urJa' November 20, 1028 ll. whose luugli lal laughs j eiiiluranp kiss is mip'oY fp long drawn nut. hard li pk nway from affair lliulii at the movies jut befuro p'HK.N a man discover Hint nol Inmlsonip he buys Inir or llarolil l.hivd siiectne. rand trie lo look Inlellerlunl anollier section mnnity s huily i . ,t . r, PAGE FIVE. 7tp , K(croii" N . . TERRACE AND ITSSUBURBS ,C Hanbury William Visits The Hot Springs and Is Much Pleased i STRAWBERRY CENTRE Complains oj Poop Motor Road IP HI ut Sees Oreat Possibilities Try this new patience you may win 1st prize $55,555-00 Enter the Poter-Judging .Competition which it bein conducted in Canada for the benefit of the Veteran Association, and to which BOVRIL Limited hat donated prizes totalling about $140,000.00 (30,000). Theie are divided in 2,003 prizet, each of the first three being really a fortune in itself 1st Prize, $55,555.00 2nd " 13,883.00 3rd " 4,555.00 To play this game send a donation of $1.20 for a ticket-folder. On 4m folder cf fa MM t,,, ,, cf It liwrril Co. aie lepfoduced, j, fJ WTuch ... K, J2 U.t Jt, ef mtllU -M .u.1 dVoJ.. TU luU., J., j,,., ! do ad bow lo do it. It U . f.w...i;n, t,i. f U.I, .J juJ,, to tU-tf-M uim tU ord whKh pop!., . W It . , pm wKith u cy . bJ Tk '.' T " wKkK . j. and J,luth "" ilo.i. U ihey j,, or old. And ju.l tfiinV ef tlx pouible ,rw.ed A Prii wkkii leal fottu.e-.ud Jos help eacelleat My.. Yi a. i7 trial. t o, ,le r,e,, J,;. ,.r,e,'.,l-20J,"h!lM '.0U 10 tM"' im '2XO M-cyrr. 10 foUera thoiith eajj m priic will U tea o oa IMPORTANT Donation should be male lo . any of the following organization or their liraiifhrs which nre actively interested mid nk your help: Veterans' Association or Great Britain 2725 Park Ave., Montreal Great War Veterans' Association . Citizen Building, Ottawa Army and Navy Veterans in Canada 121 Bishop Street, Montreal Imperial Veterans in Canada 700 Main Street, Winnipeg Grand Army of United Veterans' 19 Gerrard Street, Toronto Great War Veterans Association Third Avenue, Prince Rupert The Man in the Moon SAYS:- w fUAITLK man was Hiied flirlintr wllh a hollo girl, gnvp linn hit immhcr Unit jhut rpally looks a scream. ff I III inll'i. ... ilrinking beer. Ill you ever think how easy II is for a young man In tell Hip truth. Some day he'll uel married and then see happen. STft0UER$ 111 JOAJ5 f , i..v' '35 ?3 Mo in Tins of 50 and 10 During Ihe (our of C. II nnliurv William of Ottawa to Hie roast he visited Terrace ami Lakelse anil lel xilunit. II in line of the serfe of urliclMK written l.y him nhil being piihlNhcl in thin iar n lonowt: Terrace i notei! i l.lefly U,r iU Kirawiterrics. ax far a I can a. rmain, alllioiiKli the K-afnn for litem va oer when I trol llirel ami I hail lo atifv rnvnelf with looUnjr al oluilocriiulM ,,r it... prle wiuniriff M'lectioim. iim.I .l lliere was inilliillir inrlll.led In Ilie i.liolofc'raili-.'Mial pave you any orl of olniufanl lo rnramire hv Ihey lonke.l f riumt e ronfc.!.!! like any oilier xlrawherri f vim I i .:.. . . . . - , oily in ll e liuirket. I .1 nulling Itml .. . I I I - ...... hixk't inani rrirkel hall, if not quite hs hi? a Atkoelaliou foothalU, ami wan atNtireil llinl their xinp wax nnlv e.iualleil l.y the delirary of Iheir iiitwir. noil there were n iiiiu unit Oilier Ihlnjr whirh ookel exaetlv 'ittip- itie piriurex in id a fruit. grower llliiKlraleil ralalogues; Mil I hail little time to examine lliem more rloey, a I wan houinl lo hake UkeUe (which i linlian for 'frexli waler mimxel to xee the hot Mirinir of whleh I nan iiejinj much talk. Trail Was Rough J hey are fje mile fmni '!.. race ax the crow file hut youl naw to Iiiimp for mime twelve inilex nver a nnich ami mtxkeircrv trail .ef,,re tretllu in he fi.ol I of Hie Jake ami there you have to unpack ami loail all your shift on to a boat ami row xix or een mile to the Ln I ye. It Wa i. I lilaihiR hot ilay ami inv rnin. Iianimi. a rereil officer of the mil tmlemptihle, wanle.l me to ample the imtli at onee. Tlie - - - i .wipe i it picttirexinie lop hullij. Itur, about a mile from the lan.t. inj Uue. ami jlll hevoinl it VOIll - - 0 , ei. it rloml of fleam r nir from Hie Injr spring pml from, olhcrl smaller ones in Ihe muskeg he- liiinl ami arouml it. The lialli hou.e wtts a somewhat leaky lent. anil Hie lialli was a primith- uucerii; a womien troilKh no. pa rem iv newn out Willi nil axe. ll must have been seven or einlit fret limp, anil f can vouch for the tacl that a ix.foi( man couM HIP in it at full leilL'th n.l fin:. I liecause the waler ecmcl to he sinirularly buoyant, mi that ill raiseil you up ami then turiie.il ou genlly ovnr like a log. The i i ..M.t....,r. it man wun itan.ey water was oomlucle.t from the ( "l'-clacle ks iihiuil MiriiiK by a wooilei, flume, witli a ninny as he feels. ;n n)injnlure lock gate which you pulled up to mlmit the flow and WHEN you spp' ilimculties a couule of barrels full r ..t.i aheail, step on tho gas. waler alongshle. ami a dipper so "" j "nt you coiibl cool il off. In (he Willi, ll one section of tlm snrinir itself the communlly Is talking about beer, Mint you could jusl dip your haml itf Ihe com engasrll in in. bul Captain C. lobl me Ihul lie had ina.li' a- bet that another nmn vvouhln I keen his hand in fur A minute by the walch. and that he hail won Ills het. Twi ilous .-in.l a tg had slfjipeil into it once hy flleiih.nl nn.l nil Him... .Oai ......... .... .... mi imrr illl'il in what will ronseipiencp. Oup dog survived for a day but Hip poor brule los all tils ha r. HroHperuus adve'rtlsing means! Radio Activity reeular continuous sdvertUln-r. The water has never been pr.v. a ry i THE swirling fall winds stir up the-fcrm-laden dust The delicate mucous linings of the nose and throat become Irritated until inflammation is set up and it only requires sudden changes of temperature to start a cold. With many people this means more or less trouble all winter, and besides there is always a considerable proportion of colds thiit develop into bronchitis, pneumonia or consumption. vr; , Bronchitis-ls the test of what a treatment for colds will do, and i.bec;jus: Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine affords quick relief from bronchitis you may be sure that it makes short work of ordinary coughs and colds. '' It is all very well to talk of ojhers neglecting a cold, but what about yow cold? What are you using td prevent serious results?' Are you taking Dr. Chase's Syrup of linseed and Turpentine? Do you have members of the perly unalyzed but is supposed to tains of some five or six thousand! lie railio. active mul 1 confess fool -). moi. .,.i ,i - - M "... taia Illt4 licrjl WIU uiai i nave no man or the cura- to he seen and have been so far nv effect of radio-activity. Hut very little hunted. Ihe lake is i was rauier .iistiiclineii to get in- full of fish; two visitor from to a not Path with the tempera- Prince Ilupert killed fifty in a lure, outside at Jiti degrees and I couple of hours while I was there was also ft'plinsr rather tireil as nml t tnu- iimm m.ir ...,n:.. pukka bath house would be tieede.1 wild a, sort f pavilion at. Inched where the bather could assemble and have aflernoon ten and loaf a the people who lnke euro always want to do. The Idgp I should keei as it is, merely adding on to 11. hecnitse log building are most piclur-psttup nml altraclivp lo tourists! Jasper Lodge ha shown how they can he liuill big enough 'to nc-commodale a largo number of gupsl,, and the scenery and np-portuniliies ror sport would un-douhledly serve In keen .the tourist who did nn need, "cures" busy all day. ManyvAttractlons The whole nlace lies in a Rort lof basin surroumleil bv - " r . m . . - .-... ...v.. ...j.-. .uiiiii uie n-siiu or a long journey. Mill them nut one after (be other. We t like lo try aiivlhiuv oner, and i lailltii half a barrel of cold v.ter let and the salmon' were rolling m nun iiirneii on uie iai ana about ke. noronisH .Hip. wallowed for twenly minutes and usually half a dozen at least then lay on a camn cot hiii! in. In-pitinc u-ntoi. ni n... ii, - - .....p..... 14.. 1 1 hit:. ip sieam, ami men felt lie a r s sn em : von nr nnlv like a new man, whether it were twenty-five miles from salt wale- ' resu nuiiwsugcp.slioil or II a traiC it HP. so that von eel reniiy upp in uip ctiemicai action mountain air and sea air com or Hip water, bined. As for tho shootintr I can A man who an rempmW the not speak from nersnnal nxneri Continental watering places, guch a Kadeu.lladen, Komburg, Marieuhail, Wiesbaden, and others in the pre-war days, cannot help ence, out I saw plenty of geese and duck on the water, and 1 am told (hat there are plenty of blue grouse in the woods elonpside. speculating a to what an enter- and that bears prising individual could do with numerous. thN place. In Ihe first place it! would ln- upcessary to imvrnvc Hip motor road, a mailer, one would imaicinc. for the provincial Legislature a Herman govern. nient would need no- nressure fir wire-pulling o Inckle the job. A are singularly On recommendation of tho finance committee, the city council last night decided not lo lake out memhershin in the Union of Canadian Municipalities this year. This answers a GAIN FIVE POUNDS IN NEXT TEN DAYS! Try this I Take a spoonful of Dr. Thacher's after the next few meals. Notice the quick difference in the way Jou look, fit. ilerp and ft-rl the gain In Wright, tlany report having gained five to ten pound or more. Increase appetite, improredigtMion. Kri wore of Ihe nourishment iron) your meala. rut on firm, healthyrlrah. Drutiwt$ are authorised to refund your money unleas you are completely aatisficd. Sold by Ormes Limited In Prince Mupoil, and by leading druggists in every city and town, 1 1 Wind Dust Germs family use it or are you satisfied ,o take whatever new and untried mixture that may be offered to you? Medicine for coughs and colds should be selected with just as much care as medicine for any other serious and dangerous disease, for there is scarcely a limit to the ailments to which a neglected cold may lead. The best time tomse Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine is whefj you begin to feel dryness or tickling in the throat. You Can then head off the trouble before it reaches the bronchial tubes or lungs.. But you must be ready this reason it is wise to Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine at hand in your medicine chesL Ask for the large bottle. It is more economical and ensures1 an adequate supply, in case of emergency. DR. CHASE'S SYcT communication fuoin Jhe. Upion asiiing for Ilip paympnt vt ?I0 dues. Mrs. I). I.anfrar or Hill Farm, Terrace, is spending a few days in Ihe city, the gue of Mr. add Mrs. .1. L. Christie. 807 Horded Street. fWYgars Ago in Princ Rupert J a-" November 20, 1913. The Vancouver Hoard of Trade has aked Ihe federal government In purchase Point Hoherls from Ihe United Slates. It is doubted, however, if Uniled States will sell the Jand on account of its importance to the salmon canning industry. 2 Coast mariner are leading an agitation with respect -to Hie terms port and .starboard in navigation orders. Hishop F. H. DuVornet .writes a letter to the Daily News today urging that personal abuse be avoided in the forthcoming municipal election campaign. SHOWER FOR BAZAAR OPENING TOMORROW Many Ladies Attended Affair Which Took Placa Yesterday Afternoon In Manse Many ladies attended the shower tea held velerilnv-''nflir- noon at the home of Mrs. II. R. Orant, Fourth Avenue KaL ami a large number of articles were presented for the annual Pres byterian bazaar which tnkes place tomorrow .'in' the Church Hall. Tea was served .Mrs. N. B. for prompt action, and for always keep Dr. Chase's LINSEED AND TURPENTINE 3Sc a bottle, family sise, three cones as mock, 75c All eVskn or Edmanaon, Bates V Co., Ltd., Toronto. ,Walton pouring and Mrs. S'S Massey, Mrs. George Ilorie and Mrs. W. H. Wilson Murray COAL The Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON Lump and Egg Sizes. STERLING Stove and Egg Slzss. ' We deliver in sacks or bulk. Phone us our orders day or night. Prince Rupert Goal Co. Phone 15. Main Office: Hotel Central. LINDSAYS Cartage and Storage Phone CS. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distiibuting. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Big Reduction on. All Coats. Suits and Dresses at BENT'S