.VH;ifdr -Qr 17. 1023., I Summer COAL r l satisfaction! Repeat ij pelng filled eery day or Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal . Fire' .al (.oiiger; - ame other N it Coal. Phono 116 or 884. Albert & McCafiery LIMITED Tht Demand for Whole Wheat Bread Is Increasing.. isomer now uuik l rnllii)ialir oxer ii v an.l npp.'limK Try a Loaf Today. From youp Qrocep'or from the ElectricWindow Bakeries VALENTIN'S DAIRY NOW OPEN Phone 81 DAILY DELIVERIES 1iLitite DiJttTfy f Cwiparr d with Olilnwry tiled plain) O - '".111111,11, I IIIII1I9. I IIUIIII- trt...l . ... ... e'.i.nn nuii jMaycr pianos ' or ll nni by Week . or Mouth. ilker's Music Store Ltd. Fill your pipe with 801 7 l rhldMU CUT PLUG "ItScdtifos" Ifvou roll your own. askior KMB (857 TIMBER SALE X6451. Slleil TVt.tr, will trrrltHl bjr Ihe M rr "t tMHU. al Vlrti.ru. M Uln i.wn owm i.n u im dr ,r i.,4r. ivt). r..i II ni..i4Mi ,.r l.rrne X ! - Hi trri ..r iiHiibM-k. HaiMiu. "I" ix1 HUr. -n it (ltd ttn. Il..le . .-..I Ijml l )fr ilt mi linl rr r-lrK-il "f iifuiirr. I'lirllMT lrlliulari r tl chirr run. Irr. i.1..rl. B.i:. nr ll- lillir I i . I'riiirc hii-rl. H.:. k TIMBER SALE X 5429. Thf br ..ff-rl for iU Pobllf Anrl.. 4 I. , ibr f 01b fitJ ,,f r. IJ. 111 lb iifrir rrf IIh IHMrirl I .rrir. i.,uil ltty. I'rltwY Haprrt. Ih !'' XillK. Ui ml IW.HW icrkplnc r." iriHv riM. i m ira ituirl lrnr,,i. Ik. a t4l Lip- mi. ..ii fiaj IUb I, 0ji UM Oliirtri. i rr mill 1 anmj fnr f-K I Iliutr. runiwr Hronlar f ibe Clalrr rr--t KUiot. B.iT. w nturlrt lorturr. Prllit Hnprrt. B.C. TIMBER 8ALC X4701. Miiii.irf .,f ltHt. lun. IwH Ulrr titan ih-i mi tlw tub Aty ut ixt.4f. !..t in. puma u Ijrrare tll i. ui i ..'"" frri .4 irre. OiUr. lira k Altai lUIXIHt Ml a BIT MIlMlnt Ml ll . KV ,J I'm J.IimI. lunf I I IH.Irvl 1. if. jpr mill I alkivnt for rt-lii- l i4 llibtirr utilwr Mrii' lar nf tt CWf rre-In. YlrhrtU. B . . Itw IlKlrtrt -orr.-I Jnn- Ru.rrt. B.i:. TIMBER SALE X 5538. I Ttwr lll W uffrrnt fnr tk at mthf AU'1i"ti. al ua Ihr llh Oijr of or-loter. till. n Ihr ofrirr of the I'M MM I'trrtlrr. 'ri llmv, l-rlnrp Huprrl. Ih t irrmt Xllll. la ml !. JirktHiw im iiprarf Tl. 11 an arrt ituaifl no Iranmln 4.akr. al nt knon Up-pinrntl tttf. Bant 4, Cnl Mini IiUIMrl. I'i (i rrar will hr allowd fur r-lixital of UiilHr. I'ttrlbrr aniculr f lite CMt far- ;ii-r. Mr lorn. B.c. or Puirlrl Furlr, ,ITinr Bprrl. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 555. i "aleI TMhVr l iwrliwl by Ihr SJinirtcr nT MihH, al lrlirU. ImI liter i nuii noun ) ttw IMh day f Ori.jHT, jlf:t fur Ihe Hirr!Me of Ueene lilt. t . ill T.HO LmtiYpule Tine ami llMiil-iri Ti. .in in lira llnaled atxxil ln mile fr.n odartale UII. Canlilian National Hail ..ir IH'Irlrl. I T" I Tear lll,l allowed fnr T-KMital nt llinbrr. I'urihff itumlar nf the Chief rnrea. rr. Vi.iurii, B.i'.. or Puirlrl l'ortr. j rlnry lluprfl. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 544. I Thrr be i.rrrre.1 for sale al PuMlr iAu. tlnn. '"n ,h fwl ,,'r M""-ibir ll, In Ihe ofm-e cf Ihe IHMlirt ..relet i..urt llMie. Prlnre lluperf. Hie 'llrenre UIM. to rill 1.T Jarkplrie Tlr ami i.:.u.it(l rbjn. nt sprure Kal'. 'in in ire Ulualed im Ihe a.linj lilver. apprntlnwilrly 4 nille el fmm rranrtrt like. Bane 4. Coa.l tl.HMt IiUIMrl, . . . Ile 'er IH I ilhiwed r re- niil ur llnilier I fiirllier parllmUr nf Ihe Chief rorr-jer. Mrinrla. B.i . nr Hie illrlr lre- . tt-r. Prim-e Biierl. b c .m TIMBER SALE X5449. Valnl TeiLlem lll I rereUeil by tlie Mliimter .if IjiuI.. al Vklorli. no! liter lluu IHl ..n Ihe IMh day of ''. fur Ihe pinrhae f Llrenre Mill, In nil IS.nee Jirlplne Tie nil 111 irei luart n.irlhea.1 lr TrUwi. H"re 1. "T;'.."!Vr"'e.r. Hill he l.l..e,1 for re- '""riJlr pTrMr'iiUM of the Chief rrM. ler. VlrlnrlV H :.. r IH'Ulrl f.e.lrr. 1'ilnr Unpen, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 559. ealixl Teiwler will be rrrelted by Hie MliiWIeV r IJI1. 1 Vlrlnrll, nol Uier or l.lrenre X !. i i rr Ihe piinhie I rill I7UU.I 'j.rM'hie Tl' aiiiiiiiiiiit I "l .MiKf. '" Ihe ivrlh m.re i.r will I all..e.t rr re-mP;r.herr , Three i J 'earn .l.m l " ! r. Miinrli. H r Prim meri. TIMBER SALE X 6565. 4ile.l Teiulr" will I re.i-lve.1 ty Ihe VKi M?P HuVeV I.UJe X . nr,r rrov "nwr nml'-'l on in im Cnon,."r.'r",e.r will 1" '"'' FORMER ANYOX MAN a dre of while salin ami wear ing a lri.lal M il of orange bin. orn. Her hoiiiini'l wa of pink ami while chrysanthemums. Mr I.. Swnnon played Ihe wedding march, the gue inc. inline Mr J. I'. Wilvon. Mr. Max Xonl, Mr. I. Leslie. Mr. Jenklnsnn, Mr. J. A. Swniiou, Mr. ami Mr H. Fer guson. Mr. W'harlon. Mr. ami Mr. Alex. Soalon. Mr. J. Herd man. Mr. T. Vilkinori. ami Mi nderon. The happy couple will spend their honeymoon In Ihe south. NEW SUPERINTENDENT HIDDEN CREEK MINE Several Officials Get Promotions at Anyoi Recently ANYOX. Oct. 17. Siierep.iric J. Tullle Jr. a iiiieriiilrinlenl of jlhe lli.l.lrii Creek mine. J. A. Swan -on i rereiinr Hi ronural illation of Ihe ramp. Mr. Swan on ha been with the liriinhy Company roiilinuoiiiy for id Uear ami the appointment t a ery Mipular one, ami i a jul rerocnilion of ahility ami er-ire renilereil. Mr. Swanxm entere Ihe employ of Ura n by al I'hoenix in I huh. when that ramp wa in il in fane). He wa one of the 11 it iWproimil Pang, Iwcaiiio liintnr bo. hifi b an.l mine fore. man in turn, romintc to Anyox when tie company firl tok oer control of (he prnpertie wtiich liae inre ieMlope into Ihe bit: t;et copper operalion In Ihe Um pire. Mr. Swauoii will have a hi HilHiit iiiTinlenilent V. "-onller. nho ha le.n wilh the (irauby Company almol roiilinu-oiil inre HHl. when Jie wa in charge of the II Mine, a Tiranhy pnrly on Prince of Wale llaiil, nhoiil Ihirly-fiM' mile wet of Ketchikan. a The new mine fon'iniin i Mr. Virlnr Itenp-nii. who wa nil- inl mine foreman at lli.l.lon Creek for Ihe pal three year. ALICE ARM New of Ihe reporle! oplinnin? of Ihe Polly Vanlen mine by New York capilalil i welpnmeil hen ami it i hopeil Dial il will mean an early reumplion of (lie opi'rnliou of Hie mine ami railway. The Holly YanliMi ha been rloei j.inre le'ember IUJ0 ex- rept for u lillle leelopmenl work in anil the shipping of H7i H'll of ore yielilinK 15,0 IS ounce of iler. A Social l.eapuo ha been fiirin.il in Alice Arm wilh Ihe following oltlcer.: Preiilenl, C. hrennen; ice-preiilenl, Mr. H. I'. Mrliinni; iecrelary lreaurer, T. V. Falconer; rliairman, V.. Mo. 4 - W. 1'. H. Thnmpon, nrpraniicr for Ihe l.oyal Onler of .Moose, wa in town laM week ixnini- up new member. They were In-ilialnl in Ihe Welcome Pool lloom on Siimlay. A numlier of Anyox members ami nllirer, Were prcrnl. ANYOX Anyox ii'siilenl nrriyinp from lioliiluy. recently inclu.le Mrn, W. .lone ami on from an exlemleil iil to I'.njilanil; Mr. Murray (leranl, from Ihe oulh; Mr.. It. Slewarl "nil ilauithler. from, Victoria; Mr. ami Mr. (I. (1, .Vein I) in from a honeymoon spoilt in Vancouver; Mrs. K. K. Pallnn ami family, Mrs. .1. A. l. Slew-art, Mr. O. Wilson ami A. Sinclair from Prince Ituperl, - A farewell parly wn lemlereil .1. K. dill a few evenliiK ago at the home of Mr. ami Mr. Hoy fllll, Anynx Mine. "Iliniuie" a he I known he! In III, frienil, is goliiij lo enter Princeton Uni- WEDS MISS FARNELT wsremony Took Plact at Homo of Bride's Parents, Re. J. Hoffman Officiating i .o., Oct. 17. . wedding of. misHierniuc interest in rcKniciiN of Anyox look place last week when V. l.egge, formerly .of Anyox Mine an. I now of Allenby, H.C wa united in marriage In Ml- (lla.l) Kariii'll, daughter of Mr. ami Mr. II. W. Farnell. Rev J. llerdman officiated, tin- cere, inoiiy taking place at Ihe resi. deuce of Hi.' bride- parent. The liriil-maii Mi II. Wil.nn nn.l I In- tti'iiiiui ' :i 1 1 n,f. by lex. a icl num. Tli bride wa ghen away by hep fattier, ami appeared charming In Ifll UOXL. k'HCTTB ' I I I - - - I To make a good cup of cocoa use I THE COCOA OF HIGH QUALITY WANUFACTURED by the moi t sdentipe, up-txxlate mecKaniccl proc-cis?s (no cKemicals), it is absclutcl pure ond hzs a most delicicus flavcr and aroma. Made In Canada By Walter Baker L Co. Limited EatsbUxJ I7M USll M DocckrMrr, Vf-if. anj MontreJ, CTtiJa sookixt or aioicz titarts sen nuz verily ami expect to be back here pain next Miinuier to continue exploratory work for tjie tJranby Cniniiany, . ami in which he wa enira?e, ilurinpr the ea- in jul paed. The Kiiel at Ihe parly were Mi Swanon, Mle Dick ami Te. lla-letl, Mr. ami Mr. W. Coulter, Mr. ami Mr. II. Talbol. Mr. and Mm. K. SwaiiMin. Mer. Anderson. Pallnn, Wile ami Ployarl. NEW HAZELTON During- Ihe pal season Rnlmrl May of Moricelown has shipped ten carload of xiialoe to Prince Huperl, the most nf them heinu handled by F. (. Dawsm A Ok, I.ld. Mr. and Mm. HichapI.J. Mor rioii have arrived b.cre fronl Fori William, Oiil, where they wer recently niarriinl. Ihe bride wh formerly Mi Kliza- mMIi Shearer of Aberdeenshire. ?Htlland. Frel (irilfi'ii ha t,rken over Oluf IIiiii-oii'i jMile camp at Skeena t;rniii- and will employ sixteen men there this fall ami winler. I.. W. Pal more of Prince Hu perl viiled here last -week the sues! of W. S. Harris. Mi Stephens ha arrived here from Nanaimo to succeed .Mr. MrCutclieon a assistant super intendent of Hie ll.yellon lifis-pilal. Mi Ilia J. of Vancouver lias taken a position a house Aeeper al the hospital. YANDERHOOF .Mr. Joule of Victoria relurn- s south last week afler spend ing Ihe la-l five monlhs here visilintr wilh her soi) and dniigh-ler-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. W. Ileal h. Mr. and Mr. Charles T. Cabrra passed Ihrough Vander- hoof last week enroule from Malison Creek to Wyoming-. 4) Aulomnbilos arc now making- regular trips between Vander-hoof and Prince Oeorgc. in from four In five hours. The provin cial trmcriimcnt intend In re. pair Ihe road still further. -4 11, V. Goodwin has left for Prince George to tako a position a operator n Ihe O.N.H. uptown leleKraph otllce. tit in The Mas m tk Mm BAYSt. Nt;iv more, ilirl i LopiiniMtr vaiuatile. HPa estate on Ihe increase. THKHK 1 nenlV of monetr in I he M iHd when a mlijinn 'dollar us ji.iiii in on,, week in New York lo witness baseball games. ONK healthy ign about our northern imjlilri i thai whal ing prosperous. THH increase in Ihe number nf Indent atlenilino- the iiio-i. nclmol. imlicale lhal an incre. in- iiuiiiber of parenl are beinjf i-ilucaleil. NOimiKitNKftS ilo nnL believe Ihe looe leaf yiein. The. pine keep their needle all wiri- ler. SOMK people are wide awake and oilier wear loud rlolhes. Til Kit I' Would be a bimmI deal e divoire if Ihel-e wa le matrimony, ? ' " A I "Id ,li'rVr.Vr5,."o..tlI.,i il.i- - - ....... iiiii eii-.ii boardiri(r ,lroiieS t"rillinfr ia lion." i- . '.j V' r r,IltI.S linlei iilnvinir Mm vi.lin They have a 'Vep ihVIr chin till all Ihelfme. . - - HOttHKIl .haired . cirl never rimmil ..iiirlde. They'Mn'! have o. lliey are dreadful enough al ready. JOHNNY yoe nut wilh a girl, II really i funny; He ued In be iiuile well In do, Hut now he ha no money. THKHK are no women whalers al ltoe Harbor. They are all leaching- chool here. 1 1 Kit K lie Ihe bmly Of Johnny Upas; He Jut struck a match . Tit check tip the gas. IT may be necessary for me In slata dial a stable government ha nothing In do wilh horse or cows. A MAN who dodge cars is a pedestrian. A man who dodges taxes i a financier. A man who lodge. responsibility is an al-lerman. A man who dodges paying hi subscription In thi paper is a damned raral, so the circulation manager says. 4 THK cleeret man I know is Ihe one who lakes a dollar In a rhurcli bazaar and bring half of it home with him. - THK voice of Ihe people i the voice of God if you are elected. WHAT I like about Prince Ru pert islhe wonderfully successful way in which every person minds his owh business and even has lime In lap over a lillle on his neighbor. FKRMKNTF.D grain Begins In sprout, Fermented liquor Make. men spout. ASKKD how he find business, a Third avenue merchant say he fimU business when be looks for it. It might not be futile In suggest advertising as one of the important methods of search. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert October 17, 1S1J. A, J. Burroughs, manager of the Prince Hupcrt Lumber Co., re lumed last night from a business I rip to Kmilhcrs um other interior points. He says over sixty stores ami houses are under const ruction at Smilher and there is a hi; demand for carpenter. II. S. Clement., M.P., returned last night from a limit fishing (rip lo l.akese bake and sailed this morning on Ihe Prince GeoVge for Vancouver. The suspension bridge across Ihe Bulkley Hier al llawilget has been completed at U cost of 30,-000 by George Cradock A Co. of Wakefield, England. William B. George, well known Slewarl 'mining man, and Mrs. George, reached thecily yesterday afternoon and are registered al the Hotel Prince Rupert. -RELIABILITY. pam Ptn is a proof of true worth. The reliability of Beecham's Pills as a safe, gentle and effective corrective and eliminant has been proven for 70 years. Digestive, disorders often cause tmoaired health. Biliousness. headache, lost appetite, constipation, and ailments may be relieved by that reliable family medicine BEECHAM'S PILLS Larrest Sale of Any Median in the World Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way to prove that IMIKM1EU "GOLD MEDAL" DEER is best TRY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Britisli Columbia. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND . Says Ihe Victoria Times; As soon as Mr. Bowser begins to use figures on Ihe platform he invariably gets into a f rightful mess and often "loses his place" altogether, Perhaps Im does mil meaiilrT indulge' in wild Abatements or use statistics that are uol correct; rattier does il look as if there still lingers with him a youthful deteslalion of the third "r." But he really slipped badly when he told the people of Prince Rupert that he wa giving them a treat at his own expense lhal he wa defraying Ihe cost of hi travel nut of his own pocket. To a point, of course, there is n figment of truth in the assertion because he is not in rt position to send in a voucher to .the Comptroller-Geueral and get hi travelling expenses. At the sunie time he should remember that Ihe people of the Northern seaport know thai he is paid $2,-000 a year more than his colleagues in onler that, as leader of Ihe opposition, he may travel Ihe country I this the only new theme with which he can replace Ihe obi one of "hammering Ihese fellows over Ihe Bay?" HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert A. C. Knight, Vancouver; G. A. Young, J. A. Stephen, William H. Georye and wife and Mrs. C M. Kirkwood, Stewart; J. Stamford. Victoria; Mrs. C. M, Mo-Inlyre, and Miss Russ. Anyox; J. A. Brown, Porl'Kssinglon. Central J. A. Banna and II. Perron, Anyox;' J. B.. Edged, Vancouver; II. E. Boy, .Montreal. SHIPYARD WOODEN HULL 'CONSTRUCTION A SPECIALTY. Plans and Estimates Furnished For All Classes of Boats. Anyone considering the purchase of a new fishing vessel, tug, or wooden boat of any description is cordially invited to inspect progress on the two CO foot cruisers we are now building for Ihe Fisheries Department. ? DECLARES MR. BOWSER NOT GOOD AT FIGURES Bad Slip When he SUted Paid Own Expenses for Travelling Through Country Loggers & Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shoes from $4.50 Men's Brown Calf Shoes, in Goodyear Welt, wide or narrow toes, from v $5.50 Hand Made Loggers' Boots from $8.50 REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Next St. Regis Cafe. St. Regis Cafe Prlnoe Rupert's Leading RestauranL I A Bakery Unsurpassed. S Third Avenue. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam. Healed. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James -Zsrelll - Proprietor.