h IB p,r Ma Tjni DAlTf? KIWI nearer Hip land In rrritep (hat hp ronlil gp, a firm ford in?. The Won Maker rcaenled I hi infrua-jinn and alld n lillle further mil 'in hh. Thi- put r.hrl in a very nwkwnr, predicftm.Mit Willi lhe riii r I Imt he was prpeipilaleil Is Business Inln I ho anil chuck: All hn.l eeo 4 been ppnep and miiPlnpaa aboard both Hip .lop Maker nml May n.iwi-r nnlif phaHy evenl ? happened, fiiv yell of C.hrii. Doing of the Moaquito FUt which . rr.ac;uH for n lifebuoy nwnkp Hip whole Paying You chief aotirco of Prince Rupert' prosperity wnrka and Hip dpcka of bnlh hnala were1 anon crowded with pyjama clad fiirure. Pyjamn !.rr,al and n .'c u i-n f il.l .l.i),iirr frrli fli r.ppra.ire pit" of Hip iinifnrm on bolh e hate been Hie ..iiIit'ii ma. ami uirrliv-. nigral inn I hpo rih ehacra. .hid' alnrfpd wiK Ti iln flatting lniKi-! Willi Die lluli-.l.tl rannirv II j In iIhihp with glee tti inkinsr that Dividend T..nlUnr in i In- Admiral ! -.ni, Hint lie ia an tickled with the yell a in Ihe wnlcr came from a Ilia lb however, nil la well hi iipw lille HimI hp lia rcfuapd lllniidin while Hip laal menllnhpd nrt!iy hy me twit a i to lake any remnneral n.ri for Hip wn all hel up with ejeilemenl nheartod. jrel nf Hip cannery ,niT anirpr-tfiinVinic Hip yella below denoted wrntlici 1 1;t- imiun been lux hi. pri-acnce. Willi Hip nii-iJii'l nlfemjil In swim Hip liar evident on Hip deep ap.i pninlfnefil of Hip U.rinliuinf ibor. When CliHa wn finally if not king fruind which ha niiulp Hip whole plant i In ha brought hanlM aboard tpto wn nnlurnl-ly hinr pari nularly arduous, entirely up to lap. In nd.lilion ii'nfh wailinjr and ftnaohlnsr Jfaet IIip Aliima of Hip l Ihp many labor aaintr ilpylopa 'f Ipplh on Ihp pari of Hip rca-ippIIp .Hi r i'ii ik Hip nrlppa havp liril nw wlrrlpaa alnlion I hlpowTiPr. lit; li nf i In' I i ih Kxi liauifp In 1p fitPil up wliipli will bp rap hit. ri'i'imippflapil Ihp AIiIp of pomniutiicalingr In a.tlia- TIip' Admiral i Iryinjr lo hiinl Newspaper Advertising l a Ff'at ptpnt. Iniip of 100 mllps In IIip day- down Hip ami roe nf Ilils nn'ln. IIP in Hip rally jarl nf Hip Hum anil l.'.O riiiloa nl nlghl. irnnlani liolwppn, IIip Iwn ?(nlp-mcn hp li 'iila "f Hip Mf)quito T)iU alalion will pprmil of frpp in (itipallon. r'rorn infor-"" pi iu r bail linillPil IliPlr rmiHiHiiiinflliiiri with Hip Ailmir- ni.il Ion already at hand it would ni'iiM to iurpy opt ally" rifTii'pa an-1 HiPPrrpl apr apppnr thai Jtid borrowed a -:- is the Solution -:- tlir p. ii winthpr. whirli vIpp rtpparlmpnl nf Hi Mnaquilo txnind of flapjack flour frnin ftV i-'il. Ai Ii: Hip lir npli Hip ilarliPiiPil AppI. Mr. I'io1p a In lakn over Mk.n-Iin nnl forgol In p.iy it -U aiiarily in 'J'h ii -'lay, pul iipw lifp lila iluliP "tool wppI" or in i . f fit' In af 'Uj V f I0T.O In' ami nf tbp Knwlif-li rivlit v. nmii) away, i ii itit'i ', in - fi w - bai' pft putt I , anil ll II fl im I Iia inlAritln r lie I., i iw.. ilay. foil llorvik hna iipppp.p. II. ..f ,Hip Admiral. lo. arbilralp .,in an ardiioua' Inp."""'prnvi iiiili Hint Hid ii'- The largest and most successful business oniy iiiii'.wiinl mialinp In . nnl r,-, na aupprinlpmlpnl nl JIcpI -pjiiirtp.1 .hirtw Ihp hP i(M.,, pinnl nf IhP Allin PWi- lielwppn HiPp two wpII known concerns of today owe their entire success ii the lofa, by Ui, Oap menifwra of Hip. IIppI. mti& Tr.1 ha had enni!r- Booth Boosters Celebrate tapi nan ipapn, i nMa phprpp in Hip flh hual. ' ednPada, ii.a a ni.iPt day to judicious and consistent newspaper lib II Halibut on Cod Line t wna iipepaaary n,.nn waw fr wfinp ypara with Hip IIimiHi tHilfil lb irf-a-Appollln .-..-.pi' in impfvia a tti Hip llorvik l'lli (Uuni.any In an -aaprn cor- ilin .....a,. n,Kniit:iiri advertising rn.blPr 'n Pn1.p bpr In wliicli i.ctIp.I In I'rlnrp llu. rp-pondenl. ppon.l cla balibul n , ,, , spm who jhp an jprt in Hip Parly daya. ia nelling in Hip Stale of Mainp nl bump In hi riiinradp in J nr'.M'y i iioiiceanKi . for 10 cpnla a pound, lie alalPa .(j.,,.,.,,. 'tnit H.pmt- r. ..f Dip IIppI llie -'Iiiianl ulotiir IIip Albrl.McCafrry Arrival inai n iHiiPrman wnup unmp ,, ,,,-4,. rHHlU. AM ,i,i hnn. Think it over! Irfr ml li wprk. 1 Iip X. M. TliP l'rilfin afpAmpr fThilknAt off llailpy Maud. Mainp. wilh a -nB, .f)(.r ,0 ,,rtUr Th, arda liac Hirpp hoala wj, arrjvr h por( n Wpdnp-.lay eo.1 line caiiithl 11 halilml wpish rpi-pfntin hall wn pi-pllily iIp- wnja fir ovpfhaiil whllo ; , wjlh 30n of coal anJ na ini t-mnna. w nen ine wilh iaibui jnr and rjftp Jtupprl llrtalhmiaP j.,,,000 fppl of clftublp ilrea.pd fl.hprman jrol hia calch In Inwn ffrn nPpiltif hail. i;. A. Kirk- . ii mi nautical con- lir,a, hji,. tUe c.... alparner pul.ltc lioiuiay waa .ieciaro.1, .,aii ,1PMi -..(Tp,. .,11 vp,- Hip International Advertisers are appropriating 50 ;n hand m. IihIiiik Ihf rp- .rl(lw, Joln irfl Bnaiiirt on balibul pidenlly beina a aearce .hl .,,,, wh ,n Kllii.i,i ,.i dollars to advertising I if tin steam luir llapp. .n II j.. Willi.;. iiiii r -i.. commodity of fond f M lbop parin. ,,. wilh a ,.(irr knifP. per cent more newspaper Uvprs InM wilh n t''P r. ii.p Allrl-MeT.airpr inler- ThP clamor- Tor the pureliap or iUo i Hie this year than ever before Ct. Hip fiah waa an jrrpat Ihat Ihc ()(Wr am, aB). llMtp ng,. Unit bilay alan while Dip - aerMa. 01 hip lire uriane wpfp .,.,.,, , ,,ro, trom ttiHr pne- yard hate two boat' un- A Real Mix Up npppaaary lo leep 11m r",',,'kpU. A ruuaical pmsrratii waa WHY? Because They Have Learned by coital ic'ion bnck. A fit a l"t of etciltnu lh uaaPiiH)- Jul! ,,,0 iflirt. uaym . . - . ' Sklppera lllondin nnd ... mt 1. -t - 1 ,1IF .r r..n.a ."" "I :Tt,urber fimirpJ lii a rppular"'"",nf "", Amiiftv Hip ViM-llliata va Experience That Advertising Pays ,. ,,4 ..l.l l.t KAI .I.iota,r. the ,1"n ,n. n lna'ol, ntannale for rj,tPBj. Mer-iii-faw to (hp 1. !., - At InliM II m information wa;;"- - - Admiral, wlm .iib iw ii 1 Ii 1 rtti mhitu nf ti I it A . " " . ' Iu-lpnne.1 from n apcrel aervice in cciiia a jmmiii.1. i "Hi .,,irin dlllv PhllTliil "WIipii mi re o thai Ibero i no of thin? conllniipa the- nalivpa of ,Uilp ,,KM1 Awoy" with miu-li You can profit by the experience of others fur e.vRoex m tin' near future. Itallpy lan.i inipnu in prpci a exhibi- ahndnw of a doubl aa to ila tlinjt Sao an UnUlJ. It ap(icra that tho fid fiali ptcbangP art traii-fpr Hip (j)n (,r n ,rtJt t,,.ginK f,,r .loiinh-halUiut HAMCO in commiMion LW JlW. ,uttfr sn M-ydowejc. cnlclipa by dirigible . n.n, . , iv ttHV in TlifTltajuicit is affain lo be pul,jf w,wii Hie bIm.p nanmlitfn balliMtna. 1.1.1. 1... I -j..I nnvlliiii7 to Phone We at Service lnt0,coiuuiaiii'n. 1 111 iitiaR uciiiin!!- are Hie rplie own nl. Sam S(mhiiht. iiipchhi.ical 98; are your will belR'nKatfi'il in Hip halibut yr)ti rb.-ineed to Im lied in rloae Sold In Vancouver ., , inl.ii.lnl I" Hie Bh-I, rp- I'lianlnp bitaliie-a with no paa a proximity to on another al Hip 'IIipi hallhiit acnnPr K. I.fp- ri,.j - diaitrHi-eful poem peraonaRPt than (Uiptnin )iU ,iixup a. To. cpletirale. the apll. i:aid. I'rleraon. ri-cently vt..,.P KjI on an Kmuty Tuin- The News 1 i'araouo on ihe iiridae. Cap baa niuppndnua nalcliPa of both boala obl hia calch of l.flnii pound mv t,p Mfipi no..ii i-.n.l with Daily Irpaijrnpit hia iflli '' a- chipf etp- n,p crewa wpcp pipn a day oil of biilMml In I h Canadian Ki-li iratlii-rinx liniilinir crapa. Il Iculhe of- the 'lawbT Carrulhora nM, nrrxm? the crewa chanced Onipany, Vancomcr. .Cap had Wli ,( darneet aoJ palliiTinc . nnit u ill in lul nre cniratTP III llie In K mm ninw r.liria. Cliria lakcu a trip in hia trimly bar- ni,." (h that put up : fiahintrvluiineas on hi own De-ti. n vfMn llnpjaek Jlisrpler on 'up to aneouver hih Hal a in- rtuma. ihalf.-tV.' umlei'-iaiiil that llie imker and "I i around He fialnnp ehrouli lo wmie awa llannco ha tc n pnrchnd by)n,i ,.rinne that lh Mood the limp. riiU i a -ae or mix-j Boathouse Busy il. I'a'mi and 11 partner. p.iniiinr alorv ia wopii. 'llw i"f M-ure and liuainpaa 10 iiip 1 ThP I'rinci' IliiiHTt lloaitioiiai Ut well k" -wn Imai 1 now on ,vVenl olT ery mcVly bul Ihe rwiit iuiip. . ia a xemaiHe iup 01 iouoi and (lAiJIcI an waya uUiierKOiiis a nialtl aipiiie.1 In li.ne a lot ol il IIip nrpspii! uace I'l'ihtiliuo the M And rnmne oxerhaul pre- j. I tlil then early in Pedarstn's Tough Tim erieta of a traffic cop will hav' iratory liittms out for the u, muruin; our hero Cbrla TIip halibut ariirtPiner Tor- In tie aourhl. Tie Ipoui tua Hope lb tp l- tiiakinit for hia ntiK lerth al ilerMjkxnld, Capt. Paul Peder-en, ia mnlerpoiiiir a Iranafnrmal ion pood account in exlwlint; the lam- ll.le On renehins IIip acepp which arrived In port on Tuea- from aleiini to Kaaolllic iower. Ifiiiirhiiiery from Hie Hope. Repairs, Storage Poole Is Promoted ,,f acliiliaa. that ia Ihe point nl day laI wilh a lluht calch of The old alcuni iuae.liiiiry ia no Kaien Gasoline . ... . ...... . . lllllt In Im Dolphin Repairing Garage 1. (ala! a. a ;. a l.k. -.a a ..III. n- t n n I - 1 I....Un K.li n(P laan I fllllCP ir altl trleriil ll. U. I ooip, wilieil ne wianni iii riiiiu-t:i nun .i.i.iMiit miiiiiii r"i"ii ii'"i" a..-i..a " - I .... a a wi . . a . a :a.I 1. ill I... Iaaltlaallai.1 a R!a III. t La - TIip luililmt bonl iNdphin, Capt. FORD Service rly mechanical aiipurill liia iwrili, hp lounu in ma pm- eiipniiniereai a iprrioiy rnuiiii a-w ..I ii.. mi... fi.ln.rlea. aiprimhim Hint He Jo Hukr uhile on the hi.lh apnla. The enuine eaiwbh' of Rivln hpr a Pete llyine, ia un.ltf rsoins ensine Station between H ml 1 kn.jta repaira al (Wiw Hay. The clutch of a IIh-pii and none and not pro- waa .pule a I-HIp wya nut from watca rop inounlaina high and apeed baa been citing a deal nf trouble Commencing Today, Labor Charges are Reduced from 'the daya of the i.. fed fulurp hi Hie wharf. I.eaiiinar over. Chria il una only by the; UMrhuman an hour, Y- an in -al lately and among oilier things a $1.25 an hour to 75c. Work, done by Ihe hour or ronlrart. ii F, will In jSiiprnntcniJeni of trnxl valiantly tn drait tho l-ial etTorl of Hie crew that Irappdy Meanvr hhovelliiur with have Ha atleHlai.t paeil wy. l.ow clutch ia being inalalled. Fiu.il work, under supervision of Itert Long. TIip llopp la niie uf the Inal ateaui i'pon completion of Ihe neceaaary Traffic and other trucks, etc., under siip"e"Fviinn of ibiuila mi the cont uainjr the an- reiuiir work t.lap. will hit. out fur Dave Unas. , liiiinlti power. the high pol. Goodyear JTirs for Fords from $10.00 up. . . - - - Free Crankcase Service. and Bruises The piwjr boat Parhelia, ilnpl. Tho Karpn.-Onpt. Hilly Thane, Have our hat washed out every two month and new Sprains fiaiiiiiiiui. look a acowjif nu.chin- i on Hip Ward waya undergoing oil applied. charge onlv for the oil. 'ery from the Prfnre Mliprrt Imat- bull repair and a general ovej-. VULCANISING. ACCESSORIES. TIRES. Ihmiae on Wednesday lal to Iiniil. A iprain or ttr.in i the itretching or te.rinR jiieorge town. Tin machinery will of the ligament about a joint or the fibres of 'be ned ill connection with 'he ie-'moalellinir Spring Salmon a acnw load nf Ilenznl and tar 'I'.. ll..,n a.... II llnaia.in Bcide the there inflammation of the rieortSPtown mill. Itllpert a muscle. wrene" w '(In llu return the. 1'aelienn arrived in port from the halibut .,..,..... THE thown ia redneti and welling. .iiiu(i lit down a tcow load of fiah hunks and report having cnught I ai.il I lll!.W. box lumber and v-joinl for the, a spring alnion on I ho halibut New WASH WAY Prompt rubbing with Dr. Chase's Liniment fih houaea. line. Tbia woubl go to ahow that - - Ror, '0,n "autlcals brings the blood to the surface of the skin, TIip Provincial and lj,ichenn. on, Ihe apring aalinou are anxloua tn The latest appoint nvnt tn Ihe. reduces the inflammation and congestion and ,Tiieaila ll, toweiU 'the' Mime be cnusht and uiigera well fur the rlea."'"" fleet of the port it fi. I., See our Saturday AdvL !plp drixor opr lo (Uliiinl. The ruining aeaaon run. Ilorie, son of Oeo. Rorie, with tint talcs out the soreness. , minaturo cruWer .V'ada J. Thia 'pile ih'ivi'r ia to be tiaeil in con-l.prtion with Hie bnibliiiir of the Fish Business (nifty looking little craft wn After applying live liniment for Sprains or Canadian Steam Laundry new landing ubarf nt I hat iminl . During the week 22a,500 brought up from Vancouver nn should be bandaged Bruises the sore parts the I'nlnn al Chilkout last by Ihe. provincial aovrnnient. poiiipU nf fih baa been sold earner Phone H. or wrapped with cloth. - -liunrh Ibroush Hie I'iah V.t hange. 'wek and ia now snugly bcrtlimi N". '-'5 'H''ii aold by llie biel.eal price paid wn at tba Prinro llupert Yacht t4ub I- when Relief comes almost like magic Dr. 'lie I'rineP llllierl lUiiilboiiai" ! 10. and tie. and the Inweat Wharf, the .eju J. u :a ft. x ill. Chase's Liniment is promptly used for , M r. Maekenie nf Ilia Afhrine Slu-lion, IH.He and 0e. .beaut and ia fitted with a J j, Sprains and Bruises and I Hull)-, and wijt h Upd by Tl) arrival were: Sampson, 'Is.p. lthop eiitiliu Tbe. eiaa it is equally effective in the Ilim for pultMy pleaauiw purjioaea. While 4'i'y. Hingn. Murineag, cabin wilh ivapaeiiy for tw or EPSON COAL MayHower. Koyaau. Agries I three peraoua and npUivtidLv fit-T.7.12. an relief of other forms of ! The pnrliPiia left for Hueklex Hevelle, liolphin, .Minnie tel out. It la iuat Hih type nr pain such is rheumatism, Hay on Thuiada wilh a cuik" uf V.. SI. i:inl, Tordeiiakjxold. linabl bout for local wuter and vxill txj HftfDlUIH.)V 11 .aialaan' lumbago, backache, etc. lli'iuol and Kcnernl fieUlit. Ainundaeii. Oladalone, ('.niulili. the bleitl craft for picnic and We can now Supply our . - -- lion, :ape Spencer, flap Spear.jhunling parties. FAMOUS EOSON COAL I Harry Oilberl, tli wJ known Corona, Margalicc, llaiel, June, In any iuanlily. Di Chase's Liniment skippur of t.ii!ineh t3, rluiiiid Ingri'd II.. ItiiiKltvuila't-. Tlietulu No. Wlicii yuu buy iertjluf i rrmii u pitibinved iail In Victoria I, Witfjonl, and valid. buy CIHCL'I.A I IO.X, and e Hint Prince Rupert Feed Co 50c a bolt), til dealers or ndo. U.t k C... Ltd.. TORONTO mm, Ion Ihe sleuTiicr Prince liworife on - vou get it, If Wedneaday last Jlarry ia now The lug Marinion, of Anyos, Phone SS. Inrniiiat hi nii'i'liaiiicnl gifts tu arrived iu port on Tburaday with Subaurib for IU dally Nw. I