PAGE TWO. I Had Bilious Attacks and Stomach Weakness" Mrs. Win. Robirwon, Yots- Prevent Export Unmanufactured Timber. ker, Suk., write: "I suffered from stomach and Iircr trouble, and used to havt bilious attacks so bad that I could do nothing for weeks at a time. Mjr stomach would be so weak that not even a drink" of water would stay on it On my sisters advice. I began to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and must say that they have made me feel like new woman." DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS On pill dcxe, !5 Cent boi, all dealers, or KdmauatNi, Botes Co., Ltd., Toronto. Thf Hah y Nfws A AaM A II M . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.0(1 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year. 16.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year 37.50 TELEPHONE 81 Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion 25c per lin- Classified Advertising, per insertion. . . 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion tSc per agate lin- Contract Rates on Aoplication. AH advertising should be in The Daily News 'Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOH Thursday, Dee. f,, 1923. Dr. Sutherland's Highway Scheme. The .scheme for building roads all over British Columbia on a set plan extending over a periiid of fiv? years will meet with general appropriation from the people of British Columbia. Under Ihe scheme northern and central Brili-h Columbia are lo gel a good share of the appropriations with a view to the build ing or a highway through from Prince (ieorge to the coast al Prince Ituperl. This highway, when completed will be one of Ihe greatest (ourisl arteries in" the' country. It will link up thi- city with Ihe interior in "a way that will draw the people eloer together and tend to more community of interest. With a ! The rcjMirt of the debate and division in the LegMature migni lean some p?opie to suppose that Ihe British Columbia government is in favor of the export of log from this province .'is a general' policy. This is no'l Ihe "case. There is arovincial ftinbarpo which preeiils the export of logs from provincial Juno- im hi niicif - limner leases ami most or the land in the province is held that way. There are, however, a few old crown grants rrom which timber may be exported and in connection vyilh- which the provincial government has no -control. I The provincial government has no power to place a duly on iuh cxiiuneu ueiuier can me province prevent the export of its except irom meir own leased lands. All matters of trade and commerce come under Ihe powers ot Ihe Dominion. An example or Ihe attitude of the provincial government was seen a couple of years ago when a local Hrm had some cedar logs (hat could be marketed lo advantage abroad. The government refused lo permit Ihe export of these logs, even though i,c f owners was a partner of a member of ihe provincial cabinet. Don't Forget Those Who Have No Homes. Christmas will be here soon anil ihoP U'lirk liftf. ntn.... friends will enjoy Ihe ssnson in Hie old fashioned wav. Tt,,. are some, however, who have not' niaiiy friends; There are people who are away from, home and' to whom an invitation to Christmas dinner means n great .deal. Tb"re nr nuiil.K- fiiinllii. ...i : i. . ., ' ...... iih n licit-, wwiii in sickness or .mi., i ......r, me earner nas neen unable lo provide for Ihe festive season. This is the lime to look around for such and to make preparations so that they may be able to snjov the Chrit-mas festival as well as others. The chief joy of ChrMnin conies in sharing Ihe joy with others. Thirteen Days In Which To Shop. There are onjy thirteen mors shopping davs before Christmas and those who contemplate making purchases might do well to remember that fact. .During Ihe last few days before the holiday, he shops will be crowded and Ihe salesmen verv rft .,l Wl" m,ltn "ore MirricuJt io'mnkc goo.l iseleclions of Christmas gifts under those conditions. The best thing to do is to make the Christmas purchases now while there is a (rood selection of articles and while the salesmen have lime In wait on customers. . tsw I i -momr roau to 1 errace I'ruice Bupert people would drive! W lo that delightful-centre for a game of golf and return the sam? evening. It" it is found pontile to build the highway up the .Skeena gorge, one of Ihe most beautiful scenic mutes in the world will be opened up. It will excel anjlhingthe Columbia valley has to offer, and it today i looked upon as Ihe greatest scenic motor road in the country. The linking up of Ihe farming communities of the interior will be a great benefit to the settlers and will tend to make farm life more attractive. ' ' If Dr. .Sutherland can carry out his plan, we venture to suggest he will have the wholehearted support of Ihe whole of central British Columbia. MAIN ami wind Skip all drear Thai's Ihe kind of weather here. Then at lal The rain i lat Ami the ,ky once more i clear. Slicker sroc o(T, Itisbliors we dofT .nt who cares a hang for Ihe :faon. We're .ueklet in hone Taught never to mope Hul lo fail to forget is hizh treason. RESPONSIBILITY will (neVer IHe on your shoulders as Jon? as there J a chip there. THE ideal huhand is the one who shaves just as regularly af- ler marriage as he did before. DISCRETION j ie arl of re- reiving Christmas prpspnls without indicating the true feeling f (hp rpcipi'pnt. Ten Years Ago In Ptinc Rupert The I'atlulln save (he railing vote in favor of preparing the bylaw. . Fred Walrin. A. F. Knighl. O. A. McNieholl. J. V. pntlPr. I. Vandrply. L. M. Defier, D. O. rveyser, .vioeri naviiison, liiibpr' barrislpr of New Jiurrowes ami Percy Market! s were plecle.l to menuerstifn in the Princ Rupert Board of Trade last nighl at lb first ineelinp of lb board held in the new publicity bureau on Second Avenue The Sons of England lodgre of this cily ha elected tb fol lowing officers: Past President. II. Silverside's; President. T. Silversides; Vic Prsidenl. Frank Salter; secretary, H. Birch: lreanrer, C. T. Beward: chaplain, C. F. Kemp; insid srtianl, Hpnry Smith; firl jruidp. W. II. Kirk; second pubic, C. Case; third guidp, V. P. fiar-nell; fourth yuide, .1. Hutchinson; fifth mid. Albert Wild; sisHi ?uidp. William Booth; pianist, W. .1. Brifps; auditors. E. D. Johnson. A. Cutbbprt and S. M. N'pwion; IhisIpps, W. .1. Bripgs, E. II. Honpyman. and A. E. Clarke; delegale, F. A. Ellis. BLACKS OF SOUTH naliv labor rcnlly wcnl Mocbudi, across Hip Transvaal border of Bechuanaland nrolpp- Pintles trolling- out on Hie fare in titlier jnrl of Ui.ImkIj I i ure ft fa lhl il bbKl It mil in pruwr lur. While Ihe kln It Ih olivet of Hie t- tfk lh real wt or the dliwtiM U In lli IjIihkI on srriMinl or Hi entire rlrru-latlon lliir fMilMjni-d. llurd.Mk bI.hmI lllttrrs aulrklr ind THE DAILY NEWS. Thursday December d, l&jj Thc Man in the Moon 1 CANADIANS IN SAYSt- POLITICAL LIFE GREAT BRITAIN Sir Hamap Greenwood, Colonel Grant Morden and Nnmber of Others are Candidates LONDON, Dee. .... ny Ka,,,,. dian Pre..). To many Canadian who are wnlrliintr the pre-nl political liatlle in the I'nil-cl with 'more lhan ordinary interest, holh hecau of the realiznment of irhlitiral parlies and of thp tariff iup. which alTects (hp Dominion owing lo Ihe Baldwin Oovernment's promise of Ihe .extension of Ihe preference, I here is an added interest in Ihe fact that among Ihe candidates for parliament are several Canadians. The include men whose names are known through. ml the Dominion. Somp of them have bpn in llril-ih public life for some lime and other (comer in strife. are comparative new Ihe arena of parly Sir llamar rireenwood is per-Imp lb outstanding Canadian in the rontp!. II was a Liberal member of Hi British l(oup off Commons for York from limfi in council win .unm,,, 10Irt . - Slln,i-r,iin.l a ttylaw to Ihe opolIp at llm r,... mm i. in u. ....... .i r.rc.ion on me nues,,n oi real.! in Sunderland in lb last frimnl itir. ! fMn.l.ic. In .... .... ... . . 1 " -. nit-' nanara I elerlli.n tin! I .urn.ri lh Prince Rupert Hydrn-Eleclrir 'Liberal candidal in that con- l m . a I wf. inr .iiimii ui iixni anil c;- nmn. .,r. power if Mi pny. .U a meet-U bom a haronrlrv . innhrn.l z yesterday afternoon Aid. 'in 1015. U an VnclUh Priw Naden. Aid. Leek and Aid. Mc- 'councillor an.t also an an Iriit. i.aery vol.! in favor of sub-prriy Councillor; milting the by-law and Aid. Mail land, Aid. Kerr and Aid. Dybhavn voted against. Mayor II wa Chief Spcrelary for Ireland in lhpaU pbas of Ih urillled Irih situation prior to lb stablih-mpnl of !h Irish Free Slat.. H lias been Un.ler-Spcrrlary of Slal for Bom AtTairs and Spcrelary of lb Ovrspa Tradp Dpparlmpnl. . II i jl barrislpr and bpneber of f! ray's. Inn and a Brunswick. An ex-newspaper man. and of a vpry rharmincr personality, b ha a host of friend throughout Canada. Company Promoter Ll.-Col. Walter'nrant Morden i another Canadian' of promin nr in Ih pleclidn. A Conspr- valivp in iolilic.,' h has rejir spntPd Hip Brentforil and Chi-wick diviion of Mid.llpsex sine 1014 and i azaih'a Candidafp for that constilupncy. Cd. Morden I noted as a promoter of hip pnlprpri and a financier. II is Hip founder of Hip Canada SlPambin Line. Limited, and the British Empir Sleel Corporation, Lid. II founded the British Common wealth Union. Captain Drummond MacDon- ald, barrister of lb Inner Tempi, London, a relative of the lale Sir .lohn A. Mardonahi. I a Canadian contesting Hip Isle of Wijrhl in Hip Conservative (n. Ilprpst asruin! Major-On. J. E. B. Seplpy, Liberal. ! f 1 M a I AFRICA FORM UNIONin-M V M.P., formerly of Monl- !ral, a barrister of lb Middle JOIIANNESBURO. Dec. 6 TIip J'mP' with a dilin?ulliPd blacks of South Africa are adopt- war rrd. is seekin? re-ppc-injr labor union method, A "n a" a Liberal in Soulba' number of farmprs who rpaiiirp.i.'-"ul"warK' -MPxamiPr, a Oynenioer oi the law firm of loralP. and nut Ibpir case hp-lfn war om 191 ( lo 191 forp chief IsanK. The chipf rp-'wi"' Canadian Expeditionary plipd that bis ppoip wptp or-Kanizing a nalivp labor union willi a view lo resmlnlinsr watrea Davidson, Wainwrivhl. Alex ander, A' Elder. Monlrenl, served and as soon as it was formed fiaH. formprly Ihe farmers could annlv lo it w,l organised, and gp all Ihe native labor they commanded wanted. AN AWFUL ATTACK OF PIMPLES ALL OYER HIS FACE Force. Montreal Man Ll.-Col. Andrew ' Hamilton Ihe of Montreal, equipped and riirnimiy unniMi's pimpim iihJ m oilier returned for Northwest f.r iii- ir,...i.i. .... ., .... en iii the blood. Mr, Cairad Amlerson, keirield. Sak write! "A year am I bad an anfnl Princes Pat ricia's Canadian Light Jnfantry and won dislincfion in lb war during wbicJi ,b was severely wounded and was mentioned in despatches, is standing a. ' h ConspnaMv candidal in Hip Taunton Division of Somprspt-shire in opposition In Ihe Liberal member, .1. Hope Simpson. IH. Hon. Thomas James Mr.. Namara, former Minister of La-bur and formpr Financial Secretary lo the Admiralty, Is a native of Montreal aiid has been pro minent in public affair in England for many ypars. He was Capiber- 1922 as a National Libpral, and is now the Liberal candidate for the riding; A. W, Haycock, Ihe Labor tak of pimples. Tiiey broke out all ..,'fandldal in WInchestpr, is a mj' face and I rould not set rid of iliem son of Joseph Haycock, of Adol-ln any way. One dar a friend told Ine'phuslnwn. Onl lenilep-oi1 Mip ab.t ,-o,lr B.ird.H-k Btood Bltlers and leti . ", 7 ,T ' me have . brrtlle he-had to .pare. Aflerl1 a,r0nS "f Jn,l'IS(ry when, thai nuns it i noticed a rhanae. so I bnuirht organization was fighting lo lurrr m're ooinea, and now I don't know. make itself there u sueli ftilnr aa plmptea." Ontario fell politically in B.H.B, Is ininiifaeiiired only by The T.j Major John Elsdal Molson. wiiburn co, i.ilUed, Toronto, ont. m.D., CoalilioniUiiionist membor PLAYERS .4 1 ill!' m N NAVY CUT CIGARETTES I0forl8f 20 - 359 and" In fins of 50 and 100 of the IIoup of O.iuinon for Oainboroupb sine llIK. where lie 1 olTPriiitf him.lf for r-pcion wilb (rf.iienalip tit -leresl, j a on of lb lale Samuel Klsdale MoUon, f PRINCE RUPERT TIDES I Thursday, Otcember 6 : High 11:10 a.m. 2.fl f Low 5:29 a.m. .0 " ' 18:22 p.m. 1.9 " Friday, December 7 Hiali 0:31 a.m. ?o.t ft. 12:2 p.m. . 2.1.0 " Iiw 15:20 a.m. 5.8 " 19:10 p.m. 1.0 LAND ACT. HH t lultnll U Apply U Ltttt LanfJ in lunrr , stjvna uil noinn. H riMilinr PHirlrl r Take .Volir lint Clurb- S. Vun.lir. ot Prinze Muvrl, B.C iwtu(iihi KnrDMvr. hilrtHN In for rTHHHMi M kae I Ik- rilllnr drrrltmt la nil (Usjinim- nnr at a f"i plamnl al ihe mn mmiiii-rairrl)r rnt on rjuniwl lUi1. mr cite Month of Ciardtier Canal; llmirv Mkiwlnt Ihe elAiMMllie of Ihe nhre Ititr at IHrh aur mark arimtHl llw lUnd. mumlnr l Hlll r ruiiiiiriiretiirnt. ami rooulli Inr een hundred fret, nr t lee. ( IMHUJ S. Vl ltfllY. anie i.r I'(.irn1 I. SAM Joiioy .renl. tiatd AmrmUr tllh. tS. I PSIOBATa. in TNt suratMi court or SRITISM COLUMBIA. In the Matter of Ihe Administration Art and In the Matter at the rtal "f C.uilate l-aiirtn. iereaed: IllleMSIe. TAkr. viTin: thai i a M-.nned Admlnutrator of Ihe Kti or lluUe Unrln. dreeaed. and all name hirlnr rlalmt aralni the raid FMate are lierebr required lo rurnlen Hine, prtKrly eM ried to me. on or Iwfore the th ilir or January. A. P. 191. ami all panlea In- nehted la Hie Pone are reriulred lo par Im auuHinl of tlielr IndehtedneM to nie rorihwllh. TIIOS. W. lir.llSF.. orflrlal Adrnlnliuator, rrtnee rlupert, n.C. Paled ibU ih day or lieemler. I9fl, St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading .Restaurant. A Battery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. THE Valentin DAIRY Cor. McIJrble and Fifth West. MILK, CREAM AND BUTTER RETAIL Phone SS7. ,rr-STili"5l Cigarettes -"Medium. Mora Sold lhan all ofrcr brands combined V What you have been looking for SOMETHING NEW Good, and Cheap V have a wonderful Xma stick of TOM SMITH'S FAMOUS YULETIDE CRACKERS, imported direct from Loudon, England. All Ih fun of th -fair it Hit' festive lable. The (JntcKer are Ihe arnic of workmanship and each one contain it delightful gift. See Iheui in uur window. riiurpaeil for table decoration .Sole Agent for PURDY'8 FAMOUS CANDIES, put up in beautiful Nnia boxes. Hay it with Purdy' and make a killing'. TOM SMITH'S IMPORTED TOY AUTOS, TRAINS, ETC., FILLED WITH CANDIES. Just the thing for Uc Xma SlocVing. To introduce Ihes famous giMwl (o the public of Prince Muperl we are offering Ihem at the low-sl price eyei (pioled in Ihe nly. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. We Cash Cheques. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY I B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouvrt Victoria and Seattle, November 30, December 19, January 4 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, November 26, December 15, 31 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butsdale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.v Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Pull Information from W. C. ORCHARD, Oeneral Agent. Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE 8CREENED! LA8T8 LONGER! Real Satisfaction. Cheapest In Long Run! NO 8HALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaf fery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 664.