Whftn You Want TAXI P.R.FISH MARKET Phone 871, 99 in a hurry Jellied Roast Tongues,Ham with Boiled dressing,Ham, Phone Fresh Home Made Beef and Best Cars .-.d Best Service PRINCE RUPERT Pork Sausage Dally. ; the City. Rates Reasonable Out of Town Orders Solicited Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspanr Vol XIII SO HI 1'IUNtX III l'KHT. H O.. WKIlNKSIlAY. JI NK 27, lS:t. TMOrttf't Clrnlttlcfl 1SSJ Strt StUn SS2. PMCE FIVE CENTS. TTTiiinriT 11m i mYe.TTe. Tnnn n vmmT mr nn i rv ni n nn in mi n i iiini iini jy n i i., mirnnrif tt iirnnn vri i niinvnwirtn mi i rn m i ii rn mri nininn miiin mmr nimTn m a.-. - 'sv-sisiasisiai at if i niaai - GETS FINE, JAIL f HANfiF f OIIRTS P0PULAR TEACHER ,s oaa w canneries is SENTENCE, AND IS m.Sf ABOUT TO BE MARRIED Oriental Immigration is ORDERED DEPORTED THIS PROVINCE entertained by class Being Surveyed; May Discussed in Parliament Fagoff, Finn, Punished For Miss Helm Nlckerson Recipient Re-entering Canada After Bill Contemplated to do Away of TtVin from Primary ' First Deportation With Court of Appeals as Pupils of Borden be Started This Fall Separate Entity Street School Action re Japan Delayed Joe Pugoff. 1 inn. wa deported f i inn Canada once before but lie, VII VI I III I A. June '.'7. A lull Minn Helen I I . .Niekers'in. wh" There i .. ID.hi .il work urw illg the route (or a road (o w.nri-il In iu (In- border from 'proposing radical i Imogen in llu; Is severing her connection with ui i..i, Jiinr si. .n an ri'iipi'inig iLiiiiiie immigru-iiun miner,) - it tlit- iimiilh of Ihe Skeen.i liner nml he will pre y,er to Stewart rceenlly and the'stutun of tin- llrJIIh Columbia Ihe local puht'c scliuyl leaching u i 111 fixlfil ni). s-'ivi'it 11 Ihird reading in the St-niile after nil r'ini.j(- of -ol which will be submitted lo the govern- result was dial n Monday he'cuurtn will be introduced in tit" clasn lr. be married iiexl week to. ni inixrluiit miif iiilmiMil of Senalur Willoiighliy wliirh would liuvc iiprmilted the wive mid minor children uf Cliiiicne lo be una I -nonl't nl tic -urpnseu il wnrx were iu ' "uunein c ,,.,eared iieforc Mipendiary legislature ul Mil- autumn .(ion Jiick I.iimbc, h yeslenlay.cn- Uir lniiil"ig oi the i nil Ibm vear, I hI Ml Hon. Ilr. MHher Magistrate Waller Oale. was'lhi year. A roup of luwyi-r ierlHiirJ by her clu t.i 1..,. ' uf i adi:iilll lu lin.'idii wus wilhdruwii. el, ni. ". iiiiI.Iii work, lo a iMily .New repn,liUilm.' FouikI vtnllv of a rliarjf of -al- frtun Vanrouter ami Virloria uro llir Iihiiip f .Mr. A I'. Parkin I Willuiifrhhy rlainied lUi nmeiidnieiit would meet tlui before le-.wng I'nn.e (ieorge Mr. Pnllullo Iih been ine . immigration Ai ami M.ii.falil lo iraiarinx u hill whiili iiorilcn Irt-ct, and Vi-..i.ni.i wihe of I.lie, Chine.-e. uiilliorilie; and was in liurnitnir with Hie nsmenng .i- nn -: 1 1 lrillMilllllll lor II hlllir IirirO HUH rii.l lnn .-Mini I In l( pcLi lo ulinll.ll llli lirfllll ur! U.1II1 11 tfilicf i.m tinfM u 11 fi.Lij. I 'Tiiuir iiiioiicr iiiiciii mjii. rr po--diic ' -inn. While we ilit mil frel llial llirre iui.iiIIm ul llkalla nml onl.-rnl for li f a..i-al hii.I lo ruiiHl all ju.lKe f ai.i.nfialii.;) ynd rrniicel. The A """r'" 01 l"?M rum urnili uiiiinuu.-i heimiorf lhnt w.iuM ! Ju-lirrrallon ror i.uii.i- .leiHUlaliMii whrn he K.-t mil. lie lo lak - their I urn a trial Hulue tiri-ieullili'i wa muil 011 he-'1'" """ "r,,t nut the road up llir Skciia lliter lirouxM 'he i lly for trial k.n.1- In i.r..i.lu' in,iu.lli.l,-1-..-.- iia.i I...II .....r II... li."'l ij 1... f.,..u.. tl. uir KitlilK i.. n ..iiiuu ..i.mii-.... TIMBER TAXES U tWtUUKAlit ul prevent, v do think I he ran (l haUuilay by luiiiii?ralioii Of. iiifi ill wliirh Ihri.i inilvi. kIi II ...... ,.r 11.. 11. Uuiiimi t from llie oerniiMni nerlen kIioiiM lie eowieeteil with fieer Chiihtoii, of Hewarl. aiiil t-il on MaN as reiiiireil micr a Ili-lpin erv were' .Mr. l. leader who a.ked that the amendment the rily by road Blul the fnvrrn- Vva turneil over lo the tliiyal iiionlh lo hear appeal from I riiomii. Miss Loudon and Mil he withdrawn. WILL BE HIGHER SEA FISHING meiil would lie Junlifieil in build- r.aiindian Moimleii I'olire and lr final jinlziiKMiln only ami l . Ixahrl MrLeinl. Korly-ihree lil-ale An a reull of uemtialioiin between mir tin- road that far. A nurvey II. : I r. nia.Mie. local iniiiiiHra- an ail.lilioual niurl kiio7i 11 p folk were prexenl uml all eu-11 repreentalive. of the Jap of Hie imle up the hki-ena Mixer imn ..rri. i i l'iu(t 1 at preneiil iliiioiml eonrt eon.ij.HtHf or juy ca Uj ive cream and had anese ami Ciiiadian xoveriiiiieiil will hae to he made In ilelertiiiiK' m the 1 1 jail awailmx hii free two jinlsr Tor li..-al oT inler- tt womlrrrul lime, il in expii-ted there will be a eryjPremler Meets Delegation of Othp Amount Tabled In ithe imit Jenihle way In eonuecl pasna?1' outli l serve I111 lerm loeulory appeul lo olniate de- ,s Mckeron wedding il I nUb.talltfal.reduction ill the mini-! Holders and Discussed Matter Commons wilh Terrace when Ihe lime romi-n lay in hearinjf nppeaU. utidemliioil t lo lake place on her of Oriental iminirantn tJ-:anada With Them 'in proceed, and Ihe, part of the Kxcepl for the la.t ineiilioneil lur.,Jay. July 5. ' durin? Him nexl fewj II: ;0 (Mlf uh- volcl uionllfn. If tlfin reduction huuld n III PARTY road which it' Iniitl 011 Kaien LABOR niurr, ito ui-iiru wi.iiii or nruur up EQUALIZATION IS AIM not mailt ialic the iuenlion ofi of an rvru nuiiilier of jmle. . l-lund will If a purl T Hint tiittlu wi TMaM"ii ,i - 1 a I ..(.. .. 1.1 I. ., ... Iht hill alto xrckn lu place ANNUITY FOR furlher rentrictins thin clan- or, viirroillA. June 27. Tiie lm. .r f,.l... u I In. aferwarj,. 11IU,, g(, l,,. , WOULD LEVY furllirr liniilalioiiK 011 upieul itinnivra.il may he lak.11 up at the Uxati4M1 tf ,itl,,,..r , Har wi iiioiix -UM1I1 iiM Hi.ny iunun- , .. frmii l'-"'"-; "'" " n...Li, eounlry court jiidviiiciilx. probably be bae-l on a connider- .iMii.nH tut ni i.iri... m : , ., wnirii aii.rdi are iieeoiniuir verv 'DR. BANTING llllliriilillioil rninrjcil I" no.- . V,i,.l., o ,,r I.. v a I ti I ..t l -111 IU"'! epf fi f : r . ... . t. i V .'ii'i..lS''."'l".,; ON CAPITAL nilliKToiiH. in i-rci.ucT tlHtr-IM A. . irrmipr Oliver aiMliMUired. tin-In.hnu nfKOfMi fur iinrv aiiu uriu 01 i.iino-.MiTiii 111 me . fteil the ixmilion in wliirh Crime The premier itt the. iiinrnliiK e li ... - 1 1 k T !llou..' of riiuiiion lhl nioriiiii? f-MHHi,.... u iu; - r,.,.,..l l.,r.riril rfiTi.nl lo li,.,...,l. All Parties tloln In Recognising iconrerreij with oilier member! of iMiint IIm- CniiaIUH NalHtiial I, , nheii Neill the on rouMii ami wan aiismii" lo do uhal Report Ready to be Filed Work of Discoverer of Insulin a-knl regarding the cabinet ami a deputation of " ' The diffi.illly wn Showing Soolallst Control PREMIER DRURY HAS Treatment Fop fate oT Ihe liejjolialJuim lielween limber holders headed by K. J. liTfilii. lli.r.-Hf.t Ii.IH I.1111.. I ami Ihe Iwn Kovcriimenlf. .HA', wunl- I hat there uu io little money ! of Party Mach-. RESIGNED AND HIS 1 Diabetes I'almer ami J. 11. .Mrlkirtnlrk re 'Itil.tuii ll.iliiimtt ll Van. liver Ine SUCCESSOR-ACCEPTS ed to know what to .expect. Nrn(rar,,iM,. tlmlt ,uxaUi. Afler for niiaii'iii-liiiii of a Ill lUfcr lf I'l- aid ...... were -o many i liilli)- on the uov-j ori AU A, June 2J. Hi-coynl. lll.u fM I... -I.I...I ll.nl lltn Hiid mil I" . Hi ' alii'Miut Maekemie Kirir said that ulien ci-i eriilifeiil in plnn4 where rond-i LONDON, June 27. The TOIIUMO, June .'7. lion or hi work in Hie discovery ,Irw m,,,,,,, was ,)eing rix.M ,y o sivrn a.C.IMHI to defray Ihe mailer wan trim .Mil up it wan .... were an aliMilute iierHily to labor party's annual conference Premier lrury of Ontario or the in-ill in treatment ror the Mi.M u,ii in- '' nio'alllllK irele audi the principle ha resigned ami members oi..ted out hj' repreneutalivcn or,;r ,,;artlllMll xetipm in vrler Ul net lo re-affirmed cure or diaheten wan enprercc ,ie rjllalK.e lmJ rlephni 1 I lil. -,i inn appara-we-i finni Iheir fariiin. Now. Iiowever.i of a levy on capital to r his cabinet wilh him lo by the limine nf Omnium yenter-j ... ,.... ""'." the work would .rohahly be rum. 1 "a-t "f Van- it wh time l'rincc lluiert wa redeem the war debt. lake ctTecl 011 July 15. day lo Ilr. H. Kaiil itiK- "f Toronto, lep.sta...1 I 10..I or I that kind f might l pKe(, Irll .par ,,, , , forIIl tun r- aihl ItetlMiK atleillloil. I Sidney Webb presiding advocated I.leul. lioiernor Cock-nhllll when a reniliilimi wan pannejl ,.S.IM,M ir....-i ,1. oil .a.. f. 11,. OI4I uli Work For City a gradual levy on ban called upon Hon. uiviii): 1 1 in a lire annuity ur Japanese jsoveriinieiii mimic iic-i ... many canes the govern- A .WAY TO Tiie mifii.oler uf public wm-ki-aUn fortunes of 5,000 and up. Howurd rer'imou lo form ."nil a year lo eiiubh; him toilevoU-bin iroun or liirilierintr ine wisiieni;iueut'n cruisers are fimlinir that oT Canada wih:i lo avoid unrest iiiriitiiiiel lliul the eily had' Ho said the labor party was a to,eminent and Mr. IHe t ntclical renearch. The limber ban been over valued in a a iea I ilenl of work lo do ! ready to form an alternative 1'eiKUsoii replied ' thai lie vote, wliirh wan included in the in Japan. The nutter wan there-rore the pa-t bul there are also many PEACE RIVER jiiiiiniTl up wilh the proviiiri.il ministry to carry on the government. would be ready to aiiine niippleuieiilary enlimaten. wan dealt wilh by negotiation. instances of undervaluation,"' liond. There wan a loiijr ulieli li If called upon. the ponilion an noon an moved by Premier Kins. erondei said the premier. "We are gradually 'in he built by Ihem before Hie A report concerning trades lirnrv vacated. by III. Ilitii. Arthur Meighru nml TRANSPORTER OFF I.ringing- about equalization ' . ... . . r lpro UU'ial road nmld be imed.j union and socialist elements wan eudomeil by Hon. Hubert 11.I.I ll,..,.u ii rw. .I...,l,l 11,.1 I.. II,n within the British labor party l- 4444n TODAY FOR JAPANi,,f--',",'!fal' I I lie iir'ariiio-iii inn nov im'i , Kork". leadi r of the Prtiurcishri. ",w valuation will Ihllllo nf Line From C.N.R. to (11 wait uuy loiiyer for thin hut: Is ready to be filed showing :-eiresenl a substantial increase District wuiild tni uhead and rtniuiieiice ; that socialists control the tiiVMf Ilia liPimiinl ' REDUCE FREIGHT RATES Ihe roail u cimiii a "nILIe party machine, though the Fresh Statement on Essence C.G.M.M. Freighter Completes; lr. Millierland in not nn nriilnr. membership Is less than one Loading of Lumber Here and MAGISTRATE'S SALARY II I I AW,A J 1 nt.- :'i . I eum- and he in iml u man who uiIk'k per cert of the total. The of in Address Takes on Fuel Oil II.. I.ul V1.IIU1IV liiunrir to the fore bill he in mt total membership of the Christianity by DISCUSSED BY COUNCIL keen on hi Job und ha taken a labor party Is 3,300,000, a AHer lakuiK 011 fuel oil al Hie leep liilere! in Ihe local filia decrease of 700,000 from last Archbishop to Synod Today Imperial Oil Cu.'n duck, Ihe C. 0. Attorney - General Recommends i.iiunv ..1.111 in imier 10 inn tion. While Ihe people here were year. M. M. freighter Canudiau lruus-perler all entailed with the ruilwayinen sailed thin morning at in Cut or $300 a Year but he ha been inrlisaliiiu Hie SPECIAL LEGISLATION TJie outlook for siiivitiiul icligiuu is full of promise, said o'clock direct for Yokohuma, Alderman Not Satisfied 11 11rll1ern A heilu ami liriimu roud Kiluutinii and bin de'iiiioii is Archbishop (hi Veruel in his uiiiiuul address lo the. Anglican Japan, having 011 board nearly I hut the w ork muni commence. LOCAUMPROVEMENT i-iyiiud ul hL Andrew n t.hurcli this uiormtig. Ihe (ihilosopliy four million feet uf lumber, 500,- At Hie council meeting held I".1 1 1 .....r 11...' ..nfili...... l!olllllllttel,.- - - of visible Inatrriulisiii in everywhere giiug place Ju Hie piiil- 000 feel of which wan luaded here.; lanl night in Ihe City Hull a letter 11 tr 11 nan ii-ni iinrniiiiiiif FINES FOR TAKING Hon, A. M. Manson Advises, City osinihy of invisible energy. Men ure beginning (11 realite Uml 'Ihe Transporter completed load wan read from Hun. A. M, ..lllllilll llll'l niil.l'ij. a... ...... In Regard to Necessary nil energy wliellier il be rndiuiit. vital, menial, or muriil fluvvs ing ul the lumber dock yesterday Manson, ullorney-generul, with ..ill..'inirr 1...................i"i inn ii.i-1 ni.I- II.n.ill ....II11I .llfl OF SEAGULLS' EGGS "Action from 11 rorinuoii source, und thai Ihi source is spiriUiul. II is ufteruoon and went up tu the uil reference to the j-eduflion of h the. destiny of the material lo he (he manifestation of the spiritual duck al 8 thin iii.irning. Cupt. K police magistrate's salary. The of (he eily AI the nieelintr .. ...i ......i n in .!!11 irniKliiil lllllilll J'eler Weley. Ia'vld .MuKi'ae, council lunl iifu-hl 11 letter wan but inullur in llself run never he the ultimate reality. Ood McCoskric, harbor muster, in letter staled (but iu view of the 1111 iiiiiib iiiii'ii'i. nun n " I'eter McKuy and W. II. Mun- piloting Hit1 Transporter as far un decrease in Ihe number uf cases und III read from lion. A. M. Mhiiooii, in Infiiille Mnerny in ccunelennl iidividiiuN. all classes, all.races. ilurlliir frf(.'hl, lalen Triple Inland. bundled by Ilia eily police ttraii' lliiliaii. were eacu linen mug-islrate alliiruey-tu'iirrnl, thin.: Ihe city uctiily, eer erealing with wisdom 'tid nit nations in fellowship and loukliiir lii I lii' Mllllilal Hie lie MaxiMi-al' he hud ree.ouiuipmled to (Id by Stipendiary advice on the putniiiir of Ihe 'ami icoodncsn. 'ihe highest service. l I iillllillilll coin 111 minima um. (liih yenlerduy liuvmur been found TAXATION CHANGES the Ouveruor Ounerul thai the in local iniproxeiumit by-law, und form uf energy known In un Spiritual Revival 'lucatliiic J he public lu Ibo ue laklllK villi Ul rcducHun In nulary be (300 Vlllllt of eu cukh per, aim from John liyhhavn who lne, and lne in always Ihe out With thin new concept ion cf (liay Ulainl. Clialhum Sound. June toluiiiiuiu be piade uffeclive an from OTTAWA, 27. Hills OTTAWA, June .'7. Afler op- bud taken the mallei' up for the come or personality. tnul is iml and thin Trenh statement nf Itive efecl lu the changes made July 1. Alderman Stephen did city al Victoria. The alloruey-Keueriit l.nye. (iod in l.iuht. tiod in 'he essence of Clilisliaufty we inal ion iniieiiiliiieniH were ue- in the tariff and lo Into effect not think Ihe reduction wan suf-tbe I In When thin In our put aiMned I hut eily apply Spirit. conception uvdirl lint there will be a ureal I lie lull in nir proiue eaicil, ficienl in view of the marked de. amended sale tax and -heipu . .... ft.' kennioii of Ihe of iiml we lime nu difficulty t m. m MOUNT ETNA HAS al the next evivul of spiritual religion, but oil n 1 Ul1 lull ill 1.n 11 iii it... ' iu eily pulicr court lux were uiven their Ihird read- ereane canes hnial branch linen -IiiiiI a hill I" BROKEN OUT AGAIN l.eui-laliiie for nperiul lenitlut-1 in realizing how He in micean. il will not be rcliitioti expressed iugn in Hie House of Commons! handled. Tiie tetter w'u rererred Hi rough alt the 1011 in I'cuHl'd Ihe matter. He iuuly operating iu exactly the nume furnt und illnl the exiioi'l of luilnwood If l.d.MMI.V. June '.'7. A lilnn udMiei that the lunpci'lor of i li'jlrii' energy, u II the vitul eu-erg, eercnoi'i" us used by our yrutid today. to the linaiiee committee, fur li"iiii'il iieeenNiir win uiteil n new und violent eruption III n 11 H'l pul 1 1 ien wmild he ill Ihe all the meiilul energy, uml rather... L'uderstamlinu- teller furlher report. ho-il rMuillnv in llni Mounc of broke out IhU iiwrniitfe' city in Mo ur fill ufe when Ihe ujt the iinirut energy in thin uni-ei the ps. "bological bltfiilficaiice oT NATIONAL PRESIDENT nciir the nuMiiiiil 011 Ihe maiii'i could be diM'liicd fully se. "lleaM'ii und cut Hi ure full Hirst) fir um uml rcreuiotiien we PRESIDENT CANNOT Two unieiidiiif ul li r A. II. Mc Miiith xlde uf Mini II I Klnu. Mlll tutu. of Ills tilory." hull 8"i i .letter their splrilual IIAI.Ib'AX, June 37.- Mln C.. ...... . . , 1...1 Sicily. "II In tlulnly li) (iod, we live uml move and ineaiiing. We know thai it In an E. Uurinicbale ut New Olasgow. VISIT CANADIAN YUKON irimiai 111.1 iii.ii I.. ..r i.j.111 mir viliblo lu the nuked cye'lu M01IA1WMEDANB0YS hute our being, lit un, Ood live ii!ile and auditory uggesltoii X.S. wus yesterday I'e-eleeled Culaula, nuyn a Hume len-pulch Uml move and inuiiirent hi that tiiey help tu release (he prenident of the uutioual council JlXEAl. June 27. -Prenident lidtlti'lea wcii! ilefeuled. to Ibo O'litrul .Venn. KILLED IN FALL OF Energy, lu Christ. Ood given u lull i" energy ut our soul wheie uf women. Harding will be compelled owing The Keiiule gave I bird reudintr Il In fen rod Dial the ob-ervulury 4 the nupreme revelutiuu of bin In timl lidld communion with uur lu lack uf tune to decline Ilia ' Ihe Hunk Arl iifU-r eeial hun been uer-wlieliucd. 4 ORPHANAGE BUILDING finite l.ove. 'Ibo essence of spiril. '''I'e Church ban nuthiiiK BANK MANAGER DIES imitation extended him by I In 11 lulu 1 iii.tit 1 1 I11.1i .nan . ur.niiui A new flow or Clirlsllaiiily in the Spirit of In rear 'run1 Ihe onward march uf Legislature of Ihe Yukon tu visit ln it in proitTenniii? at a tAIJJITTA JVoie Thirty- (Uillsl. and only un we possenn kuoMltdge. I'nyrliulugy us' tlu-science MUTOIltA. June 27. II. II. that territory while lie In in l)r uml Mr I', g. Tail lailed ale uf tt kiloinolci- 11 11 nini' .Mohiiuiuii'daii hoyn were und manifest thin Spirit are we of human behavior un dc- llowley, manager of the Ltiion northern wulers this summer. al niglii 011 the Chel'ihsm 'or hour killed 111 h illupkc of a nectlun worlliy of being culled t'lirlsllunn.tpemlent upon liuniun mind In Hank here, dieu lute lusl llixlil . The president oinlrui't,ed I'rent of 11 n (ii .liunui! hi ildintr Fifty- thin Spirit should be Ihe Kreulj furnishing the Church with a lie was laken suuueniy ill on dent Hone I mIii ( reply In (liU dijr Jbo' 'i li '1 nil luelh' i- u - ituiued ou page M"! ' IV t it U"'!j " inv'ltttlon.