Ct a 25c Bo trmber 12, ' . Mill II in 1 pi'n i IJ..-JWCTe THE DAILY NEWS faoi nvi 1 mTonlght 9m la Itrcnfth th orf d'ftillen (nil lk liudKhti, rliv bll-i.utiwt. ofrt ceintipitUn. Tomorrow Alright The Foreman Is Leaving Shortly. WILL YOU GET HIS JOB? Improve your business knowledge by Joining the 'Tech' Classes, commencing October 1st. I' II 1 1 per I, Terrace, Ha..-lU)ii. S 1'i-lkwa. Prince i ,r f Inlet. Swanson I! - A v,,. Alice Arm v:t Horlhern Polylechnic Institute of .8.0. s --it'd shortly. Vv '' ' u'ular lo the ' Ho I'rlncc " ci1'' (he Loral Summer COAL real nl.fnc Ion' ft e pea I "dei tifttnjr filled every day for Nanaimo-WellingloB Nut Coal Uniik FiroJ.- Lnl Longer! ruin ame a other N it CcaU. Phono 11C or GG4. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED SUITS Made to Itnllvldnnl meannre tl 'Hi vnn.uiH fahrie for y lu li rhoun oni, I" all Hio y latest color and male. r".'. Fvnry suit mn.lo cjc-' ll.v lo your nu'asjne. Guaranteed To FIL fiome In today and wo will Mmw you our new .fabrics. Prices ,Are Moderate. ORY CLEANINQ AND PRESSINO BY STEAM. Scrlce HIkIiI. LING The Tailor Second Ave. Phone 64. "PP. Office Corner. DrRP.Kenny DENTIST Helgerson Block. Phone 109 for, Appointment. 83, Prlnoe upert. - - - "X - Ik Mino lta XO Sir. ,M Jorisr u .nflt Mr Jong' wife. Jl nnotlipr game. know" which i I lie i.,rp vain. ' k.retly girl in her Sunday rax or a man immunise in hi Xin form. , : Til KUK L not ucoutillnR fur ittMic . a .i .reposed ho that .Miioiiu want -Viiiinc. I wooion I nave mm- place at price. Any NOW that .the iiieen U fr,iwn; (I anil the Itamln art jilayinif ami I lie ir.e cream I beiti .consumed und I lie pop cornj popping and 'he oilier wonder of ii air am vtniMHTioK. wnai more ran yiiinuxlrr need any. SKTTINH a-I.I.' alljokinir. Iirj" il wonderful how on.' .e of poll-' lirian can gel up on a pWlform' ami without o much liirm'ntr' air eyelid talk about ihe other' crowii foollnsr l he people. ! WF. are the people nn.l If we ore HHrte.l, who I In blame? Surely no one woul.l .(dame Jhe leader of any gn-al p.. Ill leal parly. 1 Ten Years Ago In Prlnca Ruprt September It, Jf13. Carl u. Muller and Kit Kiiut.en hae reluriKNl In the city from i li city council chamhej- aI nu-lii nu civic jcoernment. .Mayor I'atlullo pr.-i.led and there wa a large alien. lance of eituenn. tlllie Street U lo he cloned ntlrely hr Irallle nnrt the Jmnd Trunk I'aclfie Inn, louy a popular reiMirl with the (ratellinir pnhllc. will he iu rued into a (reneral of fice .mill w;nlMiij;,nHUii , TELKWA Many Telkwn people have gone to Prince Ituperl thi week to Mfeml the fulr. vMl Jean .MrMAuxM ,of -Sydney, who U a ceeenl iirnduale of Hie VJctorla -Annual .School, I .tencji-MlK at .Uuc.k. .Mi ule .Itatti-on .Is .al Hound .Luke school, Mi J. i. Stark at W'iM.lniere while the Telkwa C.ontolidaled School I In charge of Mr.., J. ,!.' Wheeler iin Mi I. Tlioinp-on. ; A wejl.llnr of'lnteest to many Telkwaile look pluce al liewcl-ivey, H.C. on T,ue.luy, Si'L I, when Lena Hyde, only daughter of-ll. J. Ilyde.of Dewdney, became Ihe wife of Dougal Grant McDonald youngest kiui of Thomas .McDonald of Telkwa. -r- K. W. Davie ot the .O.M.!. left on Tueiiay' lal :for Ihe coal in order to he present al the funeral of hi brother in Vicloria. Mr. Jhe -Hiissinper left on Sunday for Ihe south where ;.he -will peni everal montlrs. She wa accompanied by1 her dauKhle Mr. (Srulier of Juneau, Alaska.. - Mr. W. It. CAildwcl eulertaip-e. a few .friend ut lea on Friday, afternoon. Miss.n. H. ,McDonnld hn taken Ihe school at Ha,7.ellop, for yvliich place she left on : -Monday lal. " Two dauffhle.rs of -Mr. .and, .Mr. II. Ilowsen nrrjyeil. op S.aturiluy morning flo reside with their parent here. Ib'V. . C: Vawhinney was a week end viilor' at Hound Lake, and held service. there ,on .Sunday morning. Uler .veral niftntb spent in Hie eoulli .vlslllng .reluUon and friend, Mr. P. Spouse has returned, botue. If you find you cannot gel .Ibe dully Novyjt (regular, ;C.U ,m ,nL Hiibscribo forlt .and-'have It de-1 llvcrei to your home. tf BURNS iAKE Mls nct-irudc Oweji I the gurni of Mr. Kramer MrKenziel of Tchelnktil ,J.ake. MileT. Harrison has accepted a Ioillon at the Habine Fish Halchery and left In undertake IH .Julie on Saturday. - Mr. Fred Saramn jrh of Shera-lo.n I spending few days at ltirti Lake and on Sunday was the gue of .Mr. H. .LimUlrnm. Sam Marsh, the jiroKressive IVplcy merchant, wa enlaced in liuneKM nfTair al Hum Lake on Friday. John llainlelt, formerly of Jyiek, H.C., i openingr up il nlore al the wel end of FrancoU Lake. Thi will fill a long felt want of l,he eer in thai vicinity and Mr. Iliimleti in he commended for hi initiative and foreihl in larlinir the venture. Lele afler making the (rip lo ,inr. ..,, flir ,... mtkn hillmaal overland. They lol Ihelr way on.lhe return -trip and wandered for eihl .day jttifTrr-ine Krrat privation. ,Kuulrn i in the hopiial here. , i J.w. weart, loniier mayor of llurnahy. dUcre. nu addre.o laac point, of Francoi Lake, ha a mot uperli flower jrar.len which amply ilemonlrale the plendid oiI ami climate of the lake, fronlaire. The irarden i a Mine of jtlory willi a mot leau-( liful xelection of panoy flower, in eery roncejalile hade, weet pea, portulaca. petunia, and niany other ex(uiile annual. The SalpifHoiH i a niol won. lerful variety with their orchid hafe arc well world paying a vi -it lo jee. .Mr. J'oinl al.o ha .u fine Jot of ve:elallei Incjujinj! loiualoe ami mnkinsr tobacco. The laller ha made fine growl h rinl ..lemon -Irate thai I he iMal ,,re.iient need not fear Ihe, to- their own." i w in i e r IKlIhe iMi. Hum toria. gap upon .completion . f. ...Ill L .. prow Thi -woek wurk will jlart on lie JliirpH-Kiidako .highway at ijie Hum Lake .end. The out fit will do ruiiniiloral'le work Jiefore eetx in, ;hu .dorteniiK which il will he po.ihle to travel nil I lie way fcooi lheoulll of the pnivince to Unelton by car. Henderson Lake fnuii arrived Vicloria In on oolliliank where lie will teach for the current term. Mi I). .Mild, of r.hilliwack, j the new teacher Jor the. Tc.hesin- kul Lake school IUIric.l. She i laying with Mr. .and Airs. A. Mc Lean. A very enjoyable dance, wa held Al Moe J.ake on Sal unlay ecnii)R "d large niupber at-leiided frvpi Hurps Lake, Decker Lake, Palling and Topley. Qn.I'riday night a most enjoy able evening wa spent by Hie young peple of Jturnx Lake when Ihey made nn auto trip to (he extent of thirty trong lo Hie farm residence .of Mr. and Mrs. Saul, of JJeiker il.ake. After be ing e.nlc.rtained there Ihey returned ' lo Hum Lake Union Church-and had a lotTcy.pullinc parly and' a social .evening. It ya decided Jo Klart a uibl lo provide enlerlaiumeiil .and ,ocial evening for the winter month. Fraiir McKciuic le,ft on Sun day morning's I rain for Pennant, Sak., where he .will spend 'several week attending lo his farming interests. Mr. K. T. Calverl and son re turned to Hum Lake last week from a two month trip lo Vic lUmer Twaddell and family left lal week for a Iwo month visit lo iilitiold, Alia., w.'ieie Mr. Twaddell .hiu .eAteiusive .fanning interests. ' Alex A. Gonnon, now of the slair of C. ,H. Juieon & (ki will leave .here al the end of Ihl inoit,li Jo undertake Ihe nianage-ptent ,of the H. Cuiinliigham Son, .Ltd., slore at Ihuellon. Hob -.Mc.Donald, of Francois (.'ake wa taken ill .on .Friday pl)iht and wa ru.hel lo ,.uilh-es, hospital by Dr. Lang on-Sat-prday morning. He is reported lo he projn'es.sing favorably. ANYOX lln .orderito booul Ihe .candida ture if MUs Margie 'MeDonald,: I lift Anyox entrant for iiueenly hopdi-i jit J'rinen Hupcrl, some f ev ,M)uiorlers .orgivnuted 11 dance last 'week end. which wa largely attended and much en BENT'S 1 1 Third Avenue gpBBJBJBJpBBjBjBjBjBjBJ f Jdr the orchestra EXHIBITION SPECIALS IN LADIES' FALL & WINTER READY-TO-WEAR APPAREL For Our Out of Tpwn Cu&tomers For the remainder of he Fair Week we' are making special concessions on all goods in our store in order that out of town visitors may have the benefit of selecting from pur wide range of the Latest Eastern Fashions AVe have on display for your kind inspection the vvide mid most complete range of Fall and Winter COATS, SUITS and DRESSES ever displayed in the north. These lieautuu! models were selected, and some ;of them we,re de.sigael by Mrs, Itarit on her recent trip to Eastern .Cauadu mu a personal buying trip. i OUR STOCK -EMBODIES THE GREATEST VARIETY, .QUALITY AND STYLE IN LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR APPAREL IN THE CITY. We guarantee every garment purchased in this store, regardless of price. a. fo fit, workmanship and material. We realize from, a twenty-six year experience in the J,adiesf Mearly-to-Wear business thal'satisfied customers are Ihe only permajieMit basis on which to build a successful, busines'. You rj-e cordially Invited to call In and make an Inspection of pur stock. We are here to serve you .faithfully ami well. BENT'S Ladies'.Ready- to-Wear Store "The store where you get the most of the . best for the least" PHONE 651 - Opposite Bank of Montreal for a loi ox oraise ami Hie sun per iiiu.'.Ii iippreciated, which Hie la. liiv who attended broujthl along. T.hoe rexponjiible for the dince were ,Messrs. Kesin. Hrovvu, tChapiiian ami Kelley. - Xouie exlraordinay :iod len-ui wa wilnessed al the .bcKin- niiiK .of the week, wh'n Hie semifinal. for t he-.Champion .Cup were piaye.l on the local courU. Itallion and I.ee .were the .con testant. in -Hie firsl eerie., the full .five ji.'t. be.injr played before Hallion wa the victor. In the second series, in winch Cole defeated Townslicnd, there was also onie pirite. tenni displayed. and uuin it was" necessary lo po the limit of set before the winner wa determined. Hallion and Cole have jiow to eugaire in the final which will probably he played thi week-end. TERRACE NOTES s Miss Klsie Kenny returned lo Huperl on Monday wheYe. she .will resume her -high school studies in the second year. Miss May Hied andlis Flor ence Hied who had yieeu Mis Kenny iniesls the pasl 'week relumed the same'day. v Clias. H. Gilbert made a trip In Vanderhoof Jhe latle.r part of the vveeji op business. , Hrucn Johnstone, Jeft for Vicloria on Friday. Mr. and Mr.. Walter Warner of llosswood left, ,for the west on Ve.lnesday. Mr. Warner's three nmuHi. leave of abseiice froiu Ihe Dominion Telegraph line is ' ' due. MI.s .Hertha Fowle.r who 5pent Ihe. holiday iil ber Jiome Armstrong returned ,o,n Saturday. Mr. Morse .Hall rpc-iU week end al Suiilhors with Floyd Halt. the Mrs. Mr. and ML Glolhier and Miss Kiiu'iaiu arrived io Terrace Frl-iliiyevening and continued their trip to Kitsumkalum, J.ake on Saturday. . , Mr. ,and Irs. J'roelss of llrew- sler who havejieen spending the sunimer al KiUumkdluni, have returned soulh .for the "winter. .0. 11. HritHit ,o,f Cores IsXaud. Is in charge 'of Hie Kilsuiukalui" School. Mr. and Mrv JPv.. MpI.nloU' are spending a snort tune at their homo at KlUumkaluni. Fine Dentistry like fine jewelry must be made .of HIGH CLASS MATERIAL .only J USE WE BEST MONEY CAN BUY This .Is admitted by LOCAL DENTISTS. My Motto is Cut -Prices for the month of September. Volume of Service That I may .render to tho people at large vthat which is due them, REGARDLESS OF FINANCIAL .RETURNS. I am here to serve you PERSONALLY. Can you meet .my prices In the City? Does your DENTAL WORK have a money-rback guarantee? 21 YEARS IN ACTIVE DENTAL SERVICE Does this appeal to you?' I am known to you, or your friends. ASK THEM. 1 OUT OF TOWN PEOPLE are requested to make while In the city. my offioe their headquarters DR. JOS. MAGUIRE DENTIST .Rooms 7, 8 and $ Smith Block This Office Is Maintained for HEALTH US T. your Pkme575 OFFIOE HOURS 9 to 12; 1 to 6 J lo 8. LADY ASSISTANT. KIND TREATMENT. BEST DENTAL SERVICE.