wiik a Komi turn out of . ami aillon'iil. r'olhuv- ,c ililriit tufHInir of IUi n.i Church held farMer ml ;ly Hieie tva an iinfallinp! ( eloipwnr unil lli' It -v Darwin, Kupt. of .Miioii- i ir w rmrii, iineiion. V Saimiin, llai'll-iii, ami JOIIIIS.IOII, III IIOIIMOII, addressed Hip feathering,, .lilegale itt lii(ti ntr were ,. MnxiMhiwy. i( TelUa, l -.mi. 1 1 1 1 , or Mtwiia, mill Xi'wlrk x Heniyll in her iinial i- manner nany "The llol Hit rfiil(rinK nf (hi opulor uuiiiUt wa much i I 'll ami u an eiicin-e sh r ar li ilii' la Pray." a Ji-J-iijiiiaUifr fiwl'ir reV .M vi.iit .ii-., iiiiii tin; i I In rluin h art? ciitillHi i-aio foe llli'lr excellent! SMITHERS Welch ami Ml llnniia i it a ll I ! file local tennis r I lliii'llmi nil rwilnrduy .1 l 'fnwii . t . 1. ii'li 1 ill iinnk iiuon II... I.. .Ii ufirr ilinuiinif lliir hail Mm' member nf I In finny took in tin jinr in (itinor jsii nz ii'iiiiim maters i, iiniirris, I., l.uin-, l. ! ii ikI A Mrlloiipitll. They ri'iiiinrmi nj i.en lieu nun i.ausiiun. n'ul ii all" situation a n s fair 'l'li intiir nf c unerniiieut road 1 imiI- f hitherto iiiiiirrcilde urn. jon ' if market. J.ols on ...Uf in- KiikI were In piianii week. J. flreen rTntr fiw. K. Uuiiderori md h (.nim. ' - J 11 llyrne, who was Hip nf Mr 1). C Siiiiiiui, u I'D Hay Mnunlaln, lin rrj- nmf .Mr. II. Darlinir haf In an 't futil trip In Kail- l.iiimlii I'licy will iil !orii, Oitf- rn rntitei wlnrr on t nuiloynl llli lUr ral nMtfic ti. Tlo'y l lif jMwny for a jnoiild. ng l lnc r.i'l liming ' l'n mitiiinor Mirallon ar Mr. IioimNoii, Vera anil Oliurliv l-on . l.oiincry iia. Inaooi X-rliJof Ki'lly liouo on Tliinl Ilable no amj jwlll liorlt- nunc aindy fpurH Jiifprr. and K. Conn ami nim .ii Mr?. p. i..iiiii 4111 EH .1. Whputlpv. who wim rp-1 Hav. . (irahain, for many ly Iraimfprri'il In sVjiiPouvrri'ur l'rP(iyprian iiiliifHior iprp. lip railway cprvliv, I. mi jj-i pvivjiur thix wppk for I.a.ry. I m vli Ui lown. " Jmnilti, Vancoiivpr llatvl, to llolllnlaiJ .tralnmnu. Iih pii I Iip iHUI of. MiUiiiPr i lil fpi'T ami ri'liunpit to jn-inp; Hal. , - whlrli point hp ha4 Iippii trana- fprreil. ' . . V. J. (llaxlon or Hpulral Foil Hforp rrlobralpil hi piphly- foiirl.Ii lilrlhilay lasl wppk liy on P liowiy j.a a Kan(f ntj.'rajtfti 2 inrol' yminji la.li.' mi o- i.l in IliP " '"f" ' iii',ni lallon of Mm now hcIioo! i 'ling TIip fraiim work will I'll! up tlii wppk, uml tlmi'p l'p no rtlarkinV nf oppralinn iiouro rpjldinpnH for Hip oppfi- on SppL Ti, PRINCE GEORGE NEW HAZELTON otniiilllpp.- havp Iippii Am polnlPil for llnrplloii, Npw Hand-Ion, H-nilli IiupI(oii, llaii'llon HonpllaJ, Kluplox, Clmrry J'oint. Mini ttrnpk ami Ci'ilamilp In pp. pare- pxIiIMIm to iiiakp tin Hip hiir ppt. Hoo.l.f (hix city I ililrirt pxililliil. whjfli Jlaxpllnu ! nop ;i itynyiwr iPfiort t inv io en. In Mm J'rinrp Iluporl F.x- oi Miiuri i.akp. i.nnn iip Ihi'rPAvltl hp miliiliviilpit lUi'i' roiluitea 4reclwl. flip ci'ini'iit pipp-makiiijr plijnl llamulliin Nalional Hallway f I tuniltur out twenty piPrpt ipp a 'flay ninL iniu'liinpry i hiliilion IhK fall. Mm." raly hat been npopinlril to supprin-pml tlm pxhlhil at Prtnen' llupprt. ' After an HIiipmh Vif f,pvcral nionlli., Mr., Akiips Howp ilieif lust Wpilnexilav al. I lie lliif'ellnn fkf Pi iUi wliii'h , will InpreacP i0.,,t, Sim ha.l ipmTiIp.I lor on i.nl l flti.1 : i. . HI M...1 ' - : my 1'ifi'PM. .in niy,vera year, in Hip K Unlox Val- iiiJLiiiiim LADDER EmIiCuiiiU AMAvt py unil Ii xurviviMl by u kon, Jli'Kinalit Howe, al Jlnpinx, ami a diiuKlilt'1'. Mr l' MpPJicp, Siuillipi,f . ' 0 Mr'. 4. JfallU'rK' and rliild have reluniPil In Prince Hupert after pemling a fortnight visit- n V . i . .14 11 1023. TBI DAILY. HEWS pj.IJ II Wi lli ! PAQITIV1 ... aMMlffllM AM n ni Li AIAMeASWJ inrr hi m uni V in W- WHEN PRESIDENT HARDING VISITED' VANCOUVER M1THERS METHODISTS avWiTMs1 ni.irlct Clergy PfmmU Meeting Following Earlier 1 it Uses Less Fuel n tht Day i iiii:ns. auk. I . - in iiio li.l Church sn TliurilAy Ilia mm nn I ....... ..-.. ,nl ineellnjr 'and juelalr pipe li'if oi',rt'i Tailway )irlwrin Prliio HiiVi4 liiliTja'Cr i ii Up rnaili Ihti. iXftT Hn f. 'I'app of Mltiirni' liai lu'vii aiMiinlMl iiriuripal of I In' Fori Oitirtti 'liiM mirrffiliiiK 1 JL Anfiflil who Iihm taken a itl-f Ion in Ollawa. .. II. Jiirui-o-i'U. Jiack lu Prfnro rsnrj:! uflor (MiiliiiK , liolUlay in Moulana. 1 1 mw I tic' In If flglil liplwrpii Toiiimy (ill Iioiih and Jack Inrcy al Klilli Mini aUu iti'til miiih' inoiii'v ml oil pri'IOKililHlH. jiirr'ni'in . . . iiwani 'rnai)1Mt'ivff lkii lii wiiy I jiI 'ni a train imar hpnl la)('i'r'X,,fi'll from u par ami w ruu'oVi'r. IIm ru hjiil j-i In' aii' pulati'i) In Hip IophI liopilal. Work i tHlily ailvani'ing 'on Hip (ll.iroMp.Priinv (leorup Voail ami II lnMilil lip finish"! b.-fnic I In' winli-r. II will (five Hip Mhhh-aml Pinploypi'n of Hip llinponip miH iliriTl nrcps Jo IJip cily. A ilanrp wai jjIvph. in lln It it I KM'fpr Hall on I'riilay pv'iiiii(t in (Up Jnlorpxix of Hip camliilalurp of Mini Jvatlilpi'ii llriiwn in lln . lrinf llupprt Fair . Cnrnhnl , wlio ri-O'iilly Ipfl Sniil tor n in llofrltu. l..vi. furMiiLpn IIPK'PII I'OIIIP"!. 1 IIP IllOllPy rai-M'ii .rairip for Hir luro of Hip H( Iip iisfil fn bIvp Hip I oral ran- ilaiiH ami areLark In town, 'iiuaip u Man in ii.p rai-p. , liiiiHli.iHllii. ' ax -. M ' Jl When Hie lain Presiijenl visflpj Vanrouxer Iip va. Rhon a uniipie recpption. The picture at Hie Ing with Mr. and Mrs. Itercman. Ml V. lllrd f .Forpsldalp; fornierly oT HiPHarplou Hospilal ln(T, Is visiljiiK. Willi Mrs. H. A. Harris. . Misn llpalrice White of the Prince Hupprl llopilal stulT wa here lasl week alli'mlinif heV sister of 'Ferrficp w ho was in "11m II.VpIIoii llrtsiilnl: Npws jif APildimrs of former Hazrllpii Tesidenls has paclmd Imrp. William Weeks formerly of Hip Yukon Tplenraph si all norlli of here, was married hut mouth iiiv (llourrslpr, F.nlamli near wjmrh Iip Is how farminir. (ii'orKe Swan, annther oldTlnier was rerenlly married to Miss Ualliy and I hoy are llviup al Fanny May, Vancouver Island. Miss Mary Olson, also well known here, wit's rei-enlly niariVd ih San Frnnolpn . - TERRACE NOTES 'Mrs. .1. -1. .Hlu-islie npd her children are slaying at Hill Furm. Mr. Cilirislle spent a few, days in town on his why east. . Mrs. J,a,inb and he child are isitini Mrs. Scot I Andprson. Miss " Mcl.Pixl who hns been vUltinjf AIpij.Kimt left for Prince, Hupert Friday. fj)laf Hanson and H. K. Allen made it business trip In Terrace last week . Miss Woods itf'prineri Hupert U vUillntf Mrs. McltoiTald. - J. Swan is a pioneer Jiorllcul-lurisl here. He U prowiiK flAw-er for the .market -and Is mnk-inif shipiiienls lit Prince Hupert. HU garden is beautiful, the lop sbow hint in.ppctinp theland al the hollo ma pbolo. lakea militia Just rifler Icmliiur. Helovy in ';'iip was. aiMres-inff forty I a fiPi'tion of Hio slreH paraile,lliouamI people in Stanley Par-. Mrn. Ilnnlin is at Mm other iile. ' asteM making, an especially fine display. t r- - Mrs. Joe Cook and her daufth- tcr (lirlie lefl for Anyox lo join Mr. Cook wlru lias- leen .tliero since lasl- winter. - . Mrs. Va. Canlinp and omily have also moved to Anyox". . .Mrs. Fred .Nash, MUs Jessie Nash and Sonny Nasluare visil-ln Massett. . ' r Mr. and Mrs. ltoli NJpatls jiml family have 'eturnmt; , from Smilhers when he was relieving Mr .MrMarJiii in the (Jeo. J.iUle lumher yard. . ,. Sirs. (Iriejr and family. Mrs. Itleeeker and Miss l.eah Hleecker and Mrs. Mtinrn returned on riiursda'y froni Kahini Lake where Ibcy sjmmiC a imst eujiiy- able hldiday ramping. " -- - Miss Alherla While lefl W the HaM'lin Hospital last week accompanied by her sistor'Miss Ileal rice Whiti who has been al home ,for some weeks ciWivali'sc-ing afler a serious Illness, Jimmy lurjibull or .Ilazplton made a Inislness trip to Terrace last week; ' "Jbibby llenwood paid a -flying visit lo llnzollon last week. Mr. Hirttinan- ijp Clarksburg, Out., is aiuest iif ltey ,ai'd Mrs. T. J. Marsh this week. .v Work on Hie Terrace bridsov is expected to 'start tiexl week. Hhorlly before li left for Anyox Mrs. .loo Jook was the guest of honor at a farewell dunce gicn in, the- l.akj'lse community Hall by Fred and llcrt Micbautl. TIMBER SALE X B346. Srak-d Tmler tUi-w rerrlved JSy Ih Mlnilr i.r I lnifi m vii.,i.i. nJTt i.tu. limn liiKiti on Dm 3ih day or Aiiul, 19iJ, fur tti. iuirrhv nt Llrpprf X S3I. Ilk rill II 'JW l..blJna VI.. .n ha V t 1. .... ........ - . ... .v. .'I, iiii; ... IV . 74 r l-ol 7iu ami tix-a adjutninr. Rnr , "m una iiLnriri. Tni( )ar will t allnwml for 'I-iihivI of iimiH-r. lurllirr pirlirulir ot Hie :iiief Vlrli.rla R r a- m.itiit r..M.i.r I'Mno UuiK-rt; fljC. TIMBER SALE X 5260. . SeM Tfivilor will b received by the MliilMer or .iniU l Vlrlorla", not later llian lu "Hi chi l he soih dar of Auru.l, IKiJ. for the purchase, or Licence X SitO, lo rut 8,7o Jarkplne Tle., on an area situated aiiprnjlinalely 3Vi liille 5011th nf llnse Uke, Canaillan .National Ilallwav. Hanire , Oiat- Land DIMflct. one (l) year will tie allowed ror rs nioval of OhiNt. Kni'ther iiartlc.uUrs of tli chief Forester, Vlrlorla, H.C. or tlltrlrt I'lireiler. rnnre miiwrl. ba:. TIMBER SALE X b385. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Mlnlier or Land al -tcorl, not later than u1w.11 on the 7 lit day of September. IJ.. for the purrhaie nf Licence X SSH4. to rut ?8M0il lineal feel or Cedar I'oler and I'llmr. on an area adjoining Lot ilia, Cal:.r l and tHnlrlrt. one Hi year will be allowed for removal of Umber. Further parllciilara of the Chief Forester. Vlrlorla. ".:.. or DUtrlrt Forester, I'llnce Hupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5365. Sealed 1nder will be received bv the Mlulotrr of Lands at Victoria, not later than-uuou xai tlm -Tlti day of S.cptmilier, lis. ror tlu iMirrnase of t.lien'e X Si, to rut llj. 1100 Jarkplne and Spruce Ties, hi an area tltualed In I lie vlclulty of lierker Lake and apprnxliuately 4tt miles norm and east from Decker Lake Statlna, C. ll4 Hiuif 5, Cnlt Uud Ilstrlrt. vThisee (Jl years will be allowed for re-moral or timber. "Further plrllruMrs or lb Ciller Forea-tcr, Vlrtoiia, K.C.. nt WMrlr.t Forester, Prince Huperl. II. C. TIMBER SALE X 5378. Seated Tenders will be received by the. DUIrlfl Koreslir, not later thau noon uu, the SMI day or Auaust. luis. for the purrJiasv of t tcenre x &37S, opposite Lot Sly, Weat Sliore Joliu-tivn Cliauiiel. Manse 3 (Wst lilstrlrr. to rtit I3J.000 f.b.in. of .CtdVi Hemlock and Sjrure. Is Two (i) jMn win be allowed for r. mnvah or timber. 1 Further particulars of the Chief Fores. ter, Victoria, 'or the District Forester, Friuce Rupert, B.C. K 1 Save money by using SMP Enam eled Ware cooking vesseIs.They use less fuel. To satisfy yourself try this convincing test in your kitchen. Take an SIJP Enameled Sauce Pan and one of equal size made of aluminum, tin or other metal. Into each pour. two quarts of cold water. Place each sauce pan over the fire. The water in the SMP Enameled Sauce Pan will be boiling merrily when the water in the mother is just beginning io simmer. Save your money. Use SMP5WARE "A Fuce of Porcelain and a Heart of Steel" Trt .faUbwi Peart War. tw mli of awarlr-crry muvbW tula urwt OwboikI f Ware, tam mu, Uakt ui4 kiu mu ( tit; vkiu liin. Crf ul Ware, dir.. t..u, I . - - - wmw mu K. . m I hiu- aaix. 1 til Local Agent Thompson Hardware Co.r Ltd., Third Ave. COAST STf AW. SHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT ( f grand PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTOBIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 pan, FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 pjn. SS. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. - Foe Port Simpson and ttawart Vancoutar via Quaan Chirlotta Skatna Rlr Porta ', ..k.lV frVJ . 1 ... Moadai, I j.ni. . . . Wadnaaday pjn. -. unay a-m. PASSEfiGER. xRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Uave I'rlnre Hupert a. tr. pm. for PHIXCE OE'C.K. F.liVOXTriN. all HnHi.8iMc3iJCinada ITuted Ulates. 1 .AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. ,,C4ty Tkkat Cfflca, 62S Third Ait Prince Rupart. Phona ?60. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIlWaY B.C. Coast Service! Sail irigsfromTrince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, Auguat 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau- and Skagway, . August 6, 13, 17, 24, 27. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay,- East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Cam Up ell River, and. Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.'rnv ' ' Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD,-General AgenL Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. " " .1 - -' " . m UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OFfc.C, LTD, Sailings Fmm Prince- Rupert. For VANCOUVKM. VICTORIA, Ocean Falls, and Swanaon Bay, Tuesday, S PJa. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Ray, and Swanaon ay, Saturday Noon. Fee ANYOX, ALICC ARM, STEWARD, Wales Island, Sunday S P.M. r.e osrr miaavsiAai . m m... cmi.. r.i.- . m oa inu. Avenue. a. surnnaj, Aganu I'rtnce Bupf rL B.C IS IT WORTH WHILE - - a Keeping jimWer for B.C. Industries? : Keeping alive a prosperous payroll? ' ' 1 Keeping, fur and feather "in B.C.? Keeping timber for manufacture? Keeping a reen forest ' for posterity? ' Then- Prevent Forest Fires IT PAYS 1