alurlay. December 15, 1923, HOLIDAY SPECIALS In DOLL DOLL- Height lit melius composition body, moving eye. Jointed ul knee, hip, neck, shoulder, elbow and wrist. F.xtru long milimit curly Iiuir. Ilegular price $5.00 8alo Price $2.50. "OUR SPECIAL," as formerly uihurtfosd, only $1.50 TEA SETS Lithographed l-.iiiiinclwarc -a cups, and saucer!, covered leapol, open sugar. Ilegular price .2."i. Special 75c Aluminum 2 cups ami saucers. 2 spoons, cream jug ami Iruy. largn covered teapot ami Ira v. Ilegular iiric! 2.UU. 8poclal $1.00. Special prices also on all oilier lines or dulls ami children' lea bet. A gift That's always acceptable Sewing SeU hi l.eulher l,u' Willi pr -My lining and good ipinlitv French or Tortoise She!! Ivory arresories. including scissors, needles. colored silks, thimbles, crochet hook, etc. From $5.00 to $10.00. Manicure Set in Lealh -r mid Leatherette Hulls, each Willi a rompl'le set of first gr.ide Manicure implements. From $2.00 to $24.50. OUR XMA8 CHOCOLATES HAVE ARRIVED. Muirs. Gainings, Page and Sluw and Willards. in fancy and plain boxes From 75c up to $4.50. 4lnr aiicy boxes re prettier and Uie assortment is greafr than a it recent year?. ORMES LTD. DISPENSING CHEMISTS. The Rexall Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th SU We Prepay Mall Orders. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! Real Satisfaction Cheapest In Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 110 and 504. Phone 109. Dentist UO 1 J A - ' Helgerson Block. - Dr. F. P. KENNY X-RAY SERVICE. Office Hours: u a.m. lo 0 p.m. Open F.vt'iuugs ly Speual Appointment. Now in your own town you can select SPLENDID JEWELLERY GIFTS IIUli quality is iiipi-c'ialril desired here in Muperl just CRUENvMimmls III Hliy I'lli'T lniK c" lust drop tu at our store and look al l lie splendid Dianumd llings we hac to show you. Some new stnnes Just mounted up. Wo carry ilsn a stork of unmounted diamonds and ran in a shtrl time mount iii any stone in the. same styles ami at tin same prices as In any oilier city. Alsd our Silver Stock Is splendid' tills year. and as it Bulger & Cameron, Ltd. -itrrcriJ ATTaRT rJ Local and. 'Personal U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Haynera, Undertaken. Phone 351. if Toys ami Fancy Goods. Succ. ial reductions at Tile's. if Oct your boy a Silver Flyer at llAimiKS IIOMK FUHXISIIlXnS. If you study economy China- ware and Dinner sets at reduced prices at Tile's. If Santa Claus arrived laslnixht HAIUUKS ).-; FUltXISH. INGS. Hev. W. II. Pierce will address Hirelings iu Uie Melhodisl Church tomorrow Sunday at 3.30 and 7.30 p.m. W. S. (Duke) Harris arrived from JIaidlun on last night's train and is registered at the Motel Prince Hubert. Toys. Xinas Cards at half price. Xmas slocking. larcc size 5(ir. I .a rice slock of fancy China ami Glassware. Denny Allen Co. 200 A. Itoucliart wa charged with vagrancy In the police court this fijorniu? and his case was adjourned for eight days He was arresled last night by Constable Macdonald. John Dyhhavit left on lat night's train for Ottawa to al-leml a meeting of the Itiologfcal Hoard of the Department of Marine and Fisheries to which he was recently appointed. John II. Turner, field en gineor for J. F. Dulhie, the Seattle mining iuveslor. arrival from Smilliers on last night's train ami is registered at the Hotel Prince IluiH. He is go ing south for Christmas. Tin- annual nu'elitiff of Uie Prince HiioeK Hosnilal- Asstiein lion will be held on January .Tl it was al a meeting of (he Hoard Inst uiirlit. At that ni'Tting a board of directors will be rlio.en for Hie coming year and Hie report- and financial sffttPiiienl wilj be presented roveriliic the onerHlioim nf llu. oasl year. Al liie meeting of the liOMiital ttoard tat night D. C. Mcllae obi of meeting Win. Goldbloom al Ho- lu.pital. He had been a paiicnl there and wa particu larly pleaded uilh the treatment tie lnid received. He said he hail no idea there was such an institution. He would like to he roine a member. He then paid ten dollars foe membershin. double the regular fee, amid many expressions of good will. II was re port e. I that Father Mc- (iralli. who had also been a patient, bad expressed appreciation of the treatment he had re- eeied there. Tile's Store for Special Prices on all House Furnisliinirs. tf ANNOUNCEMENTS Public School Concert Dec. 18-It). - High School Xuias. Concert, December 2n. - Hill tin 1.(1. Ii. F.. Tea Uansant. tn Flks Home, 'New Year's Afternoon. Uueeii Mary Chapter I.O.I). K. Dance on New Year's Night. January , y2t, in F.Iks' HomeJ Coos anJ Good Uouituptn realize the tuperiorily of BakerV Chocolate (Premium No. 1) for malting cakes, pies, pucUing. fudge, ices, etc Be sure that you get the genuine, in the blue wrapper end yellow label with the trademark cf the Choc date Girl on the beck. Made In Canada By, Walter Baker & Co. Limited MiH t Dorckciter, Mtn. ftnd Montr!, CtiuJi OOKUT OF CHOICE KOTtS SENT MUX For the "Kiddies." Hargain in Toyland at Tile's. tf For Holiday Shoppers. Xmas surprises fpr Values at ,Ti'e.V ! Church Notices Presbyterian Church Morning worship at tl o' tf Junior beds for your little girl at HA Hill ITS HOME FUJI NISHINti.S. Try NAXOOSK-Wellingtun or Telkwa Coal. More heat. Less soot. Philpott, Kvilt A Co. tf C.N. II. steamer Prince Huperl Ciii. I). Donald from Vancouver ami wayporis, is due tins alter noon on lime at 3 o'clock. Mr. Leslie .Slimier arrived on lal nialil's Illaiu front Cop per City ami is liie guest for a few days ,of; Ml3lrene jSlewart and .Miss Scott, Ulghlli 'Street. lr-r CP. It. steamer Princess Heatrice, Capt. Clitfe, arrived from Vancouver and wayporis al i o'clock this morning ami sailed at J 1.15 on the return south. The Hosnilal Hoard last night decided to insure the ambulance for the coming year in the sum of 1,000 with McCalTery A (ibbons, the firm that held the policy list year. This is re duced ilQft. The cost last year against fire and collision was ? 10.80. Harry J'hrupp of the CX.ll. district freight agent's odlre and V. Cruiekshank of .the C.N.uV oily ticket oflicc are leaving on tonight's train for the south via Lucerne where they wilf spend a few 'days enrotile. Mr. Cruiekshank will spend Christmas at his home in Vancouver and Mr. Thrupp plans going through to Portland. clock. Subject "The Value of Prayer." Sunday school at 12.30. Evening service at 7.:". Suh- ject; "Enlightened Public Opin ion. ' Preacher, Hev. 11. 11. (irnnl. !.!. "I Had Terrible Backache From Kidney Disease" Mrs. M. A. McNeill, Ca-nauui Sta., N.B., writes i "I was troubled for year with terrible backache, resulting from kidney disease. At times in each month I remained in bed. ?Sr the pain was more than I could stand, and to walk was almost impossible. I used about $50.00 worth of other medicines, but, with little results. Now I am completely better, after using only five boxes of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills., Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills OnV pill a do, SSeti. hoi. All dralera, or Fdnnaon, Btuetl Co., Ltd., Toronto AT 80 YEARS OF AGE WAS TROUBLED WITH SHORTNESS OF BREATH PALPITATION OF THE HEART AND FAINTING SPELLS Mr. M. O'CdiiiMir, Vblttbnr, Onl.. rllrn: I txre been Iroubled, iik1 cf my life, wlch tlxirtueoi of bretlh, fialtil Ullon of the heart and fainting nn-ll. k ailriwit by a friend to try .Mllbum' Heart and ."Verve Villi, which 1 did, and at oure fuund relief, and I have nerer had a really bad riell alore. I am u years of age and alwari keep them In the houe, and when I feel any fyiiiploins of my old trouble comfnir on all I liave u Ji l tu take a few d4e. With the lielp of your I'll! I eipecl tu i many yeari )el. I alwaya reroiiifneiid them to any one wlto U sufferlnr from heart trouble." Mllburn'a Heart and .Nerve PIIU are iOr a box at all dealer, or mailed direct on receipt of prlrr. by 7 lie T. Mllbum Co.. Limited, Toronto, (int. METHODIST BAZAAR IN PROGRESS TODAY Wide Range of Dainty and Use ful Articles Being Offered In McLaughlin Block The annual bazaar of (Jic Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church is in progress this after. noon in the McLaughlin Mock on Third Avenue. It was opened at o'clock by Santa Claus. I'here is a wide range of dainty ami useful arTicles to choose from and a feature' js the toy booth. The -affair bids to be quite as successful as those of past years. In charge of the various booths are the following: . Tea room Mrs. Fred Gilhuly, Mrs. Frank Vickers. Mrs. W. ( Smith and Mrs. Frank Dibh. Plain ewing i.Mrs. Santebanc and Mrs. Krikevsky. Fancy work Mrs. S. V. Kerr, Mrs. Olof Hanson, and Mrs, W Iteid. Home cooking Mrs. O. A. Hogers, Mrs. Howard Steen and Mrs. Sam Johnson. Candy Mrs. NV. It. Cnruli and Miss Krikevsky. Toy booth Hex. i. O. Hacker. , .PORT SIMPSON .Most oflhe residents are now in Uie village for Hie winter. Furs are coming in from various ecliuns of Hie country. - Most of the men of the village are busy working on a field for sports which is now almost complete. Hev. V. II. Pierce from Port Essinglon has been spending a week, in the village. He gave a magic lantern exhibition and several very interesting addres-es, especially so, was the one along temperance lines- There is a general imprcsiou in t lie village that every man mut use his influence lo remedy the deplorable condition prevailing owing to Government control, which, instead of controlling has removed all safely valves and strong drink flows freely. II is the opinion here that every voter who is not willing lo le called a partner iu lltu abominable whiskey business, should be registered as opposed to it. Sales have been the order of the day lately. The one iu sup port of the mission church net ted n'OO.OO. CARD OF THANKS The Ladies' of the lloval Pur- ule and the 15. P.O. K. desires lo convey their sincere thanks ,to all those who assisted iu preparing for the Carnival, and to llu publio for their support in making it such a success. J Not loo late to have those 'photos taken for Christmas at I tlit? Heusoa Studio. ATLANTIC CONNECTIONS CONVENIENT FOR OLD COUNTRY SAILINGS Canadian National trains make direct and convenient connections with While Star, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson Line steamers, sailing from Halifax, N.S. and Portland, Me., for Liverpool, Southampton,' l'ly-mounth, London and Continental porfs. Passports, secured and full information at City Ticket Olllce, Canadian National Hallways. 5 '.'ft Third Avenue. Prince Huperl, IT. Phone .(!. Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. PAGE ..THREE. - accept this invitation "Cascade" Invitea you to experience the joy of drinking the finest beer brewed in the west to partake of the concentrated nutriment of Canada's choicest barley and hops, brewed to perfection to get that fine feeling that comes from drinking real good tecr. ni'f on "Catcadt," enJ gel tht pirftc-lion of Batnf action. All Government Liquor Stortl tupply it. Vancouver Breweries Limited This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Luptor Control Board or bv the Government of Britis' f' ltt;u1v Have You Tried? Rupert Brand SOCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT LET YOE XMAS GIFTS BE THE USEFUL KIND You will find our slock offers many (iifts which com-liine beauty with utility; A few suggestions SKATES, POCKET KNIVES, TOOL CHESTS, SCISSORS, CARVERS, TABLE SILVER, ALUMINIUM, USEFUL TOOLS OF ALL KINDS See Our Windows. STORK'S HARDWARE LTD Second Avenue. Shockley's pli,MilIs Sole Agents fur Royal Mills, Harvall, B.C Lumber J. Fyfe Smith Co Hardwood Fraser Mills , Fir Veneer Dimension Lumber. Fir, Spruce and Cedar. Spruce am) Cedar Shiplop. Spruce Planking. Sash, Doors, Mouldings:. Glass. Shingles. Fir Veneer. Cedar Piling. Stocks and Bonds All Victory uml Government Honds Bought and Sold.' "We still have a few shares left of the, PREMIER MINE at $2.90. This is t lie greatest dividend producer in Canada. T. McCLYMONT Phone Black 85. Third Ave. BUY USEFUL GIFTS We know that in our line of "Sauolo" Hath Hooin Fixtures, "Liimino" Aluminum Ware, "Kvcready' Flashlights, Pocket Knives, Clocks, Percolators, Tea Pots, etc., that you will find some useful gift, that someone would be mosl pleased to receive. Tel. 3. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver. P.O Box 1646. 3