Vrdn:'r" AOS SIX TOE DAILY NEWS lreairer would I" n-ii'.rnitig NECKTIE DANCE IS from Yiolona In the i'r fulmr ami t! wa a m ,t. for him i" STAGED BUCKLEY BAY Phone 376 h.nallr H- il.l ' " twin, tnai H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. r mmhIm -ti-ii.i allow-,) Successful Event Mill Town ' I ill I V Kf at on i Juwn ul al ," "lo'il a nolw Islands on Saturday Last Id- niv had In km. fainmir The House Summer Anniversary ofQualil I i ii..lire to il aifl ami he iti i;ki.I:v HAY. June Jo. The' . ..nanlered II wa up Iheui lo Hurkl.y Hay Social Club last1 .1 . He aitr. THere wa Saturday night Orpaniird one of mi llir rmil.. of tU- .If who.e In tnnl toreeful danres cter; SALE u-rtire wre indinpeW'tbH lirlil al Huckley Hay anil murh AM. '.dlarl moved that the Pre-Inventory praie due lo the romniillrr. mallei be referre.1 I.. IMr I manor MIm l.iiifinl. Mr. Want. Mi "Milliliter fur report. wlmli w llaneork ami.Mr. Matwell. , ..m.I.-.I lit A hi Stephen- and For the balance of this month! our stock of 'I'lii- ureklie feature a 11 wall! I lie III .1 l. H earned. rntft wa futl of interest audi urprie. I lie Merklie were Coats, Suits, ealed in rneloe ami tyrre ery . , . -H. LUTHERAN CHURCH SALE nruningly auef toned off by W ANYOX BEING ORGANIZED II. Ilirliarrd-ou, president uf the Hats and Hub.'I'Iip romrl it hii in the wnltz- Th Aii lna- I'-ii .l. under.I v A Q.ira. Theological Student. init ronlct was ery kea-n and the leadership of lUidiiia.in, i. M. urMULil' Assured A Grain Elevator after tMiirli diffirttU judgta?. l. Varrw. deiicbted bis e nw d. of , Maxwell ami .Mr. Clia. irtglc Illllir l"rr lirn t It - Nig w K. tai iiiiiiiiu . Sir lleiirt Thwi ulmi li.i- promi. . p. i Dresses were awarded the first prize fur ri an iiiien an n. .t1 hm Sun Once A GRAIN ELEVATOR. the eeuple. day etentiip ..ii Ito- rliildreli' Will be offered at great reductions. playsrtmiHl a.li.imi'itf tlir Klk V. A. lielre. I.utheian hun li l i- n. in ..nr ii ml all ol .,. I., ,,, ,, I.. t . a m kii I I t 1 HM.-I 11.11 W II l'lt j., ... Hall. "'eHiri nwhii ir .-i. I am. V The Bo eminent tntat .s. New. llir proiiram IIH-Illllel WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SARQAINS. . I Minn . wtn la 'nilliiK lln iim- ill I'lllli. tllH'll III.ike ,i nit iiuton ralleil in wliile on her way Marrlu "Ubl i:otnrale: Seler ti plare a buoy om Maraie lloek 1km. "I ji Haloana:" fo IN, mrr here with a iew lo rr-or We iln ind fe.ir iiiit-iile ...iiil' . , Phone 9. Mall Orders PromptlyFllled. ul off (he moulli of Jutkalla 'bn Mr I.nek lme Rollma- anuiitx I lie work ami congrr-aalnni njthl -I.'I. Mai-kie llurk in ilun(rl Alona:" inar. li. "Fort I'.ipham: of I Ue l.ulkrran t burrh in almost in a ilirert line from Hurk-l-y iielerllon "Wh.ir dr IU-Ii.hk 'lhi rlly. sMreeti a liulllllt of Hay to Port tifetfeenls. Al wall. "Sun., i Ho- St l..i loral x-amnmiv iaiiK la' ni(ihl in UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. truiiirr nr niir IhkIi lid.- il i barely vi-ible an-l renre:' man-ii. "MAV II wttlir. tlo- VI. lro.lr Hall. uMinHls! Ihr 'Outfitters To The Whole urn hue, ur nmt a- a ourrr of mttrli Usmger to ".Mrllow Mi ii : ' : iar the 'piirpo of W miKKI hfrr j Family." INSIST THAT IT IS ON C. N. RAILWAYS Klnp. li.llli lybliall rel.le.l. We Prepay Mall Orders. Satisfaction or Mane,t s - Willie H reMlle. Ibat Hie iir-i. Mr. Maybre. tlilrirl Hvnia?rr 1e Parent I .-ue tier ....-in. inniner. with imoI -f Ibr in. n Kfferlivc Sunday June. :ilb (or (he Canada Life Auranre tion rtai eeiiinK brlil in I lie away. n a diMriill tune for Hie Fraser jtlirrr will tie a lo-neral Cbanpe tympany ha been viaitins J lurk-ley I'lhoiar Hjl a few nirhl'a aaoI'MHaiiixinK "f the rln.i. li. il .of time in Hie c-liiNluIr of Pa. Hay in connection with inur- wa in I hp nature "f an adieu I., lajrrideal to lrt a I .e il - , i in in am ajaaj ia senirer (rains on (be Canadian anre bnine. Mr. O'Coiinell of the Irarhin hirh will h.oe it li -l Sjareliiil! i National My. After that dale. Mali, attaj Ihr iajwirlnnily for "it Jul 5 at Ho- I, iif Mr-. pajeiiser train will Irate I'rinc Mi Hila Martin of Maetl i prenlrn? lo Mr. W. HolTiuan. ,John llau"n. L ngh-ti Hill. In Vallev jltuprrt rur the Kat Haily Ktccpt MKitiui: with frir at Hu.kl-r ire Wrnl of the P.T.A.. who i'llir meaiiliiiie 'tie aetiiiJ orvatil- WESTHOLME THEATRE S.nulav at 6.M p.m. inlrad oil Hay. tatViBZ artly for Allenl.y. .ill ran..m .d :ler i-nundi He. in abry. and and wilt Tonight Tomorrow, 7 and 9 ,H.un. arrnr from the a e of iekeii. Tlie urernla- aiM-e though Mr. llrire will r..i.. Kal Daily, rxrept Tuesday, a! Advrlie In "he Daily New. ban at' made hv prmripal Man-'lmoe lu effort- Willi tin. i m i "l p.m. inlead of S.30 p.m. canaoua aovcanat mr ccmht irr ami ffllinIy arkii..'jk.lil m- MOPE HAMPTON, E. K. LINCOLN, and LON CHAlff ICE rul! iiartirular at City Ticket Mamnc, Linirto, by Ifce reeiioeiii Mr. llotTman , - - Offo-.'. Plionr i'60. 131 . ... j uj .ij iaa i - i roe salc sr tinoc. ba4 en nn ardent w.-rker in rhod' inlerr-li. -iii.-r Hie inre.-lion ear4 tralm m trl be rerrtmt hf Ike "The SUMMER EXCURSION I BiK-i.irned al J Jaae sup, of lire i I V ami a InrK Light w.irei. awli. aauil mmm Aartri lit. (ratherinK of (rirnd were pi-aetri CREAM FARES VIA CANADIAN It3. rr Ue pareftaw . law Mkrakw .IraiMrr.. IraHlrr. lo tie Uaet m arrrfi -amv oft lliia .-.ai..n In Hi. r Ihr iMvriHr aa tw lemur of Ihr rtriuiiz irfreli . NATIONAL RAILWAYS pmrm nSIBiaa aad aikvrr mum kolM, h .tore rr fcrf rmI thai may be Itienl were itm-.I ami iUm.'ihi I in the Dark" m buare rxrlaUeal. Ainilaanil indulged in after the iiiiiii. a( The Canadian National Had. aeH(M program waa fnu-lie.1. .im.Iw.j:- ! The Height of Purity : bHbHbHbIbBbbbbbbT ways aiinounre irrial low round eaMlr iMfluded lite rollowiiigt lo ti r.lombil in !.! -!, ,. H iMi .nl n .! trip Summer Kxrur,Ion Fares -rjii.iio ttM.. umrr lr Harpar. I. i.rrnl iudy n V Jaier National Part, ftlmonton. 4j. "4M1tatt eaVr" . . . tin km Flat ' Hi .1 w :! lie l.nig ri ii . -Caaatiaa Major,' Cli..piu. C Tranrr" 1111 ii j--ary. Winnipeg 'and Points ift .4. "Caaadtau atehinrrr" siaa ii ConMilalbMM. I.mtl : e re. ... Nul, - Tin- lo.ini' in,oik 4 urw ! Katern Canada and the L'ni;e,i . -i:iain naibir" ItiT I m I m tt.re le. tni.fi.. ?.e-r.il .ifh. - j Caaaiaiaa mer SIM ii 'uriie ip It KUI Maj.'i. I I i ialr. Full Mirllcular at CitT .. aaaJian OtM)iaVr irl V. I KxeaH3 Motli. i t Mine new R K .lei.tWi ; For the Ticket Ornee, 5r8 Third Ave. .aaat))4Ji fjiraaerr" 17 TlirljtnV bSwtly FOX NEWS OAZCTTt aaaiftaa -i mailer" . ii a new oHi;. Ibe w.rd f wliu li Phone 260. 15 f IMitJall i.liBIHT" it:t I iee l.v Wli.liaio '- ., . mL.I i Coaaarnl wtth it4') liej paa Admission 3Sc and 10c . . ' e"--. - -- " ! 'aa4tft Warrvar ll, .4 aaa4iaa eaer 1ST itfv.liy Mr. J. foiiway.'a IimI byi Friday and StBrJaj...DoaSlat Fairllt n "ROBIN HOOD" WARM DAYS MI H.-erly. fur the small apartment or a iri " cramped living room, the j ..anadiaii Mfr'' . . . Mi- Jfi tta jai i ..nipaiiied by iNeill. DOHERTY SMALL PIANO ' anaa3uii ..MtMer" SpeciaIThis Week irxi draiiialu- rental l.v Mr- l.a .Badian Hare.rr'. lf I I - will le a faMirlle. Swimming Suits. '-'.jaaaliaii lifpr" 1(3 i?i rfiue. Highland tlm la i,re b Only 4 - aaa4ai. .uaM" l ii Quality and (one bate not been Summtr Underwear, . . . Mi F.ilna llerrin .in,I Mi-Therra GENUINE 4. Tiw4aa UKlrr" 111 tt acrifirri for compactness. "Vikinj? Luton Suit, rtc OLD COUNTRY ellh-r . . ISIS lll '.nr'n. a. i "iii.aiiu-d In . Fur Hale and for Kent al flia Haiu'larr" last ir Hats and Caps. "laaaHia TraMter" tmn ! Mr. llerrin. a lint ly Ihr in.a a aa . m. atf Extra! Extra! Socks in atl wr ijrlit-t. Teapots 'aMlian HiMtlrr'' ilVfl ! music bioreuo. Dress And Work Shirts. tirh KM l ll lia -rn;;VTr,rawatt.s The Latest Styles In Summer "I. K. Hrlr" . . Mil IWI aud lr. Harer. Large or Small Size 1WtHi4 axar be ab- Suitings. fuiiteil fr iiae w itvirr ur llw raaarr - Ordrrs Takn, fur M ide-l'- 25c leai -wr .-l TaaaVr aaaal b Airvuii; ri-rrn? itrparliire. from' SPECIAL rrallfiaUIMl l elMMflie n rive real Summer for Ibr i.iitli Mr Meaure Kui's. ur inr aiMiHi inr iriaarr. r naa Any ox were 0ILSKI.1S ' I'linf Unpen ' With every S lb. purchase of lo be iHade Mable ! ike unrr ur the and Mr- .1. Kplin ami family anadiaa ienuurit Vrrrbaal MarMr. Itraud. Home Manufacture. Mafkln's Best Tea at ijiimimI. aud aerefard b a iuadiaa chartered Mr. and Mr. II. M Wilvm and' WEEK FOR THIS 65c per lb. tana. Tlie li.atie-1 ur nn leaeler rel family ami Mr. and Mr-. Crerar leeranly aerrpirij. ria a4 rieiriea- The larye ize Teapol ikittii ur .leaffwr. ecu li.- niii aiwl par-lleylar. and family and Mr. ami Mi-. K. Shoes You nrr -urr lo rriiii't- -olio Hi "-Jul) Thor Johnson hold n rup of lea and Die I.. Ihr drloery I itder-iranf.a-rrrlallied.anie oa if a-f4l-ralkai r-- I., '("liorneii and fninily. Tbey an- '-rletirulioii and Hie llidid.i) II' " Miiall iZR hold I cup. Mi lim.l U- .haiirnl berurr Ur lrafep esirrvliny t return. Older yn bate o lliniit m ml linn- Kiel we . Hoy are all Hark Hriiwu H B ItUI.) ...-... v... ... .... .e. Men's All Whits Tsnnls all here. Jill lotik al our window Next to Post Office. (olor and -ll ordinarily fur Herat Manatrr. .,raroyd. Willi Mi Mlrwarl. who Shoes, "Mi hraxy ' walk riii.ii our lnrr roiiHlrr. Ilerr -n' i'4HMJUn ....irniiiH-iil Yrn-liaiit Manae, ?5r and l.00. I.muled were Ijikr l.akel-r hound, in $2.75 Hem thai nitty iulrrrl-oi. Malkiu lle-t Tea i -rareli of the eluaie Iroul; Mr. Brown Canvas Shoes, from PI fly llirf' and ,MiM' I'ana ma 1 1 I-. "" 1JC worth 75e prr lb. oij today's Hard ell, Mr. J. J. lly aoi $1JS up. Ilars-aiu prn e. 'liarli tnarkrt. on and Mr, llro. f.nldell, for Men's Fine Shoes, from The n iiiaiiider of our MUIifir) M k z Dr. E. S. TAIT v hate only a liniil"d Yam-outer; Mr. II. M. Sefe. for M.W one third off, . I. :' number uf there 'drain, and Winnipeg; Mr. I. Mi-Viear. fr litrl-' Wliile lrrr, ie- it tu K. 1 LECKIE SHOES, front SS.00 $1-1 we will retterte rnouph In Srolland; Mia Flo Kid, for Vait-i-outer; HarK-iill prlr, rarh DENTIST. roter out of tjwfi old em fiy Mr. V.. Wall, wife and x-t pair litrl' Wliile ltTve. iie up lo II '" Helgerson Block, bippiiiK provided liny an-inailed family, for Victoria; Ml I.. Me,-l.rllaud SHOE REPAIRING. 'o ,1.&t. v HarKsi'i nre ... PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. lii;werk. of Port lloj, (int., wlei liirlf' Middle, rfize (mill fi lo 1,1 e.n- ft Office Hours, to . ha hern tiailin? Willi brr iler, GEO. HILL u hite und i-nlor. red Mini IdiU'. " J1i Phone 688. ! ; Rupert Table ' Mr. F. I. Illrr, left for home by Kai ii prill1 Open Evenings Only For Supply the utile li.ial, Mr. Hire a.-eoin. The Shoeman. fiirl.- Wliile Middy .Hklrl. & f"" ' Vpc!J Appointments. ; Phones 211.21 2. paltyintr lu-r U4 far Prim e ii Third Ave. World ?.l..'5. Hargiilti prke II t eit. Opp C.N Tt. ket Offlc . (iliiltlrf n' While Waali Hals, Worth ' 7 ! The Secret of price -: RESIGNATION OF MISS l.mliV: While Skirls, nil sixes. Woi llt Its Success pl'll-C LINDSAY'S FRESH FROM THE GARDENS HILCHY REFERRED TO EXTRA SPECIAL. OF B.C. CJ THE SALVATION ARMY St. Regis Liidte.' Mulilie. Wo iue alioul (Hi lo I" COUNCIL COMMITTEE While, and While iiiui Odur Hlin- 1 Cartage and Storage not only believed that there $2.00 from e:i.7B. llarKuin jrif ' it Phone 68. Vegetables was hope for the worst, it went The mailer of Ihr rriy nallim Gaffe Hot- Collnti Kwvalera. all ize. Odor- ' $1 Cnrlue, Warebuusinif, and after the-worst in the slum, of Mi Hili'hy, elerk fn the eily , llai-KHiu prn e ...,urNT.for Itiatnbuliriif. Team or Leliuce, Celery, Tumaloe, jn the gutter, in the prison Ireaaurrr'a oflire, came up for EXTRA 8PECIAL IN THE SHOE UfcrMn.- Motor Service. ItudUhvs. Oreen Jlrriiaaioii al the il Prince Ttupsrt's Leading Onions, I'.nim mealiiiic Miie-' Tun CantH Mlrup Hlipper $U Coal, Sand and Oravel, Spinafli. Cabbage. New Car. It is 'still doing this all laal lilabl. iSupri'iiitendeill I.ovn RsstauranL World 1 .7 r. Harifuui prire We Specialize In Piano and rols. Hftls and Turnips i-laimrd .Ilial Mi llil.,liy had A Oakery Unsurpassed. 'Jo I'iiir Children". Hlrap Haiulal. Kt"" M Furniture Moving, over the world protrd beiaetf u very rflirient Third Avenue. 41.00. Ilarguin prirr rlerk In handling the li-lephi-ne Ludie.1 Wliile (intii Oxfonl and I'liinp- $1i Fruit i YOUR contribution to Trie and lilflit ai'fouul and e.ti4i.rr iiinl "it I. Ilariain prn e SALVATION ARMY Annual iil il would embarra I tie city lo Ludii-' White Cant us Hlipper-, Ottliml- "' 1 '$: Hi'uwlicrric, fiooseher-"lirs. SERVICE APPEAL trait) anollier rlerk al this tun.-Mlaa ;i.a:.. Hiitffiiin priie . iti"'' EPSON COAL Pineapple, Catiirlope, IIMrhy, who Iraa lieen n.-l-lill- Tin- retlinilnler of our (urk uf ld"'- " "'" i $2i CIici i icn, Aprii'ols, I'eaclies is a wite investment in practical SMI) per mouth, bad lieen Dr.A.H.Bayhe nil offered id. Plum, Jluiianua, Oranges, Christianity, Lwilll the eily for aolue r.iii.iiler- FOR THE FIRST OF JULY. , We cart now Supply our Lemons, atid Orupefruit. able lime but had ajiei'ti olferai DENTIST Running Shoes for the Whole Family ai f" FAMOUS EDSON COAL Our quality is Bood and Annual Service Appeal atudhrr pmiliili al a Invher our pi iee are rigid alary. He roiinidercd Ibat in Rooms 4, 5, 6 Helgerson In any quantity. view of lier three years nertic Block. Phone 109 Jabour Bros. Ltd. F.WJoersch Adjutant Kerr, financial rep it would lie in 'he bfa utlrreala Prince Rupert Feed Co liiSi(Htlf, auks' only that be be i of Ibe eily u (dfer Mia llllrby Office Hours, 0 to 6 given Hie funds t i t li which to more money and retain her arr Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Phone 68. Phone 13, P.O. Bos 123. Corner Third and Seventh. serve lie cummunlly fur another j vices Evenings, 7 to 9 yea; ; Am Mia.. -..!!... . .