PA01 "TWO THW MILT K1WB "FRUIT-A-TIVES" STOPPED REINDEER MEAT AGONIZING RHEUMATISM RUPERT DINNER Menu at Los Angeles Banquet Three years in bed until he took Made to Suit Northern Taste i SMOKE i Further pnrlienlnr of I h Itan the wonderful Fruit Medicine ipiei gion in l.o Angeles for F.' 1 lxros Oat. n. Dawson are supplied liy coiir, "For over three year, t w tesy of :. I-:. Ilninler. Ilr latM ronllned to bej ilh Klieumatitm. In fi loiter than a self npxMnlfs liurinir that time, I lia.t treatment cstmiiiiltec consisting of W. M.' from a number of dootor anl trinl Iaw. Frank. Kees, .loo linerta nearlr eierythiiir I m aittrrtiW for Ithetimaiimi, without receivinf ami 0. K. Maimer, sent nli" l: anv lieuelit. all person in Southern Cnlifor-! ('Inally I deriJeJ to try "I'rui--tltr" nlft, hne nhlree were known.' GDE NS ; anA Wore I haU usct half a. who. formerly rell(sl in Priuc-Itlipcrt, 'bo, I notlee.1 an ImproTement; the j jiainwmnot aetrreanl thexrllinr llml n lng banquet mi.I utarteit to go domn. I continued thinker would lie held nl Hie An-' taking them, iraprovinjr all the time. win llnlel. in t,o Angeles, on I ran mm walkaliout too tniles anil am aUe to lo lil.t chores around February 80. I0?3. , the place". I The following responded In Hie Al.i:.NT)KIt MUXKO notices: P. D. Keeley. Irl tuim. Wil-' Ttils letter of Mr Munro h the bet poihle proof of the alue of linm MrlUory. rt. I'. Datgnrno. J.) in the of ItlieumaliMii, .uralii, chronie "Kmit-a-tives" rtdJinr ayMera 1 1 radioligand oilier ncverean.l ialiiful lllnr due to an inrlainr.1 condition M. Carmirliact, .1. A. Macdoiinhl,1 CUT PLUG of the serve, caused hy poiwneit l4oo.t. "Kruit-a-tirr" are a wooderful 11. i:. Peck. K. J. Mnynnrd. II. O.i combioatioD of the juice of apples, orange, fiiriand prune, ami Ionic,and Itiiller, Joe IWrig. W, M. Ijiw.! will always reliereauch troubles. Me a box, (i for t-.', Jial ie 2Sc At I.lie Martin. V.. W. MacPhiiil. dealer or aeat postpaid by I reil Shaw Sr.. J. J. Alexander, Kl.riT-A-TIVliS LIMITED, OTTAWA, OVT. Jolni Makri. Fred Shaw Jr., I.r Tendon, Jiag. Oifdenshurf, N.V. piristchurch, X Z. Kendall. William Joy. It. II. Mor. rlon, A. W. Maclean. O. M. Il.l gerson. I'. Ripley limit, Je llmissenu. llnrry Morion, rt. II The Daily News Fi.her. V. I. Caslev. J. II f!Ktiote, and C. li. Unfetter. I'ltlNUK HIII'KUT HKITIHII COLUMBIA - j . Mr. Fred IMwson wa lite guest PiibtUh.ed Hvery Afternoon, eicept Sunday, the Prinre ijoMlin evening. Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. if ,lli following sent regrets: r- O. II. Il,ii. 1:. l. Newton, Itny 1T VO'J H. P. PULLKN. .Managing Edilir. j Milter, Otto el.iu .. A.Mln. ' llyre. I-rank lJni. ieocg An. Jc7 11 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: jjtell. A. S. Maeey. Wake WMHuins per rc.i City Delivery, by mad or carrier, n.r monlh. . . S1.0 Frank Knott, J. J. Slwin, II. By mail to all part of the British Kmpire and the United Slate. 'I ilu. (ieorpe Milner. Nelson in advance, per year .$).)'J I num. John Shetl, ami Witfinnti packet To all other countries, i.n advance, per year $7.S"Vrarnet. own. Jim linen? arte.1 a chairman TELEPHONE 88 and ttpNtetl the banquet with ,' The Mar Spangled llamter." fnl. ' Ji Transient l)inlav Advertising 1.40 ner inch ner insertion '"""I ' "The Maple i.eaf For. 5s 1 iifck Transient Advertising on Front Pae $2.80 pir inch jver." Many old time stories and riTf Local Readers, ner insertion 2.c ter1iiie"n,l,,i''M'M"' indulged b. t Wrt lid a ! Cl.-issineii Adertime. ner insertion !n iwr Mine yvun Bet.eral lhal Legal Notices, each insertion 1!c per agate line I'riiu-e lltiiteli li.- a srrat fMlu. II srn?ranhieal Mvilin with JefefenVy In the Orient Hilt he t) lh Contract Rate 011 Application. tiiv U UiAjO Cii urwally fn her advantage All advertising should he in The Daily New Ofllce on day preceding a tli I Panama Canal i to I lie ipeop. pulilicatior.. All advertising receive! snlijerl lo approval jliienl of Siulhern tUtlirnrnUt. j 'Hie nmnnireriient of the Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. jgelns Hotel, wlien henrins th:tl jeery m u j reeni wa a SaMinVay. Mqreti 10,19:3. I former ritleivt of I lie " rminlrv f.tiorenl o Alnka. had 011 lit Church Union menu reindeer ieitk. feeling Ireimker anil ritly fuar rtritl If Being Opposed llhe meat diet of that eminlry. and , . . . in 'iiiiii'clion n-illi I ia .r.r., .1 f.. ,I'l. 1'..:.... ."1 irj.irHi.iii .inn, ii i iiiiiii ii i it riinnire wioiiiii noi iidti immh nolireahle that the lodg) dd preacher. who would not hp ol-, iahle. crated in an up-to-date church are the nwl oppoel ! Church' During Hie evninp a conimit- Union. We are not Miggesling that they are afraid ..f loing ,e "I'l";"' ' another metiig I !.) ,,mc f. thetr jol., allhougH lhal uggeli..n has l.eeti ma.le l.y people lurr tSai , whjH lh( tMtf. wj tiolaini luie'well iufonneil. Al aiiy rale there ithvayx havnjhe lheBiii. heen laud patlerx and there always will lie. When tlie gale! The eeniis rlimeil wild the lespeclahility. put on nti-ialls u id with h- in-iem lh of the Xrw Jerusalem are opened and the Ininipet call th.- "'"ains "f "A"ll l'a" "e." U eitiienday aflern-.-ip-i at uiayr . ixii faithful, there will he a who will ilerlare that the new the (mat Huh float nii .ii nirf trreae ner your hand ainl Im city is only one of dream or that the trumpet call nr implyJ TnA M.n :n ho M. J FEBRUARY MONTH - "DEMERS" the higuaU of Satan trying to j-educe the people of C-od and riAnilKLOIl! seem tn know all LIGHT IN CRIME SAY3i draw Ihwn into error. about married life ami old niaoU an exfterl on bringing iiji children. Voice Of Premier A M-.'W Tiirkili law m.nk. So the man that i always fli Cases Tried In Police Court Is Heard In The Land. matrimony couifulnr. Thai seen with nolle ice crnm and Fines Totalled $220 Spring Openin Premier Oliver has l.een making a tour of Ihe Kat rarry-t ore than taxing the hachelo.' pant can tell you how to repair! an engine. I A light docke! of crime for lh- ing the message of the gope of eipial rights for we ami cast. IIII-: Farmer Onenimenl of - jiniinlir uf Frbrnar hiik rrnrti-'l He hnn l.een well received, Ihtt-various (ViuiMliaii Cliih mid olherjOnlario i haing ome .liffienll, AT last Prince rteorge ha comt'by the chief of lsrc to The (hiJh .- orgauizatnins Having invited him In ail.tie (hem lie ha keeping kjrt of its mill Jntc into prominence. It ha had MH:ciiiu Iimi at- the regular poke ii plainly in lariguiige thai cannot 'he mUlakeu. He ha frown clean. IU opponent cotn earthquake. Now it i lift to monthly litecling held eslerln talked like thu farmer that he i find the oerywhere Plain Dial members of the gov Prince lliiiert to be Jearoil mid lo afleriwsua in the mayor's. o(fu'. pNipe ermueni naif! lieen pilllinif oVer try tn wrest the honor from lh There were six. ra hi oil in FREE i hiiv Jtejied. There ha mil lieen even a Tli'pjrinn of n liter some finaneial srhenfes llml nm interior capital, whirh twn M'llon were scciireo at IU".WU) in wtiicli he manhandle his aspiralcs. not exaclly orlhoilox. They are The majority were cuntrnviitioii. i.yi.u-i)iiing in lour .Mr. Oliver ha retiiriied to Vancouver repealing Ihe charge and aying A MI'.MIIKIt of Ihe lrilish of Ihe Ooterniiient I.iipior Arr and hi-.poured some final hoi shot into Ihe rank of (he enemy mem wijn empliai and IIij far Mouse of Common see the entering lleveime totalled au3.10, inrliid. mer charged reply " didn't. of the thin rdge of Ihe ing fines lolalling ;'2(t uiul rr-iiiiIIjiiu-iv ne nas mentioned me opposition of the tl p. R., (lie pro. company loure another, or sorn.-llijn for keep of provincial () hihihnn wedse in that country. for Ilia prolectioii of v,hich the present rale were made that erfeet, only in farmi-r i.m What wnuiWfiil perspicuity some prisoner. ,4311X30. There hail HA l effective. Up ha spoken willi feeling and with conviction and guage. people have. hern llireo rejiorl of lost nndt doiihlless he will very soon prove a victor, even if Ihere should stolen good and one inqtioi he delay in granting whal he aks. He ha, right on his side. IVl'KHIAI.ISTS will draw 1 Police aCeoiinl for the month to. I1 1 lv good deal of comfort from the CHIEF TO SUPERVISE tailed n.,8 nml the payroll, British Pats Measure b of twenty million dollar by "l.ll.i. Canada fo llrilain from the fat BOXING TOURNAMENT Protecting Youth. mat II I slid within the Kmpire, DAI The llrill'li House of Common, hy a huge majority ha Approaching Athletlo Event Was if s passed the principle of a hill introduced hy Lady Astor prohibiting I'I"i n n siniricering., , Hull re on Discussed at Meeting of the sain of intoxicant to youth under the age nf eighteen. the ieope said of the rdj f own Police Commission ' j J?wA Kvph in Hrilaiu- it seem, people are beginning to recognize the iiruuk. evils of Ihe liquor traffic. The very (ad lhal almost all Ihe II U Marchti . menilers of Ihe House of Commons consider it unfit for consumption II- wood alcohol make neoole Chief of Police Vicker wa in , Saturday, by boy under Ihe age of eighlceii i rond-miiatiou of mum mere must. I a f rt of l((hl structed at ylerday poller One SO packet the whole system. It i mii indication lhal the people: there are ieH people In the. l ulled Xtate commission lo personally super awakening to their repoiiibililie and thai the campaign lodav !' a boxing tournament which which i in progress, looking lo lbe eventual elimination of Ihe i tn be put on next week 'by Ihe COLO Sweet Peas rf.w la antltled tO a rr" Halo or liipmr in lolo, i making some progreKa. It may lake IF you wish to attain an ulr of Coils' Athletic ffluh. The mailer MUAL 1W4, year to bring alumt the big change in Hiitaiii. I.iit iu coming' came up when the chief report-1 TWss Inn ra kns mm niiii. our Opening Dayi there iuid here is considered by thinking people to be ,. ed receiving an application fiom W M )M, UM houoM Hi only i USE la mM mta. 114 who question of a comparatively short lime. ASTHMA llerl Morgan. r,f Ihe llrotln f'.igar vm.. U Om U m sk Every person - n"....i an RAZ-MAH lore, a-kfng for iifiproval of the Wf1 sv'mrcHiri SMI CsillMi OmMMW ivi i on March 18th, 1022, Communal In Small City.Interest i Ml Saiokins H Srayia 1 Saafl event.It apneur that the ririncliMl' Sensi for your pacUt NOW I Free H today. mi i . ii .... . ' Jatt Swilltw a Cftii nunilier I h is be l-S IW imft MkWStsiH aaaa..a..tatatatasaMsVaaSSBHMiWBlHi l(j vviiue mere are iiinny nrawthick in living in a small lown Kttott nonuii on program to M ItI . f..hloni" ft compared with -a large one. there are compensation. There KatlKringi in the brjiliiiig,bronchut ttcyt luhr.murui civet lini-li bout ietvn Kddie tn4 rXK Im CMk mk lk W mnMf l.m Imj ht We have the best display In this town oi I that fpiril of long nigliit ul uuitt Craggs mid Alex. Ilnv. Minor rsvSM IMI communal interest that nothing can eradicate ilffp. conuioi Si tm4 m goods at most reasonable prices. The (fathering of rormer prince Muperl resident j,, j,,,, iio lubii lurimng drug. $1.00 at ycur Sewton said that, from rmurk! ' (H IN wtia N. DRESSES. ruggisii, ircc h .!. S SUITS. -COATS. Jru.1 at had our agti heard, he feared the bout geles recenlly show how this work. All the people who hU "r suit i UNDERVVe"- cfufiif ton, iu Kni W ' tended the rcceiil banmicl Toronti. might i'oidh In something im ne. : J KJ I AaCT HATS. HOSIERY. wern apparently imbued willi Hit-idea ten unit 111. would not l. mtilUlllllllMIM.tlM MUll.l V-. A Seeing I Believing. that Prince Rupert had a great future and Ihev will either RAZ-MAH willing in n or -.. . .. .. .. Aurn. relijra In luke pari irt her triumph or will rejoice in the succei-. go uii the. come anu luuk ini" '' which is sure to come In Hiak ul.n clnrl l... n.. i . . hlef wa there lo oeisonally Plinna 27. r."n n 'Bo '. ' -j in,- 11111 IIIIOj CUAR4NTEEO RELIEF it. 'ipervi a WOHisiIfcS kiiilKJ T keep Hie fire burning. I Sold by ORMES LTD. Tb 'ninmUilon Uft I ho mailer j