NORTHBRN AND CENTRAL BRITLBH COLUMBIA'S NBWKPAPER . v4Blu( 1 r fc n . ci rr - .a. as? PBOVINCIAL LIDHAnt Tro star m. .11171H J11U M V. CrfM - Hotel, Third I Ave Ave.f in Published at Canada's Cjr Cabs ! Most Strategic Pacific Port'Trincc Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVI, No. 210. PRINCE IIUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS m TING JEWISH REFUGEES DUMPED AT HAMBURG :s the series (va game ; Moose i'T.:: i ihio tad Savoy i v.a; to the tie c..ii: men un- :;:o ued things c:: evening r:u "uns nve A:.x Ei. to score arted thei i ;r"ie ana mi and Abel , bin Caii) got a j et ; and uui r bases, h with r-t nnsc! Hr - t. the Be C.r c :t Mc-seored - ort one run M Elmund-s b: Dun- tafe at nt t ": zrC when at. first (hrcugh an (Irs after all made md came Idrcrpen the ball ! Ban and Bill. t. fcriculturul Scones 1 r wer ana iouffner rnase or 71 D1j. BS-ianK iveiauons CLEANS UP SENIOR fell THREE STRAIGHT Rimundson, Savoy's steady-going centre! Ime tho city baseball play-off hero Sun-! when his hit drove Herbie Morgan home: liine-al) deadlock with Moose in the ninth. m game 01 me series, savoy nan Iie ernnni) game, 8 to ?. The first game had ' he men 3 to ; j second. j Neither team scored In the second Inning but Moose added; another run and Savoy three In the third to make the score 5 to 4. Dahl scored for Moose when he got 'a hit, stole second and third and reuistcred on McNlece's single over short stop. Savoy tallied when B. Slmundso singled, stole second, and crossed the I;. . . .... Davis in with a triple base hit j I to left field. Pavlikis scored when j McKlnnon Jugg:ed Foster's drive. In the fourth Inning Moose collected two runs. Dunbar walk-Moore i cd, Rosed ale drove one through Arney, McKlnnon singled, Abel hit .over .second and Dunbar came home on It. Dahl popped out, Henry drove a hot one to Arney who recovered and tagged third forcing McKlnnon out but allowing Rosedale to score. Savoy also tallied two runs in the fourth" when Morgan, replacing Postuk, singled. Bill duplicated, M. Simundson filled the bases when McKlnnon muffled his drive and Davis clouted a lpePD c: second aeep single onuBiuB uumc 3av: - jng Into (Continues on Page Fourl l . ru i WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP)-Diplomatic officials predicted Joday that American relations with Russia ; are likely to enter a new and rougher phase at the ! United Nations general assembly opening in New York next week. A whole series of dramatic develop- I ments, heightening Russo-American differences and : bearing vitally upon upon related . . AIRCRAFT . -. MldblNv? United States Machine Believed to Have Met With Disaster off Queen Charlottes' A United Stales aircraft which, left Annette Island today for Itose Harbor is missing and may have come to grief in the vicinity of Itose Harbor off the south end of J Queen Charlotte Islands, according to fragmentary reports in the hands of the provincial police. First word of a possible aircraft mishap in this vicinity came this morning with the receipt of advice that a United States Army aircraft flying at 17,000 feet, had sighted a light single-engied plane painted yellow "disappear into clouds in a trail of smoke" at 9:45 miles east of Rose Harbor, There was on other dentifica-tion up to mid-afternoon. If is believed to have been an America plane flying independently. The Royal Canadian Air Force and the United States Coastguard were advised and the latter have already had a flight out from Annette Island to the region. It was turned back by bad weather. Coast stations and shipping have been advised to be on the look-out for further trace or i information. BULKLEY VALLEY Beckoning to World X&aWWtffrfnMiiiiiiffc ri"" 111111 Hiir.Game Hunting c C is oeen problems of the European eco-omlc crisis, are in prospect before and after Secretary of State George Marshall leads the Am-j crlcan delegation to the Assembly meeting. a Foremost among these developments will be the Truman administration's decision on whether to call a special session of Congress to consider a temporary aid fund for Europe. This wuu:a do an advance against billions which the ad- ministration hopes Congress will provide early next year for ai long-term Marshall recovery pro gram. W.'.VAVAV.VWAVAW TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. O. Johnston Co. Ltd.) .Vancouver Bralorne - 11.00 Bit. Con.' .064 B. R. X :.. .14 Cariboo Quartz 2.30 Dcntonla Jl Qrull Wlhksne. .07 ' lledtey:-Mascot "4atftK. Minto 03 Vi Pend Oreille 20 Pioneer 3.85 Premier Border 0G Prirateer .37 Reno .'. . .10 Salmon Gold .29 Sheep Creek 1.05 Taylor Bridge -57 Taku River .70 Vananda 23 Congress 0a . Pacific Eastern 11 Hedley Amalgamated 04 Central Zeballos .03 Oils A. P. Con 12 Calmont -34 C. & E 2.35 Foothills 2.40 Home 3.75 Toronto Athona 13 V?. Aumaque .33 eBattle - .78 Bevcourt 11- Bcbjo 15 Cons. Smelters 84.50 Conwest 90 Donalda 1.30 Eldonn 1.70 Elder .93 Giant Yellowknlfe .... 6.45 God's Lake 1.23 Hardrock 40 Harrlcana ....... 15 Heva ; 33 IIosco - .36 Jacknlfe 09 Jollet Quebec 56 Lake Rowan 18 Lapaska 30 Little Long Lac 1.65 Lynx .12 Madsen Red Lake 3.25 Mackenzie Red Lake .... .56 McLcod Cockshutt .... 1.66 Moneta ,. .43 Negus 2.20 Noranda 44.50 Louvlcourt l.nO Pieklec Crow 2.60 Kegcourt 23 San Antonio 4.05 Senator Rouyn 68 Sherrltt Gordon 3.20 THE WEATHER Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast today with Intermittent rain this afternoon, Overcast with showers tonight, early Tuesday, becoming cloudy by midday. Winds southeasterly (30) along the mainland this afternoon and southerly (20) elsewhere. Winds generally northwesterly (20) thereafter. Little challge In temperature Cholera Hits At Refugees NEW DELHI, V Dreaded cholera struck today among thousands of fleeing refugees trekking acro&s hot, dry plains of partitioned Punjab where In the last three weeks an estimated 200,000 have died In the bloody religious war. In a dispatch from Lahore, Reuters News Agency said the disease hit the mass exodus of refugees already weakened by exposure, under - nourishment and exhaustion. Barted wire enclosures, under police guard, were hurriedly set up a the border town of Kasur, 4J) miles southeast of Lahore, as preventative measure for Moslem refugees arriving from east Punjab who will be quarantined until they are inoculated. British Timber Party Coming; Local Entertainment Arranged Chairman George C. Mitchell and his lumber committee of the Prince Rupert Chamlber of Commerce completed arrange ments at a week-end meeting for entertainment of forty Important British timberrnen, members of the United Kingdom Timber Trades Federation, who ;WiU visit Prince Rupert this Wednesday In the course c.f a tour of Canada to studv the timber industry of this country In .roUtlon. to trade -with .thelPerlvaie; Jfc Buchanan. jKao Brltlrh Isles. 'The British Co- lumbia nortlnn nf tho tnur of the Dominion is under thp atis- pices of the provincial depart- menfcj of Trade and Industry and Lands and Forests. Arriving here Wednesday! morning on the steamer Prince Rupert frcm Vancouver, the visitors will be entertained at a specially arranged fish luncheon by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce after which they will leave by bus for Port Edward to visit Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. salmon cannery. Following an Inspection of the plant, refreshments will be served In the cannery mess housed They will leave by train in the evening for Prince Geor? where two days will be spent visiting lumber manufacturing plants. If time permits, other courtesies will be extended the party here, Including drives ' around the city to visit local export sh'nolng Installations. William A. McAdam, British Columbia Agent - General In BING CROSBY IS SPREADING BAItNSLEY, England, A strike in Britain's nationalized coal mines spread from southenr to western Yorkshire mines to day, reversing the partial bark to work movement which had given rise to hopes for settle ment. Tw0 thousand miners at Prince of Wales colliery, Poiit"-fract, began a sympathy walkout at the start of the afternoon shift. The colliery- is .the first In West Yorkshire to be affected. It has a weekly production target of 11,800 tons. At Grlme-thorpe, where the strike started, 2200 miners rejected an appeal to, return to work. The total of miners Idle today Is 43,000. London, 'is coming here with the party. The party consists of: J. Alsford, Jnr. Chairman and managing director, J. Alsford, Ltd., Feltham; L. A. Bay-man Chairman, Geo. E. Gray. Ltd., Ilford; chairman London Softwood Importers' Section of T.T.F.; J. II. Boothman cnair- man and managing director Peerless Built-in Furniture, Ltd. ert Melville and Co., Lta.rFal- 1 kirk, oldest timber merchants i in Scotland; P. M. Comlbas Managing director P. M. Ccmbes Ltd.. Eastleigh; joint managing director, J. T. Sydenham and Co., Ltd., Poole and Portsmoutn president Hants and Dorset Timber Trade Association; N. H. Croxford Assistant managing director. Price. Walker and Co., Ltd, Gloucester; director, Price, Walker, Croxford a'nd Co., Ltd.. Bristol, and other companies. H. W. Daniells Founder of H. W. Daniells, Ltd., London; A. C. C. Darby, M.C. Deputy chairman and joint managing director, Denny, Mott and Dickson, Ltd.; chairman, John Sten-nlng and Son, Ltd.; director, Louis T. Leonowens, Ltd., director, African Timbers, Ltd.; past chairman, English Timber Merchants' Association; 1939-41. assistant controller Timber Control; 1941-45. senior deputy director. Heme Timiber Production Department; W. S. Davidson Manager Denny, Mott and (Continued on Page Five) WINS GOLF TITLE proceeded to chip the ball back. It took a couple of bounces and galloped right Into the cup In one of the most electrifying shots ever seen on a golf course as It carried with it the championship of 1947. The crowd went wild and almost mobbed the famous crooner. "The greatest golf thrill of my life," said Bing. AT JASPER IN THRILLING FINISH JASPER PARK Bing Crosby, world famous screen star, crooner and good sportsman,. pulled the greatest stunt of his spectacular career here on Saturday afternoon when he won the eighteenth annual Totem Pole golf championship with a birdie that f lew from the back of the green right into the cup. His final opponent was Gordon Ver-1 ley of Uplands Golf Club, Victoria. He had put his third shot 18 Inches from the cup with a magnificent 50-foot putt and was dead for a par four, Crosby put his second over the green. With close to a thousand people densely packed around the eighteenth green and the match all squared at the 36th hole, Blng COAL STRIKE Wartime House Purchasers We wish to draw your attention to our Fire Insurance facilities. We represent only the STRONGEST, SOUNDEST AND SAFEST companies. We solicit your business and can write up a policy while you wait. Quick settlement of losses. DYBHAVN & HANSON LTD. 315 Third Avenue British Soldiers Use Force Making Them Quit Vessel HAMBURG (CP) British soldiers, swinging truncheons, bodily dragged resisting Jewish refugees of the Exodus 1947 from a British transport today and loaded them on trains which carried them to Poppendorf displaced persons' camp near Luebeck The first train reached Poppendorf late, after f being stopped enroute, a British Bulletins WOULD BOMB LONDON LONDON The wartime air defence system Iwent back Into operation over 'London today following threats from France that Jewish (terrorists planned to bomb London. Security police In Paris. Sneantime, turned over to the public -prosecutor today dossiers involving Inn American Tabbi, TJurach Korf f, 33, and two 'other 'persons in what dcteif ives said was a Plot to idrtp 110.000 Jewbh propaganda leaflet "bombs" from an Airplane ton London. MISS AMERICA CONTEST ATLANTIC CITY Margaret Marshall, 18-year ld lioncy blonde .from Toronto, placed third Saturday behind "Miss America 1941,, Barbara io Walker of Memphis, Tennessee. Miss Marshall captured the' coveted Ibathing sult contest: " "" CAPS WIN LEAGUE VANCOUVER Vancouver Capilanos captured the Western International iLeague baseball pennant Saturday when Tain forced cancellation of a Victoria-Spokane double-header. The cancellation ended Spokane's last hope of overtaking the nace-maklng Vancouver Club. VANCOUVER CAFE TtOBBERV VANCOUVER Expert safe crackers netted themselves $1,500 when they broke into a small safe In inirdy's cale here early Sunday. Investigating police said the tobbers pried the dial off with fa 'crow bar, put nitro-glycerine in the slots and covered the front of the safe with Tvet towels to deaden the fcound Vf the explosion. U.N. Help ForJ ews Palestine Committee Calls For Assembly Action LAKE SUCCESS, P) The United Nations Palestine committee declared unanimously today that Immediate help for 250,000 dls tressed European Jews wouli ease considerably the problem cf the Holy Land. The commit tee calVld on the United Nations general assembly centres as c. "Vital pre-requlslte to settlement of difficult conditions In Palestine." Baseball Scores SATURDAY American Boston 4, Philadelphia 3 St. Louis 0, Detroit 2 New York 6, Washington 9 Cleveland 6, Chicago 4 National Chicago 6, Pittsburgh 7 Brooklyn 2, New York 3 Philadelphia 4, Boston 7 Cincinnati 3, St. Louis 4 SUNDAY American Cleveland 3, Chicago 2 Boston 4-3, Philadelphia 7-New York 7, Washington 1 St. Louis 3, Detroit .0 National Chicago 4, Pittsburgh 3 Brooklyn 6, New York 7 Philadelphia 4, Bostbn 0 Cincinnati 2., St Louis 12 official salC because the refugees had torn the iron bars from the windows, apparently for use as weapons. Armored cars were standing by at Poppendorf but the refugees refused to leave the train. Some of the 1400 refugees, aboard the Ocean Vigour, first of the three British transports to discharge its passengers, left the ship peaceably but others were dumped forcibly on, to the Hamburg dock. Week o f Destiny LONDON, Prime Minister Clement Attlee, lacing what the Ttritlsh press called "Britain's Sveek I destiny-," returned to 10 Downing Street today to Tesume the reins of 'government an dap- -4 iwbVetffcwl details oTfAToluW? tionary .xport-boosting' plan proposed "by Sir Stafford Cripps, president of the Board of Trade. During the potentially liis-tory-making next five days, London, for many officials, will te a multi-ringed circus of (national and interregional discussion aimed at breaking dollar difficulties. Storm Hits South Coast Tempest Wrecks YesseIs First Keal Autumn Sea Fury VANCOUVER, O) Storm r-lashed seas continued to pound the Lower Mainland of the Pacific Coast today, raising fears for the safety of several lushing .boats operating off tfrs southern tip ol Vancouver is land while the United States Coastguard announced that twelve persons had been rescued frcm a powerless fishing boat, the Tradewitids Sea FLshsr, about sixteen miles north of Depoe Bay, Oregon. The cutttr Bonham towed the Sea Fisher to Depoe. Saturday, night the Northwest's first autumn storm sarJi the Seattle fishing vessel Smoky off Vancouver Island but the Canadian troller Dash In took off two men alboard. and landed them safely at Barafleld on the West Coast. Coastguard officials at Seattle said the 50-foot vessel Quest sought help Saturday night when her engine was disabled and a motor llfefboat stood by overnight until repairs were made, the Quest proceeding safely under her own power. Also off Grays, Harbor the Alice B. put In a call for holp and the cutter McLane towed the disabled craft to port. Local Tides Tuesday, September 9, 1947 High 8:26 15.3 feet 20:16 18.3 feet Low '2:00 5.9 feet 13:50 10.0 feet WANTED AUTOMOBILE FOR CASH 1937 or later. Must be in excellent condition. Mr. Taylor, Prince Rupert Hotel (212) i At