V'Mliiotdnv Juno fTOaa 1 1 li w H 1 1' PAfJE TWO i HO II.1IUI fir-"" . mmm 1 ' " I - - I i 'M.S.H STATCMKNT OB ES in llu Wfoiwn cmmiey m In SENCE or CHRISTIANITY IN way nT apparent Indifference In 0K ADDRESS BY ARCHBISHOP voliRtnn Mil ihU Indifference TO SYNOD TOOAY. lamely In do with ihe external of rPlisMftri. The mc f Hid we prepared with freah continued from pnfe nnei want reality in n-lii. i and wner- SMOKE ever Hrev Tind (lit i Uy rc U. rieiii ifi mclhnd of relating .,,- ,,,-. i.f... .iiiini niriiiial tnilh In the live (!iniul drop thinking done among Miimi. women, aliil children, ar I lie prpenjr. the miner, lie 3 ALADA" I'nrilliin In HiPtr agr. pt, and lugger. Ihe rihrm n. nrnl lli-nrlli-r race. Itelijrinn fan now Ixvomn nf Uii wil.l rupirr.1 h reality In alt orl and cuiidi- mnimlainniM cinmii v than i ihrnv lion i.f people, whema he fore il n m ii B llir ratiioRahlf rmia:ra-li GDENS !n jrenerally Mipnctl Hi all f ea'tTii eili. And ouenches thirst and banishes sum- innly Ihe favored few of a mys vmi in itvinl In lhi miiiar' tical lenieramenl could eer l'-eoinc illnoee Willi II nMm So easily made Try it. IryiiiK mer fatigue. the ainl of !. At palfmt mtuiinn ami iiMde. - Modecnlied Copl j nnale fipMrl I U mil heital In If lli llhiireh I In (fain ami nay I lilil Die nnllrxUt fnr plrHHal not nffcr from Ihe onward relirinn l full nf imm1e an The Daily News iinarch nf knowledge, we wjin uutt-iJer lirislil with lmxr. Tti Siiril at CUT PLUG niut. keen ahreal nf i;hril will iH rntier the wnrM. ' PUINCK HUi'EItT BHITISI! COLUMBIA . - (time. The atmnpherc of Our ImxI i marrhuw ttn. Pubtihed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince IhniiKtil i" which wp U.e today i lit- i unrkinit in ii. different In Hint nf tin Third Avenue. Piilirely Rupert Daily News. Limited, middle, ape. The lanmiaee nf II. F. PULLEN. .Managing Editor. M'holalirirn in which much nf BAPTIST LADIES' the theology if the I'.hurrh VERANDAH TEA SUBSCRIPTION RATES: formulated J rapidly hecnmiiiK Cltv Deliverv. bv mail or carrier. cr month. . . $1.00 an tinsnown Innane. IN mini By mail to all parta of the British Empire and the United State.Rif Ihe Kverlatln? ISnjieJ need In Affair Held Yesterday at Home of Ifvcu in advance, per year 10.00' be proclaimed In term nf modern Mrs. S. Dawson Very Suc-. To all other countries, in advance per year - S7.R0 llMMIffht. cess, (21 Being In our inellind of rclistnn Realized TELEPHONE 88 while we lmn.l le-vpry Mow In packet IHULIIIdl' n I t abandon rulnm hallowed; by A very' MH're--u! lea wa mM yppritay aflerniMHi l Ihe Jjnme! Transient Uifplay Advertising IMOwr inch per insertion j-'t'"-'" r W. yl where llie n'ip of Vr. S. lMWnn. IM Hay Ctive Transient Advertising on Front Pae. .J2n p5r inrhlf"ln T "; " 'refully lllifv Circle, hy Ihe li.l.e. AM or Ikej lineWd I.T n.- i,.rinn 2Rc ner lhP l tkpller adapt Ihpni lo liapli! Ilhurrli. Many lawMe al-l I fn..,n.rf Arftrl,inir nop intortinn v ?p ner wnrd lenet Ihe affair aiol Hie ' pnnilitinn. ThPrp i n- ery I a itii I 'n(;o iih ;nortinn IKe rwr nv&tp 1 trit iPrPm r - - r ' IhliiB Aapf-pil nlHtiil Hip hour nf lifnclirv enin of JI wa Contract Rates on Application. cpn. anil fi fnr phurch pp-vjpp. realiiM. )i lb In nnrtlipm lalilop we Mr. llawMin receivett and Ike' tirv AH advertiing honld be in The Daily News OrTW nn 'dav preceding eoiimiiMee in eharve rnmpripl mimt lMly wtial i lwt-, tin! Ip j publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Mr.! lavp In rliurrli .fahion. While Mr. Morgan. Mr- Newell. Hip eraip for lrvily may bp car-rfeil Hitdianl ami Mr. K Mom'. iBBR Chamber of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Ion far. I am cnnvincpil that I here i too much ralins aixl HOMESTAXE MINE TO DAILY EDITION yyijtt&Wedneday. Juno ST, i0!S. lprtkinz in our eliurrh pricp and lint pnnush time a I low i I fnr OPERATE THIS SEASON Everyone Pleased quHrl nplilalton. OnicPniralion of mind i In pffirary With Message. npppary Men Already at Work on Property, in prayer. Shkppparp tanpht n J'JjeryiMie here wa ple.ied with the inpage liniuglil by Itlii when hp iiim.Ip Hip Ling of Kltsault River, Alice Sir Henry Tlmnitwi. They were rheerwl and now they look forward lptiniark ay: Arm I., to the fuljire with, renewed hope. They felt- lbal Ihe "My wnnt fly up, my thnuchtt ALIfiP. A KM, June t 3iaj.w ten Ihs l.litliri tn M ,ljir president n'f flie raflway was no oll iiicerp,l'iil that he alt rpmain llnw. l. V. CritRltltifi. of Vancouver, ar- i Coast Steamships Word willinnt lluiuaht never In Tfer lnre Will he loealml in hail the .power to do (hat which he deired. They knew that heaven gn." ripi in camp l liuottav with a imm. hiiildinir prprli liw lliimn he wa- backed up ly lie Domininii Oovenineiii and that any-thiiift Optimal Pause .mallcre-w of men, and will urln(r ,u. Wlnt.r ,Un.,.,u Sailings from Prince Rupert he et liini-elf In annmpli-h be- wnftld H:ely carjr are n coitilule. lhat we .-.y...,.-..,. .... ,,. u,- Mlwt frtHO tlte old, through. The menage jit cheer will carry n thrniigh nuiuy a eanitnt enncentrate our mind for m.ine-iase ftrmp or fiw. KMaull Hou. ITip l..re will S.S. Prince Rupert diffirull Mdiation and wilt tend In make u unite ur eff4rt vry Innit al a tstreVh. TIip lime M-.e.l near" I.oie.the Kttaiilt up ie MlMUI.lilacier. ulttM (lr IMiin a hiii a and Prince George i rtitine when we liall hate "Ihe Jiiver, the neeeary alleraliin ran ! with one end. thai of making ihi a real nly. More men will be ut on a Ihe optimal paup"" inlerperei at made and ihe fftlurpo lnlallel. FOR VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. SEATTLE, Intecmrdsl President Careful interval thriMiKlioul nur erice. work Mr.'devlopp.(irtehlon wa mine fnre. Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday ft tun. He .till an.l kariw that .1 am HOTEL ARRIVALS FOR ANYOX VVC0SrCSDr,1lpJu NotTo Orer Promise. man when wnrfc wa eUpl ihvn CM." FOR STEWART FRIOM, 10 jun. President Thnnilnii wa careful not to promise more than A to preaching il i uialline on 'the properly in'tbp Fall of( Prince Rupert S.8. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Qso Chsrtotu he feJl he could perfirm. lie a carejil niau and hi record lt4 think of Ihp amount of ora IliJI. Sfnee 'hen nn work baj I. M. Murphy, II. Hollo and Islands June 13th, 27th, Ju1t1th,I5U indicate that while be ay thing well, . he doe Ihem even torical pffort thai if apparently lieen done. 'John 4. llinn, Vancnupr: Mr PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT lllDY ... .. . , .. .. . . wap, every unny throughout Al fhp lime f eHing down a4j yr), Etigar Amp and Mr. 'nit nid t . i in. bM'i -&ia oeiier inau ne y inem. ro we expect il .win ite tiere. we fppl nf litniiel 170 work had the enunlry Iterausp a Itetler up been ihmI Mm.'J. II. Italllarftpnn. Seai- riita, 'Miip, oiceri '.ttp,-ti'M ll patao lr .-full iiMik forward with anticipation of inipnivemeiit. grndiial lone. n. 1 lounel lrikinn Hi auiet i nol made nf the piinreme law lle: Dr. A. K. Friend and A. J ' sesmer soa sit ocean btsshship uts. but leady, ami we all be glad (o rn-oerate in aiding the nf the iilconci(juii mind 1ierc ein al n dilnce nf 1 13 leel. Walkmoon. I'nrL fuitfloii; F. CNf TkH Offk. ST VKiee Pf e H.M--V mm ns. railway (o carry ihiI the projeel Ihey have in haud In an hlea on Ihe ourface nf tin The prevent oeralion will Paul- hi. Ii 'in i n ion Cannery. miiMl i nviole an energy in the coiiiI of putting Ihe vein in N i. Central End Of Group ileplh of the itftiil. While w I lunneh and Ihe extension f V . 4. lren Fjlmnnlon. Government In Ontario. ' IumiIiI parnptly pray thai Ihe .No. t luiHtel. and of proving up KA1LWAK (inmp government ba come to an end in Ontario for the Spirit of iinil may uraft Ihe word ami developiiiK Ihe mine. CANADIAN PACIFIC preenl and few eople will regret il. II wii not a Mii-ce;. It which we bear wilh our oulwanl Itli roferty ha a nlee ur- made for extravagance and ertinnatim. While parly gfcvern-ment ear invcardly in our heart, we facp lead, fr"ni 3S lo )0 fee4 B.C. Coast Services i often anything but ideal il wa found I hat da k eminent hould al the amp lime uinler-daiid n willh. earrwnit pyrile. cliab-o. TIMBER SALE X 5267. , hi. . wa wore. Hip pychooical prnce pyrilp and jt.ilena. t)ne of ihe chief in of Ihe Drury Oovernmeiit was its extravagance. whereby lhi I tlnne. Hie IIoiiip! iIip liroilp conil Saelil.lie., al win aw.lie nfreenl a Ike for tit o M riikh.4ul,. SailingsfromPrinceRupert They penl money and r.iuel Ihe laic lo mount' It thrilU un v.il II hope 'fnr Ihe of four clao'. and i under bond IPV). n imp nrnee m Ihr liclrtrt rmu S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS nw-For at n terrific rale. Al-o they aruued aiitagouim by (he manner tranfuruiation of chararler an I from A. laM .on ami aMialP 'x ",' ;.Hir.1 cat rtm 14m Hafawt.lent a.M.Te U-'.. Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, in which theyyviiforced I he licpior lawc. Ihe iipliflintr of hunianily when lo the On inlalPtl lloineila'te IM.O-i kak.ii. IW ItMutom.I X. W ami lrpe CnUr.al an aurkod Jun 3, 8, 10, 23,'30, July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, All parlie in Ontario are .prohibition partie.- All promied we ee thai the Divine Spirit Mining and Ix-velopmenl i'.n, of M". MlaaHl. Iloulurt jmI CetSar For KeUhlkan, Wrpngell, Juneau and SQ"'' to Piifune Ihe present law lull there wa n difference of nf.in-ion nevpr fail to work in accordant" Vancouver. icinr-'n 1- ,.. WluaiMl atat i,im1..Ml In Haatr,i. MmA 4.to ijmm-. land Juno 11, 18, 2S July 2, 6. 13, 16, 20, 23,27. as to method. While il i posihle the iipw government with the natural 'law of Hip iii.irn I. 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. may again give the people there u fighl lo vole on Ihe liquor human mindT which we are l-Kinninc GOVT. LIQUOR STORE imiwi f mi'f iiaibrr.rar mill li alkiereai rr re For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella B. oiieliou. Jhey are not in any meiure .liili-pnhihilion int. at any lo unlerlanil. i1)r lrtMiUr. f.1 t,a if ri Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Rlvr, and Viv Falls, rate far a the public iiUerunce of Ihe leader are concerned. An Intuitive Act OPENS AT ALICE ARM I'rliir'lee. ' 'Jirl.tnttt. H t.lb I . ,r IHMrtrl r.lrr. couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. The pivenl elback lo Ihe farmer-labor coalition.in Ontario Inuch in if iiiciilcnt 4Krurrtl at Agency for all 8teamehlp Lines. will prove o. ctbwk lo group goverunieul everywhere becaut-e our1al HyntNl luoyear atfo. We Returned Mim Has Been Appoint TIMBER SALE X 5190. Full information from Ontario i olie of the Tew plac lhat ha Tried il II had jiil carried by standing proved a a ed Vendor and le Already Settled Tender will be received W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. -j failure, apparently, and other province of Canada will hel-tate vole a refcolulion of ymialhy on Job by Ihe Minialer of Land, al Vic- Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, -p. iiafure making a similar, jnistnke. II i alw.ty a mistake uioveil by Archdeacon Ooili(iu to llVP'J101 ,a,rr lun i the lo Iblnk that n man can be taken from between the handle of Ihe family of the late Itev. J. Jl. AI.IOF. 20th day of June. i23. for lb a plow and set lo conduct po large a buiries a McCnllanli when by flah AIIM, June 27. A a plircliaae of Licence Xfilbo in provincial a of in- rrsull of Hie vilt cut 1.000.000 LTD. recent of In-peelinu feet of Snriie.e nod B.C. govcriunejit. Be he ever so nble he ha to'learu hi trade before luilive itiMifttil I realied thai we of l.. Winhy, of Ihe Hemlock and 27 &nn lin ri ,.r UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF he can praClice il. ' . hould npver have our helmed Provincial IJipior Ctinlrd board, Kpnifcn and Hemlock plllnir on an . !?"?."r.r .""'. ... r..,, s e Archdeacon with u at rynod area situated on Ihe mirlhuii FP VBNCOUVSa, VIOTORIM, ur.an f - Will Give AIIcp Arm i lo have a flovern- shore, of Halt Iwike. iorclier - . - u..i. .. a..w aiut awauoa Sir Saiaraa, Hope To again, no while he nlood on the WWW .1VWVIIO W r.I w" i. - - T- Local Conservatives, ' ' (irpnL Linuor Wore. Chas. K. fir" 5 tj"n'1 far anvox. Slice ana. Arm)!. waii la. a ror Platform beMe me I offered him TJie resiU- oMhe election in Ontario, will give hope to local Willi dPep emrdion Hie Irihule of man,Ilulchieon ha Iweii of Anyor,apixiinled a rplurnrd vendor Two '2 yeara will be allowed SI re S tnd mass Ar.au..eivsa oannsriss JACK aAMNSLIT, aMib Ciinervnlie. It nhowts that Ihe "He?lorae i alw.iy liable to fur unileil eteem ami .affection ur iriimvai Ol limner. change and lo do and arrived in town Ihl week lo ..furii'er parlicujars of the mol ulipxpwled thing. II mailer not me n-Kuni. i am inamtrul Ilia I we ... make Ihe -il i i rorener. lieinpin .......n c riprenary nrenarai whether it be in Ahe cjly, the province orthe Dominion, change Jid I hi while he wa j with ion. ,.i torl'T.i Prince Alr,el The opening f, k of limine will ,. Huperi are liable to come at nny timfi, a come Ihey have before people u. ihe. memory uud (he pirit .V4 are ver fickle. Ao they are very forgetful. Thev fowl or nils grand veteran of (he lo FISHERMEN Hie in of the pal and they, no longer remember service rendered. wno spent forly.eiv hi year of They i re occu.ed of being ungrateful. oibly the result service aujong the Indian of Beauty Hint for Women in Ontario may be a leMiif lo older goverumeiiln jo refuse Ihl coal ohoulil alway be an lo piny fal .lltl looe with public fund and thus ave lh-m-sclves iimpirullon In Hii diocei. When owl is only imperfectly digt-Hti J, If you are buying- your outfit l Keiehikuii. J4Jf frop. jniil.n' fnlc. Ue are iclu.l to have hi book For it Kvc8 i-iue to fermentation, clog Uio (o visil the rnlitleil "In (he Wake of the War clear Dowel, nnj retMlerB the blool impure. tlanoe." We are alo glad to nave Tills rcHults iiitdull ;yes, muddy akin, NEW ENGLAND FISH Company r the friend hook euliUed written p"McOuilattli ynijiallicH of skin Moteliea, pimplea nnd other diufiKuritifj Hard Ice. Fancy Bait, and the Best In Gear, Oroeeni and mnrkti. IJeecJinm's Pill$ act etc. It's Best Aiyanh. JIip kiory nf thlrly. immediately Meats, SSSSMSSSSSMMS1MM ilil year of faithful work both bright on the utomach, liver and bowels; regulate white i n the lower uud alo on .the them nnd keep them in vigorou or shoes, both upper NattJllver i now anuugl eyes condition. They aro mild, harmless and buckskin and canvas. Hie tome aniial it the of lii.lory. Iv.rliup dependable. They are- compounded of FLY TIME IS SCREEN TIME doing gooi younger mjNHiiinary men work who are in Take remedies pf vegetable origin having "NUGGET the iiioueer ilmtrn u f im, vaM Kreut medicinal vulue. Wire Fly Cloth In 81. 30 mid M vJ iJi.wee ,lo li.i realite that Ihey 30c, 40c, 45o per yard fnr Mack : -am 1 ul. ar making lii.lory in laying Beecham Miuilted, 50c, 60c, 75o per yard. White Cleaner the foundation of rivh(ousuekk s 8creen Doors, nil sixes. $3.50, $4.00 nnd .,.00 ea and jM.ifie, ,ij, W,4., wn j,p. Screen Windows, sit 0 ies. 00c, 05c, 85c, OOo c. built a law-abiding; indutiioia. WILL NOT HUB OFF and happy commuiiily. Sold KAIEN HARDWARE CU. It Cslernalt of Jtsllglon mverywhtrm Pills We Dsll,r' Tel. 3. l lieiii is jiiuch lo dimvAurage u in box