THI TiATLT EWB PAOK FTV a, J : District Notes and News f(fl the eCVWVVeCWllrAeleVc I ryCOCKTAILS BURNS LAKF. tl...n. I -I,- ii . , I ANT) '? ' imwrnin In - QUEEN CHARLOTTES VjtJrCi MARTINI ' 'f (eluding dances on Tuesday, Wed- LAKES DISTRICT I""'' Thursday and Friday Mountain munii, vartnu racing event nticj Twn targe molnr lms of Hie Top AlllljtRltf tt'mi.... three baachall matches. '()nU.o Angeles, California company i rune llii!Mrl wm in our district I'liiirly niyltl Sir Mfnry Ttmrn tire liiMilintr ratlin al llurklry Jtnj in-1 Inn UHa lli guta uf ii Kaliinn week Kinking In minimi ap-pinl Indian inil on 1 II ,11 propoeet. lo hold IJie Un. for fund's for the program Salvation Army. i'Im'.IiiIoiI for lii ritlcrliilnmonl niinion liny irlehrallon al ,M-wll. lli. Imlimia gavp III- llliil'n liny, ,lleilert of Ihe ellri'ouhd-Ing Constable A. ilanrr, n war lanr 41ml varioii eoiiniry .will gaifier there on IViirbairn, of 'f'.ll...... 1- I., li .i . oilier .ilaiiiwa. Sir Henry ilialrl-luili-il Monday nexl. i ittnit, ! in niiirn uisc nn ni-firial Uiviia ,in llif linp of hiilncaa. fruit, rinnlv and arimi ollirr Ilev. .1. (lillell, aeiviinpanied hy LIMB the mountain stand on the peak and before calalilo dear tn lioarl Mra .'Sillelt, are nllendiiig the "3'.. Argenl and I,. Marqui, arrived Anglirnn Hynl meeting making there unfolds extending far here and iliiiiiiK- llir evi-nlinr Chief J you a panorama as nn Sunday from Daniel of Hie llnli lii . I Die Joiyiiey lo I'rinee Itiiperl -on Walcrlnwn. H. Iinkoln, and made nn Sir Henry 'Tlmrnlon ril, conform! Ihn Ihe miaiin launch. Weelern as your eye can reach. Stay in the valley.'atid your, n trip o Hit soiilh rnunlry. The Idvertlsernent U not pulv latter formerly had a Irnp line in Imnorary degree of Itallroail Tyee Hope. view is restricted by the surrounding hills. or displayed by trje tTie f .(- Lake .IMrift. of the Hiihine Indliina. I'ollowinir , Control Hoard or by They Hie lime honored e.iialoiu Sir The Hjirint? aliiion (rolling will leave fr various point in 1 hlia jliccti failure (n I In" bvernracrik of British Co- neakou a l In- ltlr of lie' Henry llien il.ilireil wllli Ihe This wilt guide to Wahiuglon f be. rlileTn wife, riiiirli In Ihe enjoy. iieulili.irlnMiil of l.angnra ilanl newspaper, properly used, you ginning nf I hi week,' Tiieni of all lint iireenl. l"he remark lo Ihe ille.fiahernien,The low wilh price the ahenp.offereil the mountain top. Read it and your vision is enlarged. K. Mot if el.1 1 arrived here from n wr wwked mmle leg.- if Henry hake of packing lioalH, prevented Ihe You get -a bird's-eye view of world events. You.glimpse Norway lit at week visit V. fiaheriiien from engugink in the HOE rVlijeldemp, the local land Al the Indian danee lal work. ... the doings of the day. ha utM-yiir. ami aceeicd i Thursday the railroad pnrly. ae- iM.iinm i.n lfi surveying parly. The marriage of l.uke Frank, companying Sir Henry Thornton, appeared In enjoy the evening an Alnxkim and Mr. I.ucy In Fail to use it, and your view is limited J. A. Hunter, of .SVfti)i. 'f M''. "k EPA1R1NG WiLhiiigUin, n luriio landuwnrr lo and a nun.her look Hii. occa.ion '"""'.l:lhe flhlireh of HI. John Ihe I'.ven. you remain in ignorance not only of events at dance with the while ladie f lli r.illMiniiil itUlrirl. iar in week. Tll Sir Henry Thornton Jielial, Maaaetl. tail and but of much that home lln- illlrlt liuildiiir .r.vop lil liriilegroom enlerlained Ilia -many abroad, concerns n.'liliiiga. an.) viniling lit on at gave an excellenl expoailinn of friend with "feal" holh lieforw sii Il(:.yi-inK via"' lleymounl.' one-ii'lepping with Mia I rum you even more vitally news of the very things 11: tt up'o-dalfl in Lewi a. and ftfler Ihe wedding. The In ll. nt il 's rouip- happy couple left for Howka. that have to do with your personal, everyday Mm. V. I'inkerlon, f rtm-e Aloaka, on Luke Frank' large ni : ' :mpi Handling Large 'of quanlilfc a depoail Lake. a viaitor thi week lo launch, which wa decorated with - life. ... a of In ! Hint Ihut nopeam In eh of a hitiiiuin-ou lirkliill llanrh, Dneha Valley.the Ihe Slur and Slrie, floating; nature have been diarovered Erlat home of her eon Allan I'inkerlon from Ihe maalhead, and Ihe mar. order villi convince eniilh" in the dialrict nf lliirna pat our 'work and 'serfs Shi wn acpofiipanleil hy her Lake. ricd couple were accompanied hy Some one might be selling a new, better and second to none. ilaiighler. Mm. .Kit. liarlcrly, of j hree-launche, in which friend oiympie, W'aah. ' accompanied I heir fellow Halda more 'economical food; or a utensil that would add im-measureably Johnnie MrKenna relurned Hit' k in i,ri Hi-nia(j. to hi home. , fntni ICitiiionloii Salurilay on to comfort and well-being: some X. uf Oolaa luike. your sr morning, where he haa ln-n attending wa- a lliirn l.M.f viaiior on The crab cannery at Jiaden kchnol, ami will viil better material for shoes or clothing but you would I- rulay. Harbor ha --lwd down for a Irlhur Shoe Store uniler month.the parental riMif for two horl aon. , never knowbecause of your restricted view. A an r eying purly eoippriing I.N.R. Office, 3rd Ave. Silijehlerup. H.:.IK, II. i. The oleamer I'rince John conveyed Kay Short obtained Iwo' 4ear M.uiigiiy. It. Cfllara. T. Allan. a number of Indian fisher-, You read line of the columns, euliN from Mr. ItootKof tankin. may every news I M,- Kjelalad und K. Moltfeldl, men to the canneries on the -pi'iil the week-eml in Ituriia and Iturn i Ijike-where now keeping Ihe hoy them are in Skeena river from Masell and but if you overlook the advertising, you arc stilt living lake. Mr. Kihjeoriip parly Skidegalr. on Ihe last trip. ING will leave on Monday for Calling, already hem. making great' pel of a) in the valley. You remain uninformed about many working weal from there In v II i. iiropoved to place llaidsi llflualon, (hence aoiilh lo Nadina .- Totem I'oles at l!rince llupert things you ought to know in order to live a happy, useful, The hpilal picnic al Krancoi he Tailor M'MllllMIU. Lake nn Salurilay orixe.l a very and New Velininler, The profitable life in this age of progress. Hoard of Trade of bolh rilie ape enjoyable f unci ion an,d (here wan Phone 649. I.aal week Imlian from Ihe rorreepondiiig with the owner a lartre allendanre irom all over llabine anil a liiiinhef from tillier)11. t:i.;.i 'ri.. ni L'-rm tof I lie large cedar Tutem. wilh aiiciil a week relehralilltr ' -n'""9 Hotel atnighl wa. (argely al. V" .""- Wt DO DRY CLEANINQ ' v.i.or. the weird work .e,,d.,l and there were AND PRESSING OF EVERY ''and carving of Ihe islajid race of E8CRIPTION BY STEAM. on the dance floor ,U:, it wa naliven. Climb out of the valley to the mountain top. next In Impossible to get around I without humping oilier couples. TIMBER SALE X 6082. A resident of Maifell Inlel wa However, everyone appeared In he; Read the Advertisements. mulcted, iu Ihe sum of I en dul- having a good lime and Ihe UITS - l.l Triulrr. Kill l twelved tf ttr tars, nn n charge of neglecMing i.,.i 1 ..rtir n. lalrr lhaii Waal mi modern dancen require very lilllei, 11- 1 tiii 1U1 i( Jul. l. ff II"- pr- o report a forest fire which .win room, the idea lieing- to gel flin ...... ii ..r 1 iiw x mf. mukeg on pro ii.k Mm. I., ml tl O-ri of (ltr. maximum of motion in Ihe mini -.mi. iihI llviiiMrk naiMik. ' perly adjacent to his local ion. ordered to nilr I rlr Will tM (tlnvnl fuC l- mum of space. The-defendant lost hi house and ma.tai ir limbrr. rurlla-r rlirulara r ! i:hif l'irr- barn in the ronflagaliou, which J measure mc. Viriwii. a H.i'..i.. illrt-l I'nretier, liberies.. .1 Ilrennan. ... 1 .and .William.isldrled on other premise. llri l-iiiin inifieri. "leiiiicrieii 11, ia no nave in-rii .... V - 1.1 n 1 lliul.lin u'iim flfrlilmir 111 Second Avenue. TIMBER SALE X 4730. IcarhinV ul Soul hhatik and Ilncha file, at the lime il was reported tion in a hunting excursion, inH'd Home for llie summer holiday l ' 'ft InM.lT. Valley, respectively, lefl Hum ... t.... 11, ...... to Hie forest warden, lo prevent u locality laiii'.u 1111 .,i l,," 1 lrd Temlrn mill lie rrrli hy Ihe Lake on Sunday for Vie.loria Ihetfire from spreading and will ducliou of Conger eel. A VUl. Maker returned from the, M.T.LEE Umi'ier nf l-aixli. al Vtrioria. nl lalrr They were both .vnry pupular Jn the mode of Juoeji Charlotte Islands where sptvialisl 011 pre. fan, ikiuii ua Hie I tin day nf Julr. III), apcpal the case. r-.i llw luirrhaM uf Urrnrr X IJSU. la a eocial way und their leaching paring Hit edible monstrosity :lie ia been for Ihe past couple .. .11,1 i.t mi fr4 kkt.i.r aixl I. Iiaiwje lurgav e every satisfaction. Murh lo . Joseph liray und FJiJah Jonen, for human fod will accompany ;of week. Mrs. linker nud Mis The Ladies' and WOOD i .Mil umi iiMiriri. in e disappointment .of the dangerously I hem. Margaret Ilaker are having' an Iwo Sklilegale are men, ive ! I yw- ill lie ilkiwed tor re-ni'.nl board they do 110I intend In re exteinlcd visit in New WeKtuiin- Gentlemen's "f liniiwr ill and are not expected to 1 .irilH r arllrulari nf the Oilf Fore-lei. Mini to Ihi district In -teach a . sler and Vancouver. , Vi.-biria. n.i;.. ! Imirtrl I hey have Ihe wanderlust and recover. TERRACE-NOTES have )ut rrceivrd 1 .ii liitirri, a.i:. want In see liew places and hunt Mr. Leylmi of l.akelse was in Tailor Quad river Tin school examination - 011 Mr. Will Smith nnd children uf up wood, TIMBER SALE X 5246. for new world lo conquer. . tow n for I he week-end. lun teed eaoned and Sailed TIMlir Will be iWlved lijr I If the island will be held on June left for Itihslone, Alia., where We just enlarged our bue cut lo order. Wluuirr ..r Umla. II Vlrliwil. mil laler 27,. when the summer vacation lliey will spend, Ihe summer. sloro to make for room our of 13. Itev. tia imxhi un llw lli day Jul). STEWART Ir. Lungfeldt f lulmon-ton o Kindling In Saeka. for llm .urrlia ir Lli'ir X Jtla, J. . will i-omuieiiee. ' prcVhod to large- congre-gulion New Spring and Bummer .'it lu.Kim fiN-l nt Uitikiffk. Cedar, BiFaiii ('.. 11, Sawle nf llaiellnn wa in imI sprurv. nn arra ailuaid . m the Sunday niglit anil I leaving Stock. Prices are tnodetalo. call rkwlb iihI Fi'l Anua nf non Silht, J.,Jt. Munro and l'al Mellride; MIV lllaiirhe K. Ward lefl town on Katurday. For I'ric, , Hani i, I'mal Unit Pltlrin. owner wilh A. II. McDonald of Sklilegale for hep home in on .MoijiluytB 'I mill for Prince Cleaning, Pressing, Ui 1 1 ynr will to- lllosrd Tor t-nioial lluimrt when he will lake lhe( Repairing. of UiiiIht. the Munro group, which they Coruox after leaching Hie Skide-gttle Ileccher .Weld of Vancouver fdeTFijnsfer KurllMr VirK.ria,iarlli'iiliri H.i" . or of blairli-l Itw CWff Cnrraier,Torea-Iar, jmndc.1 In Vancouver a "short school during the past three who ha been a.failing Mr. and boat for, Alaska. . Phone Red 136. frliire Hiiiwrl, B.:. lime a.'ii, relumed Salunlay from yeur. The ynunjf lady has resigned Mr. Chus. It. Ililberl 'left for the Kcxl to Empire Office. Phone 6S0. Hie sniilh. 'I'hey say that the much lo Ihe regret of south on Saturday. W. J. I'iliiiun, of .lh Prince fctvitt and Quality our Knglisli syndicate who have parents and pupils. lieorge-Music Howe, I spendin Motto. taken over Hie properly will Ilev. Hurul Dean Marsh lefl on a few day in Inwn on business. commence development shorlly , Mull hew Yeoman und Hubert Monday for Prince llupert where . - TIMBER SALE X 5070. and iiieaimhilr' they will no up IIimiii.'II look seine net crews 1o he will ill lend Ihe annual meeting Ir. A. II. Ilayne cume up Ral-unlay HOTEL annular Ki'lled uf Tfllilrnx'111 Limit, al Vltluu,ld nut lalrr the and do some preliminary work. .Nan und Skeenu river, inj their' of the, diocesiiin enynnd. lie relurnltig to Prince llupert HUDSON IESH MILK DAILY than u.Hin nn llu tun day uf I una. The nronerly i Mi the aic ifle large launches und .v ill be .engaged U Ihe guest of Mr. and Mr. J. SuiMay. 773 Seymour.SL fiu Ihe IHirrlitan uf Urrfw-l X HI70, lo ' of Ihe Salmon gluVlyc. on the rivers mentioned C. McLennan, . til all reel uf iuru"i, lilar. tnl (Near Hudson Uay Stores), Front ll.'inhi'k mi an im aiiuilml ua Iha nil during the summer tiioillhs. There wu a large I urn nut nf) VANCOUVER, B.C. Government Teated lalaml.irtr ut Land Hhillila IMnlrlrl.lalaud, Vum-ii lliarl.illa Seven men are employed In In- Mr. Wni. Nnnnan and Hire nitlten lo welcome Sir Henry C. Westergard, Manager. li-rd of Oiicrnoy Dairy tn ind luir lt,i )irt will i tllow-cd slalliiig a new lelegrnidi line A Jiioniiiiieiil In the memory of children and Miss Owen , of Thornlon and hi, parly. They, Late of Winnipeg, Brandon Cows. riirllier fnr rriimvil lirllrulira uf uiulmr.uf llw Clilaf rnrei-in. frniii Stewart across Ihe Hear and Ihe lale Fdwurd !ix, will be Telkwa spent Hie week wilh Mr. left almost immediately for J.a- and Moose Jaw. BETTER MILK. Vielurii, H.i:..B.''-. ur piairlrl lorrairr. alleriug Hie locution aif Hie pre. creeled in Ihe Massed reinelery and Mr. Fred llohler al Kilsuili. kelse Lake where, they found ex-vi Modem-Fireproof-Centra) Mntn-rl. BETTER SERVICE. rrnif sent' flue in order In make it by Ihe military aiillii"rlli in re-cognition kalum. rellent fishing. Most of the local Wo Appreciate Your TIMBER SALE X6111. more, aerelhle for Iha repair uf I h service per-formed men who hud uccoiupuniei them Business. ANDARD DAIRY MIim'Iit ll uf Ti-iidura Lllldl.will al lie Vlrlorll.rereltMl II"!ly lir lh crew. oversea by the ,lmeael, ' Totniiiy Lever left Saturday tn the lake returned x about mid. Phone Black 51. H111. n ni iih- iin diy uf July, IHJ. whose regain were iiilerrinl at night for Telkwa where lie will night. Sir Henry and parly did 1..,ul 1 llw..M.'iuu MirrlM lwl uf uf l.l'lire Xllll.llHuhM-k,In M. 1). JckU, an old Miner nf lh Klllry I'ouil, 01) Mussed , Inlet. be employed In (ho mine. not return lilt shortly before his Ulii"" and Cellar. (Hi an lira II111I1J un .lisliii'l, and owner of- iiilnlnr Tlie . dcce.used wus -one .of the ' train wa due lo leave but lie . hlr. HaniMi . Loaal Land klllielli l'Hi. ' rluiins on the Alaskan side, wa MusmtII band of Indians who Ilev. Ir. flranl of I'rinfV llu. look u short drive round the ' ADIES! '!. ..I 1 IIiiiImt.Tra Will ! lllnwrd fur r-1111..1I snriuily Injured lsl Friday by died shortly ufler Hie, rli of pert enl a few diys oir his town and environs. ' KING GEORGE 1 iirllwi lurlUMilari uf Un Clilef rorei-i,m cuve.iu of rock hile'doin. assessment Ihe war. ranch. ITim'a vi.unli.lluMrl, B B.i' .. r Plalrlcl t'urraiar. . work near llie hilinliill Mr. und Mr. Knight und .Mis FIGURED VOILE above seven-mile. One of hi Fsfward Iluker, if 'Kerruc!, ac- Clias. Cowan, father of.Xlia Thelina Knigli'l relurned lo llupert CAFE and TIMBER SALE X 3117. legtr was 4iadly 1 li-lisfied, I lie Ciiiilialllled by hi a'ousill, paid u Marion liwan passed Ihruugli Salunlay. will In r'lt ty III RATINE DRE8SES. Minlalri Sraled "f Twiileri VlilurW, l lM-f hours beiny eballeieil; und ti hurried visit to their farm pro trere Salurilay night. First Class S6.60 Up. .....'UM nf Liivlim XI1IT. fu also received Jiijuries to his perty lui the tjaSI imiukI of IJru-liuii a The Caiiadiun .National steamer CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. ruC'1.43II.UU0 fwl 'f fcpruif, lloikx. and ,.up and fuee Jslnnd, A luitte number uf viilorsJ Prince John. Capl. Harry Sei Furnished Rooms to Rent. IT'S Ready-lo-wear i lai mi Ciiinlwl lull. V'"l - from Lk and lluiUll wer in dell, relurned from Klewarl ' ut Prices Iteasonable Third Ave. ';,7wr.,'''?vi;r,.,.VwVct r.. Alex I'riiser .returned on al-11 Severul resident of Queen I own un Salunlay. 1 J5 Uii mornins 41ml will salt Phone Blue 471, ll'P Hank of Montrcul. '"'rliwr'p.'.u.ari f ttW rd W lunt from a hustiie- triji Charlotte City and Mussel t, for Yanenuver via Queen Char Second Ava. U-r. B.C or Di.irl.-I oai,r, lo l'l'liioe Hupvrt propimlu. lo upend their vaca Mini I.Uie Kviiney lias return- lode lalaud. ul 8 Ihis ejelung I'rlare lluwrl,