MHmd Yw Want A aide and popular olticers on the 'oat. Iimn been with (he Urand Trunk Pacific Stramliip Service for the pal 2 or 13 years and ha comuintidcil every ship of Ilie company's eoalwic fleet. Hating deep.oea master's papers a well as coalwlc, Capl. More. hoiiKc wiii a captain with tho tnion Steamship (Jo. hefore he raiue lo the (Iraml Trunk Pari fic. Ill wide experience fits him well for his new duties. tJapl. Harry Ncddeit of the Prince John will aume com. maud of the Prince (Scorer next week ami Capt. Neil McLean, formerly of the Prince Albert will become master of Ilie Prince John. LABOR MAYOR OF WINNIPEG S. J. Farmer Is Re-Clected With a Majority of 4S99 Over Cltlien Candidate NVINNUM'.tl, Nov. 21.-S. J I aimer, (he labor mayor of Winnipeg, was yesterday r' elected hy ft majority of IHD'J omt llobert Jacob, the cltlienV cainlidate. Noting fur aldermen I under Hie preferential ballot system out In most en', the result ... lime. not ie kiiowu for some Hie ratepayers carried a by- imw to erect In the city n central "H-aiii healing plant. VICTORIA IS OFFERED COLLECTION OF PICTURES !!: VICToiua, Nov, 21. Viclorla has been otTered a collection of llilrly pictures lo form Ihc ii'icleus of an art gallery here. 11") olTer Is tendeieM through Agent (leu " l II I.flllililll W'nlity ij aot revealed. I . , I , I . . . I I eer saw in the west, and I saw-lot." Mr. .McfJuirc, belde beinir larirc holder of.lhe Premier Intension Mining (Jomjiany, owns adanlaveuusly sfluateil rlaim. and fractions In Ilie heart of the leelopmetit that Is takimr place in the Salmon litter mining SEATTLE WENT DOWN BEFORE VICTORIA IN HOCKEY LAST NIGHT VICTOUIA, Nov. 21. Seattle lasted her first ilefeal tills sea-son when Ilie Victoria hockey team trounced her four to two. The game was fal, both learns playing brilliantly STEAMER RIVER WYE now. ASHORE BREAKING UP HALIFAX. Nov. 21. The .teaiiier " ver v e Is atiore and breaking up fifty miles west of here. The crew has been taken off. She was on her way from Swansea to Boston wUh coal. RELATIONS WITH FRANCE NEVER AS BAD AS NOW (ILASr.OW, Nov. 21. -Speak lug here today. Lloyd Oeorpc de dared Britain's relations with France were nexer xvorse. Ho doubted If within living memory had been ipiile fit bad ts NORWEGIAN IMMIGRANTS A iiarly of six Norwegian im miimmls arrived in the city from the soulh on the Princess iin 1.. lis afternoon. nicy from an I'ngllsl, donor whose Iwill enter the local halibut fish Mllf U.dU.-".N' NIGHT LIFE IN EAST;mp"' ,l,py xvprp a conin- ,10 ilo business Willi, ami.-werel .....,.....,. v. ,,. ... luoinp a big trade Ui Mlieria i.i.i.n ir.ii. '.iiv. iiukiI' large will learn that Capt. V. H. It. McOulre. who hat Morehouse, for setrral year in ii.HteoMUea,anadiU4Nall.l iPHiorr rrnice iieurve, ita iimua, , ami huh jnr mie iai made hi last voyage in com-1 four jwrn j n l-eeii hilcrcstod mind of that vecl. lie has. in mining ventures of the l'orl- Joined I he Independent Pibdagejland Canal district, ha returned ' The" captain brought down a Association of Vancouver andTrom a trip to New York and no(Pw0rthy collection of hows ha- already left the company ., other ' eastern cities. ;an), arr,m. ,,,, ,,y .;skm0!, erice to lake oer in uew iimhk u hi ri .ir. .-it ilulk. Mimic remarked j . a I. i it Jroni a friend of the speakers on. Illeraeliel IhIjiiiiI .i..rriii.ur. ru - "r - w"" l Tlie T,,e cui.tnii. caotain -ni.l ai. ll,.. tlie teaMm. known as one of tlie inol pap.liue ll.e wet wei I Is lame tame in in comariMi. coinpari.on.'w,lfl w( if. ali(.v(.l iwei, ii.-,,, ,pm , i.. 2(l (lli0 All enure psyrnoiofticai cuatipe n . , . i nuian Arctic was xery htinu ui nmr riiun" mrr inr rii'i . i,,i l.i .. u n in the pa.l few year ami the .... ,.,, . , , night life I wilder than anything.. ..n ,, ,ml , ,. other ports they had to use scows, and from the scow. Kskimos parked Hie (foods on I heir backs, litery minute was precious, and should I hey freeze in it wnuhl mean a whole year's loss to Hie Hudson Bay Co. The captain, who mentioned lie Used (o be here tu the scaling days, urged a reopening of the ealing industry in l"?u. herd, he said, had recupcrated( and he believed Canada had as much right lo seals as the United Stales hail to I'raser lliver sal mon. Canada, he uuders.tood, had the right to make its own treaties, ami he urged pressure lie brought lo bear on Hie federal goteruiuent which would again open (hi valuable industry. There were hundred of thous. and of seals in the waters he said. FISH ARRIVALS Halibut sale. were heavier on the l'ish. Exchange (hi morning than for several days. past. Five American boats landed I!i3,0()ii pound and one Canadian boat 7S0 pounds, a total of 195,750 pound of halibut. Tlie. arrivals ami sales' were: American Van see, 50,000 pounds, at It.Oo atul lc; Sentinel, 21,000 pounds, at 15.1c ami 10c: and Fairway, 19,000 pounds, at l5.5o ami 10c. to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, llelgeland, 05,000 pound. spill belweea the lloyal, Allln and Pacific Fisheries at 15.1c and lOo. Mildred 11, 38,000 pounds, at 15,2c and 10c. to Hie Booth Fisheries Canadian Co. Canadian Toodle, 2,750 pounds, at II. He and 10c lo the Atlin Fisheries Lid. SuUcrlbe for tUe bally NewsJ main UVED MONTH ON CLAMS AT Capt, Anderson and hi crew of two men lived for a month on clams and porcupines alter their boat. Hie canneryleinler Agratn of Seldovia on Cook Inlet, was wrecked in a gale. They were TAXI BOSTON NEW GRILL 99 Third Ave. 'u a hurry TJie Latest in nestaurants. PbM Private Boxes for Ladies and Parly Use. mi w bum w vvrviiw ll PRINCE RUPERT Stoat Food. Bast Service. Lmwm In Ui Olty. Rates Reasonable "Take Her to the Boston." ; Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. VOL. XIII., NO. 277. pnixcE iUm'Kut, n.d, sati bpay, novkmiikii 2 5, 1023. m sunt ui aaa. PRICE FIVE CENTS. " - ' 1 1 1 1 - 'ir.t. GERMAN CHANCELLOR STRESEMANN QUITS SIR HENRY THORNTON VERY FAVORABLE TO WESTERN ROUTE FOR GRAIN Grain Shipments May he Made Through Prince Rupert says Sir Henry Thornton, Winnipeg WINNIPEG, Nov. 2t. Marketing of wheat through Pacific coast roule is strongly favored ly Sir Henry Thornton, who, in an interview here, aid there should lie a dividing of the wayn 011 the prairies where wheal grown in Ihc western division should bo hliipp-il through Pacific ports to the world' markets and wheal grown east to the patient seaboard. in lark rk CAPT. FOELLMER OF LADY KINDERSLEY FOR OPEN SEALING With the dccloiineiil of the Oriental market, shipment Says People of Canada Have as Ighl have to he made through Prince Itupert. Anv prssenl m . B, ., , . uch ni8hl 10 Sem " U'8, of deiiitilc elev.dor facilities wax a detail wliiehcnuld he MOREHOUSE HAS JOINED PILOTS Popular Veteran Captain Steamer Prince George Makes His Last Voyage it that and will be with iii'ni'iul rem el citlien, of Prince Itupert the ratrllln;r public at (corrected an. I which wan in !cen of being corrected. I The problem of shipping wheal! VICTOUIA, Nov. 21. Capt. iliv Pacific port was receixing Kilmer. 'f ''' Landy Kinder. the rareful attention of the Can- ,p- Hudson Bay steamer, adiati National Jlailxvays. Hi r ; 1 ' A,-C,,c ul-llenry said. I pile each year, was introduced of:VYEST IS TAME SAYS pro. MINING MAN COMPARED to Fraser Salmon jlo Ilie t.liamlier or Ixirnnwrce dt-i rector. hy Alderman A. K. Todd. I Alderman Todd mentioned that the Hudson Bay (Jompaily had persuaded the Bolshevik govern. II . ikn t-ii rtllcltln Xiriftria i.n nsl every mininir cam,, of note i.i ,,,,,, clly of Vancouver it heUulle,l.tate.. eUuile,I.Mate.. Mexico leico . . f' and L-,..,, UirvvP,l ,ov,tnfj- -tfotS.wirbbtainfn? ht4f - . a portion of Hie business done by the two boats which went to the .A UNION "OFSOUTHAflKA UTS PR,MEMtS i (ieneral Smuts who i in London fur the Imperial Conference. en laying the foundation tone or the South African Pavilion, which will he part or the British Kmpire Kxhihition at Wembley. MONEY GOMES FROM STATES rescued ny Hie nauuui noal JUgO Caoilal investment hv Slav. I ine uespaicu couiaineu no Inteslinenl. are six lime worn of me ga last month to look for the Ag- ra in. The taller lias been mis sing since October 11. When the tender was wrecked the men aboard were carried ashore by the wave and they IheJiui nulliing with J hem except the clothing they wore. The Agram wa owited by Ilie Cook Inlet Packing Co. operated under lease lo the Alaska Young Canneries Inc IMMIGRANTS OUT OF WORK Only Sixteen Found at Nanalmo and They Will be Found Jobs at Once VICTOUIA, Nov. 21. .P. D. Mc-Nixen, deputy minister of labor, reported to Hie Ooveriiuienl that he had been able lo find only sixteen British, emigrants out of xvork In Nanaimo and he would find xvork for Iheui shortly. Mr. McNixeu xvenl lo Nanaimo lo investigate charges made in Hie Legislature that torty Brit ish immigrant had- come to. Nanaimo as a result of Mrs. Smith's immitfrntlnn xvork and had been left destitute. All the. immigrants questioned by Me-Nixen said they hud come on the advice of Nanaimo friends. SAILING TONIGHT VANCOUVER Nov. 21. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Orchard are sailing tonight on .the (J.P.Il steamer for Priuce Itupert after it tour In California. They say lliey met, several Prince Itupert people :n N auth. MO.VTHE.M., Nov. 21. Present foreign investment in Canada are almost double what they were before the war. Today the amount of outside capital Invested in tliis country is set at approximately four ami a half billion dollars whereas before! the war it was estimated at two and a half billion dollar: Most of the increase in in vestments has been from United Stales. While large amounts Canadian people have and German Government has Resigned Following an Adverse Reichstag Vote UKItLIN, Nov. 21. (Jiistav Htre.emann last night resigned a chancellor when the Hsichslag voted 2IJ0 to 155 denying UU jcabinet a vote or couridence. After the ballot Slresemaun, len- Ideied the resignation of himself and cabinet wjiich President hl?rl accepted. The president immediately sent for Paul Loebe for a conference. Who will head the new government remains a mystery. LONDON, Nov. 21. The downrall or the Strosemann gov ernment in Oermany is viewed here as an event or utmost im portance and developments are likely lo have a deep and lasting etfect on all Kurope. Newspaper. -vke the (iernran 'new precedence of the election! campaign and play it up prumin-; enlly. Berlin despatches agree ;at sensational deelopmenls from that source. President Ebert has invited Herr von Kerdorff, a memler of accepL VICTORIA PREACHER' HERD IN NEW YORfe. Radio Picks up Armistice Sermon From Pacific Coast VICTOUIA, Nov. 21 Church radio operator have received word from Dr. W. II. '.Morris at Hie receiving station of ii. the Bureau of Standards Iteceix-- Hf ilisl, 'up Station, located at Sea Cliff, re I.W, tigliteen miles from Hie At-j, danlic Ocean, stating that the (Centennial Station here was boat Onyx sent 'preat ai yn an(j amounled;npari' 0,1 Armistice Sunday and lo somewhere around two and a ,l,al u,e music was half billion dollar. .dear. lr. Morris added that he While American ney has'lu"ar'1 ,r- levies' sermon late been eominir into Cana.l i lArmislice Sunday evening and I been leaving Ibis country Astern standard time. "The air; going to the United Slate.t,i,,c ''4? 2.175 miles," stated! Migration figures show Canadian leaving Canada during June,, July am) August numbered fifty-two thousand whereas nut much more than six thousand Americans came into this country lo settle during the same period. Canada provides the men and United Stales provides money. unit ion is STOWAWAY CAUSED AN EXPLOSION ON SHIP Captain and and Possibly More Victims MAHSEILLES. Nov. 21. A stownxxniy is said to hate caused an explosion on the British that the sermon ended 11.15 that i onimuuicaiion. . OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League. Division I. Blackburn, 3; Sunderland 2. Cardiff C. 1, Manchester C. 1 llIGjChelsca 2, Middlesboro 0. The result of the nii-",,"1,,w's'leul '"-"i"" that in Chicago alone 'Liverpool 0, As I on ".ilia t. there are more Canadians than h' asue l J, l'resion I. there are in tlie capital of Brit-j011" - Birmingham ish Col mhia. There has been,H,,,ffiel'1 L'- Votls 0 a large migration of French! lottenhain J, Arsenal 0 Canadians to the Slates attracted hy the high xxages paid in Hie textile mills of Hie East. In the sale of Massachussets there are enough Canadians to form a' city twice the size of 1. West Bromxxich A. 5, Exertou 0. West Hani 0, Burnley 0. Division III. Northern Ashinglon 1, llnthcrliam 2. Wrexham 2, Barroxv 0. Bradford 2. Tranmere It. 0. Chesterfield 2 Lincoln C. t. Crexve A. v.. Hartlepool U. post. poned fof. , Darlington 2, Modulate 2. Durham C. 3, Accriiigton U. ISoulbport 2, Doncasler H. 2. Four of Crew Lost Walsall 2, Orimsby Town 0. Wigan 0, Halifax t. Wolxerhanijdon 5, Brighton I. SCOTTISH LEAGUE. Division I. steamer Otlurburn just after that Ayr United 2. Queen's Park t. vessel ltvft for New orfc yestor- Clyde I, Aberdeen 0. day xxith a cargo of potash cot- Clydebank 2, Partick Thistles Ion and beiuine. I he captain and Falkirk 2. Motherwell 0. four of the crew lost their lives Hamilton 0, Dundee 0. ami it is feared there xvere more Hibernians 2, Morion 0. victims ns U Is beliexed there llaith Hovers t, Hearts i. xvere. a number of stowaxvays Hangers 0, Airdrieoniaus 0. aboard. The vessel xvas towed in- St. Mirren 0, Celtic. 1. to the C'dds'taU .Third Landrl J, KihnanKvl; ". MAKES ATTACK SUNDAY LAWS it is a ceriou situation and some1 correspondents stress the srowth Counsel In Police Court Case jof militarist nationalism and hint; Clalma SUtute Time of King Charles Effective VANCOUVER Nov 21. When a charse laid nirniiiat Mi Lav. the (ierman people's party in the trock of promJoting a Sunday rf(W IMf ET Heicl.stag. to form a new cabinet concert in violation of the Lord's AU1 IllLIil.0"'0 8uPPe With Men a.ii u is anncipaie.i mat lie will l)ay Acl was caUe(, Captain and Two Men of Wreck, ed Cannery Tender A gram Rescued by Halibut . Boat SEATTLE. Nov. 21. Trapped i the rocky inargin of the north side of Conk Inlet, Alaska, I- and Gets Cash Return in Ihc police court here today counsel con-tended (hat the 'Lord's Day Act did not govern in British Colum bia hut that a statute enacted in reign of King Charles I. in !02o governing Sunday obser- Ft' I j t .. - an I I. 1. ...n.-l .. ... Dl law ill iuc JIUfyltr. It was argued by counsel that in Hie Lord's Day Act there Is a clause which says the act is noneffective if it affects, amends or extends existing legislation. Counsel claimed Hiat (he statutes of Charles I. wvre first incorporated into the statute of liritish Columbia province, thus becoming the law of B.C. which , provides no penalty for the promoter of a Sunday entertainment bpt imposes a fine of three shillings on each person attending bull or bear bailing competitions on Sundays. Pie magistrate adjourned the lease for a xveek to consider the question raised. HI GILL HIT PIH ISLAND American Schooner Damaged but Temporary Repairs Are Made at Lowe Inlet The American halibut schooner Hi C ill. on her way south to Seattle where she will lay up for the winter, hit the .rocky shore of Pitt Island across from Kleu- nuggit light' in (irenville Channel last Tuesday night at 11 o'clock. She broke tier stem post and xvas leaking badly so put into Lowe Inlet which place she left yester day continuing south under her oxvn poxver after temporary re pairs had been effected. Capt. Ben Herein and the en gineer are taking the Hi Oill south xvhile the two other members of tlie (yexx-, Ludwig Klewen and C. Larsen, reached the city on the Venture ye5lerday BOMBS EXPLODED IN PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 21. A bomb exploded early Saturday morning on the steps of the. Spanish consulate and two oilier bombs shortly afterwards exploded in different parts of the foreign quarter. There were no casiidlt ii . UP;