iunn TWO. The Daily News FRINGE RUPEIIT - .BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the I'rince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Citv Delivery, bv mail or currier. Der month .$1.00 Bv mail to all Darts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $6.00 To all otber countries,! in advance, per year. .f 7.50 ' TELEPHONE M Transient Display Advertising $1:40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. .$2.80 per Inch Local Readers, per insertion. .... 4 ........... . . .,25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion . . .2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 1 5c per agate line Contract Rates on Aoplication. All advertising should be in The Dady News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Tiie-day, Nov. 20. 1923. Will Take VoU Of The People Judging from the pres. ilepntcfiesliiil-.are coming through, it woiild eem as if there vaiia!le a'vole on the- ipiotiou of prohibition ami also on the question of selling beer by Ihe glass. If one is taken the other i pretty Mire to be taken alo. ! ; Alberta has gun- for government control but iliali nolj much induration what British Columbia wUI iln. The tendency of people is rather toward a change in everything. A lot of people who a few years ago were slroug for government sale of liquor are now moving once more toward prohibition,, but whether there is a sufficient movement yet to carfy the measure is rather doubtful. While the. leaders of the prohibition movement are gaining confidence and are becoming very aggressive and apparently are putting up needed money for publicity work, there is al.o money on the other side. T'e financial apect of the question is one lhaf is going to weigh a good deal with business, interests. While the consumption of liquor takes a lot of money from legitimate channels of trade, the sale of liquor here undoubtedly brings a'lolof visitors to the province and especially to the cities of Victoria and Vancouver. Taking Vote It Proper Method. - Ths liquor business will lie one for the people to deal with It is certain that the government would Hot be. justified ju taking action without first consulting the people. If a vole is taken next year, the povernm'enl will have to be o-ni.lfil l.v th !-. 11 and if a vole is taken 011 sale of beer it must also be taken .011 proiin'iiioii. inai is reasonable. Backing Of South On Road Question. 11 js very satisfactory that Ins businessmen of the south should back the Prince Rupert. proposal for a road out of this cily. W. J. Alder, a former resident of Prince Rupert and a propeny noiuer here, ably represented the city at the recent convention and urged the endorsatioii of the nad scheme with the result that a resolution was pasted'urging that it be built. It should not be long now before we hear something of the question officially. A petition i being forwarded to Victoria asking that action be lakeii and everyone is signing no matter on what sid? of politics. There is unity of desire and unity of action. The next thing will be doubtless, prompt performance. We have always been assured of the strong support of our member and if it should be necessary' to send delegation to Vic toria, ven itiat snould be done. Thi seems to be the time for action. '' Lost Of Life From Fishing Boat The loss of a man from Ihe fishing boat Andrew Kelly last week once more draws allention Jo the hazardous nature of the occupation in whien n. large number of our citizens are engaged. They Imv to work hard and endure the hardships as well as take the risks of the voyages to sea in their small ve-seN. Some-times we forget Ihe risks they lake and the hard work and exposure which is part of Iheir lot. Wirt Uti tall QNCE let ' cold germs ' find the weak spot in your throat and troubles come thick and fast. The tickling soreness at the back of the mouth, hoarseness, difficulty in swallowing and irritating dry cough are all evidence of germ 'attack. The one speedy effective way to banish these troublesome symptoms is the Peps brtaihtable way. Simply take a Peps, peel off the protective silver-jacket and let the tablet slowly dissolve on the tongue, when the volatile healing medicines will mix naturally with the breath. The germ-destroying Peps fumes as they circulate through the air-passages are soothing and comforting. Pain and irritation is charmed away. Any inllammation or soreness ol the delicate membrane lining tha way Irom mouth to lungs. It speedily ended. You toon lose the cough, hoarseness and swallowing difficulty. Always carry a lew o these silver-wrapped Peps tablets about with you aa a ttmtiy and $aftguar4 against coughs, colds, chilis and bronchitis, or other throat and chest weakness. PEPS INFKOflON.KiLLlNQ TABLETS All mviUim tUr,. . Urn. 1 1 If M. -hmm Ptti Cm. TmtmwUm. FIFTH AVENUC . CAST GRADING Continued frnin face ones j if any opposition notices to hrj work had been filed. Mr. Malhe--.1111 replied that there- had been, one such notice, from a properly owner in Trail. This tnwever. was not miftlcient to prevent I ho work beingr proceeded with. Tenders for Whole Aid. Perry submitted his siijr- with regard to calline for tender., for Ihe wtrk a a whole. ,bl. Monro wa inclined to think there tniflil he morn tender if Ihe work was divided' into rUse'f In any cae call- 1117 for lender in surh manner would not preclude bid as a whole. I Aid. Stephen fell that no snap judgment should be mada on Ihe method of procedure. there was no need In rush Ihe work. The lime of Ihe year was inopportune and he did not want to see the people of Fifth Ave. Hast left in the mud during Ihe worst ortion of Ihe winter season. He would be inclined to defer commencement of Ihe work until, early next year after" the heavy .winter ' rain . were over. He w'as also 'opposed to ruslunp contractors, into makin? hid at such short notice. Moreover, he fell Ihe council should have Ihe specification and the equipment should be valuated and arrangement, made for it use by Ihe contractor. These points .should be decided tinn before lenders ' were called. A it wa Ihe Hoard of Works wa divided and lie heliced the whole matter should pi bck to committee. The project was Ijje first of its kind to be under. taken in Ihe city and it wa largely experimental. Every alderman was reioiiihle ami it was important thai it- should be 1 success. Rushing into the! Ihingr with undue haste niiphf eventually prove costly to the cily. Not Pass Buck Aid. Perry insisted that n' time should be lost in tart inl ine work. If the Hoard of Works and the city engineer could not) handle the project efficiently be would like to know who could. I The people had been promised! ' Ihe nal and the' Hoard of Works was ready to po ahead. Itj should be started right away! anil completed as soon as pos-i sifde, 'lAny eueyeslion of delay1 i !ajnjj the buck and person ally I have kne my last huck passing." ld. Stephens resented Ihe suieslitm that he was attempt ing to i.ts the btick and alo the attitude of the Hoard' of Work In rushing work without pivinjr other ' meinlier of Ihe council a chance to say anything iboul it. With respect lo the sui??fslion of "buck passing,"! Aid. Stephen claimed .that be had never missed a council meet tip where matter of policy had been decided upon anil he) iiad always expressed his opinion and sland freely on such matter. The chairman of the Hoard of Works could nol say as much for hjrnsejf. "Anyway, I cannot pass up Ihe fact that two members of the Hoard of Work are offering anjtrnend-ment to that cnmrnTlfeV' own report. I say (hat Ihe report ha not been completely com piled. If plan are all prepared and all arrangements' made, as Aid. Perry stales, then why have they not been submitted lo the council Why should we be kept in the dark and asked lo endorse jiomeihing we know nothing about?" Wants Prejeot tUrtsd Aid. Perry replied that Ihe plan were all right and were very strict. He wanted Ihi project Marled before the pre sent council h-ft ofllee. 'Ml seem lo me," said Aid. Stephens, "that the only reason for larlinjf this, work i lo (rain vole and popularity before the elect Ion." Aid. Perry denied Hie impu tation that lie wa playinjf for vale for he wa not going lo run airain. lie did nol want lo he ashamed of his record,- In "reply Alii. Stephen said that hi stand might nol be the popular one but be would act similarly H II wa Ills' own private bussiie. Aid. Macdonald, also disclaim-fiitf dial he wa looking for voles, favored the carrying on or Ihe' work" Immediately. This year's council had inanguraled a new system, of roud building and they should go through with It and srel any credit or blame THE DAILY NEW; Tsit -1r. Nenh.r . UU.SA . DC GOGOMA TFTSAII! in (hat, was comlnjr. The time lo object lo Ihe work belnfr pro. cecded with was weeks ago. Not Left In Mud Aid. lerry derlared thai there would "be no dangerof Ihe people on Fifth Avenue Kat beinjr "left in the mtnl." , .",T1ie ''four foot sidi-walk wobld be piit In before the old plankrnad wa Removed. Aid. .Stephen Miggciled that Ihe work mfithj lie more apeedily done If it were, let In )al Ion. Aid. 1'erry wa ojippsel lo I hi plan. Ill JdMa wu. in Marl at one end and leave (lie oilier end open. There would be Wile In- Double-sided Red Seal Records For Christmas Now all "His Master's Voice Victor Records are double-sided that's the significant message being flashed to music lovers everywhere. The World's Greatest Tenors Cannes Clement, Ggli. McCormack. Johnacn. The World's Greatest Baritones Amato. DeCorgorza. Ruffe. Scotti. Werretirsth. Zanetli. and many others. The World's Greatest Basses ChaiUp. Journet. Plancoa. The World's Greatest Sopranotrvxu. Caiii- Curd. Garrison. Cluck. Mcft. Stmfcrirh. Tettrauau. Jeritla. The World's Greatest Contraltos-nrnU. Homer, Schumann-Heink. The World's Greatest Violinists Elman. HcifrU. Krrialer. Kubtlik. ZMt'.ut, Pca. The World's' Greatest Pianists Cortot, DePactunano. Padcrewski. Rachmaninoff And in the dealers who sell "His Master's Voice" products you will find ihis same superiority. Leading merchants of your city, they maintain appropriate departments for" demon , strating, rendering a musical service more than a sales convenience. MHi Master! Voice" Victrola "7 Thtatrt of Me ome." Give a box of "His Master's Voice" Victor Records as your Christmas gift and you give the living genius of the greatest artists in the world. The World's Greatest 'Cellists - Hrtrt. KtndVr. Hum Kmslcr. The World's Greatest Dance Orchestras- Paul WKteman aM H OrcWra, Oib. Royal Oil--trm. Ztt Con'rey aod 1! Oixbrrtra. Clyde Doerr anJ His Orchfwra. Charles rjmbTtrr and H Oitheitra. Uelody Kirt Danet Orchesua. The Great White Way Orchestra. Tenrwsa Ten, The Dmaon Othrnn. cf Chicago, ? S. Leviathan Orchestra. The World's Greatest Barkis HM. Cclkirram CoaHi. Soum'S Band. Vesaella's Itahaa Band The World's Greatest Cortmtdlans-s Harry Uudef. DXy Murray, Ed. GalUfhar. Al Shean The World's Greatest Comediennes -Tvy Drire, Marie Cahi& fdt Jones. "Hm Matter's Voice" Wit Artistt art Prrlannen of the Hc4nt" equAlly as they arc txrfonnm U the treat theatres. They are the key to the Ki-( 4ocn of M'jist No other such service no other such quality nor variety of musical entertainment is obtainable in all the world as that which "His Master's Voice" offers you. To accept any other, is to fail to secure the best convnience. Quenlioninjr Ihe siuci-rily of certain memherit of the council, Aid. Jlunro resented the mik. Kcsllon of Aid. Mlephenx I hat be had avoided meeting where I mailers of principle were dl-' cued. He blamed Alderman Stephen from hoblin'un Ihe '...,.-!. II . . , . i . ' uirouifii ni uenianii for detail as to specification, elc. If the work wa lo be delayed week afler week II mihl he a well lo leave it over unlll nexl yar. A II was, lender could be called Ihi week ami (he member of (he council so desiring could satisfy Iheinscl- ive n lo (he specification In ilhc meantime before the enn- iracl were let. Original Plan Upheld Accusing Aid. Muiiro of IclllriK half truth, a usual, Alderman Stephen defended any deluys he had caued in callim for speci-flcaliou ami plan. He bad had Ihe support or the council in dolnjr so and Ihe linn; had proven In Imvo been well penl. Aid. Munro declared that hi ordinal plan had been upheld and adopted by the council. - Takliiif credit for hiivlmj been Ihe InMiKulor of such a plan of road building as was ft .A Model 405-Prlce $325.00-Othcrs from $37.50 to $615.00. Bis Master's Voice? Victor HIS MASTER'S VOICE, LIMITED CLICK MtCOKMACK I GALLKL'XCt I CAU0 I Akk I (IMAM I rAUkSWSKt I )OMi01 ' vw ml mm mm mm L atCEM c J MAHTQ.L LI j 8 r ll now under illcu!on, M, Hurl wa opposed lo aiiy4 fur eT idelny In slurtlh? the work, Tho trporl of Ihe H"rJ nf Work w rihally ndoplcl imimously wflh Ihe aineiolini'nt 119 set oul. ."There will 1W " special merlin' a week fr'nl Thursday to ileal wllh 'lie '" der. - union mmw - sv . 1 mini ibladder reach Cai-o-WIS