PXoi rivo ' TBI OTtTT ilEilVS iwwBYf sKtLHrJ I flBLT LaPiV el The Daily News phlNCK IIUPKHT - BHITIHM COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the lnuce Htipert Daily News, Limited, Third Aveuue. II. F. PULLKN, Managing Bditor. 8UB8CRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. $1.00 By mail to all ports of the British Kmpire and the United Slates, In advance, uer year. .!..... i. ., $0.10 To all other countries, in advance per year. TELEPHONE 08 transient Display Advertising. lYansient Advertising on Front Page. Local Headers, per insertion Classiiled Advertising,, per insertion . . Legal Notices, each insertion .Contract Bales on Application. .17.50 .$1.40 per inch per insertion . . . .15c $2.80 par inch . ,25c per line . .2c per word per agale Jim All advertising should be in The Daily New lllllre on day pre ceding publication. All ndvertii'itr received snbjecl In approval Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Tuesday. August li. 1923. Editor Visits Skidegate, Tl-ll and Port Clements and Tells of Ms Trip on Queen. Charlottes iity ii. r. 1'iiiifii, Perhaps it would be belter to tell in some detaiivrfjjhe trip HKe, .Mier spending a little lime at Ulu Aiasstt willi lViortjs ueasy, Indian agent, seeing ins woiuieriul collection or lottTftis and hearing him tell of the possibilities of Ihe Islands; after fin seited buildings, v two deserted mills, and a generally deserted aipearance. lo the place. There was a big pool coom, .restaurants mil .over Ihe trail td TJ-II, having been set forward on Ihe route by Mr. Dyson and forest ranger tfcotl. II. Is 12 miles front Port Clemeptsto Tl-ll and il look me Rather more than the nlloted line to tramp il, for I slopped several times lo photograph the grouse thai were in Jarge numbers, to take snapshots of one or two lit-. te streams, lo talk with mem. hers of Ihe gang who were pul ling up telegraph poles, anil to ent( p piec; of pie al (hm camp cookhouse. These distractions made the trip ntorc pUasnnt than If , otherwise would have been. 1 ne trail passes I it roup It a fairly fertile country. Mjic,h of the land could be cleared easier than hi many parts of I liT island. Tli'ie also was almost open "Builds Bonnie Babies" If you cannot feed your, baby Nature's way- Glaxo, the super-milk, is the only alternative. , CUk 1$ $plJ by DrmgfUtt iknmgKtmi CmnaJm. Sataa Jkcto. far Cauaa 1 ImU W. Klukla 4 Ca. Ua, MCaal at, TafaaU HIalr3ffS?rfrMlir j muskeg, not low nnd swnmpy t't known as Queen Onarlolle City, Ihiph n.l iroissy where in wet ting i Atiforu-llay cannery nol weather one could sink l Ihe'operaled this year, Ihere I Hip knees in vi. muss. Al nrcsent t Slate f.hnek coal mine being de. rnad i :ashotl,anUnirmi. When veloped, there, is the fertile ! j it is constructed, it 1 will npet. beautiful Sand Spit al Hie en-J snnle lands thai should, be sllll jlranee,. there is a fine ore de- ami should bring returns to lit posit which hit been oflleially settler. II will likely be scvcraijcxatoincd recently and which will! years, .however. Iifr il U built 'prohuuly he worked noon, f It J riclil ilirimh a it is a diflicullLre bird Ulaml where gulU and mad to construct, ami it Is not liruillcmols and yslcr catcher Jikely that aiiyvrovernnTenl would Impend the amount of numey re. ipnied for it in Any one yenr, or even in two or three. My bung n little every year il will nol be a Inn don to Ihe taxpayer. Biggest Ranch Step As Mr. Ward was not at honie, I did net slop at the first bouse al the eastern end f the trail except (o gel a drink of water, but Continued another two mites lo the Kji'Jiard-ioiiMilarp, the lar gest ranch I saw anywhere n the Islands. II is on the little Tl-ll streani ' and the opeit meailows und , productive fields brought hack itiPiiinri.s of days hotels and !torN-,bai haitJipen.R The following morning I set . 'v . 1. but fe,w were now In operaiou. iel one ejnU well iuulersland th refurlance of those who bouclu properij iiieiv lo leave such a place. The soil was umloubteilly rich 'anil" productive, Ihe climate excellent, the scenery most at tractive, yet Ihe j-ople had goire because I here was no wy in which thy coirfd earn a living, ith the closing of the millr the means of livelihood had been taken nwwy. This is nie of tUe stronpest argunu'iils In favor of IIih Closed town, especially hi connection wilh. luniberjnr op erations which are always more or'Jess uncertain. To s4ll peojib; town lots in n town dependent on a mill alnne is alutosl criminal. A Model Garden In order to illmlrnle the pro- stocks, asler-. iwtunias and al- rvjsl a hundred varieties of the eld fashioned flowers were in bloom. Not an inch of land was wasted and not a weed was to be seen. It was i-asy lo see that the lam) vvtts all rijiht and all that was needeit to jrel most wonder ful results was to apply indnslrv mixed with brains. That is Ter-lainly.what Mr. Dyson des. Over the Trail rone by, of seeding and colli valing, of hayin? and harvest in thler settled communities. I spent a dar and two nights at that farm, revelling in .all Ihe seductions of the countryside, hospitably entertained and leav ing with re pre I. I did iwd ask !iov many acres there were in Hie farm or how many cattle Mr. Richardson bad in his herd, for I dirt not want to kirow. What saw was a hein or line cows and young stoek, a heavy crop f hay being cut in the fiHds,, largoi flocks of lame geese up the sirean, raspberries ripening in the garden, ami beauty every where' I wandered over the farm, hoked across the straits from Me Iiearli lo try and see Kaien Island and failed, helped gather some bay in (be fields, played bridge with the family in (be eveninf and left early in the norning .regrellin? bavin? lo leave sucli enjoyable surround jings. For a real Injliilay, give me a week .ona rami wnere I lie from Massett Inlet to Queen Uiarlotte Lily 'Tnorder nY J've w W.Vrichl Jort. readers who have not visited Ihe country an idea of what iiwllti.ii'lli' 'j -TO !.'. VI 111 Llll or iiur"fmi! Richardson farm , Deserted fx :t lii ii it llirp I7.llltll sputji Jkf fill. and I jnet Mr. at Old .Massett; after driving with Charlie .Spence to Ihe North j,inior ,!'PrP al "' "'eock inorninz and in his n t. ...ix .:t .rmii ,.r 1 1 ..j u-.-u 1 liie rolc firatll wuric nip miir. n iiiut;? tfi utlll tlliu 1111 Willi 11 llirt"s .... ,. can be.drien as on a road; and wa?nn . J'le. II was a nflpr PTnorionrincr ll.o snlomlut uiiclivilv if soil lipni IM ni greftl ride. Nie Nad Was ex- hsjiilalilv of everyone I went to. tell of visit lo IIk home of Mi' Buckley Bay. visited logging and Mrs. L. Dyson. They have camps tramped up the Ian Hiver a small place, but one of .the yuwFjVfSZ bliles 'VPr, Avere dreams dreams , to the irst lake, danced with lb? product ive-UiaveW Veen Ur any tnejUiKicnes, ine gum,. Buckley Hay girls at a atunla parLoTiACJArrldft vvAil-'Uy1 tut-night event, and eventually founo sntfdcOli s' j f;y U'.'f myself myself crossing crossing the tlie immense immense lake lake course course of or my my travels. rsy "V.-ifelables known as Massett Inlet in the grew there in abundance, rasp- eveninc at about the nui-et bmir ln-n n" w "oim-- on the lo Port Clements. M jranes. potatoes were fn bloom One of the Best Places fanrt-shnwed that the crop was Of course evgryijAa'ce JvisitM l"ind ver- large; cueiim- was-lbe be-ron' lheI!lands. j.bers were being rut. tomatoes am fn-ely .willing to admit Ihat.fWre growintf fast nod pnunised One f these best places was Portjl0 "pen on the stalks, sweet pea?, Clements, Looking out from the doek as the launch that carried nf pulled away jn jls return, I felt for the moment that I had not yet visited so lovely, a sj,ot. Then as I wandered inlambto find a stopping placij and to make one or two visits,. I found mnny de. cellenl, nuite gooil tmotiKh for an automobile, the woodland of lieligbl. s of Utile xrti'lies hewn out of lh;.fores. 4he. wireless. Uil Hm at Lawn Bill witir its improvised taerial, all were inlerestins', but lotnc of Hie ranches were deserleii, many of Hie people who formerly lived other is the while settlement. iiesl. Hiere Is oioe or the nnesi spruce am bembk in the world along it liores nmt B has pos. sibililie as .a holiday resort whbh few place can equal. I'here is bound lo be great ac tivity at kideKate Inlet sooiu Oueen Charlotte is the fjnlw of thin?s for Ihe Inlet. There i a hotel, several stores, an unused i mill, u telegmph and telephone ofllce and scenery rnxurpasseii. There wre a lot of fine gardens growing everything that i grown ahywiiere on the rnat. John I.. Barge is the mining recorder and be has the show garden or the place. It has almost everything (flat 0:1 n be desired including chestnut, filberts, tomatoes 'and! various other signs of luxurious living. Many of Ihe houses have loney suckle growing on Ihe porches -or in Hie garden and nobody there seems NiJuirry or to worry. They do huine with the loxying rqnip and ot-hers and seem lo m making a goo living. Useful Hospital One feature ufHjueen Charlotte. is the hospital in charge of Dr and Mrs. Palmer. Dr. Palmer i a regular physician and Mrs.J Palmer is an Kjiglish trained nurse anil together they look af- ler the institution and are gradually improving il and mak-j inx it an up-to-date little village hospital. II is plenly large cuiiugh lo answer the calls inade iiiimi it iiml it- is canalilft. of con'-l siileruble extension as the needs! require . The bospital garden Isj oniing lo be ji feature of the place and residents of the village say Hut? Dr.. and Mrs. Palmer have done woilders in Ihe year I hey have been there. More money is needed however lo make he iuslitution more effective. The increased de,aiftship ser-vico will be heartily welcomed by people everywhere on Queen Charlotte Islands. The poor service and high rates charged were Mie chief grounds of complaint by Ihe c.iple I here. They also were ansiou lo yet road extensions jul a everyone in every, other part of Ilia province' is asking! I he people on Ihe Islands are proud of their heritage, lheynre confiifenl of the future, I hey are Ibere had gone because tlieyjmoslly optimists and are parlie fouad the lask too big, the loneliness loo great nnd Ihe market for produce, If ihey 'ever rafsed any, too uncertain. Just now there is plenty of demand for (fruil .vegetables, meal apd oilier farm produce and prices secured are higher titan those paid in lirince Huperl, in iliany cases. Al V. I)uncan's place we found fine oats growing in the field, vegetables in I he; garden and we each ale a big bowl of the finest strawberries in Ijie world. They were inn Mie largesi put ror luscious flavor Ihey could pot be surpassed. Mr. Duncan has. a fine frontage oft the sea ami in his spare hours he washes jtold from a mining claim he has on the place. He was an old friend of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mobley and delighted lo iell of , old time. escapades, of hunting trips anil of 'the early history of that part of the province. Plaxk flat Totem As in Ihe north end of the Island there are two -Massed' so in Hie south there are two rikidc gales. One is Ihe Indian village, the fmesl mn the coast, nnd the ularly Jealous for the reputation of their climate ,aud resources. I'bey .have reason for nil lhee BiinK. I)eve,lopnienl will be slow but sure but Ihe flanlen of Ihe Pacific is bound lo win out in the end . Ten Years Ago Its Pi inc Ruprt August 14, 1913. The roiiftlrurlinn of n telegraph line between Saudspit and A I i ford Itay on Crnihatii Island has jiisl been complele.d , - The Ladies' 'Altai- Society of the Catholic Church, gave a pic nic. for the Sunday Hchmd child ren lo Tugwell Jsland yesterday. The jatinclies Alice B., llegenl and Alouelle were used. Yesterday afternoon Hie Ladies' Aid of Ihe Presbyterian r.htircli gave a most successful lea in the beautiful home of Mr. Wesleifliiiver, Fifth Avenue Kast. Mrs. V. (I, Dawson presided at the lea table and was assisted by The chief Interest centres In Ihe! Mis. T. IcrjymonL Mrs, Native village, where those won- .Manson, .Miss jichenzie derful black slale totems carved by clever men, an art in which they excel and which il is hoped by everyone will be continued . If the native people realize that the handicraft is a unique one amj one by whidi Ihey could not-only earn winter money but could preserve their Identity as people, I hoy would never let go such valuable ac-cmuplishmenl. At Skldegiile llev. William Allan is in ciiarge of Hie spiritual welfare if the village ami Miss Andrew is. Ihe nurse in charge. A new scIimj teacher is being appointed. 8klde?ate Inlet Skidegate Inlet Im u picluresiiue j place. I s full of possibilities ome of wit ii l will probably mar fits simple beauty. Al present 'there Is a little town on II shore 1 Miss ai-p Mcintosh and Miss Holtby. A Tfndera arf Invlird for th purrhie ori Moat Hull (kAVKM, 4S fest lonr by V fir 1 brain, Willi t Isila MrClary riHiklnir iovr, toilet and ali ua.ln, bllar and wrilii- iiiini, fiifl and uaier lanka, oua too 10. and our 31 lb. n-lr and laws, otih. jo u.. j cylinder 4 ryrl 8am-noli bravy duly taiurilne ciialnf corn-hlt-tr, wllti to prof llrra .and pro-ix-Jler fbartlnr, ; Tbute ran If liisiartnl at tbr .rrlntf UiMxTt Pry Put'k, tor ruriliw partlrglara aily to tlw t'l.ticru orrire, eriiui-' imix-ru ' Tarina at sau-t asii, , TriidTa loiml. be .nfed and marked "Tid"T.fr I'nrrbanc" on oiilld ea-elop, and Ir In.llie iff Ira of tlx lMrlor of I tslierli-a, 1'rllirr liuiierl, by if boon or tbe fird Innlaiit. ' ' i. A. NOTIIEhWEI.1., Cliuf innprrior of Hihri. .TWPilar."Au?wi It, fty .vh mam ' 1 WW I With the Cream left in cake ami candy table was In charge of Mrs. II. I".. Ouihpp and Mrs. John Mcltae. Advertise in ihe Daily News. NOTIOt A rutille Auction al or Ooinimnt Lot In tlui Town of Allin. B.C.. lll b IM-Jd t Atllu ua WiHliwirOty, Auruil till), Idt3. ronmimrim it 11 a.m. 1 tlirgii or n limiorm lott id aiuq Tomnflla and Addition win is Mtrtta ftr al. In-ltx! r or Mj "on hlrb lm-protrruiroti ftlil, urb liiiprorrioeix rout! Im r'd ror In Pill, at Urn Uovrrtimrnl valuation, on ths day of sale, If txuihi by nj Miner Uian Hie xrwin rfpunnill for tun. For 'Sale 1.1 M or any rurlbrr Informa-Hon, aiHiy to ilia Uovrrnniviit Aml, Atltn, or ine .briiarinw-nt or Land, Victoria, II. CATIICAHT, gupArmtrodMii or Laodi. RAILWAY TIES. Tok Canadian ."latlooal Hallway ars In top) market to (mrrle their Tie require-menu for t4. I'artlea lhinr to piwluce Tlea for the ntilay CUT)ny houfd rta-mimical ultti Mr. W. II, uraot, Oenertl Tie Atenl, Hoom 0i, linadiaii Kallwitl F.prem iiulldinr. Montreal, ou on or before Aurut Kill. ll, and lire the followlnr Infortinilom The lis-atlon of the timber from bleh lb Tlea ara to be produced. The kiwi of timber. tt0UlT' of Tlea, either oann or hemn. Aa far a posnlble.' Tlea muM be (inslured oq Can adian pauonai Linen, V. II. fiiuT. oeneral Tie Aaent. LAND ACT. Malice ( IntanUoa to Apply to Purchaa Land. In Skeena Land Iitmrlet, rieeordlnir Plx-trlrt of I'rlrwe liiiirl. and annate at Captain Cove, Pitt Inland, C.ll, i, Take nonce that W, Jerreron, ci Van-coiiver, occupation cannery nun, InlemM to apply for permliioii 10 purrhaie the folio I nr dearrlbed land: Commehclnr al a pout planted on Ine aouth eliorn of Cap Uln Cove, tlienre miiiIIi IS rhaln; Iheiu'e went 10 rhalo! thence north 15 chain to Miore; llienive rollonlna; hore 10 place of comment UH'iit and rmilAlulna; forly acps, more or lea. W. J. JP.rTF.ltSO. name of Appllaot. ' Dated 7ib July, H3. RINt MWPIirr LAND DMTNI0T. QUIIM CHARLOTTI ISLANOS DISTM0T. I Take Notice that the Taniara Flhinr li Tacklnr Company of ,deu Harbor Intend to apply for permlnlon o Irate tlw followlnr deacrlbed roreliore Coinmencinr at point II. il) (lialnt rtorthwetutrly from tlie northet corner of Lot I ODD, tuenie In 1 norluwederly direction chain to low waur mark of plion Entrance, thenre aontbelerly And folUiwlor 4Ui low water mark SO chain, more or Icn.'to point I chain northweit from Hie quar-1 tar Lot poat oil tlie ihore line .of Lot ' toot, luenre aouttieaaierly chain. 1 tbeoce Boeiueaitrny (0. eitatna, more or ie, 10 jim point of cooanencMuent, uul rontllntnr 10 acre, more or lea, paled f his totb day of .July, ttll. LAMOAHA HJin.tO it PACklNQ CO. II. D, Bablniton, Aftot. MTW9 Mir Chilliwack District L ', JUST thefoolhillsoftheSwiu as Ihe milk from Alpsisfamousiljouuli. out Europe, to is the milk Irom the Frascr River Valley known in Western Canada for its remarkable and consistent richneu. Owning and operating a condensarv at South Sumas, the Borden Com- receives this milk fiany rom the finest dairies in the Valley, puis it up in four convenient s'ued cans, and places it within your immediate reach (at your grocers) under the nam ways ask for and insist upon getting Borden's St. Charles Mi!L Ue It. for ertryMilk need .' VAtlCOUVLU K tl Special Jeapot Sale We have beenYorlunnJe(n ctirjng nn avrteil ' of Old KnglUh Teopots wfiiclrwe have priced except ,;;r.r. low. There are several slylen and siicj to chooe ft: I'nces run from Oflc lo .f I.S0: They are now on display in (ir window. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. .60 Third Ave. Tel. J. For . . . , Carnival Queen Miss Adeliri Henrikson The Little Fisher- maiden" 1 . WE FISHERMEN'S and. MOOSE CANDIDATE