PAGE 8IX. THE DAILY NEWS. Special (Clearance of Ihe following lines: All Model Hats at One Third Less. ' " 10 only, Ladies' Dresses, splendid values, Trlcotilies, Serges, etc., ranging to $27.50. Special price . . $16.50 Ladies' Raincoats 15 only, Ladies' Raincoats, rubbeissd tweeds and English Paramattas, a good assortment. Values to $li).50. Special price $10.50 Ladies' Coats and Suits. Your choice of these high class garments at 20 per cent off. We Prepay .Mail Orders. Agents for Pictorial Review, Patterns. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. ATTENTION! Xmas Buyers The Latest Novelties in up-to-date Jewellery. CLEOPATRA BRACELETS, HANDKERCHIEF BRACELETS ASSORTED BEADS EARRINGS. Spanish Combs Note special window display) The most complete line of Xmas Novelties ever shown this far north. THE IDEAL STORE FOR THE IDEAL GIFT. Our Prices ar as Low as qny store in Canada. Max Heilbroner Diamond, Specialist. VANITY Not u Corset, not a Jtras-siere. A perfect combination that mokes tlio figure more beautiful, from $250 We arc also showing a new line of Iris Hrassieres. Models to suit everyone. "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 to 6. Phone 680. Open Evening Only For Special Appointments. J4J Many a pood slove gives poor result because it Is supplied with the wrong kind of coal OONSUMKHS COAL is picked for stove use. H Is steady-heating height-burning coal freed from choking impurities, , Try CON HUMKrtS. See how your stove will "behave." Consumers Coal Go, Ltd Phones 7 and 311. Have you had your PASTEURISED MILK TODAY? VALENTIN'S DAIRY Sells Milk, Cream and Butter Phone 81. Daily Deliveries. EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Go Phone 68. BENNETT'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY. Assayers, Chemists, Metallurgists. Ore Shippers Agent. TACOMA, Washington, U.S.A. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Room to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. .First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. URGES USE OF WHOLE WHEAT BREAD IN ORDER TO KEEP MORE HEALTHY Mrs. Garland Foster Discusses Food Values' Before Convention of Won. en's Institutes ' NELSON, Nov. 22. Mrs. W. Garland Foster, in addressing the conference of women's Inst ilulcs here on the subject of food Values," stated that sha would like to ?.;e three .things brought about. First, the stan dardization of whole wheat Hour: second, the ttudy of chemistry of foods in the sdiools: and. ... . .. 11.;.. 1 .1.. - - uiiru, ine siimy 01 ioou econo mics. The speaker outlined the cientific value of the varioiM food, dealing first with tho caloric, or hea producing foods which could not ho released without the conjunction of tho vitamines which promote tissue and nerve building. "Our wheat flour is a dis grace lo any race," declared the speaker. "Wo have gotten iway from the food of our an cestors." If a person did not get the necessary 16 calorics ot food ier day the rouge pot was resorted to. Quarrel with Miller Wheat used today passed through 57 hands before reactu ing the consumer, that was the reason it was so expensive and of no great value- to the producer. The (uarrel at present was wilh tho miller. The whole wheat flour in use today was a combination of wheat and bran and did not make good bread, I he Doukhobors were more suc cessful with the use of whole wheat flour ground on their millstones. Graham flour, stal ed Mrs. Foster, was not whole wheat flour, it contained bran; in the oven it rose beautifully. but when taken from the oven the bread usually shrank. Pre- FARMERS' Meat Market CASH AND CARRY. Prince Ituperl people hate at last obtained their desire for a Low Price Grocery Store. To clear this week end we will sell: 10 High Grade Ham, per lb. 34c 15 Hoxe of Apples Jonathan and Mcintosh, at per box S1.S5 25 Boxes of Jap Oranges, at a box , 85c FRESH MEATS are advancing but our price is the same. Orders over $5.00 Delivered. Phone Blue 428. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. TVUttl Dulierly Coupon d with ordinary 'siird pitirf) ALL GONE. For t lie present, but we have an other shipment coming in about December 1st. You still have an opportunity to have this little piano in your" home for Christmas. First come first served. Walker's Music Store Ltd. Coos ani G00J Housekeepers realize tht superiority of Baker's Chocolate (Premium No. 1) for making cakes, pies, pucUings, fudges, ices, etc. Be sure that yau get the genuine, ir the blue wrapper end yellow Ubil with, the trade mark of tho Choc date Girl on tho back. Made In Canada By, Walter Baker & Co. Limited EmbUhcJ 1790 MiU it Dcrckfftrr, Mao. , nj Mentml, CuwJt BOOKLET OF CHOICE UCirCS SENT FtES sent day flour was more or less a starch, and when short of larch it could always be made from flour. While bread was just like so much poison, as it contained too much .slnrcli. Slarch was high in caloric values. Super-Refined Cereal of today were all super-refined, which was fatal lo health. A refined cornmeal was bad, as the kernel was needed for its vauablj? oil. Millers had been encouraged lo make more refined foods. The roughage was necessary lo aid diges tion. Malnutrition, or mineral star vation sufferrrs were invariably heavy eaters of while bread. Hefined niineralilzed foods were directly, responsible for cancer, and -igniter wus caused chiefly through title absence of iodine and lime in (lie system. Mrs. Foster lold of (he drusr values of certain foods and staled that it was a great mis take for people lo lake rlrugs when they could ecure foot) containing the same values. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. HULL II A It I i( J II llain; strong wp.t wind: barometer!: temperature 16; sea rough; 10.- 45 p.m. spoke steamer Prince George olT Mastermau's Inland southbound; 11.30 p.m. xpoke molorship Apex stormbound in Safely Cove southbound; 11:15 p.m. spoke nl earner Prince llu-perl in Johnson Channel norlli-b)uud. DKAD THKK POINT. Clear. calm;' barometer 2V.58; temperature 35; mm Hiiioolh. DIGIIY I.SI.ANI. Clear, calm: barometer -V:53; temperature. 12; )ea smooth. Noon ' HULL IIAItnOll. -- Cloudy, fresh west wind; barometer "'J.- H2; temperature, 50; ea rough. J a.m, spoke steamer Prince John in Queen Charlotte Sound southbound; 10 a.m. spoke molorship Apex olT Pine Island southbound. IlLAI) THKK POINT. Clear: calm; barometer -MJ.7t; temper alure li; fea smooth. DiaiJY ISLAM). Clear, calm, barometer 29.98; temperature, iH; sea smooth. FOR 15 YEARS WAS TROUBLED WITH ECZEMA There li no oilier remedy like llur dock Blood IHIIr Dial can Ixnnllily give aurh relief to ill. sufferers from en-tin tall rheum and all other dleaw of Ihe blood for the return that thla old and well tried rented) iroei rlRhl lo the real of tho trouble and ronipletely and per mum-inly drive there dleaei out of the nyMfiii by rlemnln the blood and inaklnr It pure and rich. air. r. vv. li, srnuiii, reniBnme, oiii wrlli-il "llavinir been troubled with enema for fifteen yeart, durliur which time I tried everything I could think of, (nrliidlnir dortom, but without frctllnit anylhlnir to do mer much good I finally de rlded to lake Burdock Mood III Hern, and I wa certainly mirprlned to find that two weikt aritr I had ftarted lo take ll I wa rellevi-d of, 1n) trouble. That wa nine month aroa'cl I have not had a llrn or It Jliue. I'aiirely, wlh to thank you for till a wonderful medicine 'and ilronrly recommend It to anyone tuffer Inir from the tame trouble a I had." B.B.I1. It, niaiinrsrtured only by The T iMUburu, , liuii(jJ. Turuutu, out. Waterfront Whiffs (Continued from Page 5) gnve chase with the result that he soon overtook the deer. The deer in lis anxiety lo get away from Its foe collided wilh a tree and knocked its head off. At any rate that is the big slory on Ihe .waterfront this week It Is a fact, however, that the skipper brought home a very respectable trophy of the chase. The unlive- power boat Kinmn Grace, which has been in port during Ihe week doing overhaul work, left port on Thursday morning, AMI Back From Chase The rhooner Atll, Capt. Ilrandy Newell, returned to port on Tueday night front a hunting trip lo Hartley Hay, Dog Cove and White Itorkx. The party included Hill Watt. Kd. Kenney. of Terrace, and Harold Nicker sou. mil Wall. Ihe crack shot of the party, hol it live buck dead, lie would have gnt a lot more game but his rifle inled upon shooting around corners. The rest of Ihe parly" had Ihe rifle mi (heir good behavior and gol nwny with a nice bag of ducks and deer. Capt. II, K. Poole, supr-riiilen- denl nt Hutedale, arrived in Ihe city on Wednesday afternoon's boat. Cap. will out his molars through an overhaul while in town. If yu find you cannot gel Ihe daily News regularly, call in and nb-rribe for II and have it de liverel In votir 'tome. I' Q.lh-h tn- h rvlf V" ! Pre-Inventory i Specials I Six day remain before ' slock-taking. This ad. j change every day. Follow-I ing epecial for Monday : only. Thee are not limited I to phone orders. I 100 Pail llogers' Golden ! Syrup. 5's. .Monday spe- ! rial , 55c j I, oni) Orange Cruh Har. Ileg. 3r. Special H for 25c Olio lh. Creamery Htiller In bulk. Special. 3 lb, $1.25 Hon 11m. Lard In bulk. Spe- ial 2 Ih. 35c, 0 Ih. $1.00 3)(t Ih. Dry' Salt I'ork. Ilg-35c lb. Special, Ih. 27'c Dill Pickle, per doz . .,. 250 Grape Nut. 2 for .... 35c Sou h. Large Terrace I'ar-Miip. The finest stock in town. ..Monday special. 0 lb 25c Nabob Coffee, l's, per Ih. 55c 2 oz. Kxlracl, all flavors, 3 for 25o Springfield Kggs, per io. , . .!. 45c Rupert Table Supply Throe Phones, 211, 212, 281 Why Not? Mail a Xmas Cake This year lo your friends'? We can decorate ' Xina Cake to your own choice of deigu (hat will not he damaged in the malls. Cake packeil ready to mall flee of charge. ElectricWindow Bakeries Third Ave. Phone 607. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser 8t. Steam Healed Hot and Cold Water Hales by Day or Month P.O. Box 75, Phone 689. Phone 376 be bought for Saturday, November ?t, 1023 9mm MM The House of Quality Dresses We have jirl received an enlirly new line of Drees in Poirct Twill fashions newtwt fulric. Those dreyen arc nil in "Wrap Around" ami Coat stales ami (rimmed. w many different vas. Some have bran! ami embroidery or finely lucked. Hues III-IS. Any one nf these model ran $25.00 ll.irgiiin in wait nitd KirU. DISCOUNT SALE THROUGHOUT OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Phone 376. Mail Order Prepaid. .Salixfactton or Money t;irk WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 GLORJA WANSQN llrilliaul c:i-l include H. B. Warner, Ferdinand Gott-schalk, Riley Hatch and n lug lil tif stars. THIRD SERIES OF THE "LEATHER-PUSHERS." FOX NEWS. Admission 60c and 25c. Matinee Admission 35c and 10c JUST RECEIVED! A Beautiful Range of Evening and Semi-pvening GOWNS Also a Wide Ilangc in the New Wool Canton Dresses Latest Styles from Hit! Kasl at Very HcaoniihIe Price. Bent's Ladies' Third Phone 376 Ready-to-wear Avenue,