r 8361 0 I 0 j Want MHmmi Yau A NEW MB t WW TAXI BOSTON GRILL Third Ava. 99 The Latest in Restaurants. (m a hurry Private Holes for Ladies and Party Use, PRINCE RUPERT Bast Food. Bast Service. Mt Oars and Beit Service "Take Her to the noston." In th City. Rata Reasonable Northern and Central .British Columbia's Newspaper OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. VOL, XIII.. NO, 287 I'JtlNtiB IHJPF.HT, B.C., Till IISDAY. UKCRMHF.lt 0, 1023. ViUrdtr' Circulation, 1,710. Strt SlM S22. PRICE FIVE CENTS. on Tuesday No On Waa Hurt Una Is Open Again r" 1 1 her adlcr reieUed at Hie local ofrieo of the Canadian Na. Itonal. divisional superintendent relathr lo Hie- uridine jo-ar. Lu i.. cerne from which a freight To-ro- - . . . I. ... I . f..11.......l I l.d tt mm II ... ....... ..... liri which i ii m- in..... VANCOUVKII, lec rt. Soll.t-i lorn In Han FraiiPlcro hac ad-i vted ttolicilor in Vancouver I Mini .. .t..i,ln. miiII fur J" 1 0(1. OW1 1 J PUBUC WORKS AMBITIOUS ONE DISCOVERY IN JAVA REVIVES SPECULATION BY WORLD'S PALEONTOLOGISTS Road from Prince Rupert to Prince George is Planned by Dr. Sutherland under his Budget i.Hpenal lo llaily Now,. VlirrolllA, it. Hun. Dr. .Siilherland's twenty million z dollar fie ear road program lo cover the province with u net work of road mid highways wa announced yesterday in lite Legislature. H unhide Hi? construction of u roud between Prince Itupert mid Terrace. . Among the other road included in the budget i one from (Juc'iiel lo Prince (icorgc lo connect tip the interior volleys with city die ouili oy way 01 oiu unriooo ro.iu; n section mini rriiice George wot ward lo Vanderhoof; from Kndako lo Hnrnx Lake: and another section from Iluzel- DDIIVC DIIDMCn k,u 'r"1 ,0 'r', That, with DlUlAlLl DUIVIiLU "" ,,r"" HM'Tl-Terrace sec- Kioii. include Ihe whole. of the Kir AD T IirCDMC (Mlr"1 I"'1'"" Columbia hlgli- ntAK LUllKiid " fr,,m ,,r",r", "r:1 ,n ; Prince George anil soulh to the Fraer Valley, giving a road This Was Causa of Englna Wrack ninniali to Alberia or lo the coufl. n soon a I lie proposed voulliern ccllon ore completed. In addition lo Ihc main highway as outlined, there are lo be road) at Francois Lake, extension of roads to North Allin and settler road on Oueen Char- ilgtle Island, -I'lie wholeVcliriiir? 'l a -Com cothe fell and waa wrecked on r - - - :. . .. . ... .. . -.i rie.i out will nut central HrillMi ...... . ..I. v. . .-- i- ..i i .. i. I.,.. llii it... V.'.iipiiiivpr riillll III u. 1' 1'iHal Teleifraph Company of liyle. recciwr Tor the Helen Han FrmicUco aKniiifl I he pulp it Paper Co. Ltd., lo com-aleamer Prlncn Albert ami Ihc nh-ncc mill or any oilier pro-Wei-lern Fielghler. In connec- cccdinss neceaiy to recover n lion with the break in Ihc cable boom of lou contalnink' over n between Han Franrico and million feel held by Ihc Hecate Honolulu Isirail iowinir Co. nl Swuiimiu The bleak 111 Use cable wa Hay. 1 he boom Was towed from abmit flfleen mile,, wcl or. Ihc Qin-en Charlolle Island bH Montara, Iteporl from Hie re- (he towim,' company rrfue to pair ihip Htaln thai Vhe cable surrender it until il account or had been cut in two with an me. -approximately 2-V"U " !"' '' evideully after bavlng been the Whalen Co. rained to the surface. FOUR AMERICAN BOATS SOLD HALIBUT TODAY : Transactlona at Fish Exchange Thla HAornlng Totalled 198,- 000 Pounds ) Four American halibut nchoon., er. od catchesi lolallliiR I'JH.OOO poiiml n be Flh KxchaiiKe till niornlinr. There were no (Jatwi-j ilian nrrlyaU. I The followinif were the sale!, Iladlo, HO.doo pound., al Kl.lc ami He, to (he Allin Flnherle. ', I'reitidoiil, aH.OOO pound, at, lll.no and He, and Hurdim. 25,000 pmind, at I3.7c land He, to the Caiimllnn l'ih .V- Cold HtoriiKe. Co. Heymour. 55.000 pound, at Kl.li; iiml Hi. In IIik nut l'n.'irlii iMifiiin mill i IMPORTANT NEWS DELAYED; WIRES FROM SOUTH DOWN HoldiiiK up the Imporl-aut new of the Hritih election, I he fedewd by-election in 'Halifax, etc., fur which Hie public I anxioucly waitinir, both land lelejd-aph lines between hero and Vancouver have been out of commission for I be pat 21 hours ami the wirele. station I o conpeted wllh bui-ne Hint it has been impossible lo Ki't anylhins HiioukIi. Election returns will he bullellned by the Daily New as soon us they arrive. t ....... DoolS Fisher es Canadian Co. ! TENDERS FOR .;r', ,...; . -"m;: 1 .... , fr.1111 lli,. Hlitllll All Well K. I.. I FIFTH AVENUE Enqlneer MuCh Balow Ei-tlmates of Contractors Who Bid on Work The local iniiroviMiienl hy-1 law providing for the grading of Fifth Avenue F.ail wan finally considered mid adopted and lender for the work were opened al a special meeting of Hie city council yesterday afternoon. The hid were referred lo the . Hoard of Work for tabulation and report. There are fie" lender including that of the city engineer which was very, noticeably lower (halt the oilier. A sum ini un mil Of iinler nAiiiril liv hii deiiosil pu Mcl.eoo, etc., accompanied by totalled 1 2.000. being accom The lender tolalsrorUieJob were ai follows AVnielo An-lonelto. 8.2I1M5; 0. K. Ylre- $10,311.25; A. Dominatn, I'elleiuuo and I). Santrrbaiie. . ... ... I I nil I miIi fi-tulfMw.r n m niiflti nr lit. in, rimnirv in i i.vuir". ...-. ...... Not..HJy wa injure.1. conditions ciuimon. eer, every- . der wa for the work by cla.- II wv, expected that the linear would be open BKain al noon l- . . ... ....'rhe lender of John McLean. An- .... - I.. a.. .t . i iip mrn "i i'uhkiii e'-- nav I iih iram tiuc in rmv i r budget la l inure con- l-ere lontorrow evenii.B will llm. Ux "M ,,,C ,,mP' w.llioul wiinoiii delay ueiny. ii,.inir ,i,nn in oi.eniniT a net nniunn nrnT 1 1 riunu aldlixi 13 rod. work of highway and local SWANSON BAY MILL Peiiniion ha been mauled in $6.- which wa no depoil. In clasi-e of work the bid were a follow: Amtclo Anlonelln excavation. at o ner cu. yd.: fill. $1.50 per ru. yard; grubbing, ft per lineal fool; curb and lie per Koaru fool, 25c; local crushed rock. per cu. yd., l; local sami. per ru. d. 2.2o. C. K. Ylrehersr, excavation. l; fill. l.05 jfrubbins. I.C; curb and lie, 20c; local crushed rock. t.W: local sand. ?2.35. A. Douilnalo el al excavation, SI. 05: fill, m prubbins. ?2.0; curb and lies, 12c; local crushed rock, M.05; local sand. $2.50. C. T. Lunduuist excavation $1; fill $1.05; crubbinir. $2."0; curb and lies. 15c; local cribbed rock, $1.85; local sand, $2.05. Cily engineer excavation, $1.10; HII, 03c; Krubbin, H3c; curb and He. HiWc; lcal !crulied rock, $2.00; local sand. $1.20. Aid. Collart doubled If the cily engineer could do the work for Ihe bid he had quoted. Aid. Perry was confident that he could. Those luesenl al Ihe mcclintf were Mnyor Newton, Aid. ferry, Aid. Monro. Aid. Mackenzie, Aid. Collar!, Aid. Stephen and Cily Solicitor Jones. The lender of C. T. I.uiulquisl was extended by the Hoanl or Works last night. It totalled SI 1.0:5.75. Ilccomiiieinliiliou of the Hoanl of Works thai I be lender of Ihe eilv ennineer be accented will in all probability be adopted by the council on Monday eveninfr. SlulT Sergeant S. L. Warrior, H.C.M.P. relumed yesterday af ternoon by Ihe steamer Princo Ocorge after accompanying ; prisoner south lo Okalla. Miss Violet Cameron returned lo Hie city on the Prince Oeorge yesterday afternoon' after an ex tended visit to her old home ctar Sydney. ova Scotia. WWWW The filth iiiiinerary of the Mgmug of the armistice was clebrated in Fredericton, N.H., by Ihe unveiling of a memorial to those who had fallen in the Great War. HE REFUSES LEADERSHIP General McRae Does Not Wish It Said That He Bought Premiership (Special to Dally News) VANCOUVER, Dec. 6. Gen. A. D. McRae this afternoon rev'used leadership of the Provincial Party at convention hero on grounds that he declined to lay himself open to possible future charges of buying the premiership owing to the financial assistance given by him In organizing the party. It Is now proposed to pay back General McRae what he has given, offer him the presidency of the association and the party leadership when a general election looms up. General McRae has given the Provincial Party $35,000 and has obligated himself for $40,000. ELEVATORS AT OTHER WINDING UP OF LOCAL COMPANY IS PROPOSED Directors of Prince Rupert Housing Take Steps to Ascertain Views of Shareholders I Al a meeting of Ihe directors jof Prince Itupert Jlousing Ltd. iheld yesterday st -ehoblers in jibe company were urged not lo sell their slock for less than par, ,it being reported that somrone wa trying to buy it for less and thus gel control of the company i.V circuKir letter has been sent to 'the shareholder asking if they j favor winding up the and thus making absolutely sure) of gelling back their principal together wilh savings bank in-llerest during Ihe winding up process. If the shareholders fa-Jvor this, a meeting of shareholders will lie called t make ;formal disposition of the company. j The company wus formed several years ago to make building (loans for thoso desirous of erect- ling homes during a period when: PLACES THAN YANCOUVER.actiM.ies or ll.e company. Answering a queslion in the liDAWCCr PICUCRMFN Legislature a few days ago Hon. JfllMllLOL runCIUIUUI A. M. Manson said rac.s had beenj JQJMJ ASSOCIATION lllSCIOSeil III iniiiieuiniu uu nit grain rales equalization tight that would warrant Prince llu pert, Victoria, Port Mann, ham- loops, and New Westminster looking lo the lime when grain elevator will be built there. WOMEN IN AUSTRIA VI F.N N A, Dec. . A revision of Ihe census shows that Austria has an excess female population of 238,175. The total population of 0,520,001 includes 3.382.508 women a.ul 3 141,093 mev.. Neither Darwin nor Bryan Right in Regard to Origin of Man is Opinion of Modern Scientists PEKIN, Her. (I. There is no missing link between man and Ihe monkey tribe but man is first cousin to the monkeys, according to Profe.or Dubois, the fatuous Dutch paleontologist. .Scientist ar3 reviving their theories as a result of the discovery in Java recently of bones uf the Trinil man. The Trinil man of Java, known lo cience as the Pithecanthropus F.rectus, or upright man-ape, is supposed to antedate by thousands of years any other fossil of man ever found. Discovered bv Professor Dubois more than HO years airo Ihe details of Ihc find have been kept virlu- ally a secret. II was known nri rf ITF CDfiM that the skeleton, largely recon- ULlJaJlilt i llUlll siruciea, oore a resemoiance iu bolh man and Ihe highsr apes. but in many respects differed from bolh. i ope of the Trinil man is to be. had from Dr. Osbom's theory. which is shared by other paleon-i tologists that Ihe younfret ofj the presumably pre-hupian or! sob-tfunran ancestors of man! tase iu mature laooraior)-. Both Out of Date In a lecture here. Dr. Osborn lie holds Hhc theory Hud .lh man and the ape have probably descended from a common lype of animal.. J It was in Asia, either on hi&rh idaleaus of what now- China or possibly south of there in the warmer lands or India that companyjniankin(1 hai, orj;rin jn ,)r diouses were scarce. Since its (inception the funds of the con-cem have been kept working and (close lo thirty buildings have 1 1.1 . .. ..11 ..r it... TO LOBBY AT OTTAWA : j NF.W Wl-ISTMLNSTKH, Dec. O.1 Japanese engaged in Ihe fih- ing industry at Steveston are joining With the r'niser Valley Japanese fisherman in a new. protective association, one oT the aims of which will be amend- menls lo existing fishing liccn-, ses, If they are able to get it nneit In Ottawa. Paid lobbyists. will attend the Dominion capital f.ip pL.i;"se. Ojluirn's opinion. The uplands llVwi-.. i. llBllv VOW DIRECT SHIPMENTS TORONTO VANCOUVER FREIGHT COSTS LOW. VANCOUVKII. Dec. 0. A freighter sailed from To- ronio, Nov. 20 bound for Vancouver by way of Ihe SI. Lawrence lllver and canals and the Panama Canal, She is due to arrie about Christmas Day. One feature, of Ihe sailing of this vessel is that the. charge for freight trom Toronto lo Vancouver is $1.87 a hundredweight less than the cost, ot shipping the samo by rail. RUPERT SPEAKS Trinil Man Oldest Homethin of the supposed McKay Attacks Fisheries De- partments at Provincial Party Convention In Vancouver (Special to Daily News) V.NOUVEIt, Dec. 6. "There whose fosils have been found is'are inspectors in the north who the Heidelberg man. Hones of do not know a Irout from a lli Hpiitplhertr man were found in w-hale," declared Delesale ' Mc- ithe drift of the Neckar river val- Kay f Print imperial Hie Pro- ley in (iermany and are estimated vincial l'arty convention here to be at least 400.000 years old. ourinj? a speecu in wnicn lie oe-till iHill older are Ihe bones of clared patronage was rampant lli'e 'pltf.ftfwn imth departments; " were found in Hie river drifts of .... ..... flVAiiini itrn a mn ham Sussex, fcnmanu. ic o aer ore MUfflM WtAIHtK flUl lie ooues 01 1 ne ruxuau muu, also found in England. Hut old.; est of all are bones of the Trinil! EXCLUSIVE TO RUPERT man of Java. 1 'ri.p orniv weather i-nniliMorm Ho far back in lime have scien- i11PiM,ii simn- uiml nn.l tits assigned, the place of the ,Pavy rajls wll!cl havo been I nun man inai ne is xupposeu ioilir..vai!illir . ,ave ,, have liveil in lhoe fan yeslenlays h PTriiMivn lo I'rinrn or the earlh when lire itseH was luiert acl.ording to officer of iiaruij oui 01 me c-M-ii j tie steamer Prince George which arrived from Hie south yesterday afternoon. The vessel had iu virv tilnrmv tiftMlrP HII IIir declared that Ihe theories of both ... ,,, .,., fmm vanrmi- Hryan and certain or the Darwin-;vpr A, ()cpal Fas llipr0 ists were out of dale as a result . i,MV. nrerinilnlinn r modem discoveries. The .ape,,ilurnp e fpw ,,ays wilh Ihe declared, was not now siip-,1)c riliuU ,linl the 11CW jam puse.1 lo UC Hie anccMor 01 man. Upre jt rjU(,( wijl fif,epn bul in all probability a cousin. jreet of Ihe top of higher thaa "jlhe level of the old dam. EDMONTON ELEVATOR urn i' n cam ro aim is friLtL Uifcrin uimin SHIPMENT THIS WAY EDMONTON. Dec. C When the of China and especially the Oubi Edmonton gram elevator is .built desert, aHor.l lo science the it I very prol.au lo that ship-world-. greatest deposit or relics meiil or grain will be. made rrom or bygone lire thai has been "n cuy 10 me yr.eni ny way ui round, he said. His theory is Prince llupert. Most or Ihe gra n that Ihe original inhabitants or for Hie Orient is handled in sacks here aHer being cleaned North and Houth America were decendanls or Asiatic races ttrat aJ flipped through by the com moved across land bridges which on steamers. ern' and western continents. WOMEN EXPRESS THEIR CONFIDENCE IN M ANSON VICTOUIA, Dec. 0. "Resolved that this district conrerenco of Vancouver Island Women's In- slitule express its appreciation of Ihe action of Attorney General Manson in his al tempi lo jn- quire exhaustively into the whole .mailer of the lloyal Canadian .Mounted Polico administration lin connection with the druir llraflic." was Ihe wording or a resolution passed unanimously .bv the W.l. conference al lis i final session here. Mrs. F. W. Slacey and child of Prince George passed through ,lhe city yesterday afternoon enr route lo Ihe interior after hav- ing spent a visit at New Wesl- .niinsler. Subenbe for the Lai! News "!