GHTERS GAIN diK-ussed, the 10 i I 1 1UU holding t Vi 1 v r m o " k ' ariv summer, ...r rsporee i a 1 1 " " 11. ...tail hP- 17 -tUH- sv th: social eve- M "t -J Be aice East- 1 I n s - n n m l ill' News! :ii cms column .or a iuii word. .... tif r Baxuar and OV 0 Mcr: . ai.e i I o annual 3 Moose loo Auxiliary uazd.ii . nut. Hcmt- League vlf fontro Knv Decern tit" . , riA 1 1 McGEER FUNERAL WAS IMPRESSIVE Local Man Tells of Kites For Laic Mayor ajid other Incidents fn Vancouevr "I never expect to see a larger .... cnarriian funeral" remarked Noel Jones I liu b I . . . .j Li.. ..ii.. tipeaklng yesterday of the rites in Vancouver of the late Mayor Mr. Jones returned last week frcm a business trip south There was not space In the church for all of the. flowers," he remarked, "and an immense crush of people alonz the streets." For the comparative .brief time Mr. Jone3 was away, the trip covered several other out standing events, notably a fire that at one time threatened to sweep False Creek waterfront and the attempted hold-up of a bank and fatal shooting of the manager. The hunt for the ban dit was immediate and on a very large scale indeed, but the most' strenuous of efforts all went in vain. The gunman, to date, is still at large. TAXI MEN ORGANIZE Prince Rupert Taxi Owners' Association was organized at a meeting on Sunday la the of fice of Brown & Harvey. One of the objectives of the organization is to set a soheduple of tar iffs on the basis of city zoning with approval of the city coun cil to be sought. Officers of the association ate: President Llbero Basso-Bert. Vice-President Frank Mon- tesano. Secretary-Treasurer Cherrill Mclntyre Executive Fred Jensen, Paul Postula, Bert Wouden, George Ross and Wilfrid Boland. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lindsay jr. and son are leaving by car Mon day for the Interior. They ex pect to go east as far as Bums Lake and Jack hopes to do some hunting when he gets there. ' i ii J J 11 ? nil l KrW r 1 f . .. i ' i r t f a v i , '''fir I 111 I t ' I II V I Tjn V I I I ' 1 1.1 MM ll i W4 M H-fiy Tit Ofcsf "MM .uaiu:e m snpnK in i.nnpr ipnrcip but don't be too aggressive 1" M 9 Mm rw IT ho I IVO llvmnnil Cafo Ul'-TO-DATE RESTAURANT r J J l tj iV uilio FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Hunt. I.1. n i i o .. nil V 1)111111. IV il 11.111. LU U IF. III. ftK DISHES A SPECIALTY CATER TO PARTIES ik 4 ol'KY CHOW MVAN V" OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 5 THIRD AVENUE WEST Local News Items Is your photo in the wlndoW at 153 Third Avenue West. (211) Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hicks left at the end of the week for a two weeks' motor holiday trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Storrie re turned to the city on the Co qultlam yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shrub sail, who have been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Coqultlam last evening. Miss Mary Armstrong, who has been on a vacation trip to Vancouver and the southern interior, returned home from the south on the Coqultlam last evening. . r. r t Meeting of Executive Committee, Canadian Le- jQgion tonight, 8 pjn. Res- .tSTW war mommy meeting at Legion Hall (with initl atlon of new members) Wed., Sept. 10th, 8 pm . William Jefferson left Friday on the steamer Catala for Vancouver, from where he will fly to New York and later visit at Guelph, Ontario, and R. E. Legg, mining engineer for he Conwest Exploration Co., Ltd. and former resident of Prince Rupert, left by air Saturday for his home in Vancou ver after spending a few days visiting old friends. Constable Rogers of the Pro vlnclal Police was In town at the week-end enroute to Ter race where he will resume his duties after spending seme time relieving at Queen Charlotte City. E. A. Hill, sales manager of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, who has been here for the past few days in con nection with the putting of war time houses on the market, is sailing by the Princess Adelaide tonight on his return to Van couver, accompanied by J. L McEwan, local administrator, who Is going south for a brief business trip- Miss Kathleen Hills, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, re turned home on the Coqultlam last evening. Edith' L. Bowman, A.T.C.L. Teacher of Piano. Opening for 10 pupils commencing week of September 15. Phone Blue 785. (210) Charles Oraham, inspector of mines, is sailing tomorrow after noon on tine uoauitiam ror a trip to the Namu district on of ficial duties. W. E. Denning, of the liquor vendor's store staff who has been on vacation at the Frlz- zell Hot Springs, is visiting Vancouver before returning to his duties: Mrs. G. R. S: Blackaby and Archie Shiel, president of pacific American Fisheries, who has been on a visit of inspection to company plants in Alaska, and Mrs. Shiel were In the city on the Princess Norah Saturday afternoon southbound from Juneau to their home in Seattle. Members of tne Prince Rupert Gyro Club will Join with the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com merce this week in a Juncheon at the Commodore Cafe on Wed nesday for the visiting party of British timber men which is touring the prqvlnce. The Gyro Club was In regular monthly executive session tocay. r-lf SINGER Electric Sewing Machines For Rent Reasonable Rates Phone 854 Prince Rupert Singer Sewing Machine Co, UrilOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS ' Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 - IB Mrs. Sam Simpson of Massett, Is "a visitor in tihe city today, having arrived on the Casslar this morning from the Islands. Indian Agent J. A. Findlay paid a brief week-end business trip to Massett, returning to the city today on tne Cassiar. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Frost arrived from Massett today on the Cassiar after a business trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Harry De 'Graves, former Van couver alderman, and Mrs. De Graves are among those making the round trip to Alaska on the Princess Louise this trip. Captain O. J. Williams, manager of Canadian Pacific Steam ship's British Columbia coastal service, and Mrs. Williams were visitors to Prince Rupert this morning while the Princess Louise was in port. They are bound for Skagway and Dawson and will return south on the .UJ uvC UCcu louije next trip after this, the summer at Lake Kathlyn, returned to the city Friday evening. Advertise In the Dally News - II 'irHiH fUST RECEIVED A Complete Carload ROSA LADIES' AUTUMN FUR SALE! One of' Our Many Specials SHOWER FOR MISS MARGARET KELLY Loon dm. mU UiMp Back 322 3rd Ave. Miss Margaret Kelly, of Miller Bay Hospital was the honored guest at a shower given last Thursday evening In the home of Mrs. P. L. Peterson of Miller Bav. Mrs. Peterson ard Mrs. R. E. Roberts were joint hostesses to the party. Part of the evening was given over to the playlng.of entertain ing group games and at the close of the evening, refreshments were served by the Misses J. Hanson. A Wrathall, M. Mor ton, I. Carrlss, M. Simpson, S. Dibbs and M. Smith. R. C. McCorkeli, well known, mining man, was a passenger aboard the Coqultlam last eve ning going through from Van couver to Anyox on business in connection with the breaking up of the old mining and smelting nlant there for shipment as scrap to Ontario. DRESS and HOSIERY BARGAINS Nylon Hosiery - Summer Shades to clear while they last V4 12 42 Gauge $1.10. 45 Gauge $1.25 ALSO Summer Dresses to clear, $5.00 SEE THESE BARGAINS TODAY AT 8 ' vul LEE WEAR In three beautiful Colors: Matara Brown Safari Brown Classic Black BILL SCUBY'S FURS, Black 416 KROEHLER CHESTERFIELDS Latest and Smartest in Living Room Styling Moderate Prices and Easy Terms GORDON & ANDERSON Prince Rupert Dalle Betag Monday, September 8, 1947 NEW TOPCOATS For Fall in LAMKASHA a new fabric which combines all the richness of virgin wool and pure angora, expertly blended in a perfect topcoat weight for Fall. TEAL AND ALL SHADES OF BROWN $40.00 iniiiiHiamn.n.i.i.iii SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS POSTER PAINTS 7 Color Box $1.25 NOW AVAILABLE! TEXT BOOKS All Text Books which were sold out have been re-ordered and will arrive Monday Sept. 8 3 USED GOODS WE BUY AND SELL ENTERPRISE MARKET rhone .'1 1.1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A flome Away From Home Rates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 Announcement L 111 Third Avenue West MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES- HEEL THEM ATTEND THEIR. DYEING- SAVE THEIR SOLES Box 771 Second Avenue ROYAL CAFE REOPENS Completely Renovated and Under New Management WE SPECIALIZE IN SEA FOODS SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN DISHES Take-out Ordcis Given Special Attention JOHN COMER, Proprietor u8i PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS i 1 1 ml 1