I. I'. i x Full Range of Hurlbut Shoes For Children and Misses. We are now sole agents for this cily Ask about our rebuilt service whereby we repair IIUMJ1UT shoes and. make them n size larger. Family SHOE Store Third Ave. BUY A HOME Twenty acre tract, fronting on Fraser Hiver, one mile from railway station, with 5 room house, barn and chicken house, five acres cultivated and fenced. Two acres slashed. Five acres with commercial tirnber. Good school, elc. This home can be had for $2,000.00 Oliver Typewriter. Cary Sares. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of . Domestic Bread Hread is your best food. Knt more of it. Kept by Ihe leadijig grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received i car, load of up river wood, guaranteed ' seasoned . and dry. biie cut to qrder. Alio Kindling In Saoka. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone B80. Service" and Quality our Motto. KlNGfiEORCE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices Ileasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIQH COST OF LIVING. F.liminate the dmnirht around your windows anJ use less coal.' 8EC OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows, Alans and Mirrors of all kinds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Blue 105. I 1 .INiSMP:.. ;i?r '.,iiuiijii(i BRINGING UP VCYHOW lon; i, 5T kfA CANADIANS RESPOND 111 Appreciate Action of Minister of Finance in Floating Loan at Home OTTAWA. Oct. 2. Canadian subscriptions In the new loan al-l ready indicate popular appreciation of I he decision of the miu. i lister of finance, lo usk Ihe people of Canada for the money he neeiis raliier than boiiik to a foreign country for it. Mr. Fielding is offering Canadians the best business proprtsilion of the year in a bond which is pay ing well over 5; per oenl and ranks equally wilh all (he Victory loans and similar issues out- slnnding. It is just as. .easy to buy one of the new bonds as it was o secure one of the old Viclories. Tw'o hundred and twenty bond dealers throughout Canada and every! branch of every bank will receive subscriptiots from the public land will also receive the niatur- ing iclflry 1S123 issue for con- -r. i ii ' i 'it Mirvi nunTuifrv I III . I 1 v am f. -. ii I ii III ... : ' V.? Ur I III rWW WIMT I I -aUM JtfVJT tkwt II I I in nr ,r n ai i . : . i i i - i a in . m ft-. in a ! l i a k , " ,y r L1jrro'r 6 n rv. .Jr-H x. 'J rJ i-. , - a version purposes, in the latterL1iiJ i,.i...ii i case, making the necessary cash adjustment with their clients. Ihe indicated demand for theseL new iiomis is so great that finan cial house are. advising their 'clients to make application at the earliest possible moment, as, while the ohjec,UveiJUlJie.jy,w loan is sni'.onii.ooo. -siihscrin- ..is ar ii.iiiuiK iii so iasi uiai Ihe selling syndicate is reserving the right to allot a less amount of bonds than applied for. With subscriptions totalling ifotV.nnn,-000 in thirty-six hours, and $11)0,000,000 up lo yesterday, it is fell In financial and banking cir cles that subscriptions to the new loan will be of a character i which will be a veritable "eye-opener" to the outside world and demonstrate in the most em- phatic terms in the worM those of dollars and cents the well.justified faith which the Canadian people have in their Dominion. CANADIAN GAZETTE TELLS OF B.C. LADY MEMBER IN BRITAIN Mrs M. K. Smith, a member of Ihe Mritish Columbia Provincial Legislature, is now louring Oreat Ilnlain on behalf of the Dom n on fiovernnvent, giving lectures on the advantages and opportunities s Canada has to offer, says the Canadian fiazetle. She was in Aberdeen last week, and her address was delivered in convincing style ami, as the local journals say, "wilh nrore than, a trace of Ibe delightful Colonial twang in her speech." Mrs, Smith, who ex r plained that she had been in Canada for 31 years, said thai she was appalled at the geographical ignorance of many in the homeland, particularly In Fngland, with regard lo Canada. The geography of the Dominion '" not taught as ft might be. In ithe public schools, wilh Hip re. jsuu that many people thought (Canada was in America and that jil was a very small village. It !wa up In Ibeir educationists on I his side lo reorganise their sys .lent and train Ihe children in practical, working knowledge of that greal country. There was every known sort pf climate Ihere, so that living there ned have no terrors for anyone. In every province in Hip Do minion there were experimental farms for the purpose, of advis ing intending settlers as lo the possibilities for farming, ranch. ling, frniUnrowing, or other pur- miiuh wnnin inai province, Mrs. Smith went on to say, and H was the fault of Ihe settlers If that advice was not nked for. Their educational system was second lo FATHER that I aJ 3To PtrwN. J l l I ON HIM . WV-v. - . - - i ' - s - ivjvi ik ry i wKog, enough irz rr S WMGLEYS Take it home to the kids Have a packet in your pocket for an . ever-ready treat. A delicious confection and an aid to Ibe teeth, appetite, dtfesboi Sealed in its Purity Packate ; - i iv i I i : I none. They had their kin.lerir.ir. ten system, their public chools high schools. . n,.rm:.l iruim,,- .... - ,., s...u,u .,,, 111k..1.J"v''p'1 a ,outh Ilend but will fJsoon he moving to Aberdeen. dties, which .,,:,, lV!1J was remarkable ..,,.,., for, population of only "j.ooo.oOo ' PRINCE GEORGE .JL.fi. 1'erry, M.I..A., returning country with Hon. W. H. Sulher- land, mi in or of public work expresses Ihe opinion that the. visit will result, in the improve-; ment of Ihe Crooked Hiver water U'HV lVlljfll fllftltlltS Mil lllllDtl I., llm ..-. .1. nun ii in iui;i ..-p... ... ..p. ... iuimivi- merchants of Prince Oeorge. Mr.lh'of for Miss Olivej-.nl one lime i. i . .. . ! i . . i . i . i i-erry also report mat work has been started on the. buililincr of: 250 mile trail from Fort St. John lo Fort .Nelson. ' ' .-: .' Hugh Illackburn and P. Hassel - ' field of Hanuofk. Sask.. have' purchased Ihe sawmill at Aleza Lake formerly inanaced bv A K. Shives. They will open logging operations .this winter and will start Ihe mill next season. I " 'J ' i.. The cily council has decided oM,r'VP''' automobiles conlinu- invesl sinking fund moneys in Ihe purchase of 2,500 worlli of' C.N.II. debentures bearing four per cent interest and guaranteed by Ihe province of Manitoba. The; bonds will be acquired at !2.i7, vl's oM. ,,.,a,:',,,a' vestment n will net the cily 5-10 - - The delegales from Prince (leorge. to Ihe Associated Hoards; or iraile convention at Va'ncon ver next month will submerge all oilier inallrx in llieir lman(U llial Ihe Pacific Oreat K.'islern Itallway be comnleled lo this eilv - at the earliest dale possible. --- The Prince Oeorge Fair this year shows n deficit of 9300 which added lo last year's loss iiiaitt-s u uiiiii upiicii. oi toou. Treat Your A disordered liver throws the whole system wrong and affects the health generally. Beecham's Pills act directly on the liver, cleanse and strengthen the stomach, regulate the bowels, remove all impurities from the system, and make you fit and well. You can have a Jiealthy body, strong nervous system, bright eyes and clear Help your liver act right Take complexion 11 Beecham Sold 9Vrywhri in box A commitleo will interview local business men with a view In obtaining Mihsrriiilfnn In cover the loss. r-- Forly-eighl pupils are allend- ing Ihe. l'rince tieorue lliuli School this term as compared with .'II Inst ve.-ir. Ail.lil nmnn. imodalion for Ihe pupils will have ii.. to be I... r......i i.. ii. .i i, . found by Ihe school board and poxsihly the old school will have Id he drought into ue for the exclusive purpose 'nf High .school work. YANDERHOOF 1 Hon. .Iidiu lUiver, premier of llritisli Columbia, aiblressed meetings ai iiurns l.akn and Francois l.ake yeslerdav. This imoruiiig ho was at Fort Fraser (and tonight h will he here. To- lltioi-row eveniiiir lie will Prince Ororgp and on Oil Krhlavi jnizht at .Mcliride. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cnmnbell vv1"' ar, "I"'"lifcr 'be winter in ashinglon. expect to return ihere in t In stirins. Tliev me nl Ihe annual convention of Liberals of Fort Ccorgc district will be held hep. tomorrow morning with Hon, John Oliver, premier, i ft atleiidavor. The engagement is announced in Victoria nf .Mi Snmb Kli..n Oliver, daughter of Premier and - r. John' Oliver, to Ilev. Francis lluniiatls of itrank Fork. This is iiiferrsfiug news in Vandr- '"""l" scihmu nere. . M. Duncan has arrived from Vancouver to leach in the fRIIisby school. Mls Olive I.anston of Van- corner is leaching at Stuart Hiver. There is plenty of gnme in this district this fall, jjrousc and rabbits hiinir vpfv n 1 1 pi i n 1 1 a,I' f'porl running over Ibem. TIN A I MECTIW! 'MWJ iimw RASFRAI I I FATIIF 0orBe Nlckerson Shield Becomes nnnn( dmu.i of Canada Finances Satisfactory The final season' meeting of Ibe l'rlniwi IImi.iu'I lionl...n . - -. - ..v.,.. ..- llill, 1S soeialion was bel.t tfrwutn al Hip SIoi - p 1'insllnni n.i m. ...... was to llu -" - -.... iiij in wim r jpresenl were Harry Hreen. Oeo .lobnsone and Sidney Hazel I - Jones, secretary treasurer. llusine frip iim Villi ! i wound up and the report of Ihe secreiary which was adopted Liver Fairly you s Pills I- :- Wednesday, October 3, 1023 Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PER WOKO IN ADVANCE. No AdvrtlMnnt T.Uon for U,.. hn 86 STOP ADVERTISEMENT RESULTS OBTAINED The follnwing letter has been received from a man who ued Ihe Oaily News classified columns wilh effect: lear Sirs: Mease slop my advertisement fur brooch. The brooch has hi-en found through your valuable columns. Thank you. C M. MAIHS. w w w w WANTED ISLAM) LOCATION WANTl!!). Will lease or purchase and reward locator for island or group with a thousand acres or more, or finance owner in development of fur farm. T. Oerard, 603 Seaboard Huilding, Seattle. WAXTKIL Men and women to learn barbering. Paid while learning and tools free. Write for catalogue. Mler llarber College, Vancouver, II.C. FOR SALE APPLY lo JOHN It. COOPF.ll. Cedarvale, H.C., for the following: ' 1'itir.Ks dow.n Two (2) Ions only best green tomatoes, while I hey last, c. lb. Six (rt) Ions only Irish 'Cobbler Pota!ies. . so perJOOIh. or 22.00 ton. Heels, good quality, 3c. lb. 42.50 100 lbs. Turnips, Kangaroo, excellent eating. 2c. lb., 100 lb. Carrols, half 'long, 3c. lb.. 32.50 100 lbs. Cabbage, Kildnnan, green, Ic. 9.1.00 100 lbs. 100 doz. only Corn, Midgets. 15c. do., "O.K." 25c. doz. X'ole. Wrap Ihe tomatoes in paper and place in a dark pla and they will ripen. Prices F.O.H. Cedarvale. Shipments, Wednesdays. 230 FOH SALF.. Four moms of fur niture good us new, consisting nf bedroom suite, fumed oak dining rimn suite, McClary 0 hole range no. 0; rugs, kitchen cabinet, 'kitchen utensils, sewing machine, child's full size crib, also singing canary in cage. .No. t, Steele Illoek, Phone Preen 2t t. 211 FOM SALH. F.ighl roomed mod ern house, stone basement, furnace, bat broom. Part cash, balance under Soldier's Housing Scheme. Mrs. Kelly, corner Sixth Avenue and Tallow. FOH KALK. New house; fl.ir rooms and bathroom' on forrte' lot. Apply 110, Seventh Ave.' and llowser. 2.'I0 IIOUSK FOH HALF...- I our rooms and bathroom. Apply 1 10. nevenin ami Howser. 20 BOARD. I10AHD. The Inlander. 830 Second Venue. Phone 137. If showed a satisfactory balance of receipts over expenditures. It was olllcially declared Hint the Oeorge Nlckerson shield, significant of cllv baseball rh 11 in. pionship, bad now become Ihe permanent property of ,h, Sons of Caiiada. having I,.-imi Uflll lit Ibem three consecutUe seasons. II Is probable I toil l....r.. smoker will be hebl l.nfo.a 1- to fittingly wind up the season s acuviijes. FOR RENT FOU MKXT. Fiirnished rooms; ! ...... ... r...u( iFmi4, iiwiii? JlOllie "'KHig. Mmlerate "ties, rales .vpr- Nor ., .7 "'"V" folk r IttMints. Plume Hlack 3Jtt. STKAM Ilonlo.l L'l.i ..u.,.vi ciiit lur rem Uesner apartment. M. Stephens. MODKIl.V four room flat for( rent. Weslenhnver Hro. LOST LOST. llelwfen I'rAwhvleriiin rloir-h iiinl Uimn.'. i ! i PtakJiyj1 '"JS?a'to"..r' - " " - w 7- 1 1 in . j. diaiiion.1 shaped bniurh. 1 t Cameo reiilre, blue stones. n,wur pn-t it iim Urn, r tV "" ' J'" ","", iM-tnot uj 1-nO.m la ruc, M,r ,M Mp4riS, , Jl ?.lL"rVvof J"1 ,h M" MM HI IM tiiRM of T. TllMlikl. ln n xtumi m it timJlV i0 "J Jf. ' ' C ftM tmlt. IM ii ... , . .. irame, iiiierwoven with, larU." Ileward IS.U0. II. lm Oaily N.w nfflee. 233 .ti.ST.- Lady' satrUH ronlttiiiitiK . sum m i nuiimy. Wwwh Angli- ran ,3hUITh and Second Avenue. Kinder idi-ase rfiirn lo Mm I W. Heiiii-, Seeond Avenue. nOOM AND BOARD PALM Kit IIOIJSK. too Sevenlh Avenue Weet. Phone lied ttu. Fiirniahed suites. TAXI.. Taxi G7 Phone. (Call Oeorg or Oust) Ross Brothers. Itesl Servire in the Cllv. Anywhere. Any lime. Day or Niuhl Stand: Cotton drill Third Avsnut AUCTION XALSS. Conducifd in your home or al ur rooms, floods also sold on uiumission. H. H. HEMM;rJQS, Auollonesr, Third Avenue (Dei.ny Allen's Old' Stop) Phone black 13C and Green 471. CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIC, O.C. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue, Prince Iliipert. ll.C. Hours: 10 to 12: 2 to 4: 7 lo H. Phone HJue 025. Ilesidence, Oreen 13ft. EXPERIENCED COR3ETIERE Orders taken for Wldrella (Wmds Mrs. J. M. Qrahlman Knicn Shoe Store, 711 Second Avenue West. mail Schedule For the East .Moiulays, nines, lays and Sal - urdavs. elos,., ,.1 r. m ... - I. Ill From the Eau .Mondays. Thursilnys and Sundays. 4. .10 p.m. From Vancouver Htimlays ..... i. m. Wednesdays 3 P,M, VrUay A.M. s-"l'y - ...3 P.M. C.P.Il. October H and IU. To Vancouver I'tiesd.VHMail . bJomjs at i p.M -ei Tlursdays Saturdays i Sundays C.IMt. Orl'dier ! .... 1 .... To Anyox, Alice Arm Wednesdays 9 P.M. From Anyox, Alice Arm Thursdays p.in. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm j Anyox and Arrandale nuouays , ,,M , From Port Simpson, Alice Arm nyux ana- Arranda 1 Tiiealaj,H j, M Saturdays 0 13.... . " 1 . '" "' ' " ? I' M. sun,. M rrm,!rr.. r It l "VI Tuesdays li m To Alaska Points Orlohir 8 and lit. From Alaska Points-October 5, it and 23 By George McMaiius i Mnrinr 5,T,:f: mfcEPt mvr.T. in CPuraiKMi wttf ill U ta iimI( iiisiir by nr i O rn .1 i, ' ' ' '"" .i.tr . . 'T ."z of itm-m t hrm.h i ..rumLu, (t , u4i. in tit n w dm turn An in 1. ..... lit" ..,ih...i.i.. ...... . .... --- - - .. 1 r . 1 1 . i;t.: ttrraMUl of Ihr rtlr 1.1 im..i ........ iHWrtMwni Pitaw N.. 4.,j (, . , Mm ft rrnt. ,7, i, Mi r,, t Xhm my rnwm hvtr Ifcu f Ilk nl tiinral. fill. IWir for tk iipru tt NOTIOC w rm v linn "l I Iralr II' L far Ul Two if . Mm l,tt w i Lnatvua. MID in. ii, r. Kvci r.on. HfflUftr tt TIO. LINO CT. Hlk f lulinll U Apply U lllH " L"l. Ill . Sk .tl. f . II, 1 f .. ... f r l I lu.,11.. . I.. . . . -. n Wl u., . P I fir I nf rtiiM hHt-ri . .. . . . Cir-ulns Oat, Put .u4. CJ I Tike nf m W. Utittm; tf Vu ftrntrr, oentinau rtnnrty null. WVHf ni ru sr rrrmiMMlkl hi KIW Ifc fiiMuwinr 4rrttnl umt nariDf it l rinlM mi lh umth N.r of c. ttlM Ctnt, Uwnn- xiutk 15 rulh Ow fbiia. iikw sons t rfmiM ttturr: thnr fuHminir ilvxv In pi,,v . t "WWIflWII'llllI rnanlMnf fofl crr nnre r 1 W. I. iCrTRKWIt. . . . . tnt rpBrt. niUxi Till July. lt. MINIMAL ACT. cituiriCATC "or TrioiiiiTS. NOTICt. , Mllr. Ililt I. lUi't n. f.lMW'V ciaiNM. fHMIM Ml lit aHi Cil Mlv t DivNlna nf r..i tu.i. ti . , snmonr Inivl m Wl"ru m. ilni 1 ititi .ta of rurt lliri. Takji nllM tfei.i v . . t . .-t . rre MHtrr" Crriiririlt o. 7I : m. lt UJr lir ' IIM dltf tr,J 1 Mhr k IM limine nn,r tr 1 i .r II fir 1 1 lit Irr ti..t hu. . .1 . . . nf '.luiinifir 1 rmn Orim ih in 1 . i sen frthf m t.tf ttut rtum f'.r tlx- limawr at iM . Ovigir tl nf IUII IM lllh dr ft Jalr. A Ii. lfl Alaliltt. MC MUM. Frr Mnr i;nifirn. sn tjili ' LAND ACT. Nolle of IrjWntkn U Apply U frth In SkhA I . n.1 In . 1 . t. .i. . r.i . IflM .f 1'flnre lllliwrl. irot MIimI itxi'it 1 'A in 1 1 a s.tii . b . . . 1 . w Iultiy iikI rnnuimnr III tj IwrlU liUfrl. 1 Tik notlr ihat frink r. Bnnlll. of Vinrmivfr. B.C. iktumOoii Innilwrmiii. Intrmli 10 nily for rsTtnliakni 10 pur fhe llw folmwini ili;riLiL lnW ,(W 111 . ' " ii. in T" I . iwno nnii or r. .H. einliuii ?'; " Mfcomt ihr linn .f il'.1. '!'"'4..!n I"'ln.'.n' wn'nranl. iml Inrlurlmr all nf um twviu i.i.n.i . . n.i JM The niihl of Wir of uid c l tuilvir. im mnuioiat tie fr. iimhi or Iris, rnviK r. hLanm Xm nf . pflrant Airnl for Prink F. Biirdtl, iiy C Wlimol. .. . . . iirbTt a. Hon. Iiileit It Slltm. Aup. tllh. t3. WINtNAL tCT. CERTIFICATE OF lfROVEMENTS. NOTIOC, "M'-ie." "Vw. f ,n,i vw Xi 9M !lnMl ri.ih.. .1. ... .... .7-' ..i-iiii, piiiiin 111 iw lkn Ml...... i.imii . .... . - ,""', n Wll i hiimri. um wiui riiannel lln. ' "l Uv fr.au ih (til J.?,r-! ,,,rMf,r"' Impr. 11111X14, for th lt.iv .T.,"l.'.L"t'u,nm, rlnm. ,:ro,,n '!"" ( tii 111 nirii 11. mint t rcmiiwir.! I "inrr "t "fh cetrinen of ii"fiuinini, iuii ihu inn, of iiriii a n iu pRNot LAND OIITRIOT Qu"" chaniotte Ssunds dVstn.ct. T.k. vnn.. . . r7',,:rn Ss.m luni,, ? n7,n II ' point iim rluini iiirthwMtiriy rrtun linrthUDkl rnrn.r ..r in. 1' rijri "iiti u riiaini. mara a Taaa aA nnlnl II ,h.r. V" "1 '"?'T "r I ... 1 ... : '"'riiiwem rnim in, iiuir-innij, thrnre inuthiitrly 1 rhiln roniilniiir jo irri. mor or lm. ' ,0,h ' July,-'! Ml U, B. titnoitoa. A1101.