Whan You Want A TAXI P.R.FISH MARKET Phone 671. 99 in a hurry FOR THE PICNIC. Jellied Tongues, Boiled Ham, Phone Roast Ham with dressing, PRINCE RUPERT st Oar and Best rvloa Fresh Sausage Dally. In th City. Rates Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Out of Town Orders Solicited VOI, MIL, NO, I G t. Plll.NCK HUI'KIIT. H.C, Fill HAY. JULY 13, YtittPtftr' Circulation, 1623 SUttt Stilt 311. PniGE FIVE GENTS. BIG BRITISH POUCY TO TERMINATE n n rrance receives weu Reparation Statement of Britain's Premier PAIMS .lull' I :t - - Premipr I ill tin Hrilish House nf 44 rti iiidii yesterday is gent-rally cum- champion kiux-kcd out .! Wil iiiciiIimI iik)ii hi French official circle as a carefully worded lard. Hip ex-champion of Hip' document which nnglit lead lo nil agreement, this being depeti- worl.l in the eighth round tonight drill upon the nature of the note which il it announced h forth- with a lerrific Mow on tin- jaw -coming for the French government's perusal and assent. The fight which look place m Newspaper comment i characterized ly moderation- of Hoyle's Tliirly Acre arena under phrne mid an abence of billcrtirs, although the pre- rceit'i the maiMiifemcul of Tex HickaM what it regard as the Hrilish premier's undue leniency with witnessed ! loo.Oon people. r ' ' i (iprrnany. By Rounds DDAUIMfT UN I LONDON. July 13. From the Itouixl I. -Firpo came from I Klf V IIiIjIj WILL mrliPot aailalile editorial in hit corner with chaiai teristlc in- i.i,nii,ii n,vin n . i n i iu"ll. iiihiii iinn-fcrii in?, ri I IIPI 17 I ACP Premier Hahlwin' announcement ami jabbed willi a Ipfl. Firp LllYljLl LUuLl ,ua,ii' a f"'rable Impression both landed a liglit blow to I lie body ifn government ami anli-govern- p drove hi right a-aiu lo Wil-- iiipiiI tjuartprx. There wvre some lard' rib. Firpo forced Jes Judgment Reserved In Liquor criliri-.ni but tlipy were not the ropes ami coifed Ho- lug- fet Importation Case Before Privy Council l ! LONImiN. July t:i. Judgment hni Iippii reserved hy the judicial roimuiltep of the privy council In; the eae of Ihe Attorney General. of llrilioli Columbia venui the -Allurnev iurraUoi Uitinua. over the miesllon of whether honor Imported into )lri(ih (.oluiuiiiii hy the Provinrlnl (loveruincnl I liable for fedprnl rulonn duly. I lie nonunion won noi raiipi on to renlv i H may he auiotl Mi.il jii.Ik nit-iif will go iintiiit the pnnoiee. I NO MORE TROOPS FOR NOYA SCOTIA STRIKE AREA ARE TO BE SENT lll'I'lU Joll' II I'lTPIOII l..ry nilriiriion- were i.-ue.! I II n I. .M Mardonalii, aciiiik' uilni'ler of na'ioual defence. Hint no more Irmim are to. he npiiI inuti any place in Canada ly the Gape llrelou hlrike area. The information wax contained in a telegram fput hy Mr. Mar-il nald from I'ietoti to lion, tame Murdoch, ininiKler of luhor LIMIT TO BE PLACED ON PLANK ROAD LOADS Council Instructs City Solicitor To Bring In a Bylaw For Next Meeting I olUivving report ntadc a lo the unstable condition of tunny plunk road, the city council at a pi'iial meeting nl noon today I'' 'ructed Hie city solicilor to 'Iraw up u bylaw to prevent any person hauling u load of more 'linn ouo Ion over any plau icndway. The tolnvc will be submitted to the council on Monday evening. TUG LUaENNE COMES . VICTORIA FROM FRANCE UNDER HER OWN STEAM YIOTOHIA, July l.'l Ihe ocean Jfolnic tllg l.nclenni'. purcliaxed I" France by the Wallace people ot Vancouver nniveil under her own steam from Hollenlain, having made ",700 miles In 52 day Including ninny slop l wy poinls. BIRTH A daughter wa born id Ihe Hciicrul Ilosiillal to Mr. and Mm, Hlchurd Moore, Waldron Apail- ineuls. . f '7WT . iii , i Intel win rcttaralinils statement ,'lronxly emphasized. i RICH GOLD STRIKE KLEANZA PROPERTY AT UK RECENTLY A rich slriU of vuld mid fiUrr ore hu recently Iipcii made on the rlaiui ov.nel liv the KleaiiiM Company, of Lk. m liil f-i I I ) on Hie Klean-ih tiMMiiitalii. Two of the cin at Vullialla cahiu are rhouiuir up ey rich in gold. The third strike I- located at the third canyon on Kleau.a crepk anil runt high in silver and gold. mm m MaiM v a m m m MAdUNd BALK rKUIVl VISIT TO ANYOX Enoch Lodqe Is Now Fully Constituted Branch or A.F. A A.M. Enoch Lodge, A.F. A A. M. Anyox, I now a fully constituted branch of the craft following Ihe olllcial viil by Urorge II. Munro, Uistrirl Heputy (Irand Maler, Hon. A. M. Malison, Senior (triuid Warden, and parly of Ioph! Mason on Wednesday night. The parly returned lo Ihe city lal uiglil on Ihe Prince (ieorge afler carrying out their ottlcial duties. A realure of Ihe proceeding was the holding or a ban- ipiel by Enoch Lodge in honor of Ihe viilor. Ilesides Mr. Munro and Mr. Man-on, the following ' member from here were aiming the parly coinv north: S. E. Parker. Howard While, J. C. McLennan. C. II. Oiiue, It. L. Iliown, Money Shier. Thomas MeClymoul, (I. A. Woodland, J. II. Thompson, I'll. Mortimer. W. II. Melliar and Thomiis .McMeekiu. WESTERN CANADA TO HAVE PROSPEROUS YEAR So Says Vice-President Dalrymple of Canadian National Railways WINtPErJiii7 1:1. J. I".. Dalrymple, vice-president of the Canadian National Hallway reported thai he found gcmiiu') optimism everywhere and utiles an extraordinary reverse happens, Western Cauad'i I In for one of the most prosperous year. Why not subscriho for the Dally New and have it sent to your homo regularly? If A I PLANNED FOR FIRPO KNOCKS I OUT WILLARD Wins n Eighth Round With Ter-i rlfflc Blow on Jaw of Ex-champion Spectators 100,000 1 HIMiSIDE. Jersey Ciiy. July l;, Louis linm. the Aruenline! low alMiut I lie head at c1om Mjiiarlpr., HIomJ IriqLted from . .. clJi vj arir) ii-ri pur. Jp ilnive hi right to the ide of Hie head uml the hell oundcd. Hound i. Jet rarrip;l Hip fight Irt FlrjMi hut ml'-eil Mraiglil upper cut. ..Firpo laudpii ,iih in Hie-ritt-lull woj.,lu'ft wtHi a riahl. The hit Kaiian ldtrked Firpo" iillpiifpl lit attack hi hody. Willanfi. left Md lniwcd (olehe. of red from hi opMiiHiil punchex. Firpo hol a hard right lo Hip jaw hut Wil- lanl ilppppl out of the way of another wallop aimed at the iaiue ppol as the gong Miunded. Hound ;i. W illard jahled Firoo about the head at eloe ,iiiarlrn. The Argentine fore forced W'illard hack into a corner vi it It u tiody ntlack, Wil lard' lou? left flopped Firpo short a he tried to bore in. Willard seemed content lo employ defensive lae-ii.. i.i..,. i-t,.. i... ...., ..riii right. They were sparring iiu the round ended. Pummelled Willard Hound 1. Willard jabbed Firpo wilh left to head. Firpo wung both nl as they weni into clinch hut inflicted no dam age. Willard caught Firpo with an upperrtil coming in. Firpo hounded from the ropes landn: light lo stomach. He pummelled Willard about again at close iptarlers ami Jess only smiled Willard wa wild wilh right ami received fdrther punishment about bead, l-'irpo rushed in with both lists and lauding heavily, Jes rallied antl drove Firpo li a corner as the hell rang. Hound 5. Willard sent Firpo back with a straight leH. He took a 1 1 ii id rigid to Ihe jaw as they clinched. Firpo was shoil with hi right. They clinched repeatedly a Firpo wa blocked in hi attempt lo reach Wil lard'. body". The crowd, whose sympathies obviously were with the big American, hollered "Hur rah Jess" a the bell rnny. Hound . Firpo shot in his right to Ihe neck. Willard cover ed up .a he wn short with hi left. He jabbed lightly at long range as Firpo circled his op pouent in search id an opening. Kiriio drove rights and left to the Jaw but failed to shake big Jes. Willard' If Tt slopped I'irno short. The Argentine'. aim was bad wilh hi left hut In shot in a right lo Ihe body as Hie gong ended Ihe round, Firpo to Ropes Humid 7. Wlllnrd shot in n hard light Unit sent Firpo to Hie rones. He employed the rabbit punch lo the buck of Firpo head In a clinch. Wlllard's loft shot home twice lo Ihe Jaw Firpo showed a slight cut under the riuht eye. Willard look EUROPEAN The novel rli.irat n !ic if Ihis newest coiilriliuliou oT safety in eut im ,-,e.- Hiul it not only provided udeipiale means oT itloritiit iott. hot thai it gives an audihle indication when there more than two per cent of fire damp in he work-tig plant. June-Record Month in Timber Scalings for District with Over Eighteen Million Fett .lime was n iv.-i.nl tnonih Ihe staff there is kept working at Ihe Meadily m iling hnsiness. were nlinosl eighteen ' - and a hair Iwlve million was spruce and great deal or il was scaled on Ihe l.ig produclion is at present local office compares son.ewhal th cose of the war. The delai several blows lo the head as the round ended. Hound 8. Willard enme out ol his comer to lake the aggres- sive. He landed Ivvo lefl jab to Firpo' jaw. -The taller clinched twice apparently tiriiw under the relentless pare lie had set, but as lie drew away from Willard he suddenly launched a whirlwind drive to both bead and neck. Sensing his advantage as Wil- lard's guard dropped from u Jolting right, Firpo rained n vol ley or rigid and, lefts lo Iho giant former champion s bead. Willard tlie'd to ward oh" Firpo's drive but his defensive tactics i were ineffective. A powerful right straight' to ll iv Chin ?cn big Jess rolling back to (lie! ropes. naziMi umi groggy ne dropped slowly to one. knee. Ho sbbok his bead much as a big mastiff might, as the referee lolled hi count he tried In raise at eight but could pot lift his big bulk to his feel, lie was lined to his corner in a daze. Preliminaries At Itriglil. English heavy weight, a member of Firpo' j training camp and Tom Hoper; or Chicago struggled to a draw in. I Ihe opinion or most critic in an eight round bout, Ihe first preliminary. Cliff Kramer or San Francisco oulboxed ami out Mugged Tiny Jim Herman- or Oin'nhu in a slashfmr eight rounder in Iho second preliniinnr". The third between Ceorge West or London ami Charles Nastier! or Jersey Clly wa stopped In Hie fourth round to save West from further punishment. , Tex Hickard, promoter of the big bout, announced during the preliminary that inore than 100,-000 people were massed lo wit- Jne the fray. DIFFICULTIES IS WELL RECEIVED Hie h.ral rorestn nffi. e ami ; high speed to keep pace wilh Lasl mouth the lotal scaling, million feel, T or which over over rour million hemlock. A Queen Charlotte Islands where going on. 'Hie work or Iho with aeroplane spruce days " - ul or the sea Hugs rollows: Ffil Douglas fir ... H 885 Hed cedar ...... i i v r.-jrf ' Spruce 1 3' 07 1 Hemlock I'.''g-g ltalsam ....... C85.012 Cottonwood ". .-, . 2,02! '- Cypress i -1 1 Jack piuo ... ... ju 3 i Ilirch ... .... . ' i Piles, lineal feet , Cnrdwood, cords Hallway ties ... tM'JIi U.S. PROTEST TO BE SENT Embargo by Canada on Wood Pulp Will Prove Hardship to Newspapers WASHINGTON, July 13. The United States government Is giving serious consideration, It Is stated, to the action of the Canadian parliament In the authorization of an embargo on wood pulp. The state department will doubtless address a protest to the Canadian govern ment Indicating that such an embargo would be a burden to United States newspapers and consumers of wood pulp. Retaliation will not be brought down although It Is not overlooked that the United States government Is clothed with large powers to retaliate under the new Tarirr Act. WERE MARRIED HERE Philip Viberl, Union Hank inspector from Winnipeg, and Miss Pauline Eceles, also oT Winnipeg, were married in the .city last night. They sailed lor an-eouvor aHer Hie ceremony. EXHIBITION Monster Carnival to be Put on by Fair Board Queen is to be Elected There is lo he a monster carnival this year in connection with Ihe annual fair and exhibition and as a preliminary a queen of the carnival is to he elected with prizes amounting lo 1500 lo successful contestants. The fair hoard announce that the competition is to cover the whole country from Ocean Falls, to Anyox and from Prince (ieorge to the (Jneen Charlotte Islands and in order thai il may he interesting lo nil, district prizes will he offered which will give everyone a chance lo win a prize. Married or single girls are eligible and they may be nom- '' dialed either by individuals or by; organizations. The grand prize is a very valuable one. It includes 10n in gold ami a free trip over the Canadian National Itailways to, Jasper Park. Edmonton, Winni- peg. Toronto. Montreal, and New. York, returnin!: over the Pennsylvania Hallway hy way of Washington, l.C. Baltimore,'; Chicago, and Ihe Ilurlington route along the Mississippi to 1. Paul, Minneapolis, and then lo Winni peg over lh Ihe C.P.H. to IUgina0,,i,1:,, Alaska tour party ar-lianff Hanff, and VAi.rnnv.F Vancouver. Znve.1 from the East on last iCalgary. 'Hie first prize will be .ueen of the carnival and the four nearest (will he entertained hy the fair boanl and their Iraiisoortatinn to and from the exhibition as well as ,"eal banker went olT accord-their expenses while there will be '"' " cbedute and the excur-naid by Hie board. sionist. were liighly interested There will li six district prize w" oil third, fourth 8'"' "f"' wneral prizes for W1" compete. i ii . a; i n . .ru" i aniruiar- oi me eveiu wm pnm.sneu wiu.in rew nays "Ul " ''uaiu,,"e rmi "- ,,'r',, w,,u n"aginsr the con- I .... I .. .. . ,1.. .. : a I1" - 7 "-"""" r-"l"'l l,inn 3 mi villi iiiic hji in i-ii ramiinaies so as lo gel a good i tart. '"'' t'arnixal wi'l he the big-wim at Ihe Salt Lake.. Thi gest over put on in Northern or(nrorning Ihe railway company Central Hrilish Columlda. The prizes will all be valuable and 'well worth spending some time given the opportunity of inspecl-' ..... . i . . ... ... land error', to capture RECIPROCITY WITH JH- STATES REGARD TO finirnn ip iivn v LiyUUIX Id LllYCLI Ottawa. July i3. a conrer-'LEADING CITIZENS ence between the governments ol; n irivrnnil 11V Ihe l nited States and Canada with; UT TlblUIUA VIL a view to making reciprocal ar- . raugemenL ror the restriction oriDavId n. Ker and A. B. Fraser Hie illicit liquor traffic will bo held shortly. ANOTHER STEAMER IS ASHORE IN COLUMBIA NOHTII MEND. Wash.. July 1 3. - -The Japanese steamer Yone Maru is ashore just inside Ihe Columbia Hiver bar at midnight in a dense log it is reported. She js in no danger ami the sea Is calm. LEAGUE BASEBALL American League Philadelphia 0, Cleveland tt. lloslou (5, Detroit 5 . New York 10, Chicago C. Washington 5, St. Louis 8. National League Pittsburg 5-2, New York 3-1. Cincinnati 2, Philadelphia 0. , St. Louis !, Huston 0. Chicago 2, Hrooklyn 0. Coast League Los Angeles 2, Sacramento 7. San Francisco 7, Salt Lake K. Portland I, Oakland. Seattle 10, Vernon 1 1. IS ENTERTAINED Wisconsin Excursionists Highly Interested In All They Saw Durlnn Stay In Prince Rupert . The Wisconsin Hankers" As- ',r," ,J' riu. Princess " r haway a"u ,,,e ""lrrainmenl of Ihe visitors ,K''1' l'' ",c Hoard Of Trade and a" ,,,al tl,el"- Mel rain by President - (it'lons of ihe Hoard of - "r .ers . ftiiir IpiIiL.: Iiupii .... Mm tfirlir lion !.-.., ,..- " ...- . ..,. .,,.:, t ,c. ' " "'- lion - for f Ihe.r slay. In Ihe even- .1 ri rr I liov it-oi'u IfiLnn Tiki u ti 1 1 tt " ' ' " ..... , u. ...v, v .v - nine nupen ami zo ami isome ol Ihe visitors enjoyed a fan a couple ut coaches up to Seal Cove where the parly was mg the cold storage plant. At 12 o'clock, the visitors boarded the Princes Louise and sailed lor Skagway ami Allin. They will be back here again en-route on Saturday of next week on Ihe Princess Alice. Pass Away After Active Careers VICTOUIA, July 13. The city lost two of its leading citizens last night in the persons of David H. .Ker and A. H. Fraser who died here. Mr. Ker was head of the Hrackuian-Ker Company and was 60 years of age. He had taken an active interest in commercial, church and public organization. Mr. Fraer was a prominent real etate and financial broker and in runner year had been cloely identified with Victoria Liberal. He died after a short illness. Old Timers' Picnic DIGBY ISLAND Sunday, July 15 Adults, 50c; Children, 25c Everybody Welcome