4 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, July 3, 1952 ‘Quarter Million Duke Promoted LONDON (Reuters)— promoted to Commander in the At 31, the Duke is the youngest of 44 lieutenant command ers to be promoted The Duke of Edinburgh today was Days Lost By Work Stoppage OTTAWA CP) — through work To Couiiaiiiiidan i Royal Navy loss aris- Time stoppages i , "CO stric Vic = j The Duke, who made the Navy his career, was a lieutenant | ‘7S as ae tks eer ae ra ‘ Canada during May was er when he married the Queen, then~ Princess Elizabeth. in ee nevi - aren . |than in April and more workers November, 1947 scl , : : were involved, the labor depart- His last active appointment was a Commander of the lment announced today 1,430-ton frigate Magpie in the Mediterranean. He completed Preliminary ; figures showed his service with the Mediterranean fleet last July 42 strikes and lockouts in ex- At present, he is confined to his room at Buckingham istence during the month, in- Palace with jaundice volving 22,973 workers with a time loss of 247,733 days, com- \Rake in moderately hot oven | Pared with 35 work stoppages THE EXPERTS about 30 minutes. Serves six jduring April, involving — 12,055 2 workers and a time loss of 178,- 605 days. In May, 1951 there Au eee | The Canadian Association o:1,were 40 strikes and lockouts G ’ Consumers in its latest bulletin | with 8,038 workers involved and By KAY REX says that oil processed eggs,|/a time loss of 35,167 days ; “something new and different,”| Five work stoppages in the Geandian Frees ee weer soon will go on sale .1, grocery | textile and clothing industry in Fish, particularly salmon, and| Stores across the country Quebec province accounted for cheese must become frequent “Experts tell us that Grade A|57 per cent of the total time items on Canada’s weekly food) quality oiled processed eggs can | loss list if the country’s economy is| be poached, fried or boiled with tintin to be kept on an even keel. good results,” says the C.A.C . At present Ontario has a sur- “This process provides a good Ga lic Cour es plus of 15,000,000 pounds of means of augmenting the sup e S$ cheese, and producers are look-| plies eee quality shell eggs e ine to the Ontario government | Curing the period of scarcity and PI d NS. a he of hardling it should help to keep the price of anne m —r In British Columbia, salmon|this nutritious well-balanced HALIFAX (-—Elementary and winers are faced with the prob-| food within the reach of most} advanced Gaelic courses will lem of finding a market for family budgets.” again be offered at Dalhousie 698,000 cases of last year’s pack And the Canadian Horticul-| University during the Nova Sco- These some of the situa-|tural Council sends a reminder | tia teachers’ summer school un- tions developing from of that “Salad Week” begins Aug.!der the auspices of the Nova overseas markets. It seems that /1 Scotia Department of Education countries which have dollars are | The elementary course, de- using them for cheaper foods : signed for tudents with no than Canadian eiicadas or B.C Canned Clothing knowledge of Gaelic, will include salmon. Last year the British} WASHINGTON (P)—The U.S. jectures on the literary and his- Food Ministry spent $6,700,000| Air Force is going in for canned torieag) background of the lang- | for salmon, but this year it may|clothing. The material com-|yage and basic grammar and|\ buy none at all. tend announced yesterday that phonetic | Cunadian housewives can help | uniforms are being packed in In the advanced course, gaelic by encouraging a taste for cheese |driaas for shipment overseas.| speaking teachers will improve among their families, and per- Officials said the ~ tight con~ | their reading and writing ability haps instituting a “fish Monday” tainers are cheaper and better gpecial attention will be given to and a “fish Wednesday” as well as the “uaditional fish meals on Friday af far as salmon is concerned, the pink salmon is as tasty as the more riety. In isserol tell the |; differenc USEFUL RECIPES Salmon Loaf: One iarge can of salmon; 14 cups cracker crumbs; egg; one small onion (minc- Sc expensive vat it’s hard to 1S one baking dish until brown Bake in small for 20 minutes or Macaroni and Cheese: One cup macaroni broken, in pieces; three tablespoons fat; one tablespoon finely chopped cnion three tablespoons flour; salt and pep- per; one teaspoon steak Sauce; two eups tomato juice, one cup grated Cheese \ Cook macaroni salted water until tender. Drain through sieve and pour cold water over to separate the pieces, Melt fat. Add chopped onion and cook minutes. Add flour and seasonings, blending well. Add tomato juice and cook, ring constantly until sauce thick- ens. Stir cheese Place layer of cooked macaroni in greased baking dish. Cover with sauce. Repeat until dish is full, finishing with layer of| sauce and then topping with grated cheese or equal parts of grated cheese and bread crumbs. in boiling, three in eee a = lag XRAY shoe fitting In fact, it's dangerous to have your child's shoes fitted in any other way. The tender child foot with its soft bones and pliant muscle can be com- promed into almost any type of shoe. he child, feeling no pain, cannot tell if the shoe fits sonality or not. That's why we in- sist upan fitting children’s shoes by X-Ray. That's the only way we, and you, can be sure that your child's shoes will help to develop normal, healthy feet fora lifetime of foot health and comfort. BETTER FIT SEE FASHION FOOTWEAR jthan any other HERE AND THERE type of clothing translation, a study of gaelic |packages. They are said to give place names in Nova Scotia, and better protection against the | teaching methods weather, insects and pilferare Full credits for licence pur and can be used again and poses will be awarded to success- again. ful candid lates ° FOR WORK—FOR PLAY fftt> TROJAN TWILL TROUSERS Rugged Durability Smart Tailoring $8.95 Day's COLLEGE CORDS For Young Men of All Ages $9.95 FRASER & PAYNE 6 VW on blocked the Babine, a tributary Tine be thing ts about . x - of the Skeena. toverweight is to cons walt the doc. Harvestin | e ste! ious au- til Seventy per cent of the act : hie condition often indi. % ate he need for a change- over Skeena run was lost. A 40-mile| from a fattening over- “Supply of Man has never solved the: mys-Tmon in British Columbia last| last summer when thousands | 1044 has been punched through | food to a balanced diet. In some tery of the salmon but he is)| year, $48,700,000 the year betore of dead salmon were feund (the wilderness to the scene of cases it may be a symptom of once again gathering by the| The season opened Monday on fieating down the Skeena | the slide so heavy equipment can!some disease, in which event thousands to reap the annual|the Fraser for the prin of! River, which empties inte the |be moved in to clear the thou-| proper treatment will help tg fortune from the humble and|salmon, the sockeye. (Sockeye is| Pacific near Prince Rupert. By |sands of tons of rock which, remedy the cause and may re. heroic creature. |an English version of the ludian plane, fishery men found a |crumbled trom the wali of the| move the extra poundage with Seeking death at their ap-j Word sau qui” but, original) massive slide had partially ' Babine canyon the improvement in health pointed time in the streams | meaning of the Indian word has - where they were spawned four) been loss) years ago, the salmon converge| A fleet of 2,000 boats Is con . in their millions at the mouth of|gregating like 2culls at the the Fraser, Skeena and_ the|river’s mouth and in the Georgia Announcin Naas Rivers for their struggle| Strait approaches to it. 1t- will ’ ; e through the dark canyons of the|increase to 5,000 as the season torrent to the place of their progresses With luck, some birth fishermen wil] clean up between Millions will never make it. If|$2,000 and $3,000 in six wee! $9 3 . en they evaded the nets of thou-|eetting 25 cents a pound from 2 3 = & * : # sands of boats swarming at the|the canners ; 2 ; A SA URD river’s mouth, they still would| The sockeye season opened 73 8 ; have to traverse Hell's Gate and | earlier in northern waters. Later, 2 2 other hundreds of miles of white|the cohoe, chum and pink sal 3 3 2 water of the Fraser, Thompson,|mon will return to these shore Pe ae & North Thompson Rivers andj|to be caught and die or to tha A a canyon rapids in the north spawn and die ; ; ; Four years ago they were Disaster has frequently struck Bes hatched in tiny tributaries far | the sockeye and other species of ; ; ; " s = ve inland. For two years they lived) salmon 3 ; ; The Soagheit: House in fresh water, then descended | In 1913. a rock slide in Hell g 3 3 : ~ to the sea Gate blocked the Fraser River ; $ 3 For another two years they/and millions of fish destroyed 3 ACROSS FROM CAPITOL THEATRE roamed through countless cold,| themselves trying to fight their ; | green miles of the Pacific way through the cauldron. It Now they are back, seeking! was not until 1945 that fish lad ; | the omens where, they were /ders costing $2,000,000 were com ; Featuring . CHEF JOHN BARAZZUOL with vcears of |born. Unerringly, the salmon! pleted at Hell’s Gate, 140 miles 5 expericnce in the best Canadian Hote!s and Restaurants. returns home, spawns and dies east of Vancouver 3 in the same month,.almost on| [py 1950, an expecied surge of ; ae the some day, as its ancestors, , 900,000 sockeye failed to ap 3 HI PULL COUR! FAI jthrough countless aeons pear. Scienticts later reasoned 3 ITALIAN FOOD A Der TAL Man has never been able to!the spawning sockeye in 1946 ; PT ALTAIN FO A oFECTAL! Y discover the salmon’s secret of, were killed by cold before t . y ; OPEN TO 7 A.M. EVERY BDAY return. But because the salmon! could deposit their eggs. 'The 2 is more faithful than the clock,| were the parents of the brood ¢ $ he has gained riches. Fishermen) pected home four years late? | caught $60, 800,000 worth of sal- Catastrophe struck again a h hh Mn ° ee 4 z 7 tite MOPE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLET TRUCKS THAN ANY OTHER MAKE More truck for your money Stack up a Chevrolet truck against any other truck, capable of handling the same payloads, and you'll see that Chevrolet gives you far more for your money. Chevrolet, for all its low price, brings you ruggedness, stamina, and exclusive truck features you won't find in many trucks costing a lot more. 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Chevrolet trucks are engineered and built for your loads. #) The truck must he rugged, long lasting. That’s an important part of over-all economy. Chevrolet trucks bring more at trade-in, for what they cost, than any other truck. traditionall, If these considerations make sense to you, 3 and 4 helow. Then come in and let’s see how a Chevrolet truck can save you money im your business. take a good long look at facts |, 2, ON THE ROAD WITH THE GREATEST PAYLOAD we Rock-bottom operating costs ? Many thousands of truck users have proved to their own satisfaction that Chev- rolet costs the least of all to own and maintain. Valve-in-Head economy, in the four great Chevrolet engines, saves on gas. Chevrolet's special 4-way engine lubrication system reduces friction and wear, keeps oil costs low. i for Chevrolet requireme waste don't risk buying Frame, axl Engineered ond built neered to yout payload money too much truck” tion or. slow-downs by “too litthe truck.” brakes, and power are part of a well-balanced team. your loads trucks are engi- Lower, slower depreciation Records show that Chev- rolet trucks traditionally bring more money at £e- sale or trade-in than any other make. Chevrolet's market value stays up cause the value stays in. Here is further evidence that Chevrolet is the best truck buy, nts. You don’t by buying — you work interrup- es, springs, body, cT.4528 etor Products Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. eel