PAGE FOUB,. THE WILY HEW2. TuiUy, N ember ?g BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu Shoes ALL ICHT-Jcr-fLLOve t Wl-bH u YOO i JOB ra WAlTCR OoT HCtj UNO ME A. tE. wHcSvr' ss1- rzm waiter- UnTtl I CET eN( MEAL. FRE.E III r.fT Dun. 1 nu-w to ieuu the. MWiAER TO LENO Hurlbut Shoes --v J For Children of all apes. I MEN'S SHOES. In all leathers from $6.50 All sizes. Family SHOE Store Third Ave.v Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your, reservations for that Christmas visit to Ihe Old Land" early. tFor Tickets, Rales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE'. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread liread is your best food. Eat more of jt. Kept by the I pairing grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Av. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We nave just received a car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Size cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. Service and Quality our Motto. KING fiEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. I'rices Reasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Kjiminate the draught around your windows and use less coal. 8EE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Window. Glass and Mirrors of all kinds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Hue 186. FINE PROGRAM HE DACVCTDATT Ul UAUIUilUALLi Another Overtime Senior Game Won by Colts Over Teachers High School and Kalens Victorious Another fine program of bas-; ketball was served up to a larjre crowd of fans in the KIks Home last night. The Senior' League ntalrh hei-weerf Colls and Teach ers was tied 33 all al run time and the ColLs wTin out in the ex. Ira period by a score of 15 to 37. The Intermediate game between the High School and KIks was a fine exhibition but lhe former ag gregation proved more adept in all departments and emerged on the long end of 27 to 12 score. The Ladies' League match, in which too much rouphness was permitted by the referee, resulted n a victory for the Kaiens byl 13 to 7 over the Teachers. In the Senior League game, the Colt got off to a good start but the Teachers caught up and 'vic tory seemed almost in their grasp when 15 seconds before time Lane missed two penalty shots with the score lied. The Colts ran out in the overtime. Colt Itazzett-Jones (2-. t; G. Mitchell (3); A. A. F.aspn, 8; E. Smith (2T, It; W. Mitchell CI . fD-r-Total, 15. '" Teachers H. S. Hurn (!, 6; . Lane (I . 11; I). II. Harlness l i C. Woodworlh; J. It. Mit- rhell (3 , 18; A. Mitchell (2 ' . 2. Total. 37.. Intermediate League - KIks J. Mackenzie '1 ; K. Craggy (3 ; G. Shenton (2 , C; V. Cavalier. 6: V. Meagher Total, 12. High School-.., Mitchell, 11; I). Malheson; G. Hulger; K. Mc Lean, 2; I), Gurvieh, It Total. Ladles' League Kaiens Miss B. Byrne. Miss A. Morrison, 5: Miss H. Broehu. I; Miss Lindquisl, Miss M. Casey, lj Total, 13. Teachers; Miss M. Sim, Miss II. Hibbard. Miss X. Pryce. 2: Miss C. Mitehell, 3; Miss M. Lindsay, 2; Miss Harvey Total, 7. W. K. Williscrofl refereed the first two games and K. A. Mann the Senior game. Figure in parenthesis denote personal fouls. League standings follow: Senior League W. L. I'ls. Sons of Canada . . . ; 1 o Colts . 1 2 Teachers 0 0 Intermediate League Colls .. l 2 v High School . ... . t o Grotto . 0 0 talks 0 n Ladles' League Maple Leafs 1 2 Maple Leafs s 1 2 Kaiens 1 2 Xdanacs . . n n Teachers 0 o Ralph Hanoi) left on last night's. I rain for Terrace and expects lo remain a month in the interior. 11 "iffl" IMJ "r"v- WavKC. I"C. I-3 $m hands r in Winter? heal ti::m nun zam-buk. I70R chapped han Is, chilblains, cold-sores and frost-bite, there is no treatment j so bentficnl a3 dresV injs with Z -.m- 2ai. When the roineis irrrtat:ot and redness cl the tart is (jllrwej by crackinj and bleeding- d'-n and diaeaie germ may Inid 1 their way Inti t le raw jU-e aid cause ir4.inim,t inn, h 0.1 -pmot O' u,fl. r . t if i t Zam3ut m th ; n-r I ente'i. Simtly n:ar a I tile 'ier al Zam-3uX o-t tie sere par: atj wrap up cartfally. Ltttm . t'ie f Zam-3'ik ij-x: nt t'i- t ..let, oot'ie away mirtl'; it unj nt'it. and ajjrei rt-)l )vsali:ij wit i tealt'iy new The striking sacceia of Zam Buk is due to lu rare, hrr-bal origin. It coitaim no-i of the mineral sa'.ts or atlrnat tats that form the bails ol common, salve t and ointments. Prepartd" Jitr Irom r ;5 hcrial essences, Zara-Ru': it a concentrated balm of the highest purity and of unvarying healing, soothing, anJ antiseptic efficiency. Don't wait until winter frosts and winds begin to bite and chap your skin -get Zam-DuV to-day f Use a little every night, to keep your skin smooth and flexible. Use Zam-Buk also for the speedy healing of.cuts, burns and scalds, and for eczema, abscesses, ulcers, ringworm or other skin or scslp disease. 50c. box, 3 for ; 11.25. all druggists and dealers. FREE SA0LE BOXES Cf "uf Ihit cb-toH and iM,i I with ' 'M. 'for nlmrm tmm'u&l Tht Zam-Htk Cs.. Tit i,?, will then htut yi-it a FRKH THIAI, SAUPLB. n.n. H K Sport Chat " -i i. i i i k l ew Canadians much less Americans reclize that London and (iuelph, Ontario towns, away hack in 1880 and for some years before were playing Major League baseball and that in I8H7 London won lhe pennant in the old International League. In 1887, during the rush for the pennant. London heal Ouelph, Manchester, N.Y., Lowellj Mass.; Lynn, Mass., Binghaiuplon, N.Y Syracuse, N.Y., Rochester, X.Y... I'illshurg, Colurtihus, Ohio and St. Louis. Whal are claimed to be. Ihe first women's lacrosse learns BRIER on thi American conlinenl have been organ ized at Los Angeles by J. Hooper, president of the Canadian Tourists7 Society in Southern California. Two team have already- been farmed and il is planned to organize two additional teams out 'of Ihe reserves next month. The schedule of playiny calls for five games in January and February wild practice games preceding them. Joe Brown ba preenle. the I'rince Rupert Baskelball As-jsociation witji a fitje large seor-itig boanl which will be used In connelion "wilh all 'league games Ihis winter. The Ixtanl, .which will m ready for ue ;nejt Friday evening, measures 5Vi by feel in dimensions land will be placed in such a position that it will be readily visible lo all spectators. On it will be recorded all details of Hie game as they are in progress. II constitutes a donation lor which me; association is very appreciative. BED DID CAKEWALK ACROSS THE FLOOR Earth Tremor Causea Some Ex citement In Smlthers; Bottles Clinked Merrily SMITIIKMSi Nov. 20. A slight earth tremor vwaw disjuiclly- felt n town oi4 Thursday last at about H.I5 p.m. Several families reMirl the shaking of pictures, furniture jelc. but the point of niosf pro-inotiiii-ed movement was al the ilrug slOre Of J. M. Adams. A jlarge. magazine rack with ils jcouteiils underwent a series of iiiioenienl, white bottles of medicines, etc.. clinked merrily on .the shelves, fa Bad as the effjfct was down, stairs it was accentuated in lhe upper story, whre it seemed as if a giant hand was playing with I hi' biiildintr. and "Mr. Adam's youngest child was sent scream-iyg from her bed, when it started to "cake-walk" across the room. The entire tune of I he Ireiim.-was but a few seconds, liiil of sufficient inlensit) to cause some excitement in the town. danceInd dInner ' AT HOTEL IN TERRACE TKHRACi; Xv. 2rt Mrs, Fred lliiliiiril nf Trrarn irate fi vprv I successful dance and dinner In Ihe Tourist Hotel lust night in fef,,ra(on r 1Pj. birthday. Mrs A. Fort ier went up on the train jlasl night as the guet of honor, hrr birthday falling on the same .dale. Some 5o couples were pre sent and danrinsr was indulged In juhlil the early hours nf the morning In melodious strains Iplnyed by Hie 'Terrace orchestra A sumptuous spread was laid nt midnight presided over by the hostess. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert B. Myers, Winnipeg; V. K Dunkle. Seallle; John IL Tur- "er. Smilliers: ,1. p. McRne Van- Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advrttmnt Tkn for Le thn BOe WANTED WANTKU. Men and women to L iearn oaroering. paid wnllei learning and tools free. Write j for catalogue. M"ler Barber College, Vancouver, B.C. L WAXTKO. Fie roomed bouse and lot for cash. Not over, ljno.' Apply Box 150. Daily .News Oflice. 273 i WOMAN wants dressmaking at ; home. 1120 Hays Cove Ate. FEMALE HELP WANTED S T FOG R A I'll Kits' FA' A M I NA - Hon for British Columbia Civil Service will be held on Saturday afternoon ami evening December 8, I9J3. For application forms and further information, apply lo the nearesl Government Asenl or to W. II. Maclnnes. Civil Service Commissioner, Victoria, B.C. FOR SALE SNAP. Ford Touring car in good running tinier. 1 75.00. I'hone 50. 273 FOR SALK. Grey Wicker Babv Carriage. I'bon? Black 21 1. LOST LOST. Siring of pearls, be- t Iween Anglican Church, SI. Andrew's Rooms and Section Two. Finder pleae return lo Daily News Office. Reward. LOST. While rowboat in I'rince Rupert harbor. Finder please jdione Green 102. Reward. FOUND FOUND. Two keys on, siring. Apply Daily News Office. A SEYERE ATTACK OF HE ART TROUBLE Was Relieved By MILBURN'S Heart and Nerve Pills. Vr S. E. Rarnrs. Attvn. Out., voir: Tour jrars ro I had a ry Mtrrr allark of (wart lrtilil. nsmultrd my doctors ha irraied in for vm tinw, tint only wiwd to (ritint two, 1 rinally rnt lo isir dnioUt and puirhauHl niri bir of .Miltiini'a Hart ml Xmr PHI and ritrltert ImnieOlalr rrlirf frurn llwlr ntr. and I ran truthfully nay lttjr trr I wondrrful nintlrlrw. I alHajrs Wp a U)t mi In ml, and If I frH out of w.rtt I Ukf a frw pill and frrl all rlrtit italn." Miluurn'a llrsrt ami lm IMIlt ire Sir a Ik at all dvalrrs, or malM dlrrrl si rrrrlpl ,f ,rlr. Iy Th T. Mllburti Co, I.liiillcd, Trmmto, Onl. eouver. Central ' L. Garfin, (Cr;il. TERRACE LOSES A RESPECTED RESIDENT Mrs. Arnold Creelman Died at Haielton Hospital Arter Lingering Illness TFJIRAOK, Nov. 20. Mrs: Arnold Crcclm'tui died on Tioirs. day night ut llio (la.ltoii os. pflal afler a" lingering illness. Hut body was . brought down on I rtdfiy. i lie Mineral service al the house took place nl 2.30 Kill afternoon, comliicleit by lhe. Rpv. W. J. Parsons ami Rev. Ruml l-au Marsh. II was followed by is'-rvice ai ine (iravn conducted by lhe Rev. Mr. Parsons. There was a Inrge attemlaiice. -"PIGS IS PIGS" T - but 4 PURE BRED YORKSHIRES . FOR ALE out of Mae nf Alderlea 5. . 75950 by Springdale Tornado 28.87110 are the best. Litter- i.f 1. 13 T and 17. a Write J. L. Barge. Queen Charlotte City. FOR RENT FLAT TO liKXT. Five rooms and bath. In Iecember.h hhnn. 1IU.V tan ... ,,i..wa. H. Letourneau. SlUh '.Uenue and Fulton. i fO RKNT.-Smatl m.Mlern house wiin pain, .xiimmil Avenue. 111 fi-.l xaa I III, 1117 Hill U(J. STEAM Heated Fist for renL Besner apartments. it. M. Stephens. FOUR ROOMKD FLAT to Rent. Steam heal. Apply Smith A Mallett. (f r--T x, . tii iii..i i . .uiMicrn nou'f, 7IVITT' nt cnatt laivt Pnoli-C nr. r- . iv rooms and bath. Apply Mttnro Bros. if MODERN fdbr room fist for rent. Westenbaver Bros, tf ni,,., . ......... ... .. iiim iii. la. ,,fi in vaiii..& - . .... ... . Block. Apply Store. If REPAIRING ANYTHING IN CANVAS. Phone 788. .P. LeClaire. Cow Bay. BOARD. BOARD, The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf ROOM AND BOARD PALMER HOU8FL-I00 Seventh Avenue W est. Phone Red tlU. Itoiiowin d'irribtd land Cowmr i n . .. I pot plantad 00 l ha outh hr - ' X hurnlghed suites. jmnt ca, thnr. imjtn 11 cbai . ' " fl Jt fhalfH; thanr aonb n r' HELLOI OLD TRAPPER. oori ihanr foilomnr hor t . w ' nnmanrmaiit and ronUlnitlf .... ,, . .J""" or Whether vou are vnimir nr rit.l' w 1. jrrrr.R- f. Villi H'ltll III mnka mrin.v I L...,tl " i-u your lur rairn linill OU have seen me. I want your furs you want my money. W. GOLDBLOOM, The Trapper's Friend. Second Ave. . TAXI Taxi 87 Phone. (Call Georg; or Gust) Ross Brother. Prompt He ."vice, and Comfort Day or Night Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue CHIROPRA0TOR ' R. D. TASSIE. D.O. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to ; 7 lo 8. Phone Blue 625, Residence, Green I3U. AUCTION SALES. Conducted al your home or our rooms. Goods also sold on coin- mission. H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture, and Crockery. Thlnl Iva Phone Black 130 and Red 12. EXPERIENCED COR8ETIERE Orders taken for 8pirclla Goods Mrs. J. M. Grahlman Kaien Shoe Store, 7H Second Avenue Wost. CHIMNEY CLEANING Moderalo Prices OLD NICK Prince. Rupert Cigar Store Phone Blue ft TT U0 OT. Mtlc f InUnUas U Applr V rMhM ' ta, 1 In totl Und luitrirt, i.-..ii , ilrt1 nt rtmrn hHpert H i. ,u ! cumhi, on Mmliy 4,iinj. .ilhtrlallr tilamlt, nut .1j..ii.itif i ; " . lla th ! Tt .ttir thai I, Th4ra A. I . . M vnjtr. s.c, brrupau.,n i r T,oiV,,,r- lnixt U tpt fi.r fW'T . U tltfhti Ihr fi4KIHt Urtt-f, i CunirnMlat it i jtl piinim tUnrr nt CimOwnt Inwi , ,, 11.11 rhalnt. mr ur U. . buuiMiary of TJ.. UTI; thM- F. follow in th said Miih uiMiit i turn . nv f I ovtrwrfr, and tolloviiir r th in n li'i'. j', inara or i.nn)nra lOIrt I to to lb) tlx ; ; immntmrtntrttl, and roeumi',1 arra. tnort or K TIIOMI9 K, IIT.UT .'Ham of A: . i Dalxl fplMttwr IlUt, IIJJ UtNO ACT. te&ei a a- M I a. a. . r-f w r.rtMM ,lr loo t y Movj. Qum hu i at in eaa or atu ibwi, Lf7". IT ' rrator, miw w arrir r r ,.l",,''.""W""'1 isir &4lirBrlnp It i m plat. tttttt Of Alll llt. bool I n , ! rlr from a Una pi of Lt i ' Milh (, rMliK. IbriKv mi rhalM: Ihrnra BAMk li lt tu . .. fiillmtlnf lia b( alr mirt piSnt of rnrmnattrrment, ape fl.ti atrra. Bvrr or TIKiMJIS . Ill T.v Varoa f ! , flatad SaplfTfitxr ttlh. I AND ACT, Jll f ltatl'U Hr V Imm Ivi tort of rune llireart. ; at tba rad of SH InUi Uaaeil Cnarlolta lUi0 Tat .Snltf that I. Thrsna 1 t f Vaiwiamr. B.C.. irrritpn a rir. inirnq I arTtj- i. t lb follrt(i sxtn! I CnronirtKliit it a twxt rr- ' thtr iim of m taut at-t kj aniMat tf the ihnt l7i; tbanee , li r riwrr ar la. to the rr i till Inlat: thatm ..uibrrli . viv : snrthrlr. iimI fnllawtnr lhs rSBI of rrsnman'-anMSit. ar laf arrra, mora or , TIIOMtS A. 11 t !am f a; palxt SpimU tk. lft . LSN0 ACT. ftl f lattatlas t " Imm i in airraa Land utunri, min i r trift of t'rtnr Rupart. awl tit ;it Captalai Cora, Put tiUnd. J I Tak notlr that W itfft n A f Vit r'' r.t w HUM Of AfT i n.i-i tih loii. tin MINIMAL aCT. CCftTI'lCATf OF l."OVtTl. NOTICt. Moom-." "Mooa t 111 " n a" Ulnar.l rt.liaa lf Skn Xlnina Ulrnion -if nr. i, ' IHMhrt. Whar lorited Mi-ar Utah i on Whali finano't. . Tia Moure that Whil 1 , IJmitad, rrw Ninafi '" Jtllsc. Inirtkl. inn dan t -my' haraof. lo it-fify lo lhe Vlrt! I for a rartifirala of luiororpnv f ' ' rsirtsia of obuinlni a Crun ' 1 J ioo mint. And rurirwr ui noti tMt undar Sarllon It. mutt ba v. . fnra th liiuinr of u-h rl' Improvamantl. . nilrd thli 1 011) Air or Auni". a r. u. Moxr.ny-v.iy LAND ACT, " Natlc f InLMI ! PIf & l? In CoMt.Und lioiri' t V' ,o Irirt Of Vlnce nnperi. v In Climhm Inlrl. Xf"."" Quffn Charlolla lilinli. , , ,. ... Tak Kritlre thll 7 TtHi" V L- of Viniiiiver. B.C.. ocruiiiUiiT ,r oparitor, inlfml 10 mrlr 'f lo Irate th follnwlnr o"nh" "r: i Oimmenrlm at th ifiiilhwaf . T.I.. II 7.1; thanra ixuitfi I win: I-.. II'E 41.31 rhainii iW. ' T ... rlwlnit Ihfflfa rmrilHTlr ltii' : rnllinr lha Miorr of :tW , a In I ha iMilnl of mainianrisnaM. lalnlnt 1 1. lit irfaa. nmra "O'V. v THOMAS A. tKtT. mi Minia t At. ntd SaMamliar lllh. Ijjl. MINCRAL ACT, ctRTiriCATt or m-mjvmiifi Hntml. - llllr. (Hit Mo. I. Mill Mo. I, !, i. inn Mo. i, imi iuii Me UK...1..I I- at. Ilall. r ! , ClUBIT-ll III tlt r,. ilf' nitlnlon of Ciiltt MOrlrl. Where I- ' Uejniour Inlet oirVliim Pit " inilri .Nnrlh of Port llirdr . . Tlka Mollr tint I, Ttsn rrra Miner'i Ceriiflnls M"J ..,r t lend, suit diyi from the rwie ipplr to lhe fcllnlni necorOrr rt uririi of lmprofiiienu fr "'.i .Li of oMiintnr i Crown Onni of ir rlitini, .t-, .riii' And fiirthar like wMr p under Srtlion 5 mini ha of for the tiiuinre of nld CerttfK"1" Improvement!. . . Piled inn 13th dir of ATm' A rent t).' t fret Mlnrr'i fllflfH