PKCIK TWO. will make you well and keep you weJL, Made of fruit juices and tonics. 25c and 50c a box. FRUIT.A.TIVES LIMITED, OtUwt, Oat. $0 SMOKE The Daily News PfllNCK RUPKKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. TELEPHONE M Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. daily edition Saturday, -Nov. 21. 1923. Changes Made In Constituencies. . It is too xkjii yet In comment al any length the Chang which have been made in the contitiieiirie, in m far a. iur-thrni and central British Columbia are concerned. It is generally agreed lhal Princ; Hupert, was loo large to be properly looked after by one man and that condition has' been remedied by (he lopping off of the southern and eastern section of the community. Placing Ihe mill lown all in one constituency is prohahly lh correct thing to do as there- i more community of interest among them than between them and other sections of the province. The constituency of Omineca i a very large one, but the interel of Ihe farming district are practically one and by Fixing the riding Iwo members Ihe representation of the north is increased and the influence of Omineca in Ihe legislature is doubled. The district will not object to that, nut the candidates who set out to represent "that huge district will have a tremendous job to cover it and lo keep in touch wilhill its activities. Should Read Speech Of Local Member. Attention i drawn lo Ihe summarized report, published yesterday, of a speech made by Hon. T. U. Pattnllo in the Legislature recently dealiuV with mailers which come under hi department Being Ihe member for this constituency, aiivthing .Mr. Pattnllo may ay on these, subjects is interesting news and. .noma ne reaa by llie people, here so that they may know what their member i doing and wh,at stand he is taking in connection wilh public affairs. Drug Question-Is . . " Very Difficult One. 1 . " . Whil care must always be. la&'riithat police officers do not use tneir positions in order to trade in narcotics, in handling . ! A Lowland fanner on his ;dealhbed recouinienileil hi wjf Slating that lie knew of no ,n niaro- their "ervant-niari." home in Hrilish Columbia, all and said that he could not die Canada or Hie L'hited Stales that happily till she promised lo do had been broken by the "ne so. "Oli, jfudeman," she replied, leinere" decree. Father K. M. "e may der in j.eare. for Sandy Ilimoi. ,lecliirln? last night in and I have settled that already." the Catholic Church, made a Yorkshire p((t. ARRANGEMENTS FOR FUNERAL COMPLETE (LaU Georre S. FlUmaurlce Will be Laid to Rtst Tomorrow with Semi-military Honors Arrangement have been enm-pined for 1 ttr ceremonies In M lend Ihe .cnii-military funeral .f tlir lair ;s.rce S. Kili-uiaurier tomorrow. " "l"li firing party, luind and rcorl of Ihe Wind, repimcht will leave thr Armory al SltS and will m joined a they march In Ihe church iy members of tin Great War Veterans' Asicia-!i.n. Srrvirr will lair place al SI. Andrew's Anglican Church at 3.15. Aflrr Ihr srrviee Ihe enrtrer will leavr Ihr church for Fair-view Cemetery in Ihr following onlrr: firing quail, band, hearse wilh pallbearers on nilirr side, mourners car, oflirers. non-commissioned iif. firers ami nirn of Ihr First Hatallion North H.C. Regiment and great wir vrlrran. Thr firing party will be taken from. Kirs I Hatallion Northern H.C Regiment, Royal Canadian Mountril Police and Great War Vrlrran Association and Ihe follfiwin? pallbearers havr heeu selected: llulerl Ward, C V F.vill. J. II. Allm. !. Green. rNorman Short and (I 1- Young . man. ; J. H. Fitzniaurice, brothrr n deceased, arrivnl Ihi aflerniwin from Vancouver lo atlrnd thr jotisequie. SHOWING PICTURES OF MOOSEHEART IN THEATRE TOMORROW To-morrow Ihe local Mooe lodge will exhibit a number of pictures in Ihe Weslholme Tlieatre, showing the work be ing carried on ny ine onier ai Moneieart. Moosehearl i an estate of one thousand twenty-three acre of land. Iliirty-five miles west of Cliicaso, on the Fox Hiver, be tween the cities of Aurora and Balavia, liilinuis. Xlir title to Mich a difficult problem deal given!"'-? thf estate is in the Supreme a good of latitude ml be ,! . IT'.' in police officers when carrying out their dutie. The drug bui-l''fM'Ke of tbe Uor,d- Lc!al 0rd nes is me most pernicious there is and must be checked al any cost. The police officials mini use detective melhods in order io caien uie clever criminals who handle the dope and lhde iii-lhods would not In allowed to a private- person. The law has lo be broken in order lhal the criminals may be caught. Sad End For Explorer Cook. It is a sad end for explorer Cook to have to serve a penitentiary lerm for swindling. While the name of the explorer has not been one lo conjure with since Pearv came home after the North Pole dash, yet it mut be acknowledged that he did a lot of useful work during Ihe voyages of discovery he made He accumulated an immense lot of valuable information and pub!nhed a uuniber.of books. The difficulty with the man was that there seemed to be a crooked streak in him which makes all hi work practically useless. No one feel thev can depend upon what he said or did. November 24, J913. The new wharf at Queenslown, Orahani Island, one of the most substantial structure of its tiiild ill Northern llrilish " . Irite(i reply (n criticism Tfan Ymi-c A on !a.,,nf,",,, a aso by Itev. F. in Ptince Rupert W Kerr, Pre,byterian minister. An armrd guard scorlrd a wa priii f,a. of mail takm off the steamer Spokane Jo the po.t of. fice Uiis jnorninp. -The mail contained five sacks of gold sent from Alaska to Vancouver bv bia, has l.een .-ompleled by (Jon- ""'red niail. Iractor fiilletl and is now ready for Hie largest -Iramers 4o moor ALREADY SETTLED er of Moose. Moosehearl is. a home and vocational training school for dependent children of de-ccaseil member of the Order. There are more than eleven hundred childrn at Moosehearl but all plans are based on an ultimate population oi 5,000 children. The residential part of Moosehearl resembles a mod ern villagr ami consists of about sixty huibling of modern concrete fireproof construction, wilh red tile rof. There Is a centra) healing and power plant. large modern print shop, a high school building, large assembly hall, several industrial shops, a modern farm plant, and dormitories anl residence. REBEKAH BAZAAR IS IN PROGRESS Many Useful and Beautiful Articles are Being Offered at Lodae's Annual Affair A large collection of beautiful and useful article are being offered at the annual bazaar of the Hebekah Lodje which i in progress this afternoon in the store on Third Avenne adjoininir Ihe Kenson Studio. The following ladies are in charge: Plain and fancy sewing Mr. James Irvine, Mrs. Phil Mac- OLD CHUN TOBACCO 'PRUL TOBACCO COMPAl" 0? THE DAILY' NEW3. Saturday, Noieuiber Si, lo;j Hammond. Home Cooking Mrs. js. V. Cox and Mrs. Ilert Morgan. Candy Mr. T. Iriol and Mr. J. Morrison. . Tea I able Mrs. Jaiue. Simpson. Mr. H. Dalsanut. Mr. Frank Morris, Mrs. A. Mackenzie and Mr. Smoke cashier . Tbe Man . in tbe Moon SAYS. lAOtKASKI) earning brinir in-creased yearninss. STAYIMS you n s i an old habil of some girl. A IIKCKNT arrival from the Fast remarked on reaching lerra firma that he did md enjoy Ihe trip for he had been so .sick all Ihe lime he roiild not drink a thin?. - A CLKHGYMAN calling on a parishioner somewhere on the Pacific coast not a million miles from Seal Co was met by a tery small person who remarked: "Mother is suited witb.a clergyman, thank you. ' ilOVKIINMKXTP are expensive while good wheal and .apde are rheap. A MAX mistook hi wife for a burglar and shot ller. The verdict wa "not srurtty." ' ' T1IK reann Germany cannot lay the reparation money i because he has nol enough railway cars or freight ship to de-lier the reipiirrd amount of paprr money. - TAItlFF refornv in ("ireat Itrlt-ain. if it doe unthin'g ee. will have provideil plenty of vocal ex-ercie for the politician. SAM Slomth say Ihe difference between a citizen and a sheep i (hat the sheep I sheared only once a year. Till! chief difference between j a sheep and a Boat 1 that one 1 a sheep while Hie other i a goat. ' ! PMXCi: Rupert riding has had! half her territory taken from her, yet she i richer therefor. ; HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert X. P. Sleacy. Vancouver; L. 0, Skinner. Copper City; George Orinjf, Calgary; .!; A. Itrown, port KsinKlon. Central 0. Aljrer, M. Sargenl, P. Phee-ban and C. Larsen, clly Mis Dorothy Ilarton wan a passenger from Vancouver go. ing" through on Ihr Venlurr yesterday afternoon lo X'orl Simp- The Children's Favorite I 'Because it is sweet and pleasant to take and quickly relieves CrMiah Crmm nnrl Rmnrhitis . son wtiere she will lake Ihe (n.sii i..n ,f assistant lady iiei -inleiiilcu! ..f !ie liospnal. SPECIAL SLEEPING CARS FOR CHRISTMAS SAILINQS OF WHITE STAR STEAMERS To connect wilh steamer of While Star Line sailing from Halifax, I)reemlier I) and 1 1. siecial Tourist Sleemnir Car will be operalrd from Kdmonlon in shio' siilr. Paseniter for1' these ears should arrange to, leave Prince Rupert via Cana-i dian "National Itailways. Iecem-; her I and 7. For rales ami reservation. call or write ily Ticket Offlre. Canadian National Hail way. S2S Third Avenue. Prince lluncrt. H.C. Phone 260. 277 Cash & Carry The following are jut a few of our numerous bargains. Come in ami look around. Your palronaKc appreciated. Potatoes, per lb. . . Sueur, per lb. . . . Sugar, icr sirk . . Flour, ty Patry Flour, in lb. H.C.I . Putter, per Kggs, per doc. Itreu.l. per loaf . . . Fry" Cocoa, per tin 2o ... 11c .. $1.85 . . $1.35 ark 50c lb. 46e . . . . 50o 8c ... 27c Cowan' Cocoa, per liu 25c Hulk Cocoa, per lb 15c Milk, all brands, per tin 12c Milk, all brand, jwr case $5.70 Fronotny Tea. ier lb. . . 60c Fennomy Differ, per lb. 48c W.H. Coffee, per lb. ... 4c Fre.h Ground Coffee, per lb. 40c Swiff Lard, 5', tin $1.14 Swiff Lard. 3'. t lin 70c This Store will be open for biisine on Monday. November 26. ECONOMY STOR 417 Fifth Ave. EasL Phone 84. E COAL The Famous LADY8MITH.WELLINQT0N Lump and Egg Slits. STERLING 8Uve and Egg Sixes. We deliver in sack or bulk. Phone u your order day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. Main Office. Iloirl Central. I You do not have to coax, bribe or threaten ehiU dxen when you want them to ute Dr. Chaie's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. It is the children' favorjte medicine for more reasons than . one pleasant to take quickly effective a. i in relieving coughs, couu, croup, whooping cough. i . t bronchitis and This well-known treatment is found in the great majority ot homes cold weather ills. BAD COLD Mrs. A. Harvey, 23 1 James SL, Port Arthur, Ont., vritCs. "My children were all suffering from bid colds and coughs that used to keep them awake at nijht After uinj two bottles of Dr. Chaw's Unseed and Turpentine they were entirely relieved. 1 am now never without a bottle of this medicine in the house." the surest protection against CROUP Mr. Cleveland Roberts, Wlnsloe, P.E.I., writes; "Our little girl, three yeat' ( old, is subject to croup, and we now use only Dr. ChiseV Syrup of Unseed and Turpentine. I think It is one. pf the best croup medicines on Ihe market We are never" without a bottle In house." 1 Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine 35c a bottle. FmHy lite, three tunes as much, 75c- All dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. donah!, and Mrs. .. Ireland. Novell je Mr. . V. Mr. I.. G. Ftiy and Mr. S. with neither the arrogance of wipe, the selUconicSouinAi tX mff nkKl the simpering innocence of cocoa. That isHw wen-made tea. Tea drinker or not, jrou cannot but enjoy NABOB TEA a tea with body and "bouquet" a golden amber liquid, pleasing to the sight gratifying to Ihe senses a potent pick-me-up for mind and muscle. Tea drinker or noL once you try Nabob, you will become a Nabob drinker. Nabob Is the password. j ea -as it should be I jiT All Wool Winter Underwear CEETEE VIKING - WOLSEY. . SPECIAL LINE. "Monarch Knit" Shawl 8weater Coats. Color Fawn, $5.00. STEVE KING - Third Avenue Prince rupert Shockley s Planigg M'lis Are now 8ole Agents for the lumber output of ((he Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLAP. Spruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 3S3. , Tel. 3. "LUMINO" Is Ihe best Aluminum Ware on llie market today ,V' shapes and size. New cold handles. Now on dljlAy i" our window nl bargain prices. j KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver. P.O Box.1646.