7 1 ‘ Today’ k oday s Stocks (Courte.s S 2. Jonnsten Cea. Ltd.) VANCOUVER American Standard 18 Bralorne 6.00 Cariboo Quartz 1.35 Congress 06 Cronin Babine 37 Giant Mascot 90 | Indian Mines 15 Pioneer 95 Premier Border 3 Privateer 0714 Reeves MacDonald 3.50 Sheep Creek 1.40 Silbak Premier 46 Vananda 0314 Spud Valley 05 aaa ee aa Silver Standard 2.15 CHAMPION WALKER—Ferd. Hayward, Newfoundland’s walking Western Uranium 4.25 champi ! es the finish line first in a field of five walkers | Oils— in the ¢ i mpionships held at St John’s, Nfld. Hayward A P Con 48 é ) pace over the hilly Conception Bay highway to Calmont 1.60 Win the Canadian 50-kilometer (31 miles, 120 yards) title and a ‘ oo Led 14.00 prebable trp the Olympic games at Helsinki nex ; entral Leduc 4.70 hours, 58 m ae ‘ i 11 ine eae a Home Oil 13.50 e Tan it anc ids Was more than 30 Mercury 24 minu i ac. OF the second-place walker, Bernard Molloy, also Okalta 4.15 ‘ Ne iiand. Greeting the winner at the line is Aubrey Pacific Pete 12.00 Wirh esident of t Newfoundland branch of the Canadian Royal Canadian 19 Anaiainy Athletic Association (CP PHOTO) TORONTO # Joong Athona 11 | ell lllebellilelell elle ttt LLL LLL ee Rr a evcour y Buffalo Canadié 22! a uffalo Canadiar 2242 5 FOR A REAL @ Consol. Smelters 36.00 " BOY'S SUMMER &®_ Conwest 3.70 7 a , 4 eng 38 tidona 19 a lf § Wallace § . Giant Yellowknife 10.00 a mw, God's Lake 4: | * Hardrock 11% z Of Course! . Harricana 10 8 | Heva 11% * a Duvex 81 & TEE SHIRTS Joliet Quebec 42 * | Little Long Lac 68 . SWEATERS | Lynx 15 5 Madsen Red Lake 1.92 * SWIM TRUNKS MacKenzie Red Lake 40 * McLeod Cockshutt 3.50 ze SHIORTS Moneta 35% Negus 45 * PANTS Noranda 79.00 ” Louvicourt 22 a JEANS Pickle Crow 1.65 w Petrol Oij & Gas 1.14 e OVERALLS Senator Rouyn 15 es Sherrit Gordon 425 . SHIRTS Steep Rock 6.75 : Silver Miller 1.90 8 SOCKS Upper Canada 1.78 ? Golden Manitou 6.50 UNDERWEAR JACKETS PAJAMAS MIDDLE WEST PUBNICO, N.S »>-Ten vessels sailed from here for George’s Banks, prolific fish- ing grounds for swordfish mid- way between Nova Scotia and New England Each craft is about 75 tons, carrying a crew of 10 Aqes 2 years to 18 years me Wallaces Dept. Store BERK OSPR RRR RRM MOOR RRR Ee. DUNDEE TRADE Manufacture of jute goods from the raw materia] imported from Asia and PakiStan is the leading industry in Dundee, Scotland ERRSERETARRA RRR RES R RR R RRR RR RR SaSaow i FIRE SSESESaCE EN EE AE ross Business Do You Spend on Advertising? Pulling @ sef percentage of your yross business back infe your business through advertising is one sure way fo make your business qrow. Advertising ALONE will not make vour business successful. But planned consistent advertising will HELP you to do more business, much more than the cost of advertising. Good consistent advertising builds a business. Keep piuqging away! Pick out YOUR PERCENTAGE to spend on advertising and STICK BY IT. ‘here are Lots of Ways to Spend Your Dollar BUT You reach more people for the LOWEST COST THROUGH THE | DAILY NEWS |“ x athe ‘ ono Last Rites fo ~ Known School Teacher me known and beloved | Lake, was held here from the Anglican church. Mrs. Wiison was sixty years of age. She was a membei of the Eastern Star and White Shrine. After in the Burns being a patient Lake Hospital for some time, Mrs. Wilson was taken to the Vancouver General Hospi- tal where she died The Rev. J. E. Whittles of All |Saints Anglican Church in Van-, }couver, accompanied Mr Wil- | son back to Burns Lake. Rev. Whittles preached the funeral} service, assisted by the Rev Canon Hinchliffe of Smithers jand the Rev. A. W. Atkinson of 'Rurns Le DUrnsS Lae Mr. Whittles paid eloquent and touching tribute to Mrs, Wilson and the wonderful work she had accomplished during} Silversides Heads Plumbers Union Local C. Silversides, as _ president, | heads the 1952 slate of newly) elected officers of Local 180,} United Association of Plumbers | and Pipe Fitters (AFL) Other officers are J. Roxbor- | ough, vice-president; Don Stew- | art, recording secretary; G. S.| Weatherby, financial secretary,! treasurer and business agent Clifford Priestly, general or-, ganizer for the union in Western Canada, installed the officers, following which he gave an out- line of the development of in- dustry in B.C. and cited the part of organized labor “keeping the wheels of industry turning.” Brockington Speaks At Conference Special to The Daily News CALGARY~-Leonard W. Brock- ington, QC. noted commentator and special wartime assistant to the late Prime Minister Mack- enzie King, was among promii- ent speakers at the 15th annual conference of the Canadian Fed- eration of Mayors and Munici- palities here on Dominion Day Mr. Brockington spoke of Can- adian unity and said he was pleased to see delegates from Quebee and all the provinces of Canada among the delegates The conference began here 01 Sunday and concludes tomorrow. Alderman George C. Miller of Vancouver, president said a special feature of this year’s program is the consideration being given to the role that the municipalities can play in the nation’s security program.” During the day, General F. F Worthington, federal co-ordina- tor of civil defence, spoke on civil defence in action” and later delegates—numbering close to 500—-watched a field demon- tration illustrating aspects of Canada's defence program Purpose of the demonstration, under the direction of Major- Generali Chris Vokes, General officer commanding Western Command, was to provide an in- sight into the organization and preparedness activities of the defence establishment and pos- sible implications for municipal governments, ROSS STEWART, who _ has been appointed chief engineer for the entire system, Can- adian National Railways, to succeed Barton Wheelwright who recently retired on pen- Sion. One of Canada’s top | construction engineers, Mr. Stewart is an honors applied science graduate of the Uni- versity of Toronto. He began with the railway in 1913 and worked his way up until he was appointed assistant chief engineer, construction, in May 1951, Prince Rupert Daily News | BURNS LAKE—Funeral of Mrs. Ethel Wilson, r Well News) school teacher of Burns the long years that he had known her He told of het many activities, particularly her E ee works of love among the child * . . ren and also of how she had so often, in her quiet way, brought ARCTIC BOUND—The Transport Department's C. I 12,000 mile tour of Arctic waters carrying supp'ies for northern outposts. The ship's helicopter Howe sails from Montreal on her 110-day cheer and real help to those in coming aboard, is ,used to locate paths through ‘the ice fields and carry administrative need of tnese. He had words of officials to and from northern communittes (CP PHOTO) comfort for the many friends m i who would mourn her _ passing Canada’s biggest tourist attrac- OWEN SOUND, Otn. 0 —~ Lare especially for the one whose loss tions and help in this way to est pickerel evet cauch ~s was greatest Gordon Speaks a ea antas tah i . : CaeeDS in the , : bring up passengers and hotel! Beaver River at Thornbi Mrs. Collins of Vanderhoof, at : : “ } y Wa ; guests. As one of Canada’s chief the 10 pound, 12 ounce monste) the organ, played the hymns To Forestry export moreover, timber pro- landed after a long struggle Breathe on Me Breath of God : ‘ : pat po , Cr ; ducts are an important source Roy Rogers of Toronto Roger and Unto the Hills Around do A : > of national Income and are got one of more than nine I lift up my Longing Kyes ssociation helping to keep our Canadian pounds in the same watur sever Jack Brown sang Nunc Dimit dollars in a strong position.” weeks ago. 7 “ “Lord, Now Lettest hou MONTREAL 1S a servant and Mr. Gordon said that Cana Thy Servant Depart in Peace » partner of industry, the Cana- dian Forestry Association has TIMMINS, Ont. @ A baby The various children’s organ-|dian National Railways system pioneered in reminding Cana- moose was found wa dering by jizations in town had each 4 has long recognized the value of dians of the value of their for- a worker from the Moneith I; jrepresentative at- the church! Canada forest resources and ests and of the need of protect dustrial Farm. On instruction |service and all the students of; the ne. o improved methods ing them and the Canadian of a game warden the youn the Burns Lake schools attend-|of protect these vital ta-| National Railways heartily en- animal was released in the sams ed in a body at the service at! tional asset Donald Gorcon,|dorses these efforts in the hope area and disappeared shortly the grave chairmar and president, said to-|that they may continue with after, probably to rejoin its Pallbearers were vick Kobin-|@@y in a message to the Canad- | increased vigor mother son, Jack Brown. Clarence ,/22 Forestry Association Saunders, Geoffrey Crowe, Au Our forest industries are so brey Fisher and Carman Gib-| important a factor in the Cana mr , son. dian economy that their main TODAY , ee ov 7 Honorary pallbearers were Jim | tenance through fyre prevention baie and Gordon Rush, M. F. Nourse, | # other forest management TO ies |Cliff Kilpatrick, Barneys Mul- | ™easures 1 sential to the con SATURDAY « J: / ? vany, Bert Francis Roy Minger,|‘!ued health of all business in we. f e Hume Linton, Billy McKenna,| ‘is country,” he said Herr : ee v Bill Saunders, Don Gerow, Mark The 1ilway, of course, has a f, LZ With y Connelly, Ted Wright and Tom-j| particular economic interest in ¢ e- the Star my Jeffrey, and it required all} Canada’s forests. From the fot : \ fox of “An of them to convey the beautiful! est indu les alo our system \ ‘ floral tributes from the Chancel | the Canadian National Railway E American of the Church to the waiting| draws revenue from freight ship \ - In Paris!” cars. Many letters and cards;ment. Last year, forest product fe of condolence accompanied the | accounted for 20 per cent of the a floral oferings from far andj total freight tonnage carried on wide, as well as a number of} our lines,” Mr. Gordon contin cheques donated to the cancer, ued fund of British Columbia |. in We are also aware of the fact memory of Mrs. Wilson that wooded areas are one of by TECHNICOLOR. STARRING CARTOON NEWS FREAK HAILSTORM—Two Ontario Agriculture department employees join hands through shattered frames in a greenhouse damaged when a freak hailstorm pounded the town of Kempt- ville, Ont., 32 miles south of Ottawa. Estimates of damage to the town and ranged from $100,000 to $500,000 Some of the were as baseballs. The green- house at the Kemptville Agricultural college lost 1,700 panes of glass. (CP PHOTO) SHORT NOTICE AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE To be held on THURSDAY, JULY 3rd In store recently surrounding area nailstone large a vacated by Dom’s Department Store, Corner of Fourth Avenue and Meliride Street Commencing: at 2: Instructed by the owners, I will harp ‘il by auction the following: 15 pm 8! cu. ft, Frigidaire Walnut Dinette Suite Bendix Washer Electric Range 3-piece Chesterfield Suite Westinghouse Radio | Reoord Player | Brass Fire Screen Occasional Chair Wainut Dining Room Table 1 Bedroom Suite 1 Range Child's Folding High Chair 1 Refrigerator 1', h.p. Briggs-Stratton China Cabinet Gascline Engine Full Size Bed Complete 2 Kitchen ables and Chairs “lectrie Heater Carpet Sweeper Garden Tools Kerosene Oil Stove Step Ladder Sealers and other articles Toaster, Grill, etc. MUST BE SOLD TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE List your goods for this sale before noon Thursday George J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER PHONE RED 127 or GREEN 810 } | { | STARTS THURSD | PROPOOOIOR OOOO DLO DEOPOE ODODE LE ‘PLAYING TODAY O Evening Shows 7; - 9:05 p.m. Fe AV ec, NLY The Blue Veil, or the Wedding Veil... which should she choose? JERRY WALD and NORMAN KRASNA > Fresanz JANE WYMAN in THE BLUE VEIL co-storring \ CHARLES LAUGHTON + JOAN BLONDELL RICHARD CARLSON ~ AGNES MOOREHEAD DON TAYLOR + AUDREY TOTTER , EVERETT SLOANE ~ NATALIE WOOD Pt Sienetet br is PART gegen ti Saat TOTEM 4 FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Sere eer" x pr CENTURY-FOX'S Deadline -USA alse stnrring ETHEL BARRYMORE KIM HUNTER . at the TOTEM THEATRE one