PAQ1 pom SHORT SNAPPY SALE of Men's Specials This Week Only. Ilegular ll.75 ami t0.5ii Shot's. llrowu or HlaVk. All sizes anil shape, (ioing at $6.50 & $7.50 See Our Men Window. Family SHOE Store "Shoes For The Family." We Solicit THE MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTIES AND COL. LECT(ON OF RENTS"' The Satisfactory . Services given others, Justify us In soliciting yours Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhayn & Hanson Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. . Stove WOOD We have just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned, and dry. Sue cut to order. Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. Service and Quality our Motto. : LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone .68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Dislrihiting. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. EPSON COAL We can now Bupplour FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co- Phone 68. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices Ucasonahle Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Kfimlnale Ihe draught around your windows ailJ use less coal. 8EE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Window. (ilnss und Mirrors gf a I kinds. T. R088 MACKAY. Phone Blue 166. TH1 DAJL HlWfi rp-w BRINGING UP ' FATHER By George McManu$ 1 MtAtARx' II I i'MCLXotOU I I II OADDX.LCTHE IVSvE )( VtNTttT I I HUM 10 QvCo. T WO IIXWM I I" Jl 'r2 K I i ii . r. ii i v. .. , i iv r-mai: ri -i i i i n i ii. cf s i ls id or n W00DW0RTH LAKE DAM IS LEAKING Superintendent of Utilities Authorized b City Council Last Nloht to Make Temporary Repairs The superintendent of utilities was authorized hy the Cjily council last night lo make temporary repairs to theViidvnrlh Lake dam 'which was reported lo he leaking. The i-'porl of Ihe superintend- enl on Ihe matter said (lie ilam was leaking in ihe front the sides. There was no im- mediate danger but renairs of -al Jeast a temporary nature should hJV made. A lit. I eniil Miof Miit dam was Jo he thoroughly W- port would he fr.rlhcomin? a a later dale. j 1 MORE POWER AT I i Report on Capabilities Is Re ceived by City council from Consultlna EnaHieer "' r z Woothvorlh Lake is capahle of' Hiroiiucin? power up to 3,500 .te power- anil Ihe city ouJAf ( Prince Rui he- .safe m inftlAUInv Ikc A. ,i. Cj.k, .n?t machines like the pre.eriflfM pfen49ilW,l''ward. ""warn, 4 ji M. lUkk iiocKin at fheiower house house BCcoc.M!wW,,v,w'1 Bcoc7Pxy",w', Iiouver. 1. ft. Cuulkiii, J. J. E. E. Ross. Ross. tvrmUojrin Hv'fi' Jiphl Jijrhlmir'Jor mirror Ih'prelb hp?Vib u u H "j a report hy tendril of of Seattle aM'it-.yiinKen- gineer foJOi 2fl.?'V4tffrli.-&& N suhmiltwl arifiihe,tjHWPn4VaMk,V pitiife iA- the utilities committee. Ihe -r'Ainff of the dam ten feel nfih &lfh .a.vater supply fhr'ifl,jiiniaUnn'ir 100,000 peo. pj0 ,yiP riie report was fite.t for future referency. Aid. .Macdonahl sialin?! llial it bori oul the opinion of Superinlendent Love. essington people TO BUILD OWN WALKS - Thp Indians at Port Kssing-ton are preparing lo 4tnlf a has-ket social, Ihe proceed of which is lo go towards repairing the iNad through Jhe Indian Reserve. Also a subscription list is lo he (circulated to raise money for the' same purpose. Vsolices have heen' posted all over Port Kssinplon explaining the silualinn and urging all lo ueip m ini very necessary work, UTILITIES REPORT Light Department Showed Surplus of S34.72 During July and Telephone Deficit of $525.75. The light department of the ounril .meeting. Ilevenue of Ihe light depart - twnt durinj the month was $3,700 ami expenditures, 6r"3H. ri telephone depart - .lmuglil in 3,5no and cost f"r Ihe mouth was l,fl'5.75. - SKIPPFR OF (.IVFnlPHY GOES TO MALASPINA " Capl. J. I.aird, master of the steamer (iivenchy, has heen piven .jiionin t f ..In....... flnA 'itiiiiaiiii ill jilt- f-.iiiici .lill.l- ;iina sutceeliny Capt. Holmes .N'wconitie .'wtmwie jvno who has nas hee.n nee.n super super-nnualed. annuated ,,CJ'- isn'jf r". m ale " i of npyvmi IllliVenimyjtajr MiitnyiiaM coin- Imandjof slupSSHP' . IJ hotel Arrivals Rupert . Munr.Y, fi. T. nnu n. ii. nf1' 'v " MalLer. Klson; McAfee, (iijorgetown : Car- r,p - -arpenler. , hast OraiiKi . V : IDaxftnU llotrman, Seattle; - L i'ultP3'i0.rV Montreal: Mrs. 1 ea n4 Anx SQ- I"'- A. firee. nfontoit: Miss MrnareK attie. "azeljon; Mr. and MrfT" ft. K. Morreii, m. joltn. .N.H.; llan ;Lervick, Kelchikan; Claire Ke- n ''8P Pedprson, city. Central s- Ocean, halls; V. H. Mc- jLean, Wallace, N.S.; . Dorothy Whitman, Vancouver; L. Carfin, &t rsrur r:,. ,.,inm HELD AT HAZELTON Visitors From. Smithers Carry of all Games" Except Ladies' Doubles 'SMITIIKftS, Aug. IU- Satur day morning dawned in a very un-oteasnnl manner. " Hnin fell heav- :jy during the previous nigll. and when the local tennis experts at the station o make ihe trip to llazeltou to malrh their latent with Ihe pick of the latter town, rain vns Mill drizzling down, enthusiasm was hfgh,and no tonic was needed lo put the player in good spirits. Those journeying and taking nail in the Imirn.'inu'ii! were Mr: ami Atrs I. r.lmnm.ih. Mr. nn.l The SmitherppiiH. who were met hv rei.resentiilive lliiMdlmtiniiH nt city showed a surplus of 3l.72;Mrs. , Kilpalrick, Miss Oood-nnd Ihe telephone depifrlmenl a'on, .1. 0. Stephens, 0. A. lloffer-deficil of r,2.',.7r. during thenan. j5. Arnold and II. Welch. monin or July lo re- port fnun Ihe superintendent of ulllities snbmilled ut last nlghl'u'lhe station, were lakii In hand, BRIER iaml despite the ilisjna! weather I I l..'il i . m Mini it nun iijomeni was spent iiiini the casihoum! train Vft in the morning. Friendly frames of hadmintnn were ImliilKed in during Ihe af- flirtiiinil mi. I .....I.i l.k i nni.j .n ii I i i i iiiin -rniiiri H III! I .'.'ll mill it was impossjhle to start tlpl tennis series until tvon n in ulipnl it in I 11.. I. ..I it in a t-ii iiiirn ni i" iiik jiriu in restraint the players iinh'ise themselves and fal play resulted. Following were the results of the games, the Smilliers players hemtr mentioned first: Men's Doubles I J. ?. Stephen and O. A. llpf-fernan l-atJ. lunihiill and 0. Onlloway u lo 2. i Arnold ami Chapman heat dill ;and Wrinch in I. II. Weh-h ami S. Arnohl lal W. :Vnltie and IL no.ld.inl. f Ml vH nnuhla II. WeJchtrd Mrs. N. k'ilpat- rick lieat I . fSiMl.lard ami Miss M Horjmry fi to' 3. J. J, Stephens and Mrs. X. Kil-patrieVheal V, Walie and Miss L. Watlie 0 to t. i MV. aiuf Mrs. P. Chapnun heal Mr. Little and Mrs. AndeVsnu. Ladles' Doubjes Miss IMxIsoii and Mrs. Chaji-niaii wer heaten hy Miss Me-Culchein and M'rs. Anderson J tn C. After the tournament a dance was held in honor of the visitina team. A good crowd attemleil and Ihe pleasimi)f the dance was such mat in- rew Jnrt hours until midnight passed all loo oiiicklv rhen Ihe visit terminaled Avilli etpressions of thanks ami annre- cialion for the goo.Mime enjoved hy tlw vUilors, Spprt iChat Weather permilling, the (initio oul Sons .of England will meet this evening on lite Arropolio IJill grounds in (he sixth mid last game of the Stuart Shield soccer series. The Sons, three points ahead in the standing, have already a cinch on this particular piece of llverware ul interest .will allaflf ilse.lf around Ihe fart that, if the C.rotlo are successful in winning tonight, tjiey will emerge fi-oui the unils-puled claim to Ihe cellar and Aill shine posflioii with the Sons of Canada. Anyway, a good game Is assured which will he worth Ihe while of Ihe fan In The Sons of Kngland learn will he selected from the following lisl of players: Frlzzell, Lamhe, Fariiihar, Tinker. Kelsey, llmlg-kfnson, Craggs, Jolinsou, Mac kintorh, Lord, Hamilton, Hodgson and Cameron. ' Prince Oeorge Veteran eliminated the .Menrhte' foothall team from Ihe Perry Challenge Cuo series hut week hy a score of 2(o J. J is n sudden deatli eompplition and possession of Hje troohy will he determined yn a contest helween Ihe Veler ans and Caledonians at Prince Oeorge on Labor l)a.. Itsl .week's Mine look pl.K'e on Ihe MrUridc home gnnimls. Dailv News Classified Ark M CiNTS HPH WOKP p HELP WANTED SAWMILL and Pinning Milt Men wanted. Wajres JDc and tuc Also lumber nder and truck loader at contract I tie. a thousand. Also men for con tract logging sawing at il.21) skidding 2n;1 ab.m; miarter mile idle. 2.00. United Oniin tinkers ,u-er s,. Sawmills, null- Mutton. n., 1(.C. , IDI FOR SALE FOIt SALE. T. tl. Difnrnn's 27 - finjl raise ihfk cruiser 'Nan ry." 1 1) h.p. l eycle engine, "double ignijioii, storage battery, N generator, etc. complete with dinghy ami all acres-sorie Phone Jted 390. FOR SALE. -New hull. IC feel by rtt fee. Seine boat modeh IConsirucleir of first flaM maleriol. Ilariraln. Address T. F. 4ohii!on, P.O. Jbu U7H. KeVhik;(ii, Alaska. , FOR SALE I H.P. Fllrmonl enJ i trine, speeder lype, late model! almost new and in 1?rfect ,r terms. Ilunis.ate (Snrage, lturnJ.ake, t U3 FOR SALE I have for saht sev eral boa Is good for pleasure qnd work at eceptJonal liar- gains. ihey muithe sold. piy m. iiri.ean, low i . m t ' h. rsa FOR SA I.IFult:L'-pn iW Oood onijUitirly for iersnn who-etmgTve it their full lime. Apply Fuller's Orwery. If (()())) Home on Oraham Avenue. Section 2 for sale, 7 rooms and bathroom. Appl)- Mr. II. J. Sutherland. FOR SALE. Dining juiile. rocker couch, tatile, lit on rug, etc. CJieapr Phone Mine 107. (IUI T9R RENT l OR RE.NT.--AI Alice Arm. nool- room, barber sop and cigar siore. Living room upsimrs. Also beds for pnl. Apply Art lilaudin. Hot tl, Alice Arm, H.C. J9 KOlAlENT Four room furnih- ed bungalow, complete with all modern conveniences. .Close in. Apply llox 132, Daily News Oflli. I'O RENT Furnished moms, with hot and cold waler, hv day or week.' Moderate rates. Norfolk Rooms, J'hone Hlae 32U. tf STEAM IJealed Flat for rent, Meaner apanmeniH. M. M Stephens. I FOR RENT-T-Housckeeplng rooms 4(0 Sixth Aycnue East. Phone lilue Z17. tf MODERN four room flat for rent. Weslenhuver Pros If BRISTOL BAY SALMON PACK IS VERY SI . ASTORIA, A,.. 13. Thr , itu trr puckrr' Association Clillll- ....11.. 1 1, a ...II... ti. .i I f- 11 ,it.. i. ..1 .1 i i. t .. limine luiiiru iruiii uriMoi imy lri.M u -,.. A.litrla iKCiirdiiTK to advlii-s rmlvnl 7HI "T" .,2U"T "TliM l'rr. iJ -urf!, Tht hlp 1 briiiKlng n Mrrptlohiilly The lldiiiiK sravm IhronKlioiit llrk. ljnIAKf11N,'T'I.f: '' n the 'sisl day of h(l liny hus Lrrii the hh.-I In yrn It "ft ' .'uii .Vi of "ollrlloii m.l tli .dvlcrs rrrrlvrd said Niuh. iri Kd "we TIh, ZTwHt'ZW W UK-k liver lick ,f alt LI...I4 ..ftA.ln.lniilr. . Of lvtT Prosperous .dvert.srg means tegular continuous advertliln ADVANCE. No Ad r.rt-.ont WANTED WANTED. Men mut women Jrt learn bart.ering Paid while learning und tools free. Write for culujogue. .Mi(cr llarher ldlege, Vaueouver. D.C. UOHKhApEU '.P.I'LU wnnted.-Mld.lle wanted, -M fMf'Trrd. T Three 111 familv. family. T,t To Inke tiiV.' full full fi, ft rt' t'l b IS6. Daily Xmw office. WA .YrKD.strWg la. lo deJher it...... .... DISIIWASIIEII wanted. Appfy Royal Cafe . 113 ROOM AND BOARD I'ALMKR IIOITSE. IOC Sevpnlh Avenue Wel. Phone Red .Ul Furnished smles ' BOARD. HHOAIII). - The Inlander. M.m AvnH?. pfi;ne 137.' tf TAXI Tail 67 Phone. (Call (Jeorg or flut Ross Brothers. Five.parn!fer Tour in ir Car Prompt Day and Mint Servloa Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue HOLIDAY RESORTS MASSETT. QUEEN'S HOTEL The Ideal Holiday Resort. l or terms annlv nrot.rletre.. Mrs. J, C. S. Dunn. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mon i. .. da) i. s, Wednesdays t. i and Frl - dnvs. nays, closes elIses at at 3.30 .t no ,. ii.m ... From the East Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 4:30 p.ul. From Vancouver-Sundays ...p. jh, Mondays .3 .Wednesdays 3 P.M. 'rily A.M. Friday- 3 p.M, ngiisl 3, d, 13, 17. 24 and 27. To Vancouver Mondays ...0 P.M. Tuesdays, Mall closes at I P.M. Thursdays 10 P.M. Hnlurdays ... A.M. Saturdays ....... ..10 P.M. " Augul 8, M, 18, 22 and 20. To Anyox, Alice Arm Wednesdays 0 P.Mi From Anyox, Alice Arm Thursdays b' P.m. To Port Simpson, Alios Arm Anyox and Arrandale. Sundays .. 7 Fpom Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays A.M. To Stewart and Premier ri'lays 0 pjkl, Sundays 1 u t From Stewart and Premier fonirituys , t) ,m. Tuesdays A.M. To Alaska Points August 3, fi, 1.1, 17. 21 and 27". From Alaska Points-August H, . 8, 22 i.l 29, To Queeh Charlotte Island fonts -i-n rviKiisi " amt Ml 22 ,...JI 5.30 P.M I'.M. Fr0m Q"Mn ChrlotU Points A'lgllXt 0 and 20. ' . In ' Millar of - tuiim of m,. L'I 5 P ' J Yt'ios. w. iiehne Prlnc nuiitri, B.C. T.k-n fur Lata 80t AUCTION KALES. Conducted in your lioroe j our riKims. (UhhU atn tommtsniori. H, H. HEMMtnoj, AuetlMW( Third Ayenu (Dei.n Alln'. Old n, Phons' iilack 13 and duf tji CICROPRACTOn R. D. TASSIE, DC. Chlrcpraetor 3rd Avenue, r., . , r, ft1 j Hour: Hi lo l , . J'hoinj Itltie Reshienri' 1. t UNO CT Nl f MUl U AhI U Pmm In KlMfll I an. I . l t-H. trtri nf -nr nii-r, 1 U ti ir onriti md of t 1 r Mt a4rf. a liA.aoa.sJ. Bjr.. itnit.. K1 tar iftniiiui 1- t.,,r.h, hUwtiliM UM: r.i,(i I U I 11 - MmfS erTer nt Ll till lj t ) !- 11 in. trtr MMilb f 11 ii la 1 1 Mf Kai.k rj . . t ;0 t r. Vrtn "Win fJfcll Mlr l . mrni, m fuAutoMr t nC4H oun ; tMI1 VT uii mi. LAND ACT. fttlkt f llUttlXl U l U In Skrttu taivl.liHr' 1 Irirt uf I'rinr Uimm r. r - i tl ilk itnrtii rixt ut r mi L J?. ''t- !!" ' '!'! I'"' rroiioo in ixiriM :v t..u iiwnil unit: Ostimr I II I P llwr rrl 10 rlwlnt Itirtirj r-- mm 9 rtitln la KlUuniMli m '' t" fulltimint lb Ut o ilhlf?i H P"pe eonr f 11 f t w pvrih rhm la tn t ""' MWU'lil&l' t i 4 hot or trt. tud vt toui. lata. SOTICI. XOTirr i iirnrnv nivri ifcil i V- t'llraiksi III br mail bj Otr flM Irt lti IffOltllto Atinil J" rcitihf i.f union Ciiumt.), o -"riN, iur in sri ip rn fitthnrtfinr If tittdiltnt of iw n, ivj, iwv a pi "!. ,--fur bnrrnmln una iinndml and fini Theunand (J,ooo.eo DolUra. iPj: tHiniirra.iA har for lh nin'tmfU"' ln of certain roadway mifi bn' ami the rinlthfnt and Wndinf of mm of tiairr an4 artnli. and iwix. ea"l inrni. amt fulnr M,'2tS lhrmndr. and r'nniln and aim lltw CM lo iihii and rtlle-t "JJj nirnn for th nil of th wcra tron tor under Mid Silaw, and ndatmt defminr the areaa el mil l ,lrB 'Vi and nrnflrmlnr a relal ,r,'B'wli nmfirmeti by ihe Conn f Ht J2 nam in the Munlripat tnrat "tirr7tT xri anq an aemeni ikuut iirsler and taliflallnr bTlawa r' uanl to r Munlrliml Loral IT'J'T; rt foe borrnalnr inonev frein the "1 tor the com of rarrvlnr mt Ih "? pendinr Ita cumpletlno and for teratlant in ihe i.i.. iirwm nha parinetii of principal and lnlerl t ' d.iintiiTea authorlied lo ! "".rJai aid livlaw are In lie .mile IiartbK , I deemed eipedlnl, (mi Mrt Haled . al the Clly of Prlnc Hpe". I Ilk a a a a A Solicitor for th' ArP,,r,?,iViiJI Municipality f the cur of M1 llillien N O T I 0 K. n the ..... maYtf.h l,,,..,1 of an '. the laaiiM ,.r a l.niirUlfinal Tide of ' Iota uenljf-ltire' lenl 'iiljr-alt (, iM.lh inrlinlve Bt (I), , SubdlvHnii SubdlvHuii of of lil ll lhree lhree mmir" ""ivo Uir iUn !), Town of Terrif. Sll.fjfUiy proof of the toj' 'JJ5 irimraie of Title roierinr . havlnii been prfsliifed 10 in II .,'"' j vim niuiiiii rnwii iim nri r'""".- ni f of. a Prntldooal r.ertlflrale of ,Jli' the alsirt land In the name or ' Santeiie. The onalnal rriiflei iiuiiiiirrrii 1 a 1 e in. Land' ne.t.iry Offkr. rtn- n a OUtIM . CHARLOTTI LAND 0IITlCt Take .Nntlre tlirV. 0. MMuf . "'.I'm ----- ----- niui cnuver, u.c miner, iiuenui , -iii n LW.-ffl W' w 0, Dutd luly It. till. Jij