 3.30 p.m. Baseball, Anybx vs. Prince Rupert. 5.30 p.m. Rock Drilling. 7.30 p.m. Elks Minstrel Show In Exhibition Building. Midway attractions. . The regular meeting of Ihe Trade and lobor Council ched tiled for last evening wa post poned until next week. Delegates lo the Dominion Congress new in session al Vancouver from London, Hamilton Toronto and Kdiponlon are ex per led in Ihe city early next week on their way home and il is likely that some of Ihem will spend a day or so in the city. A special meeting will prohaldy be. called by Ihe local council while they are liere. Kvery dollar buy a book l Your help is needed'to obtain the $1,000 required to carry on the 'work of the library.! 215 MASQUERADE BALL The committee in charge have "decided on a Costume Masque Hall on Friday. September 11, for wldeh numerous prize' are being awarded. No one will hi allowed to participate in dancing unless in enstume up till II p.m. or until (he time of unmasking. Costume can be7renled at the Hlldltch Dry QoodsTStore. Third Avenue. Afcv 216 f' 15 pac 80 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Miss Alice K. McCrae. Hockley Hay: Miss Kathleen Hi-own. Prince tieore; Mis May tteid, Prince Hupert; Mis Margie Mc Donald. Anyox; .. Anderson and' P. ,Chrit. eity, Slewatl .Steel, Angus Mackenzie, A. S. Mac-doiiald, Dan McKenzie and William Adams, Anyox; H. O'Hanley. Vancouver; Allan .Mael.emL Ar-raudale; W illiam Hauiia, Dead- woimJ. Central W. Hearn and IL Kriekon. cily; A. Forlio. P. Dramlsen, II. I'horley, i: tllieroft, J. iHan, U Mchwah. II. MeKwan. ti. Malheisou, A. Meaiey. D. Cole, II. Downs, J. Sherman and YV. Vdams. FULLER'S SPECIALS For the Week-end Prunes, per box $1.25 Peaches, jer box $1.50 Pear, per box 3.50 Crahapplcs. per lb. . .05c.' HulkCoeoa, per lh. .15c lecial Fresh Kggs .50c our pipe 5 IB iiBlllisBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBV CUT PLUG if VDU roll your:; om ask -for (Hid! Boats for Sale Read down the list. You will find the very boat you are looking for. AH boats listed are ia absolutely first class condition. Splendid Cruising or Logging Boat i!8 ft. x 10 fL, 0 inch beam. tiO h.p. Heavy duty engine. Cruising, Towing or Pleasure ii ft. x II ft., ( inch beam. Filled with Si) li.p. engine. Just been overhauled and is in splendid condition. Pleasure-Launch 'M ft. x 8 ft., t inch beam. Fitted with Ii h.p. engine. Kxcellent accommodation. Halibut Boat yx ft. x 10 fL 8 inch beam. IU h.p. Standard engine. All complete with gear, etc. Troller 28 fL x 7 ft. beam. 0 h.p. Fisherman engine. Cabin accommodation. An Ideal Hunting or Trolling Boat 20 rt. x 0 ft. 8 inch beam. 5 h.p. Hegal engine., In splendid condition. A real floating home. These Boats are being sold for half their original cost. DON'T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. For Inspection and Trial Trips see N. M. McLEAN Boatbuilder, Cow Bay. FREE 10-shave tube Send coupon Make This Shaving Test and find quicker, better shaves! Mitlions of pien hve made the ttst we offer you. htre. They hve found a way to take the discomfort out .of shaving, to shorten shaving tune. At our expense, this test will show you the same benefits. For 18 months we worked making 130 experimcnU-L-per-ftcting Palmolive Shaving Cream for you. Now see how1 well our work w as done. x ,vC fDiscover how we produced shaving cream possessed of 5 ' distinct betterments: ' : : v. ' It multiplies itself 2S0 times in rich, foamy lather. ' Softens your beard no matter how tough and wiry in one minute, without "rubbing in." Lather lasts, moist, luxurious, for 10 minutes, if necessary, on your face. Hairs are held erect to meet the blade, by extra strong bubbles making your shave cleaner, easier. And your face is cool, comfortable, after thanks to the blend of palm and olive oils. The test is to be at our expense. You cannot lose. It means ' greater comfort for you every day, all day. For ten perfect shaves, free, mail the coupon today. THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA, limited Motiir! Tormto Wlaaip( -10 SHAVES FREE PALMOLIVE llr&xu-Wm SHAVING CREAM -t- i