Tueday, November 20, 1023. BICTURES A for CHRISTMAS ii 1 PRESENTS , ' -i--iiMW. 41 Iff"! JKM'jluf llin nicl (iifU froni lliec tmrts i a tiirln'rt ill i lino in I lie iii v snnix in or ni'nr iiu mU i,.,i. ...... f'l' f!V)l fi " negative uoiu wjiii-li an cnlargutneiit am- H 1'iiy (y liuw, ma.le.Llu; C.'('iUk A A ikii wc nave some li'iiiilI"H. Pictures make in gift, eay In roll mid post in mailing' lubes. SEE OUR PANORAMIC VIEW WOODWORTH LAKE TO ff DUNDAS ISLAND. I t . t . V : . MfeRae Bros., Ltd. SPECIAL 50c per lb. $1.00 SPECIAL H: Allen's fereamy Toffee ;ORMES LTD. DISPENSING CHEMISTS. Rexa'lj 8 tore: Cor. Third Ave. and Sixth. Phones 82 and 200 ".1 1 v I Have You Tried? 1 m Rupert Brand OCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 1 PRINCE RUPERT i i Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED!" LASTS LONGER! I Real Satisfaction Cheapest In Long RunI NO'SHALE OR ROCKI COAL GUARANTEED! ' PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. ' , Phones 116 and 564. Shockleys Planing Mills Arenow Sole Agents for the lumber output of the Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLAP. 8pruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 383. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Saltings From I'rlnrr hupert. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Octan Fall, and tw.nion r, TuMdaf, B P.M. for VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanton Bay, Saturday Noon. For ANVOX, AUDI ARM, STEWART, Wtlaa liland, Sunday S P.M. For PORT .SIMPSON and Naaa Rlr CannarUa, Friday A.M. " fUTrroue. i. Barntiov. Aa.ni. rr net Rupert, b.c C.l-- ! f . TP1 r ! KT 9 ouDscriDe ror i ne uany news ! FIVE YEARS' AGONY ENDED When He Took "Fruit-a-tives" For Rheumatism The Medicine Made From Fruit There can be no doubt that "Fruit-a tives" is the long sought remedy for Hheumatism and Lumbago. From all over Canada come lettera testifying to this fact. Mr. John Kl (iuildemon of Parrs-boro, N.8. write: " 1 Millr red badly nith ltheumatism for lire years-tried dillereot medicines k at treated by doctors In Amhu-stT-and here at hume-but the 1'thcumatUm came lurk. ' In 1916,IawanadTertUcmentfor. "Fruit-a-tlres"and took a box and pot relief, so I took them for about six months and the Hheumatism was all rone and I hate never felt it since". 60c. a box, C for f 2.C0, trial siic 25c. At dealers or from Fruit-atives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. FISrI ARRIVALS Knur Canadian lialihul rhooricin marketed k m a 1 1 culchcs at tlie Fish Exchange Ihii morning 'Jolalling 6,000 pound- an follows: W.T.. i.OOO pounds, al 11.3c ami Me., lo llu; Afliii Fisheries. ' Haker, 1.750 pounds; llingo. TiOO iiiiiii(l ami Torbcrg, 1.750 iinitml, al It. 2c and 10c. I flic Canadian Kinfi' 4 Cold SI'ra'K' Co. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. HKIIJY ISI.AMK -u. ciiMhi... calm; liaioiiiclpr, .TO, I il ; t t'mppr- aluri. 31 ; a xiimmiIIi. DIUIl TJIKK I'OIXT. Clear. calm; ji.irinneler. tcin-lieralurc 30; ea ximudli. IU'1.1. IIAHHOK. Clear, calm: baroincler, 30.08; Iciiiiieralure, 3M; liphl xwpII; 8 p.m. spoke xlpiiiner Xiirlliwcl'rn 130 mile north or Sallle imrllibound; 10 p.m. siMtke .! earner tirav in Mil- bank Sound for Hov? Harbor. Noon DIlillY ISLAM). Cloudy. liiihl foul lift wlml: barometer 30.11: lemperaturi'. .50; ea mn.Mttli: a.m. pnke jlramer Prince J"hn lefl Masell soutli. bound. DB.M) TIIKK- POINTr- Clear. calm: l.nroincler, 29.H7; Inn peralure, 15; joa Miioolh. Itll.l. IIAIIMOIt. 4Hear. lie lit ouMipiI wind; iiaromeler, 3H ni; leinperaiiiri, 31: iea miiii. When you buy adtrtrtining yoi. uy CIRCULATION, and nee thai vnu an It. If TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KOU IlKXT. Small furnished buncal'iW in Sivlion "S. Apply. Prince Hiipeil Insuranct: Ajen.iejt. .If how Maiijj Grades ol Diamonds Kadi 111 tit difference in color makes a different prnde even if many people would mil uoltev il at first glance. Also ench lillle difference in perfeclin or flaw-lessness makes a different grade. Take for inslnnco Hie Wcs-selton, which means from I lie Wessellon mine. One can have this color or grade: Wessellon absolutely perfect. Wessellon perfect. Wessellon eye perfect.. We.selton coinjnerei a II y perfect Wessellon ery slightly imperfect. . Wessellon slrglitly imperfect. Weasel loll vfn'perfec.' Wessellon very impeiTcet, and so on. All these classes for each shade of color. Then n carat weight of single stone worth more than t'hp sanie weight of, sinafler-slones. Here you gel honest values when you need tlio, engagement ring. Bulger & Cameron Limited Jewellers. THE DAILY NEWS. Local aid 'Personal Ii.C. Undertakers. -1-4 u K Phone 1. Hayners, Undeitaksra. Pbone - - Order yoiir;cc'al from Casey Phone Bed 523i tf A. V. JIeajly'ai a passenger for Snillher7un latt jiialifs (rain. Interior PaslcurUed Milk. Prince Iluperf-' Dairy. Phone " lJlack 218. if Great War . Veterans General meeting Wednesday, November 21, at 8 p.m.i P. :. Honncylinlricl forcsler, left on Iat. jhfglit'tf train for Prince (jeot'geif Dr. A. Htayne sailed lul night on IhelPrinre John -fur Oueen CharlolleJCity. .Secial sale ofpauich comb. Wonderful ahorliiicni. Ju..j. arrived. HaigafjPa'price. Max lleilbioncr. ' fK": tf C.X. It. .lpanier Prince .fulni Capl. Harry; veOcn, sailed last nighl at 'J o'clock fur lli'e (Jueen Charlotte I.a"tdJ and Vancou- Pn'byleriait. Uaiaar will be held Wednesday Xove'mber il. in the ChurclikHall at 2.30. and will coiilinue'duiiiig the evening 'villi music.. - Daughters of" Knslatid Wliisl Drive and Five ltundred Drive. Wodnoday, Novrmlier 21, at H.30 p.m. sharri. Kinad Hlock. Admission 50c. Refreshments. llebekali llazaar .Saturday. Xovember 21, in new store next to Heiison'g Studio. Fancy work, plain sewing, novelties, home cooking, candy anil- afternoon ,ea'' " l'prmii.'n wa granted the scImmiI board by I he city eouueil last night to build a shelter at life' corner of Spvenlecnlli SImm-I rand' Secund Avenue foj'j clu')ren imuiiiiiy on iranppnaiion from Westview lo Hie" central scliools. d t John time, acting district superintendent of Yukon !Tele graphs, left last evening by the Prince John for a trip of inspec tion to the Oueen Charlotte Is lands where considerable new work has been done recently on the line. AM. Collarl, Aid. Perry and Mayor Newton will comprise Hie court of revision on the municipal voters' li.l Ihi year. Aid. Mackenzie and Aid. Macdonald moved lo this elTecl al lasl night's council meetius: on re ceipt df a telegram from K. F. Junes, city clerk, advisimr thai Ihc court be struck immediately. 4 The reeommendaliou of K. Love, superiulendent of utilities. I hat I lie city dispose of the machinery, and cuuiomeul in Ihc old steam plant at Cow Hay was. further laid on the table by the council last r.iglil pending (lie receipt of an inventory and valuation. A party who is con sidering the purchase of a Pari or all of Hie .machinery visilcd (lie eily last week. Oeorge Anderson of Lowes. loft, Knglaud,' arrived in Ihe cily on Sunday evening's train and is visiting with his sister. Mrs. Hubert McCarthy. 60s Fifth Avenue Fast. Mr. Anderson. wlm is a snllmaker by trade and who sjiw fie years service with (lie Hoyal Air Force in Mesopotamia durini,' Ihe (irea,! War. is looking over (he possibilities of liis line ofvUusiiH!.Hs here and may decide- Id"' 'locale. In reply to a resolution re cently passed by Ihc council Willi respect to Ihe building of garages or other unsiehllv structures on railway property facing cily slreels. the cilv council last night received a letter from Hie regional righl of way agent of the Canadian National Hallways, The' letter staled II111I an .application to build a garage at Wayne Pluee hud I'cen received from Matt Vldeck, tul permission had mil been granted pending the approval of llierouncll, Accordance with the view of Ihe cily council was ex- pres-Hiil. , . 1 4 1U1J t ililUU r ., . , Choice Creamery Hui ler. 7 ibs for ?3.00. F. V. Moersc.t. Vhone 13. tf - Al Ihe celebralion r I lie 5001 U annixersary of the death of Dick Whillington, Lord Mnyor nl London, jirapers were offered by Hie rector at the Churcli of Michael.' Canon (. It. Itullockt 'e3 euquT . .. ,, 1 An ptTer frUui John Harris lo purcha.e an old cily boiler al prejenl lying at Alias Doiler Work for $25 or k repair if for JI00 was. received by (he council. last nighl and referred lo lh; Hoard of Works for Our Xmas stuck is arriving cxery day and to make room fir new stock we. are offering some fancy prices on Holding Lamp. Cut fllass and Cliina. We have a .wonderful eloclion, and ad-Vise you to buy early while the selection is at, its besl. Max Heilbroner. if ' ANNOUNCEMENTS Presbyterian Church llazaar November 21. Hebekall llazaar, Saturday, I Nov ember 21. ' Women of Moosehoart Legion llazaar. .Melropolc Hall, Novem ber 28 und 2'J. . Hoyal Purple llazaar, December I, Elks' Home. , Kaplisl Church llazaar, Dec. 12, in Churcli parlors. Methodist Church llazaar, December 15. High School Xmas. Concert, December 20. Ttmpl.l.a'i Rktasatic Ctpialti For Roeumatiim, Lcmbapo, Sciatica and Neuritis, Canada's standard remedy is Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules. T.R.C's stop the pain by removing from the system the original cause. Send ut 10c for grnercua ample. Civs 90c and lh coupon we enclore with each ample, la your druggirt and he will give you a lull aire $1.00 box oi Templclon'a Rheumatic Capiulra, TEMPLETON CO.. TORONTO T illlMii. Mini nMIIMfl Premier Gold Medal aV Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way to prove that PIlHMlF.lt "GOLD MB UAL" DEER is best TRY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediato Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Nov. 17, Dec. 1, 15, 29, at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave frlnre Rupert S.4S p.m. ror Pni.NCE GEORGE. EDMO.MO WI.V MPEO, all points Eastern Canada. United Stales. AOCNOV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt Offlc. Ill Third Ait, Prlnca RuptrU Phono 200. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. r Phone Blue 81. .'I (I sr S 3 V 2