I 4 r SPECIAL ! for Fair mKH'S Hoot from $4.95 i CHILDREN'S Intent Slipper from $1.50 LADIES' Oxford, brown ox Mark from $4.50' GROWING GIRLS' Patent. Strap Shoes, from $5.25' Family SHOE Store Third A. Buy a HOUSE Twenty acre Iract, fronting on Fraser HiV'-r, one mile from railway station, with 5 room house, barn ami chicken house, five acres cultivated and fenced. Two acres slashed. Five acres willi. commercial limber, a oml school, elr. This home can be had for ' $2,000.00 Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Stove WOOD We; bate just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed Reasoned and dry." Size eul to order. Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. Service and Quality our Motto. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phon 08. Cartage, 'Warehousing, and Distributing. Team, or . Motor Service, Coat,- Sand and. Gravel,; We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. EDSON COAL .ft - - We can nov Supply our FAMOUS tDSON COAL fu any Quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 58. KING GEORGE First Class, CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. .Prices Reasonable " Phone Blue 471, Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVING. F.llminate the draught around your windows and use je9. coalr 8EC OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. filuM und -Mirrors of all 4 kfnds. T. RQS8 MACKAY. Phone Blue 165. BRINGING UP FATHER poo I "bXX rTHC fflDlVsj I COUNT PROPOSE?) TO fiS35-S ( fOU - I WJST tOO "TQ IHBiC ACCEPT HIM JOtT 31 p THIKK WHACT T WILL. "C f tAZW "O Ot tOCALLX p-V J - LOCALS ANNE SILVER TROPHY Beat Telkwaat Football by Score of 7 to 1 In Final Game ! , The. Telkwa fonlball team rd-j lapsed before riie Prince Hupert' eleven by -a score of 7 to I in favor of Ihe latter in the final j ganw of ifie Fxhibfl ion football, series played mi Ihe Acropolis; Hill grounds yesterday , after, noon before-a giHsl attendance of occer fans. Prince Hupert (hereby winning the challenge trophy for the championship of northern B.C. The scorers for Prince Rupert were O. K. Lord i, J Jimmy Marks 2. and II. Menzie 1, while J. (irahaiu scored the jone and only point for Telkwa. I The line-up follow-) : Prince Hupert V. Menzies, goal; II. Menzies and H. M. D. .Lamb, full hacks; P. McOowan, Oeo. Kexy ami J. K. MitPhell, half backs; O. P. Tinker. O. K. Lord, J. Mark. J. John-don- and J F.irquha r, forwards, Telkwa' Spouse, sroal;,llaig and Ileffermau, full barks; T. lirandon, J. flraham and Wallace, halfbacks; Owen, T. Uran-jdon. F. McDonald, Mack and 'Roberts, forward, i ieo. Waugh was the referee and W. Hu.'kifis. audJluy. tiil-. " " iioiir ofliciaTtrtT5IIitTv.-' j The Game j The best part of the game was the iirst halfvhich larled out at a rapid pare and iu-which the ,h'ii'rs wer" prrtty evenly divjil-tel. Alihouyh kicking uphill the local lxys were simjii pressing ilheir opponents. Ktery member ;of the Huerl eleven were playing fine football and it was evi-dent the team wsi out to win without a gri'al deal of ditllculty. From the. kick olT Hii'iert pressed very hard .-spouse, the Telkwa goalie, who was called upon ev- Jeral limes to punch out. In a scrimmage in front of the Telkwa goal ,I.onl beat Spouse for the first home' tally. At ibis stage Ihfl iame wi inleresling and both teams were gelling a fair share of the play. Telkwa forced a corner oil V. Menzies but it was nol productive. The farmers then pressed the lluperl goal and V. Menzies was called upon to clear. Iu a fine individual dash by Ihe Ituperfites Jimmy Alarks j brat pojjse. for Ihe second time with a Jiot.shot. A rush by the Telkwa aggregation resulted in J. firaham, al centre half, heal ing the local goal lender. The score al half lime standing 2-1 In favor of Prince Huperet. Second Half In the. second half of the game the collapse of Ihe. Telkwa boys came. Although lliey certainly had good opportunities of cor- Wanted persons who nave stomach troubles to know that" JO-TQ will relieve their suffering in 2 minutes! V RYTHIS wonderful durovery more th&n 100,000 are now enjoying tomach-comfoft with the ux of thk Iwnltu remedy Meuzie.s assistpd by- Marks, at centre. It was Hupert' game m ice and their opponents were Certainly outclassed. Marks, away, ami with an ipen roai missed a splendid opportunity of scoring. The-next -tally ly the home side uu by l.opl who sroreij on a pass from FarUhar. l inker at centre got through with fine assistance and was on the point of scoring when he slipped, bul Lord being handy, did the neeesary, thus bringing the Atial ii-urn lo 7-1. NATIVE FOOTBALL i Port Simpson Beat Kltkatta Score of 3 to 0 son and It, Clifton, hack; J Hill, 0. (onion und II. Hidlev. half back; J. limes, A, Colllson. X I,ewis, p. Temple and Hj Moodie forwards. II. Hamilton referred the game It. linmuioii re fe reed the game whil Hoy fiiliiuiur and H. HolJ acteit as linesmen. ie game Ktarti-d off fast and furious While Kilkatla weri? the lo-ieM Oil ttlls Olfn&ifln lliotr lifiil lianlun Ing they failed lo do o, Iheir Oitlakflatniks in n game played in ... .,., ,, ,K ,, iiiSeive very ,e morning nnd were rouse inmi iu goai. r rom inn hmently tired. In spile of their whistle Hupert got busy and handicnu I hot- out n .i.n,1D. forced a corner. O.K. Lord, fjK,i 4in, it was m.l unfit to. Hfjpert, got through- in a fine war, Hie end of the came that manner and scored. , imri tiimu.n .,.,, i, i n.. . The next lally. for Ihe home hand. The. first lmlf wn m.i sine THl DMUT VIWB father oca : motvacw vamto . w -i inc. vjvjix D CAX CiOT Oo T uove. Must tr i win pn(v w m Mnui TO CET A HCw HAT WOULCxVr I Prince HiiMrt were in a drre tinexrusable and might well hae U-eu preventetl if the Ivams had been in better practice. The snappy play of the nyox men. whii-li.wa more apparent in the game ii li Smltlier than it was on Thursday, was a subject of comment among fans. The keen leatrue Simetition which has hefn iu proa re In Aiiyox for the 'at few mooths'was largely re-AtiMlsbh for the -good exhihitlons Hi' up here Uy ln- boys from Ihe smelter town. On the other ham), it ntay safely be said that the local men were imi up to the mark because of lack of pmetice.'. This year's The final game in Ihe native a;n- .rj4. wbic-li was not a football competition, played yes-h,,n ffr wft t0nU-.-lpl a it might tenlay afternoon on the Acro-,(l-vr ,rl,n- Pni ,nr a month polis Hilt grounds between lSrlaico and since then the borne team Simpson ami Kilkatla before a fH,vs bad little practice outside of large crowd of nalie soccer en- a few nerfunclorv meeliiurs which tluisiasls. resulte.) in a win for'wpm not we allendeil on one or Ihe former or 3 goals to nil. The vo (ay3 immediately preceding scorers were H. John-oil 2. aiidhhe Kair. The loose fieldinir on Tail I. The game provided plenty of thrills fm' the onlookers and proved to be one of the most keenly contested and exciting gan'uis of the whole Fair sVries. Following was the line-up:' Port Simpson II. While, goal; Vankey and Johnson, backs; tl. Cooper, Hyan nod Tail, half backs; Hi Cooper, li. Alexee, Jef. frey. K. Hryan and II. liryau. for wards. Kitkatla M. Hill, goal"; C. Wil the part of Prince 'Hupert iu the fifth and svenlh innings when Anyox scored run would not have liuppeiie ir the players had been utore in prurlire. The" old saying Dial "practice make perfect" up flu s to iiueiaH at well ai to anything cNe ami if lliese liltle iinerfeclions thai loe games are lo be avoided il i apparent thai there inul hi nvre practice. Thai Js one leon that the locals hoiild hae learnVil from . Ihe series, . - The -local football players gave a good -account of themselves in Hie occer serie... n illffUulty ivn expertepceit by Prince' lluperl in defeating ceau Falls and Telkwa nnd the locals viewed ntor" finUlj and a belter caimhil ily of carrying out successfully Ihe fine points of the game. Ho it said for the men from the paper lowii.( however, that they reenl- ci a snappy team which lost out principally braiue of lis Innhi) ily lo get past the splendid lie fence line of Prince Hupert. Their teamwork was Kood nnd, from Ihe general, run of the game, (hey WTO entitled In uhiph ennui limn was a goal made by H.sponsible for nny goals and tlin the on goal which Ihcy recorded I T now I It" -yj-" I I I ae I vV. Vl M B I M. W A I play was very bricht and even. In: .me secoml half pi rt Mmpson showed very. good r. intonation in the forward' line. Fur the Kil-katla aesregation M Hill, in goal, played a splendid game. Sport Chat Statement ami opinion to the contrary iiotwilh.ianding, the Kxhibilion haehall s- ries ilemon' slraletl that Prince Hupert even lat Ibis time pstVe baseball talent ojiite capable of meeting a ml ai-ciointing for itself favor-ably against any other aggrega. Uions in the district. This late-nieul is also made, in spite of the fart that I'rince Hupert lost the j final game on' Thursday to Anyo j""-1 with it th Kair lUumt's (trophy unofficially indicative of -" -Northern Hritish Columbia chanipiinhip. The fielding ernr that lost for Hupert, goi through !" Thursday aftermwni s game for ii'inw;t iicirnrc aim imimi lin net. From Ihe centre Telkwa got BRIER 77 firTS OOUUAK HAVCKT COT A WAXTKI). Oirl for ' general liou-'work. Small family. No Washing. -Phone tci. if vv axtHI). Woman tor tmlf dnr work. Phone 137, The Inlander. t ii. WAXTKI). - Oirl helper. In lander. Phone 137. tf rtOOM AND BOARD PAI.MF.H IIOL'SK. -100 Seventh Avenue West. Plume Hed HO. Furnished suites. BOARD. HOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf against Prinre RuimtI's f(Mir. Xevertheei, the local wert- en titled o their ictory. ONE MORE FOOTBALL CAME FOR ANYOX A.VYOX. 5ept. 15. The Ahyot outdoor sports season is about over. One nvore football game is to be played lo decide vludhcr the Smeller or Mine team will lake the cup. This gome will bo played on Monday evening next, weather permitting. The base, hall post seaon series has not been finished, and will take at least two more games to decide Them game will have lo bo ar- l ringed for afternoon and played a weather conditions allow. The Inst game of footUill lo be played .and which established Hie ownership of Ihe medaU dial goes to the winners of the regn lar schedule, was won by Ihe Smeller, with two ponl lo one. I his wdm a strenuous game, and resulted in a number of argil meals during (lie play, and several. lime threatened more draa lio action on the part of the. players. The first and second goals went lo the Smeller in the first half. Number one wa.. kicked by Ross on a paa from Klder, and number I wo wa breasted through by Westwood off a neat shot on goal from Ihe side by Flder. The Mine goal came In (he second fcalf and was put through nicely by Haines, II. McMillan officiated with Ihe whittle, the line, up being: M I it e Chapman, slewarl. I.arige, Cam, Pynne, Currie 'J'wa.l.lle, Hume. Ingram, Mc-Keown and Darlove. KmelleiwMcDougall, Rosir. J. Kirkland, A, Kirkland, Main. Ilowau. Filler, Matlluvwn, West-wood, Grcenweil nnd J. Kirkland. 1 practM-ally new, suitable hall or S to 7 roamed bouse. By George McMahiu III Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PEX WORD IN ADVANCE. No A4vr I . n Tkn for L... tHn BOc WANTED ISia.M LOCATION WAXTKII. - Will lease or iiur-lie and reward locator for iUud or group with a thousand acres or more, or finaiwe owur iu Wopnienl of fur farm T. Or rani. C03 SeaboaM lluiiding. Seattle. WaXTKD Men and women to learn barb ring. Paid while learning and tool free. Writ for catalogue. Mider Itarber College, Vancouver. H.C. WAX TFI) by middle aged woman. Mioition as hue.keepr or Mother's ieii. WMImg lo do plain -ewinz or memling.. Ilox 1 15 Daily Xw unice. WA.VTKH. ('tuipelent slemigra. pher foe relief worX. Apply Assistant Oenernl Suierintend-ent's oflU-e, Canadian .National IUilways. 3tH WAXFKI). Oirl for general hiHiscwork. Inquire 3 Fourth Avenue West or Phne He 51)0. If FOR SALE JKWKI I.I.I1V Sale niting of waii-lies. rhamo. MudanU, broo-Uits, fii. eitrrtng. cut I elc. will le held in our, room, ii'J (bird Avenue al ; to p.m. tonfglji. iHMir h-ii at 0 a.m. limn and in- speri litis sliK-k. (.e jfMUf Wnul.r iJ,,. HiHising Shei.e. Mrs Peylwa, l9TZ rw. w ' ' '". Phone Heil Ji3. (t n m FOR SALK.- Six BOm i-iHlillllon Music Store. FOH HKXT. FumUhe! mom with or without hoard. Hook cooking. Near Kxliibllion build ing. Moderate rains. Norfolk Stephens. hole range fu! fir.. FOR HEfiT i 10-Sixth Avenue Kant. Illue 217. Liberal Daily reward. AUCTION RALES. R. D. TAS8IE, D.O. Chiropractor x MAIL CONTRACT, 'jtKUU t,y i '1 . i -ut u .Vuias. preen now. Owdurlnl iu wi a r vA by Ur Leek, the .UeUoner. iT.'iW . ..V" Foil SArTK. - Pi-W furnace u r, bm. i , fe. sJn 3 for wuiUr UmmI. . r rmoxq mwn rrn,t f f.., llMitHig eapacily of H.miO to r.r.fi pi t. '..Ti. , k lit.ooo eolith fee, tan be sen 'rzzfmrrvf " i at mm iMtaM in operation. Apply I iu or it smm Dally .News. If FOH SAI.IL Sit riifKsl noern bouse, i-om-rrle bauien, ftr piac. tiled Jialhnwtm. Part eali. Ialanre under Soldiers' n.c I i v . PHOl. tllH ASfWM. I HI NOTICE. Walker'!41 MmHf . II I.OST. Pair eyeglassirs, green vlense. yesterday allrnoon either nl Hall or Fair 0 rounds. Finder pleae phone Dry Dock or Illack 135." Reward. tr ,OST. Small black silk handbag, belween Yacht' Club atnl Fn.u rill Avenue". Weil. Finder pleae return to Daily News ofllce. TAXI Tail 67 Phon. (Call Oeorgi or Oust) Ross Brothers. Iloul Service in the City, Anywhere, Anytime, Day or Xlght 3rd Avenue, Prince. Hunerl. It V. UEMORRHOIDS 11 po not suf far anoUt 4tr with JtchUiir, JHMHllr,r. tr rrotnMInf lllea Cr lm,.rrhnl.1. V.. f!'rllt oprallon rviulrrd. Dr. Ct.a'a Oli,Tin,nt will rrllrv. you Vt inc. ".. allord laatlncf U'Drlll, Ella a boal all 1 1 .71 "J lM'"naon, llalu & Co., Llmlud, Tcrunlo. Bainpla bot Ira. Una Art IVtST Mill. ;Htflfcl at thf rsu r (f (Ml imimi u ow on IM4 fllH Ary at hMf, NOTICL Ik fete mi riMfe STKAM Uealed Flat for renLi '- iirsoer opanmenu. . m. il.: iMfejo pv-.t . r r .. . 'lee ,-wunri ml mi .. miuii ranani to intitt ari'r run iiit.Miioufteieeping moms ism inik ra u m MODERN four room fist rent. Wentenhaver Ilros. tf LOST i none UM , lh. f v tf Crrlirkl ii 4M th n fnr I im nrtrr offi- lur II, tlni I ..ft. w . . .... I tlt0 UttJ Wiinrl. P' -J -U inri of i-rinrc nfn i. CtpUlot 0tr. Mil lli' ' A 1 Til ftallrr UmI W J-" ' leniorr, orraptoen rtn- - rrmr M LAND Hair. UI Vv I. IU i 1, Hoc .to. I. ami iu r v :uuii. siliiaird U the eVH 1 f . . . .. . ....... Iii.ir V at M -t I. Mil- ' a at ' :. .? 5t RonniM. Phone' lllark 3!U. tf! n'Altc ivrTia"rf i;v t i . i ,st- ,. t ot r - i:- tr Ukl i a - . i; 11, tf i . V th Mil ... ui; i i tr n; II V Ml a!-..-' CT, w. i, ntfthu t..p I Vli LOST.- Double. Mink Choker, be- ruJ.ru" . o. XT- .tween Orme Dr.ug KloreMind .riVT (.old Storage. rtuder pleoee KV.ff: ibmr fn..in t -rr H" ssimsis in irniiT . w f iiiiists.! - Mm tr jiihi nnd 7th Inly, tin fllNISAL ACT. otMTiricATC or" meaovitTi. NOTICE. (lot V Paird I hi. isih lar "''"Air. ., ..! -I Cnmrsir Inlel m W irs ini lu, " rullr. .'Vwih nt W furiH Take M.llf Owl I 1ti. n Tri Mliwr'a rrofkalf tnA .i.i. .t... rnrfn ih tlat amljr l lh Nininr Hrn.rlr iiirAi ni imnrmniirii'' . SUnd: Boston Drill Third Avsnus'r oiniintnr a ,ir" " ' ''". . . . i... V1ilh- i 1 " ire ' 1 n a ' ' thf purr-" tn.t fi.nh.- iiki niiiirt iw v:r V ml ,nl..l M ,-Wr"" Conducted In your home or at for the iiauaiw t aii our rooms. Hoods also sold on commission. H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer, Third Avenue (Dei.ny Allen's Old Store) Phone Black 136 and Green 471: CHIROPRACTOR luiprormirnla. Aft lit' A, rill i: , ,4 fr M'nrf Crrllflral Jl" 1 Jiourn: to to 12; 2 to t: 7 to B.1:?,,TS.V.,."V nr i(vil Hiann Phone Illue 025. Residence. Oren 13a, EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE Orders tak'en for Splrella OiNids Mrs, J. M. Qrahlman Kaieti Shoe rSJore, 711 Second Avenue West. LAND ACT. Nolle el laUAlton PP' r'nh"' Ltndt . rvi. a " irltl or l-rlnrr, Ituprrl in j , i UMlf ..illliwt nt Hal vm, n 1 " llallsay tnt cnialiilnr H l ot lrv of Take, nnllr. 110 I rapk J f '.o. n ir n Vancntirrr. P.C. is-rupallon mirixi 10 ai-ptr f''!- '-""'Vi.ml. U-cUne Die fnlliiwliif lr.rlt-Ml '",., ai n-n .l,-. ih,r nr aal1 Hand M r-.lnl of "."innirni; . . 11.1-tiKiinir all t it nevit ,!?iid M l Mrrpi Ilia IlUhl of "ml Hallway, ami cmilainlnr rno. r. if,llrant Agent ror.rr.na r p-f"' naiad at Aalvua.j jUiaj, Ji'Li!Ii--- TCNOtltS WANTID. TMi-Ura Hill I rr.TlVfd T ',h .'"J it fr e liiuierl Mr II pnrtia i ' , am II. Iiliirk , Si-riloit I. lllirf-ll 19, JO-rllnn . .. M ., in iM fl" TciKlrra i In Urn OffH-e i!, nuir.e.1 Teii.tfri tr i,r 7. later than pin. Mdlidity. r.lrit" . . ....I llr"' M"' ihf Mtitett or any n-mt-r .arlly aorrpifd. r. ,..,,1, e.