in When Vii WmI A '"' crowned,- HeieoinpllmfntedMhe, Imutia. Prluco Hupert contruc- y--,, j;,?!, the" Inhibition tow a onllinr lo a wire received . . . i .i. llih llBl ir iff thbf mrtmm m u.alll,.. .. ... nn.viill2 for r0r J. -I 'I I... 1 ra. iiir are hi prccni ai .iiijm t . . . t k . I ITALY WILL BROOK NO INTERFERENCE LIKELY BE MINISTER JAPANESE RELIEF FUND MEETINQ All bcmi-publlc organizations of Ihe cily. together with llnj various local order, churches und other Christian nnd pliiU iinlhropjo worker are requested lo send a representative to a meeting in Hid City Council Chamber on Wednesday evening of Ibis week al 8 p.m. In arrange for an energetic appeal for fund i.. ..i.i' .I. ,.....ii in urn oi me i.m uii and Fire yulTerers of Japan. Let there bo a hearty response. S. M. NEWTON, Mayor. 215. , . -i ed Ihe prize. Paid Homage k. i.nnit u neiiooi uicuu i Mr ,fcmPP n,,.,, ,,actsl the lat I0.:io in the following order: Fire Chler McDonald, City Police Chief Vlcker. and Provincial Police Chler Miuly In first car. followed by Ihe Aiyansh band, tU C1IIMC A1IC6TIA1J exhibilion direcuir. mm. w . J. Ill rlUITlL yUCJllUn jWM.r nnd parly. Uuecn of the Carnival, Orcein ille band, fire cn- lltlMi:, !epl. 12. H i emi- elllp Iimi fi,,,.!-. ,e whole tar- officlally announced thai Italy i :a,p WB oxcellenl and Hie bean. not prepared lo consider any y decorated automobile and mcdialion or arbitration of hcrjfoa, Kr,.atly admired by the liffereiice wllji Jimo Slnvin' with rrowd. rrpnnl to the statu ofFiumH,i Decorated In Purple idnce Jhe ipieidlou I nfil to boj l0 fat ronlnininp Ihe Uueen one Tor direct sellleiiient belw-cn al ur ,Mn,s 0f honor took the llio two counlrie. jrorm f n ,ory decorated in pur ple and gold with a iim reading Adeline. (Jueen of the Carnival, v. i u,u I'nii.ii.i ,Ip " DOMINION CABINET! lio float had been decorated by lllie fihermen, assisted by the OTTAWA. Sept. 12. - Official Fair Honrd. announcement of the appoiut-1 l( private car class Joe ineiil of K. J. Mr-Murray, Liberal limwn had n. fine turnout. A member for North iiinlpeir, lo 8x cylinder automobile was pro Ihe post of solicitor general in the fnsely decorated in roses and pur- DomiiTiou cabinet is expected uie nml mil. I. Fine Larue hint fhorlly. Ibis new car decorated wilh fe toons of flowers ami urapeu in I I ....1.1 lln mil firal I'llljuc linn (iinti, nu e" f. prize for a private' ear. Mat Vblek had an original decoiallon with a native nueen und her maids nl honor in miniature on Ihe bon- 1iel of Ihe nolo. U the transfer . 'class 11. Astoria had a splendidly iiecoriueti iransier waifou. mis was ih'coraled in evergreen nnd jccilar bud and draped in purple and gold. Howard tccu also had an eulry in a purplo and gold decorated transfer. In Ihe rommer- Vial class Swlfls made a pood showiiiK, as also did l.ipsejt-Cuuuiugliam. iswift was award- t INSURANCE COMPANIES i u idiu idc minim in Jrtrnri arvc nuincu 1 OSAKA, Sept. 12. Insurance , companies in Japan are ruined. .Their liabilities are about 911 000,000.000 or ubout eight limes , their capltultatioiju TOKIO. Sent. 12 Investigation ly Hie authorities of llonjo din DIIII Ti anUlTDinlI " n,'ui- M"" MarKie McDonald i(r(., tlszat part of Tokio henimed DU1L1 vnUlAvli '"' M"1' vallileeii llrown and Ihe ,y Hie sea, the Sumida Hiver Contract for Edifice at Anyox Let to Qreer, Seattle and Douglas flower girls. Mi Audrey Tre- mayne and Mi Margaret Smith. In ln address Mr. Howser referred lo the fact Hint lhi wa not the fir! coronal ion he had atlritdnl. He had keen present and canals showed his of life very heavy. Il.iideiil of Ihi quarter of tin capital were Implied iu. Hie rtaiiiestwhich followed Hie earthquake. .The ruin 'were crowded villi dead nod the lim ine ot. tract lor me tunning w, Kr ;,ard V. and Klngllorily are believed lo have been J" "Hr " v""'" .V,,"', (ieorgo V. of England were uttacatml 1 Tnivarkiu patlr. of lokm llie.Miiulay he lni.liil nff1ielTi2rslaeked for ere- service. His weiiial .manner made way commissioners, is inalion. Probably, Jhree-uiiinli Lit f t kUu 4 HeiJ t ii J J t &u7h rtuUut in. habitable while half Hie capital is destroyed. The other half was fcwrely datnaced. Thousands of fie people hei j lie new cnurcn win iaie uie ....i,i n,. Hint ..i... .i.., i. .i.mhi urn. iUce of the former one which ,and of the (he klIl!.Pl ,u. ftT (, do so as earllupuikca i destroyed by lire a couple or Qm,cu (Um.tur!. 0f Hie Falr'Conliiu.e. -oine ruthcr harp. c: mill" itn .11 will he 'm"r In Iloan, nlu ,1C cmz, n in general) Arrivals Xrom the llakone t :f to Hie Old one but Will be ill , , ,,,, ,.-,. f Hiniilar M...imIuOi. .I...rili. llii rntmirk. a more central location directly cross fro in the Community Halt. manner. TIim i.tii-uili. iiT ili't-iirMlrd until. I' I. .. ill 1.. ,.ll...l l,.lnr rur . 'K" '- mobiles, commercial cars, trun Hie erection of the paronase which was also cslrocd in fire. fer wagon, native band ai;d l,a fire eiiuine left the Court House able rf feci of the, earlhuuakes lliere. where mountain , have toppled over filling up the valley and bury iup alive hundreds of leron. H wilt take weeks 16 dispose of the dead in Tokio, Yo kohama and surroumlini: centres. Kawasaki, a manufacturing centre, is wiped out. BATTLESHIP HITS LINER .Texas In Collision With Vessel of Isthmian Line Off Coast SAN PEDRO, Sept. 12. The battleship Texas, en route from San Francisco here with five other battleships, collided with the steamer Sterl Seafarer In the Isthmian line, 14 miles north of Point Arguello early this morning In a dense fog. The collision occurred near where seven destroyers ran aground The merchantman was badly damaged, It Is reported. GROSS EARNINGS OF RAILWAY KEEP UP MOXTHEAI. Sent. 12. The irross eainiiiB of the Caiuuliun National Hallways for Ihe week ending Sept. 7 were ?I,7U1,50, being tin increioe vf JldO.lHU or I wo per cent a compared with ..V i. tii't.l the corresponiiniK wc m iv.. The uross earning from Janu ary 1 to Sept. 7 ha'o been 101,- 50,721, an increase or siikj.-nn:i n eotiinared with Ihe eor- rcsimndiiiK Pelioil aif OFFICIAL CASUALTIES OSAKA.Sepl. ISir-WJial is ro-porled as an olllcitil coiupilation of earthquake ciTsiialtlos esll-males the dead and injured as 1,350,7 U , V Subscribe for the Dally News. Ql'EHEC, Seiljl The Prince of Wale. Iravelliiiir an Lord illenficw. arrived jjlu morning uiit 1 1 lie Canadian Piifific liner Em-' 'press of France J-ii route to hi ranch in Alberta where he will lay a month, lcliiig Ihe simple life. He did no leave the boat unlil Ihrei! hour afler he ar-' riveil. Then he ilruve in a auto- motiile In Ihe Cloltrau Fronlenac to spend Ihe ilayjint night, when he will leave lor Ihe Canadian T west. 'Dip irind U'iali I li m I liik nr. freely wild the look iiarl ureal adxiiulaite lit'tlie mailer oi fruil and the other district went away down because they had so Utile. TheNirrnngement of Hie Hazellou exhibit was also better than the others. Massett 'had a wonderful dis play of good si off, said Mr. An- Pi FISH MARKET TAXIQQ Phone 671. FRESH CRABS A OYSTERS. in a hurry ff Prime BEEF, LAMB ft VEAL Phet e U J FRESH KILLED POULTRY. PRINCE RUPERT tat Oar and Best Service In th City. Rates Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper A Trial Order Solicited. VOL XIII., .NO, 2I5, PHIXCE Hl'PKHT, H.U., WEDNESDAY, SKPTEMUEH 12, 1U23. cireui.tin imt sir..t s.u. ass. PIIICE FIVE CENTS. EXHIBITION REVELATION TO MANY VISITORS QUEEN OF CARNIVAL WAS CROWNED TODAY WITH PROPER CEREMONIAL Queen of Carnival was Crowned this Morning Amid Applause of Assembled Spectators by Visitor Queen Aileline reign ver Hie Fair and Carnival. Till OTA1!' DARIEQ morning un Hie Arropoli Hill ground-, under Hie Mazing glory JV1 DUllLj in a brilliant mih and iinml h record emblagc of speclutors, ie wn formnlly invoslnl wilh Iter silver crown of pearls and, T?AD fDlTM ATlfiW jewel and her sceplrc of Hiithorily by Hon. W. J. Howser. Forj LliLlUilllUIl Hie next fouria nil citizen? and visilnr will oli!erve and honor; her reign, i The inroiiiilinn ceremony look place iniuiedialely afler Hie Curious Effects of Earthquake In street pageant liuil reached Ihe Acropolis (.rounds, Hie car of, Japan; many sleep oui or 1 r f- ri - ,,f (,-,mvsi.oii forming a cir- THrAI MEM TA r'' al,"u' fl,,al roniaining I .III. A I. VI III lOoeen Adeline, her maids of iM-nor, Ml Alice K. McCrea, Mis Doors PRINCE LIVES I I like others; f- Travelled as Private Citizen Across Atlantic and Is at Quebec .Today j FAIR ATTENDANCE IS SLIGHTLY LESS THAN LAST 8EASON Kxclu-ive of j-eacon licked', Mi) person paid ad-miff iuu lo the port muud at Ihe Fair yesterday and 571 to the main building. The building admU-uon were 21 short of lawt year on the opening day anil Ihe ground admiion were not much more than half a much a lat year. Willi Ihe crowning of Ihe t,ueen and the Haby how a particular atlraction today, the al tendance record for Ihe day. it i expected, will exceed yesterday by a guol niari'iii. rival in Canada Vhall be incni:- ! nilo and xhould not the occaoion for a demon! rail... ,,f any kind. QN. FRANK OLIVER wa wen re.pecieu. ( (iniciT- of the , liner aid the prince lliortiiighlji- enjoyed him-i ielf u Ihe triii over. He mixed' CALLED ON MINISTER OTTAWA, ept. 12. Hon. paienesrs and Frank Oliver, who ba been inen- iii arlWH"' dance. On tioned as probable choice ror",eshl3plnfl read read I Ihe lie lesson lesson al al Hie me vacant vacant post on J lie board of rail- t JJ Would , 105 80 00 no (10 1 55 170 710 in I own il sin env last;' for ciervbodv to and called al tbJ office of the reKiol4iimfciHiifyiw.iionHB.HiiMiiiii-eK ary traveller. He rer'ilci-ed on premier wu "ot or town but Mr. the pas-eu?ei- lisl as "Lord. Hen- Oliver spent some time with Hon. frew, London." S. Fielding, acting premier. District Exhibits Make Fine Showing at Fair; x Judges Appreciative Scoring 715 points out of a poible 1,000, the llazelton district exhibit carried away the Fair Hoard', challenge cup. now Iitli1 liV Prince Oeiii tre. at Ihe Kxhibilion yesterday. Prince (Jeorge was given 710 oints by the judge and Mussett, .. The rornier exhibit gels Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Hohler's ilver medal as second prize an Ihe laller a diploma. The svnoplical fcale or awara was us ioiiuws: Points Allowed - Prince Pi rain, sheaf, and sjeed . . Alfalfa, elc Foliage, . . . ruble vegetable . H Slock vegetable . .... Fruil, fresh and preserved I CJCI til Dairy produce Poultry. eKgs, elc Arrangement . Ouautlly Variety llazelton Ueore I 105 75 110 ('0 00 tiO 00 . I 200 Total . . . . 4 .... 1000 Judge's Remarks i The llazelton exhibit was better 70 50 to 10 AO to 10 120 10,0. o 75 50v 80 (50 175 715 150 I Ocean Bottom Displaced Say Massett no 115 05 no 30 05 50 150 oor nmiir in iiTnrn hint up than the other and Ihere Kfllll II IK Ml ....,.. viirii. ..J. mil- en ar m - " w iii vegetable, staled p. w. aii- kalel Jone. one of (he gov em inent indue. The uuality of BY EXPLOSION Prince (Jeorge nndUlazelton was pretty even. Hazellfm also had a 8etl,ep on Massett Inlet Met With Accldent on His Ranch and .Brought Here An old timer, John Hog, who ha a place opposite Woden Hiver, Massett Inlet, met with a verv serious accident a few days kalel Jones, but It v"as not put up ajro. He seems to have been blow-n well nnd there were not so ing out slump when a premature iii.inv vneielies. Massett grains explosion occurred resulting in and grasse were good birt those the loss or his right arm and both from Prince (Jeorge were better. 'eyes. 'He was, able lo crawl to his llnielioii's victory tns due lo the. lioue, where he was found sev- grealer variety of Vegetables and eral day laler In a bad condition, fruit, and 11 was ill so a belter Dr. Dunn of Massett was called balanced show. j land attended him and lie IcH lust The Vnnderhoofi exhibit was night on the mission, boat West- good bul II was small and. con. ern Hope arriving here this moriu eiiiienilv. did not dime Into com-linn 'at four. Herg was taken Id petition with the outers ' Batter Than Exoeoted Oralus, graes, iabbnge, eauli flower, green.; foodsj and foliage In all Hie exhibit wile away ahead (eoutinued onfimga six) i . ... the hospital where be is receiving attention. Mr. (Illicit Is return Ing home today. Mr. Herg lived here for a mim ber et year and was well known member of tuo Salvation Army. Japanese Seismologists who Investigated Recent Quakes OSAKA, Sept. 12. F.arHiqiiake shock, which a week ngo 'brought dc-olatiou lo Japan, were not cau.ed by volcanic Jis- tuiliaiice hut by violent dropping of two portion of the Mrth's -iirlnce, according to the bet eiinoIogi.t jn Japan, who agree that the ocean bottom near Ho and that near the naval baye al Yokouka were successively displaced causing similar disliirliance ashore. No new volcanoes have appeared in spile of persistent reports, Ihe seismologists declare, adding that farm land In some places in outlying districts of Ihe Hose peninsula are now six feel lower in proportion lo sea level and some part are submerged. RESOLUTION ON LEAVES MONEY GRAIN SHIPPING ROYAL FAMILY Board of Trade Sends Memorial ?arl Farquhar Bequeaths Home to Premier Mackenzie King to Queen Mary and Princess ' and Cabinet Arthur Gets Much NO PORT CHARGES HERE j LO.NDON, Sept. 12. The late Earl Farquhar, Lord 'Steward in from Prince Rupert the households of King Edward Avoid Terminal Hand- and kin? Cetre. left a two nill-Icaps at Vancouver iliou dollar estate most of which le ifoaru oi I raoe leceiuivuioyai ramiiy. i-rincrss .ruiur passed a resolution for submis- or Counaught will get half Ihe es-siou to Premier Mackenzie Kin? tale; Prince Oeorge, youngest son askintr ror Ihe erection or & tt the King, is bequeathed ten rain elevator here. This is partjthousand dollars; Ihe Earl of or a ridlow up Hilicy which is!outliesk gel a quarter oi a being cnrrieil out. The petition million. has been revised by a committee King (Jeorge is to select hia and is as follows: lowli 'souvenir from the residence The- Prince Huperl Hoard of, of Ihe Earl. Uueen Mary Is be- Trade berebv .petition your queallied hi property at White Honorable Hody as follows: ILoilge. Hicliinond Park, which is Whereas it hasVbecn deriniU,l.vl,,e present home of the Duke and proven that wheal and grain oneness ui mr., r ft . ,1.... .r 1ft..' - iroui u laise poriiuu in iiici Prairie Province can be moved ton market more economically by utilizing Pacific ports. And whereas Ihe port oT Prince Huperl is the only terminal on Ihe PacHic owned and controlled by Ihe Canadian .National Hail- way, and which is never closed lo ocean Iratlic- of any draft. And whereas Ihe railway gradi ents make the Canadian National Hallway to Prince Hupert jho most economically operated ol any railway on Ihe continent. And whereas there are no port charge at Prince Hupert and pilotage i' optional, due' to the wonderful entrance .and freedom from ull obstruction in the har bor. And whereas il is the opinion of grain tralllc authorities that It -costs from S13.00 lo 11.00 per car for the Canadian National Hailway to move a car from it terminals to Aaucouver waler- fronl which saving would be di rected by utilizing Hie Canadian National terminal at Prince Hu pert harbor. And whereas Ihe utilization of Port of Prince Hupert would re lieve Hailway congeslioju of traf- nc, allowing all the year round shipping and be an aid to the grain growers in giving added facilities for movement oT crop to that portion oi the prairies most in need of aid .And whereas it is tlhe Opinion of Sir-Henry lhoriiUm a ex pressed' in Prince Hupert that grain elevator Is needed at thi poinP and the present govern merit of Canada through the Pre inier, Honorable MacKcnzie King has promised lo a delegation of Ihe' Prince Hupert 'Hoard of Trade, active co-opcralkm and sympathetic support to any re uuesls from Ihe .Hailway ninn ttgciticnt Ihul would (end tp the development of trade through this port. ThIfefn- tie il BOOKSSECURED FOR LIBRARY Sum of 252 Dollars Contributed During First Day of The tirst day of the library campaign resulted in the sum of 232 being collected for the pur- hase or 252 new books: The onnnittees worked well with exJ- ellent results and nil were welt received by Ihe people who are anxious lo See the library mado success this year. This being a big day at the fair, it is expected that a targer sum will be, collected. The collector yesterday were: In the afternoon. Mrs. J. Barnley, Mr. J. (J. McLennan and Mrs. U. W. Kirkpalrick: and in (lie evening Mr. (Jeorpe Horje, Miss Nancy Horie, Mi Hernice Palmer and Ml L. M. Fuller. Today's collector are, for tiio aHernoon, Mr. lluvvn)il While, Miss Way, and Mis Hernice Palmer, nnd ror this evening Mrs. rremayne with several girl. LEAGUE BASEBALL National League Hrooklyn 3, Philadelphia 11. New ork 10, Hoston 0, Pittsburg 1, Cincinnati 3. American League Huston 5, New York 0, Coast League Portland 0, San Francisco 1, Vernon I, Sacramento 0, Other I ravelling. Ihe Prince- Hupert noard of Trade petition the (Jov eminent of Caiupla' lor immediate' preparu-tioiWor (be erection or a uitabje elevator at lid point for the resolved filial lllaiidtii'a of jfrain shipment.