PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, VICTORIA, B. C. When Ytfu Want A P1FISH MARKET i rjinini vp Library. ; Phone 671. parliament Minding. , in a hurry Mar.:tl2l Fresh Killed Poultry. Fresh Killed Meat. Phone hJ J PRINCE RUPERT Fresh Sausage Dally. tit Car and Best Service In the City. Rates Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper A Trial Order Solicited, Y1H. Mil., NO. 101 IMUNCi: ItUPKIlT, ILC, TUESDAY. AUGUST Ii, 1023. , YuUrdir't Circulation 1SS Slt( 2SO. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ERMANY STILL mute iweiu uocu m akuuitilm imi trine is tauea on in iiermany and Country is Settling Down New Chancellor States Position llKMLIN. Any. li. Germany's note In Hie allied repara- . . mW' .1 I .1 mil:: commission announce liiai iis- all reparation in.kiud fur Hie . . . . - i l.rr ecus nil lis reswirccs u warn The noli attributes (lie budget deficit and iitfluliuu of Hie . i.. ii... e. ......:...- ..r .!....., I ...... I. III..IHI. f ! i 'IIIVlllJ ll; IIIMII V .1 I IMII C1IIUII I Iflllllll I hit iivi.ii:iiiir in ... ( ii-rni.tii ..i, ---.-- . . I r t 1 1 fllua AILWAY CASE I IS COMPLETED j, - Lmanl nnneiuaaa in Annual nr Province for Equalization I of Freight Rates OTTAWA Aug Argumcnl JVI .... rtumbias Md.. alioii fnr i-oiihU' . ... - a i I llun ol niKlil lrairn run- uumi ypi,rnay wurn r , ii. - - ,, itii iirvxifr in i lie iui uanum iuiii .. -. r . iii.-.. ini .lit, v.i.ut.i r Hie Canadian National fitiih. .if I Iheir joint urnuinent ntrahiPt Iik pIuIiii tif Hip nrov inriiit . .... .. .' ...ii... " ""'" " iin.atiiciii.i it.' fxiiiiiMfsi rir iiurin . ii.. it ..II irstr li m nr,A V r.tiinru fITIil MHirl ... aimeai a(rami a hccimuii oi III rill UHV fMlllIIIIllf Ml. I N i indiraHcin of Hie lriry 19 oriiicumiiiaT. the I1IIIIIHI'IIII1I n ler LIBERALS SOON nderstood In Vancouver That Call Is Likely to be Sent .Out Special to Daily New; VANCOLVKH. Auk. M I'm-meial Liberals will meet In ron- pillion in aneoover l i s la II II a slroin element in the organization As Uttn il way. Acconlinc l pieienl Indications miiiic. of I lie most mcIIm! workers in M Liberal Association say a general or iiiulerslandiiifcr was readied at of NcImmi last year Hint another I'luvinclal rally would be held at Hie roasl before Hie end of Sep-Iciiilicr of this year. Turaeoii. ninvincial oiKaui. "r of the parly .is sending out indices for an executive lueetiuir. M A Mai'.lomild. K.C., provincial IM-estdenl, said last night Hint Mils meellnif would decide when 'lie convention will be field. CITY OF TUSLA AS . UNDER MARTIAL LAW SINCE FLOGGING CASE OKLAHOMA CITY. Okln.. Auff. II tloxernor niton has ulared Hm city or Tusla under martial law following Hie public Hoggiiig r Nallian llartmau last Friday. FRUIT GROWERS LOSE THEIR NEW MANAGER a In VKILNON, 'Atig. 1 1. Aichl-l'riill Iiiim iHsiHtied as general nmntiger of Ihe Associated Hr'iw-"i's or ltib Columbia' and will b" succwdod by Hasil Slewnrt n:e veusidenl of Hi cuiuvrn. iicnuaiiy iiiiim cease rentier luue being becuuse Germany . l.....l: f II... ........I.. iJiijyiiiivuiioii m iiii- ik-uinc - .V ......... - . . v arc almost - llliailillinil 111 . u I .1.. f I V iiikH 1 1 r I iniii i Jitporls of rioting ami column-, 'nil-tie activities ronlinne iytd: tlratir police action asaint the Holer i reported from man( parts of Hcrmany. ; ALV-LA-CHAPKLLE. Ahs. 11 (Twelve person were killed nti.lj lion, nrm ulnii'V lie rrowd flight attempted to L(orm police hciidiprRrtcrs and icsyiic prisoners darinir Hip ilay. I AV,"'n ,,,t' t,rok' "1 Hip HmmI oiKirinur irinniiiraiioii. ... .. , " r.' 1 ; III I'll! I 7 I I I n V 111 III ,: uml . ", i ni 1 1 i in n ni i ii ii iiiii nn tv Ulllllllltf lllll-IHIKMllt.. Ilri.orl' ri-crlMil frimi all iwrl Him i.iiiil fv liilttiili nil iiil hi' .rl. . i,,.,,,,,.,.,,,,..,. ... ..... iii-iii , . Am.. 1 1. lr. (itiflavJ ... i. .. I., il... n.;l...A 'l-l.. ...... I .iiioill, ,iPr u , . (..rinany is I.t 1... i.n.litii sk1 nncf inlfM Itulir are Complete reslnralion b( Her-msiny ol her right of control over ftulir. Ite.ertaldilimeti of comlilions Itlilneland vouchsafed !ier nu at Ihe Versailles Ircaly. Lilieratiiiti of every eitlien imprisoned. by SALT LAKE CITY SUFFERS FLOODS MINE EXPLOSION Double Tragedy In Neighborhood of Mormon Centre as SALT LAKiTcTtV; Aug. IV a result of an explosion in a coal mine at Kemnierer. Wye I5l) miners wrre trapped. Kighl bodies of persons killed drowned as a result of a serlen rhuid'iursts'ln the vicinity of this city and Ogeden have been recovered up to II tills morn ing. Three are missing. Properly damage Is a million dollars. PROVINCE SOLD TO SOUTHAMS Lieut. Qofernor Parts with Con trol of Vancouver Paper to Big Company (Special lo Itaily Newsi VANCOUVF.Il, Aug. II. Soulhams Ltd., Hie mded i.ana- dian newspaper proprietors, have purchased control of the Van comer Hally Province from lion. Waller Mehol, Lieul. (lovernor, for a million dollar cash for 51 per cenl of the shares, Mr. Nidiol retains In jier cent. II Is believed the properly has total value of two million do is with oionis al $30(1,00(1 year. F. .S .llullei'tield, inspector of weights and measures, sailed for Ocean Falls on the Wrinee (leorge last iiltftn. IS DUTHIE OPTIONS MINING CLAIMS IN BABINE DISTRICT SMITH KILS. Aug. II .1 4 K. Hulliie, who recently tiolil Hit! majnriiy intcr"l in llu'lsi'ii Ilay pro-perlien In Hie 1'iilcral Mining k Sniellinjr l.i.. am) wlhi went wiulli a few ilayw mkii, liaf l)(iinlitj Hie iniifetal claim in lliy;lu laud llaoin In tin; ltaliliic nwrw.I by M. Kane ami I KiiiK- These rlaiins are eighteen mile from Sintllirri . Already a crew r men ha been put tu work and ili'wloumeni will lie piili-il a fal m iule. FRENCH WILL STAND FIRM Polncare Will RetLn. Courteous Rtfusal to British Suggestions - ENTENTE BOUND TO END I'AIHrs Aug. 1 1 Premier I'oln- care, wlin relumed lo I'ans last night, informed his, collaborators Hie foreign ullk-e. that be intends "In Hie. most courteous manner possible" to reply point point to the Hole of Lord C.ur- iou on Hie, reparations question.1 Although the reply will be courteous il is asserted In foreign' ollice .circles that it will be a stout reaillmation of the French viewpoint and flat rejection of the llrili-li suggestions. I'Jie reply will be sent as soon jMi.stDie, probauiy ueiorc ine end of the week. Although H Is no longer as-- sumed in (dlicialiiuarters that Ihe entente may survive Ihe pre- enl ilillicullies, the siluatlon is taken with perfect calm in (Sov erumeiil circles as well as by the press and public. TWENTY-THREE KILLED NEAR FAMOUS SHRINE LorilHFS. France. Aug. I V Twi'iily-tliree persons were killed and seven injured when a motor oacb filled .with excursionists plunged down a tf0 foot ravine in Hie l'yrauces Mountains near St. Cnuveiir. NEW CLERK OF HOUSE AT OTTAWA APPOINTED OTTAWA, Aug. IL - Finest Lemnirr. superintendent of sup ply 4ind etpiipinenl of Ihe post office department and at one tini" secretary to Sir Wilfrid Iauricr, has been appointed clerk of the Privy Council and of Hie House of Ciinmnns, succeeding the hue. Iludolph Hourdeau. Mr, Lemaire has been with tlnv civil service since 1881. Or, O. Darwin, .superintendent of Melliodlsl missions, sailed for Port Simpson on Hie Prince Albeit lust night. CENTRE BbBbBbIIBbBbIbMIBbBbBbI In the world lmiii'iuii cowboy goe? Hits liioeell Tru-, pliy. Hie -onUM ror wjncli started on a point liuiat Hie r.lieeiine Frontier I lay in July and will be roniplrted'sit Hit JjUUyiliJUUlJIetuiunouiMiijp iu-.Septci.iber. 'a$Tk,.r: , jgt 11 If Rate Barrier is Prince Rupert will be usei and G.T.P. Road Justified OTTAWA, Aug. IV If given a chance, the western provinces and the Pacific coast would justify lite construction of Hie Grand Trunk Pacific Railway to Prince Kupert but il could not be justified so long as there wa n rale barrier to the development of traffic decleared Gerald G. McGcer, K.C., of Vancouver, in addressing Hie Privy Council this morning while arguing for Hritish Columbia in rebuttal op the replies of the railways in the H.C freghl rale appeal case. Counsel for Alberta in onler lo save time waived Hie right of argument and the closing ad dress for Hie I wo provinces was made by Mr. MeOeer. The removal of three kinds of discrimination was asked for by Mr. McOeer. In the first plac. he asked that a sugar refiner m Vancouver be pel on nu eipiat rale basis with a sugar refiner hi Montreal. In Hie second place, lie declared thai manufacturer.' in Vancouver should be on equality with those, in Winnipeg in distributing in common territory. In the third place, Va'i-louver should be put in a position lo serve the binterbtiid which was nnlurally tributary to it. Mr. Met Jeer argued that where discrimination injured nu individ ual or a locality it was illegal and it was the bounden duty of the railway commission to interfere. He drew nltculioii to Ihe fact that e.ighly-oue per cent of the what acreage of Hie Hoiuinon lay to Hie vvfsl of Hie Saskalehewnn-Mnni- Ibba border and asked whether it was economical to ship Ihai wheal through Ihe purls of Montreal and St. .lolin. The false raL1 structure which made this possible, he said, bad created a move ment of trade through the United Istates. The discrimination was not In favor of the Cnnadian Fast but lather the American Fast. SIBERIAN PRINCE ONCE MORE AFLOAT . . - " ' SEATl'LF. Aug. .1 1. The steamer Siberian Prince, vwlileh went on lli rocks near Victoria July 21) was floated al five o'clock Iasi evening. Hie cargo bavins been previously lightered. . The vessel 'was. "due at Tuesday for "verhauf. OF rixxiuni Removed AGAIN ASKING AN ELEVATOR Claims of this Port to Be Once More Laid Before Proper Authorities The council of the Board of Trade yesterday afternoon decided to once more . lay before the Canadian government claims of this port to an elevator. A formal resolution Is being drawn up and forwarded to Premier Mackenzie King, the minister of trade and commerce, the minister of marine and the minister of railways as well as to Sir Henry Tfiornton. The resolution will draw attention to ihe neod of an elevator here, to the demand for return carnoes In connection with fast freights which might come from the Orient, and to the special advantages of this port. FORTY TON YAWL WITH WHISKEY ABOARD MAKES PORT FOLLOWING STORM HALIFAX. Aug. 11. -The forty ton yawl Spitfire, 40 years obi, dock'ed with n cargo of whiskey from Swansea nfter being bur- feted about on the Atlantic, sine.' June 25. The yawl was driven, by shfrnis lo the run t hern part or' . 'cw'-roumllaiid before making a safe anchoras'e. INTEREST ai Record Pack Skeena River this Year 30,000 Cases ahead 1922 The cockeye je In be a record pack on Hie Skeena Hiverythi year bids rair bi jieaker. With the fishing .season for this species (ill leu days to go. Hie total pack last week was IH7,21U cases. ban was parked up lo a corresiioiidiiur date last year. In liilx Hie record year to date, I2.I,332 cases were jiacked. With the run continuing us it has been just recently, this figure will be reached if not exceeded. The pack of pinks on the nouuie 01 iasi year. o rar Hi,.; 908 cases have been Vul un a oJiipared- with l'J.700 cases on a orresponding date last vcar.; I lie colio pack is-a'.Mi ahead litis. vear. 7,050 cases having been re corded sn far as against 3.398 uses Iasi year. , The sorin? tiackffi down -aliiiut 1 odd ..fin cases." .... ''ii.;'??.. Lliuins ami I sleel- I... I I eads are also down but Ihpse artelies do ul constitute a very important factor tof the total pact; , - - VwVeye fishiiiL' will continue on Hie SWe.najJNv,et un(UAugul Alt at C Cohoes hav75not femmf need- to run in large (luanljncs. Naas River The sockeye pack on Hie .'aa Iliyer io dale. '13.008 cases, Is not half of Hie figure' for Hie corresponding dare l&M'ycar. 28,-0tHieasfe.'' Pinks are also 'down about' 'JO.noo- eases. fueb-aes hll-n tIJliVll idik. r.. ....t I. .....I cohoes aild cbum and Ibev are uol larse. ,..- ' - SEVEN HALIBUT BOATS SELL 106,500 POUNDS Canadian Boats Received Higher Prices at Fish Exchange this Mornlnn Four American boats sold U6- .r00 pounds and three Canadians 10.000 pounds u total of 100,- 500 pounds at Hie Fish Exchange Ibis inoniin?. Canadian boats received Hie best prices bolli, for first and second class fares. Arrivals and sales: American Polaris, 05,000 pounds, at 1 2c and 8.0c. and Lumen, 12,000 pounds, at 12.0c and 10.5c, lo the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ilringgobl, 13,500 pounds, at 13.2c and 10.5c to Hie Allin Fisheries. Heliauce, 0,500 liounds, al I3.e. and 11.9c, and Viola, 2, 000 pounds at 13.3c and It. 5c, lo Ihe Hootlt Fisheries Canadian Co. Pair of Jacks, 2,500 pounds al I Lie and tl.Oc. to Ihe lloyal Fish Co. CANADA MUST NOT INTERFERE WITH THE AFFAIRS OF EUROPE Ol'FHFC. Aug. 14 Interviewed regarding Ihe European situation during the week end" visit hero Premier Mackenzie King confined himself lo commenting: "Canada I miisl .'mil inli.firi willi l.'iii.oi.imti ' - " alfairs at this stage," LEAGUE BASEBALL American League Cleveland 8-3, Philadelphia IL Chicago 1-3. Washington 5 National Leaque Piltsburg 5, llrooklyu 2. Olliers travelling. umawa 0 Sockeye of sockeve im to the end of This i over 30.0(10 c.i.p.s mnm Skeena this vear is int nlmut CANNED SALMON MOVING SOUTH !'I Vessels from Alaska Loaded Ullh With Clch Fish and -A CI.V. Fish B Pro- ducts SKATTLK, Aup. IL The full rigsed ship Itenjamin F. Pankard of Ihe Northwestern Fisheries Company left Nakenek Thursday wlUv62ipO cases of salmon, J 1 Theafque t! uf CrCross" ' fayl? parted from Xusbagak August I, willi salmon and Hie full rigged ship SI. Paul is to leave Kenst this week similarly laden. Alaska fish ami products now occupy practically all available cargo space in vessels coming lo Seattle front Alaskan points and this situation promises to exist fot.lhe next month. The Alameda wjlh u bi? list of nasseneers is hie- today with an entire cargo ; of.fisb .and fish products, the Tal ler including oil and fertilizer. The cargo includes nearly 70,000 cases if canned fish. .Nearly ono million dollars worth of canned salmon will arrive in Seatlle'tbisf week . ' " - TWO DROWNED . BOAT CAPSIZED Grandson of Late Lord Mount Stephen Victim of Accident at Mlnakl MLNAK1, Out., Aug. IL Mount Stephen aged 17, a grandson of Hie lale Lord Mount Stephen and Elizabeth Laus ,aged 16, daughter of prominent Winnipeg society people wpre drowned when Hie boat capsized on the lake here Campers believe. Stephen died when trying to rescue the girl. GASOLINE RATE WAR GOING ON IN STATES Standard Oil Undersells all Other Concerns and Characterized as Ruinous CHICAGO. Aug. U.- The prlco war In gasoline affecting thirteen stales in the middle west resulted in the Standard Oil Company re. diicfu Hie price - and one six teenth cents a gallon to 10. t cents iniiepemieiiis .vvno recently forced, down Hie price say they can only reduce five cents. and not sell at a I ist. They describn the Siamlard Oil price as ruinous lo Hie industry. VANCOUVER MAN WON OTTAWA, Auf. IV With 67 oul of a possible (l, Private Se. wood of Vancouver, won Hie Mo-Hon wall Challenge Cup ami n prize of 2$ at the Annual Domini mi of tauuda rillw vUoot.