t lA9l BIX THl DAILY WIWB Wednesday. October 17, 1023 Handkerchiefs Junl unpacked a splendid assortment of Fancy Boxed Individual llundkerchisfs put tip in the daintiest manlier possible. , A large iissorlineiil of both colored and white. Look them over whilst ranges are complete. No gift more acceptable. Priced from 65c to $3.50 per box PICTORIAL QUARTERLY REVIEW NOW ON SALE. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. We Prepay Mall Orders. Phone 9. 1'aeific.Mllkv tall, U lor (Limit U tins each Loganberry Jain, 1923 pack and the best value in town i lb. pails, special . . 75c Pure Haspberry Jain, Niag- ar a I- all.- llrand, i lb. pail v.;.. 76c Blue ltibl.on Tea, lb. , . 65c Broken Shelled Walnuts, lb 35o Shelled Almonds, new, lb. OCILVIE OATS TELEPHONE SPECIALS Shop by Phone to Save Time and Money. Convinced that by telephone we can sell for less than otherwise, we have decided to put our theory iulo practice by means of "The Telephone Special." The special prices quoted in this ad. apply only on orders phoned in, as we have proven h?ynuii doubt that the overhead cost of selling which is the largest item in the expense "column of Hie retail grocery business today is reduced by more than one-half when orders are taken on the phone as compared to those taken on the fhuir of the store. In other words our records for the past six mouths prove that the average clerk on the phone can accomplish more lhau three clerks of average ability in the store, conc.ijii.ciilly we feci that it is only fair that we pass this saving along to those who shop by telephone. 6hop by Phone to Save Time and Money. This method along the lines we liav explained above, completely explodes many of the lime worn and accepted trade principles, of the past, and we venture to predict that jnsl as nrJrierir inventions have supplanted the methods of olden dajtTfecli'iig hip reductions in cost of manufacture, so ulsO'.Vllll our iMlijjj' u lower prices to those who shop by phone supplant the limcwasling method of personal shopping. Every home should have aphone. No louder is the telephone considered u luxury. It is jfyi absolute hecosity, and no household caii afford to not have A'pfjjme. : lakr the phone pay its way. H will save shoe le.ylierj aiidtposi-bly a big medical bill from exposure on a ""fhuppffig trip when the weather is bad. It brings every mrt'liail( m mis town rtgllll to your door, no matter how far! away you live. WEEK-END SPECIALS For Telephone Customers Only. ...... 45c Mixed 1'eel, half Citron, bal ance Lemon and Orange, lb. 40c Orange ami Lemon l'cel, mixed,, Ibi ......... 35o Mi nee Meal in hulk, lb. 20c Dill Pickles in hulk, doz. 30c (Jrisco in bulk, 2 lb. fur 45c Combination Special. Canned Vegetables, 7 for i.oo. 3 Tins Toinalos, 2's. ,2 TiiiM Pumpkin, 2's. I'Tin'ioIden Wax Beans, 2'h. 1 Tin I'tefugee Beans. 2's. Combination Special. Canned Fruits, 4 for $1.00, 1 Tin Loganberies, 'Si. i Tin strawberries, l's, tails. 1 Tin Apricots, l's, tails. 1 Tin Peaches, sliced, l's, talis. Libby's Asparagus Tips, Tiny Green. Iteg. 50c. Special 45c; 3 fur $1.25 Cider for Mince Meal. Dyson's full strength boiled and concentrated, 0 in 1 pints 35c; quarts ... 60c special offer on Johnson's Fluid Beef ami Buvril Cordial. With every sale we will give-free one only Japanese Cup and Saucer. H'oz. Fluid Heef. Price $1.35 20o.. Ituvril Cordial. Price $1.50 White Hock (linger Ale. This is a splendid line, ami is recommended by physicians because of its medicinal properties. 25c each, per doz. $2.75. Graham or Whole Wheat Flotlr, 10 lb. sacks. Special 45c We are Wholesale and Retail Distributors Best" Flour and Feed. l-'ollovyii'g aivJ the prices effective on the Ogilvie Cer due this week-end. r i I i j. miikic rive f backs sacks W heal No. 2 Nor- a. tliern $2.60 $2.50 if l 3.00 2.90 3.65 3.55 for "Canada's Bran, Ocilvics Best 1.90 1.80 r OOllVirs Shorts " " 2.00 Fine Oat Chop ... 2.45 Kgg Mash (gets results .. Scratch Feed Ogil-vie's . . . , , . . . Cracked Corn, Ogil- vic's i Whole Corn, market firm 1.80 2.35 3.50 3.40 3.45 3.35 HR0YAlHOiSCIOiO J Feed Oats, Harley, (Irouud Harley, Haby Chick Feed, lieveloper. Fine Uornmeal, CrusJied )als, etc., arriving at lowest prices. A bur. Feed Prices not confined lo phone orders. The Rupert Table Supply Co. Three Phones 211, 212, 281. EITHER WORK OR LEAVE ITI I No Half Way Measure Can Con tinue Here Longshoremen Are Notified Local shipoiucr officials this morning notified the I.L.A. that there would be no half way method in connection with the longshoremen's strike. The men would either have to handle the cargoes of all ships or none at all. Notification o this erred was given at a conference between X, It. Walton. C.X.Il. superintendent; lleyinald lleautnoul. C.(i.M.M. Ideal superintendent; A, s. Paul, manager of the Pacific Stevedoring Co.; F. W. Heidi, secretary or the local longshoremen's union; and Charles Lang, also or the union. Asked by the officials what the intention of the union was. the union representatives staled that they would not unload ships loaded by unfair labor asjong a Hip strike was ip progress but they would handle ofber freight. They were liotifiro" that they would have to handle ovcrylhing or nothing. The shiiipiu? concerns exneel to have no difficulty in handling Hie Imals here. 0I11nleer tahor will he used until the strike is ended. HOARDED GOLD IS BEING PAID INTO ENGLISH SAYINGS LO.MKIX. Oct. 17. Gold which has lioen hoarded for years is being dug uo in this country and paid into the savings bank. People in (own ami country, men and women, are finding jrohl with which lo purchase savings bank certificates. For many years (hi gold lias lain idle ami the interest whirb it would have brought has been lost. Compounded in many kinds or securities lln money would almost have doubled ilseir in leu. yearM. Free! Heauliftil Illustrated itulb Cata logue, showing you liow to grow ((rami's Hulbs in ornaiitculal bowls ror home decoration. You can have abundance of gay flowers in )our home all winter by growing Brand's Bulbs I'he method is easy the results certain. Hramf's Tulips, Narcis sus, Crocus, Hyacinth, etc., are all sound, specially selected bulbs imported direct from Holland. SEND FOR CATALOGUE TODAY. 723 Robson Street, VANCOUVER - - B. C. You can't get that flash heal so necessary to baking cakes unless you use clean Coat. CONSUMFHS COAL, cleaned Tree from choking shale, burns brightly. It sends clean heal direct to the oven steady heat which slays. Our Coal is free from soot. Consumers Coal Go. Lid Phones 7 and 311. m Alriqht B mIM, nftliblt Uutlv to rTl rUT Cooitlpatiou nd Bill- uumm atui kwp th diMtlT (B4 M JW 77 1 c 1)1. y.M"Ek" ui r . - 1u s:V Xc Chips off "e 0M Block lK m juniors- m m Mf L uttl H ibo ctotfr coid. For chl1dra n4 ESQUIMAU ANXIOUS TO BID ON VESSELS FOR C.P.R. FLEET VICTOHIA, Oil. t; At a or the Ksiiiumall Hoard of Trade at the Sailors" Club re cently, It. II. Pooley. M.P.P.. an. I Heeve Luck ley, were appointed a eoiiuniltee to Interview Norman Yarrow, of Yarrows. Lbl., in ie. card to the feasibility of liuihiin? the Iwo new ships for the llana-diaii Pacific llailway in Itrilisli Columbia. 'the committee was instructed to enlist the co-oper ation or the Chamlier or Com. merce. and to make every effort to convince Hie I'.anadian Pacific llailway officials that Pacific coast yards should he yixen au opportunity to hid n tin-, work. BRITISH FARMERS ASKING PROTECTION i.oNno.v Oct. t7. ish fanners, deidatv The llril-Ibal unless they get a measure of protection so thai they, can a (Ton I lo raise ?rain lliey will turn millions of acres of arable laud into pas ture. This will release a larjjc part of the present employed and accentuate the critical unemployed situation here. The present government is said to he pledged lo free hade at present so it is difficult lo know what will happen. ANXIETYTN INDU OWING TO CRIMES Political Plotters Said to be In volved in Acts of Violence CALCUTTA, Oct. 17. In pro- login? (tie lteugal Lcgilali- Council, Lord Lyttou, the (iover- nor, voiced a note of anxiety and warning regarding the recent recrudescence of violent crime in Calcutta and other parts of (he province. These outbreaks are attributed to the work of seer"! revolutionary societies, having as one of their aints the assassination of government officials. I'he crimes or violence which have in the last few mouths deeply shocked the public of Calcutta have been generally as sumed to have been Ibe acts of ordinary criminals. The latest murder in the post office at San-karilolhi and the trial and conviction of one of' the ganv who committed the murder has re vealed to the public the workings of oiKaiii.ed i-cvoluiiouary so. cielies of which HeiiKal has bail such an unhapoy experience in the past. The revival of n men ace. which many will' remember as a hideous nightmare, and which everyone had hoped had gone forever, line creabjd n situa tion in which the government will require o nn exceptional degree, the support or the public. The colitaminaliii? Influence of these ganifs or fanatical ideal ists. who adopt terrorism through robbery and iissnssination as (heir weapon, is a danger to the youimer fteneration from which no family can feel allogelher liu mtine. llimry midland, native, was fouh! guilty In (lie police court Ibis nprnlng on n chargo of In-toxicnlion and wap fined 10 un der the Indian Act. ABSENT MINDED ".Ma. I Just hale Ibis bread with lodes In :'y "J)onl be su fussyl 'You doii have to eal the holes leave lhem on your pl.ifr." Ihyltui 'Trans if,.' WELL KNOWN FIGURE isuc. ON STREET ARRESTED Alex. Stewart Pleaded Guilty to Vagrancy Charge This Morning In Police Court Alex. Stewart, well known character or the city street, fell Into the hands of the police last evening and this morning pleaded guilty in Magistrate McCly- inout s court to a charge of vagrancy. Sentence was reserved until tomorrow. Stewail's arrest was made lust night following a phone call from Joe sigmuml, (indium Avenue, (who said that a man was lyintf joii the street in front gr his house apparently dead. Sergeant .ii niinrii) suuiinoiicu ir. J. I". Cade, city doctor, and Coustuldc Macdnuald and proceeded to the scene. Stewart as found prone on I lie slrcet in a very Intoxicated condition. He was taken lo Hie lock-up instead of the inor- YOUTHS IN BERLIN TOOK CHANCES AND I BECAME VERY RICH! HI'.HI.IX, Oct. 17. A majority or the automobile owned in Iter, liu ai tlie proper); ,of persons between and vint- id. I ' v.,..n. i.,. . '...v-ii.. 'tr .it ! loom iois aniini nseu 01 1 lie jrambliiiK' chances which have presented lheiueve. in the kap'idlcopic change which have come in the financial situation In Oermany. and most of the new rich are youngsters. Many of them are not Germans. The fortunes earned hy Miine of these speculiilors are reported lo he enormous, mid I heir expenditures are lavish. Hut the methods ,,f most of these Kel-rich-iiiiek rhaps are of a sort which will nrohahlv be wholly oio of the picture when Kciiaiu gels its currency sliihtli- xrd. 'A" GRADE Potatoes Our car that arrived this week had 11 number of "A" Orade Ited Potatoes which we are offering at the special prices of $1.50 Per Sack. Also up river Cabbage, per lb. 5c. FULLER & ATKINS People's Providers. Phones 45 and 674, FARMERS' Meat Market A shipment of Hulkb-y Valley HeeT and Mutton will-arrive for Ibis week end. Look at These Prleesl Moiling Heef, per lb, ... 6o Shoulder Hoast, So ami 10o Choice Hoasis .... ... 1Bc Hih Sleaks . ... ., 12'ac Slew Heef .. ,, So Veal Stew , So Veal Hoast ... ... ... 120 Mullon Slew ... ,. ... So Shoulder Million .... .. 16o Legs Multon 280 Sausage ... iBo Hamburger . 1 15c Oainers' dry Salt Pork 25o Outliers Hreakrasl Hacon, Inkintr the niere .... 40c Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Hook, PRINCE RUPERT, . C. Office Hours, t U t. Phone M. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. Phone 376 The House )3i Phone SS. Phone 376 of Qualily Great Values in Ladies' UMBRELLAS JUST. ARRIVED. Ladie-' I inhrell s in stroiif Taffctit cloth eour n;; solid rib frames, sortcd stvles. slraighl handles w 'h I rong l -alher strap holders. Priced at $1.05, $2.50 and $3.00. Kxlra fine ipiality union Tiiffclu covers 011 2a' ,1' ir.. roii rib frames, assorted straight s)e handles, ht'It ivory 1 11 111 11 1 im I. Priced $4.50 to $6.00. Kx'ra fine finish, besl ipiality silk covers on ;':i nu ll frames. Handle'- ar- of the best fiuc.li in assorted tvt Priced $12 00, $14.75 and $15.75. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. "Outfitter! to Whole Famly." We Prepay Muil th-ders Satofacloi xr Money lUr WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 Agnes Ayres "The Heart Raider" The love tor or 11 ilcvil-m. nrr girt v io dtlh took out an insoran. e ioicy to pnlr. 1 hiipelf again1' '1 pranks. When hcarU ure chomps and 11 feJIow rei the tove nltai ks uf a peach, Her liriir w set oil him -she l-t him see her 01 a bathing suit ami vvoil the voruK worst woman ba'er Supporting at itirOulc-MAHLON HAMILTON, CHARLES AND MARIE BURKE. THE NEW LEATHER PUSHERS - ROUND NO. 5. "STRIKE FATHER, 8TRIKE SON." FOX NEWS.QA2ETTE. Admlulon 35c and 10c EDSON COAL We can nun Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL, in any ipiuntily. LINDSAY'S ! Cartage and Storage Phone CS. Cartage, Warehouelnir. and ilributlng Team or Motor Service. C-oal, Sand and Gravel, We Specialise in Piano and Furnttura Moving. WINTER will soon be here And by wearing heavier underwear icuiandcd by h change of sea.on you can ucipinr that seite or vvell'beittg so necessary for eff.cie.ic lhal comry r.'Hiiitr which comes rro.11 being well clad. To feel "g - H n,t. M,e ml'vy "r C"mK Hl""g' '""kU y"r "f l")r Combinations for Ladles-I., pure wool and silk ami woo' We have Wat.,,,- and le-Te, in biw neck, V iicck hort sleeve, knee or .,kle lenglh, sizes from ;M I" 1 1. From $4.00 to $8.50. In 2 Piece Suits-We have Watson's iuid -OeeV in pur Wool and silk and wool, faun $2.50 pp. For the Chlldren-We carry boll, combinations ,! Ivvo Piece suits i prt. W(H)Ii , f.t(( JJ04u ;M For the Boy. and Clrl.We have PeninhL Or,, and for Hoy yvu hnv- Penman's Pure Wool Ll Tiger llruml. l"" i" 'oiiibiiialioiis mid piectVsiiHs'. Alliot.gh the snow is h , (lt.'hiN ,,, ,ri. xe "n- '" " '"I'l " Him, any day now. e prlTarcdi Jabour Bros. Ltd. Corner Third and 8eventh. Phono 645. M