JUQE TWO. are fresh fruit juices combined with tonics into. the finest remedy for stomach, liver, Kianey, and skin troubles. 25c and 50c. a box at all dealers. FRUIT.A.TIVES LIMITED, Ottawa, Ont. Offeatfcarf, W.T, L.dfi, E, Ckrltuk.rck. been. called. The Daily News IMUNCi: IIITPEHT - MUTISM COLUMBIA. Investigation Will Prove Popular. 0 A uhlMif d Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince llupert iJnily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. I'. PULLKN, .Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILT EDITION Pal unlay. Doc. 15, 192.1. .1 aou employees ami irying to make political capital or it. They made uureasonahle dcmaiiils and the result is that tbev are beaten, discredited and the union is practically useless. That is usually (lift end of unreasonable action .on either side. The same sometimes happens to employers who are unreasonable. It must not be thought that the Vancouver stevedores are Ibe -only people who make mistakes. In Ihe past employers. have been overhearing and selfish and have begrudged their employees even a decent livelihood. Hy combining, Ihe employees have been able lo improve llieir position and enforce their de- manns. the difficulty has been in some cases that the sama attitude, which formerly brought discredit on some employers, has also actuated groups of employees. They have sought to lake 'advantage of conditions to try to enforce unreasonable demands. II will take years for the waterfront men at Vancouver to recover the ground lost through action taken on the advice of a lew radical leaders. .Now, if they work, they JiavS til do so alongside the men whom they blame for their defeat. The union has ol its influence and the leaders who caused the trouble win nun inemseives given the cold shoulder both bv their lenows and hy their employers. Fisheries Meeting Got Nowhere. The fisheries meeting .held in Ihe cily ball Thursday does not, -seem to hae done anything except show that there are very pronounced differences of opinion here in regard lo what. i"f anything, should be done to remedy local difficulties. The mailer! bus been discussed from time lo time during the vear by 'the Hoard of Trade, although on several' occasions the press has been asked to make no reference lo the discussion which have taken plnce. :l seems hardly likely that by adding a committee of fishermen lo the two committees already dealing with the mailer, rtiiylhing will be .gained. .It will be .worth Irving, however. . -jibe chief ra.Mi the businessmen did not attend the meeting asl night in large numbers was because tbev are already ire.l ilf discussing the main ipiestiou which was to come p anil hey seemed o be revolving in a cjrcle all the time, just as did those who debated Ihe question last night. Also Just now "'" tbev lire very busy with Ihe Christmas trade. mUmTOTOUlll!lllllllllIIIIjfm,,,,(,, .nUVrtWHlo1" 'mi I III 1 1, SMOKE Y Serial tobacco company or ' from the dry ''" dock. PRESENTATION WAS mm a s . a mm a m mwmt i served and a dance followed lo Ihe strains of music furnished hy Ihe lodge orchestra comprising II. (J. Iliggins, Arthur SiUersides, Jack Hond and S. fiawihorn. The conrmittee In charge of the affair consisted of Mrs. .loe Howe, Mrs. fieorge I.eek, Joe I In we and W.-fi. Hughes. ' OLD CHUN TOBACCO X TIfF. DAILY NEWS. Riituriluy. UchmuW 13, 401:1 CITY COUNCIL WILL IDYSPEPSIA WAS SO SELL AN ENGINE IN BAD COULD HARDLY OLD STEAM PLANT EAT ANYTHING Offer Made to Firm Now Moving " ..1 ' . , ..... . Vr. C Simw. ant Ont. writ" Dlanlnn Mill at Cow Raw Tin A. It. William .Mncliinnrv nrk ' irMii, sn.1 a n tnxiLim Co. of Vancmirr wn jrixen lilt w,h mr wd, i m uwiy I.Mowlny evenlnp next by lb cily anjihina-. smt rr rwn b.i rm (council lal night to purchase a "' -"' Hirrwm n.ii-;l0 horse-power enjrine anil two rln- 'T "' to A u any ibolls jroIiiK with it in the city's ",M, u,l pio"I i rn n ib o. -.team, electric plant at Cow,,rr wiut. '' fi Hay for 9i5. The cily U pro- u,ln " how tu.i i rtt finrcil In .accept this figure for '"",r- 1 '"""mmi n u" ntii I Hip enable as it stands, the pur- ""J'"')' rni nt n. I roJ clia.fr. In nuVe it. It is oiip of ,n lw"ni,WM ' ' ""' truw i Hip three entries nperalinjr pen- . eralor in the. plant. The suiier-1 BHrwk bi.i hmo-m mnufn.iii iiilcpd.Mil or utilities ha rccom-!,iniy hy Th t. Miihurn :o, l.imiii. mendeil that all the machinery, in Toronto, ont. ilhe plant be n"ispnei of .ax it Nr - 'hi opinion, that further proiluc- UflllCC fAMMITTPIT HP ' lion of elcrlrirotv there uonlit nnl nVIUOE iUmlOll ILL UT 1p economical. All. MacilonaM, chairman of the utilities committee, toM the council thai Hie .superintendent HOSPITAL DEALS WITH ROUTINE IN REPORT Supporters of the provincial -government will undoubtedly had adviscil that the rosi of main-' nP,M,rnMK ,, i,ohalf of the have been pleased o hear that an invetigaliou into the P.li.E. taining Hie old steam plant would j,0U!l,. CommJHeo S. K. Campbell, charges is to be made. When they were repealed -by a man of be prohilutie and thai, if de- Ciajrnum rejiorleil o the hospU such . prominence as Sir Charles llihbert Topper it was time mand Tor additional power such MMir,j al 3hi Hiat U,o that; be goveniniciit took ncliou lo clear its own skirls. If it as for a pulp mill should ariset ,.rjjZPr Ja, ,0l,n nr,,m hut w:is a niiirr on Hie part or me 'l'mvinciai l'arty, ine lUiill lias n wim ue ocner 10 secure u had not yet arrived. The wiring Vha'nire i. ipkii IkI In M i also satisfactory to know that wide powers are to bej -SuperlnUndent's JOplnlon Urowni, the lowest lenderer, at a given Hie Hoyiil Commission of inquiry in order lhat those who! Hnlartring on his opinion, Mr. C()(jl ai, ,( '(n(rP hav 'made Ibe charges against Ihe government fir against in- Ioe told the council that a ile- mjj,( (, un 0Xra f 3n owinir dividuals may be forced Id divulge the -source of their iiiformn-jmaud from a pulp mill up to n a jtfnl vrT-Ijrhl of the In-tion and the. reasons that caused Ihem, to make the charges. ; l!0 horse-power could he up- ..rhr fll liri!rjnal speclfil '' The commonest form of political campaigning of late has plied from the Shawatlan I,,an,-ajn r(.pnrd lo lie im-beeh lo' make indiscriminate charges against those in power. If more were required it would he ,,n,v.m0I, ,, fni -ltay ma-Niliielifncs lbee charges may be backed up by a basis of fact, a paying proposition to secure it 'chln the repreentalie of the biit In .most crises -they are sinlply suppositions. No party is from the dry dock auxiliary plant, jfjrm j,p ,Pr(. n, WPpJi free from sins of this kind. All have indulged frsely but the He considered it advisable lo bs-jwi(n nnfr Wl, placed, newest, and supfMccdly the cleanest party, has been one of the'pose or the Cow Hay plant. : ,n n,lH1aj ,.VPr)i,ing wns worst offenders in Ihis respect. 11 will now be given an oppor- In answer In a question hy Alil.'pjjn ()n wpjj jml l0rp wag a luuil to make good. Already the mot prominent firm of audi- Muuro. Mr. Lowe said that the ,),,., an ()f jn,.n an, 0ier ma-lors Ibe world the books of Ihe l.(!.K.Idisjioing of the engine ui is engaged in auditing one 'nl,Pria j0 w ,,'f opinion that will, a view to satisfying the government ami the people in re- queSiion wtj.uld not rie p lhMtl waH a for womPn'-. (Jrii ii i iin-Mi uriiuii ll .ill.M IMHI-. I ills will now lip iiiuiiwrii iiw iij plain, uiijnaj. i iif-ir ,nl,tii, inni. nflor Murn aiiAiiiury 1" H'OK uiu r. .inri I ..i.i:.. : : i... u i if : i ii.-i' ..n inn i. ' " j'lii'ii'" iiiipiirj iij ii iuij.ii Lniiiiiuissiiiu. n n i. j-iiuiu nun rn- in iiiiirr i'"i " i",v,r' cliina was nUo needed V small :ii .1 i ' .: . ii.-.--. i.i .. .... i ' there has been robbery or wrong doing. Ibe people will demand engines there heides. The su-t that Ihe offenders be punished, and such a demand is right. If. ierinlcndent's estimate on the on Hie other hand, it is found that there has been no wrong do-value of Ihe entire Ow Hay ing, ihe Provincial Party, that has been basing ils campaign on plant was 1 l.ooo. this issue, will have lo hide ils bead aiid bury itself. What is, rurally, tl was decided nn mn. needed is a thorough investigation and the punishment of any Hon of Aid. Stephens, seconded wrong doers, if such there be. Premier Oliver has undoubtedly hy Aid. Munro to nffer Ihe A. II. taken .the right lep in granting the commission under the cir- Williams Co. the engine and eurnstances, although an audit would have satisfied the ordinary hells for ?975. person. Ill-advised 8trike ; Ended Fatally. The ill-advised Vancouver waterfront strike has ended fatally to the men. They A'ere led by'" irresponsible ' "persons! ; who cm-ad for nothing but causjng friction between employers Son and Dauflhters of England; 'ipxpendiliire was needed in the (laboratory as soon as the funds would allow for II and a graduate nurse should be employed In look alter this instead of a pupil nurse as II was very important work. "NOTHING EQUALS VICKS FOR A COLD" lMUb LAM NHiM!Mn,lob 8y Th, Vaporizing Salve Is Won derful Honor Mr. and Mrs. Cyril J '" 'lulck direct treatment Tor Westawa, Who Are ic((u (f f,,il( ,7r PrrtMI.ups Leaving city a() al,ipuUo lf Vioks As a farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Westaway. who are leaving after the Xew Year for Salmon Ann where Mr. Westaway will go into business, a whist drive and dance was held last night hy the Sons and Daughters of Kug- land. Voicing Hie general regret that would be felt through the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Westaway, who had lieeome highly popular during llieir residence in Prince Huperl, Mayor Newton presented Ihe honored guests with a 'handsome leather suitcase nn behalf of the lodges. 'Ilinugh taken quite hy surprise, Mr. Westaway replied suilaldy, expressing Ihe appreciation of himself and Mrs. Westaway and slating that their pleasant asso. cialions in the cily would be long remembered by them. -The prize, winners at card were: Mrs. Whatman Sr. and Mayor Newton, firsts, and Mrs.; Frank Olapp and Melh lavie, seconds. Hefreshmp'nls were oer throat and cliesl at liiJJ iuie Not only is Vicks absorbeiH ihrough I lie skin, but its healing vapors of Camphor, Menthol, Kucalpytus, Turpentine, lc, are hreuthetl all night directly into the affected air passages, belief usually coirie by morning. Just as good, too, for cuts, burns, bruises ami itrhing skin troubles. , , Mrs. Ilyckman, HI' loth Street, Hraudon, Maniloha, says; "1 have used Vicks Vapoltub with the greatest salicfiictioii, tuid think there is .nothing to equal it for a cold. As soon as I feel a cold coming rill I jusl rub a little of Vicks on my throat, nose and chest when I go lo bed at night. and my cold is all gone in the morning. I really think it lb most wonderful remedy I ever used, and I will always liuve it in my home." At all drug stores, 60c a jar For a free test Air.e package, wrile Vick Chemical . Company, 3M St. Paul St., W Montreal P.O. Though Vicks is new in Canada it Iras a remarkable Dale in the Slales. Over 17 mHlion jars used yearly. HOTEL ARRIVALS .Prince Rupert Hoy (!. Wrighl. .1, M. llockln and Charles A. .Ingrich, Van couver; Nick Orlaneh, L, Austin nnl .1. Davis, Surf Inlet; John It. Turner, Sinilher; W. fi. Hur-ris, llazeltnn; W. , II. Maquel, Prince ffeorge. -Central K. Andy and K. Kloar, Surf In- Jet; Mrs. Fraser and child, surf Inlet; Mrs. F. Ilohcrlson, Unity,: Hush. DEDUCE PAY OF PUPIL NURSES .(continued from -page one) nearer like those In other places, lie did mil mind making II from len (o .fifteen per cent higher ow ing to local conditions. Miss Ilandall and the. graduate nurses fayored the change. was more conducive lo loyally, A large allowance created I lie. Idea of J working for money rather than' NABOB M$ VACUUM PACKED COFFEE Si m ill Mi loyalty lo the professi in lb" sald'lhat when (be nmtter -arue up for consnleraiioii a' the ncx meeting he might move nn nmi'iidnwnt. Secretary's Salary In discussing the raise in sal ary of the secremry. Mr. Campbell thought it might be adopted right now. They hud only to look at Hie system inaugurated hy Mr. Hired to see its value. He had more than earned the extra salary. K. II. Mortimer favored Ihe raise hut said he would like to ee Hie other inemliers of the board present. Mr. Slewtirt thought Ibis wit an important matter and others should .have a sayiu it. lie did not want to he accused of railroading. Mr. Cnfuibe said there was no wih to railroad anything through but be did not think they should consider those who did not come In the meeting. They were surpoed to be present nnd should not he consid ered. Mr. Mortimer a!o objected to considering those who did not , attend, hut as Ihe oilier matters! had been held over perhaps il J would be hest tn io Hie same with I Ibis. II was so decided. 1 There were present I), (t Stewart., chairman. U. C. Mcltae. T. Itns Mackay. K. II. Miirlimer. A. Mackenzie, S. K. Campbell and Secretary Hired. YouShould ofdiCMtion Take Care fS Urgrljr a mittcr of Cood Dicettion. A wise person thould use Hrccbam's Pills to relieve digestive ills and correct stomachic disorders. On account of their service and reputation for reliability-TAKE BEECHAM'S PILLS LraMtSU:l f M.Jid.. U U WrM COAL The Famous LADY8MITH-WELLINOTON Lump and Egg Sizes. STERLING. Stove and Egg Sizes. We deliver in sacks or bulk. Phone us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 16. Main Office; Hole! Central. Hotel H TORONTO U In Centre of Shopping and Business District 290 ROOMS i II 100 with Prlwto Bttfw II II HUMOPLAN PIMI Ml IB t.WINNSTT THOMPSON, MAN0. Din. ' M Try Nabob once. It U a delicacy amonKt the drinks ol the world. .In Vacuum packed, it brings you all the fullness of iU fragrance and flavor. You. will note the difference. And you will never drink ordinaiy coffee again. And Nabob Tea is "Tea as it should be". Dandy : Gifts Wife, Sister, Mother, Daughter or Sweetheart Gloves, Hosiery Blouses, Camisoles Bloomers, Slips, Underwear, Sweaters Handkerchiefs, Dresses and Coats "Doners" Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT: S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEO ROE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8EATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEONE8DAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. 3.S. PftlNCE JOHN. .For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Nov. 17, Dec. 1, 15, 29, at S p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY-- Imi print Horwrt .4i rjn. rr rnii' E ciouoc. ipmomoii, un .Mr to, ii pmeis Eitrn Ctnvit. Vuitut skim. AOSNCV ALL OCEAN STIAMSNIP tOIIS. Cltf Tlcltt Orric. SZS Thlr A,. Irlnt Rup.ft. PMil ISO. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicei Sailings from Prince Rupert 8.8. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, November 30, December 19, January 4 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and 8kagway, November 20, December 15, 31 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Buledale, 8wanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Atlllnts From rrlnrt Hupert. For VANCOUVtR, VICTORIA, Ocwn Ftlli, tni Swsnson Tutsdsr, S TM. for VANCOUVtR, VICTORIA, Alft Bv, inM.inion ,, SsturesT No, for AN VOX, ALIOS ARSt, STEWART, W.l.t Itlsna, Sun., tJB. For PORT SIMPSON and NtM Rl Cnn.rlss, FrWaf A.SI. SJ fort Avrnui. 4. BtniU,, Atsnu P;lne Huprt. B.C THE RADIO SET That Picked up Aberdeen and London, Eng. ' $160.00 WESTINGHOUSE LONG DI8TANCE "RC" SET, coniiele with three dry eell tubes ami Imllerie, iihones. aerial, etc., ready for uxe. Clr with 0-vnll storage baltery and lujiey. ele., SI 77.00. I.oud speaker, $20.00 rtxlrn. Kiniple for you lo install and operate. i" THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. Wrile for latest price lisls of radio sets, parts nnd accessories. RADIO SPECIALTIES LIMITED Wholesale and Retail. 701 Dunsmulr Street. Vancouver.