Idrinrc ttupm Dnijp J3ctos Thursday, Juiy 31, 1947 THEY'RE GOOD This bright-eyed miss has just joined the ranks of thousands of healthy Tiappy, youngsters who have ifiscovered how tasty Shrewdies can be, with their malty flavor and whole-wheat goodness. You, too, will hear "M-M-M, they're good" at your breakfast table tomorrow, when you serve Shreddies. fi TOR AFTER SCHOOL APPETITES From after school till supper time is a loog while or husky youngsters. Shreddies and milk supply welcome nourishment for those active hours. 'SbrtJJiei u a ttffiHrtd trademark ounij in Canada bj THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. NIAGARA FAILS, CANADA reportorial EXPERIENCES W. J. R.) Montreal's Civil Courts, ali under the same roof, made a building of . substance and din nlty. The proceedings, chiefly lr. French, did not simplify matter, for the strange scribe who po: je-sied a masterly ignorance oj that tongue. Hut the of lice tie cllned to worry. What really mattered was , to bring in the news. The problem, . however, was solved in a fashion delightfully quick and simple. Every day at ncm representatives of the other dailies -Star, pazette, La Patrie. LaPresse, Witness would jn the sheriff's office to lluger for a few chatty moments be fore lunch. They knew all about my plight. "Tell you what," .'.aid one of tne group, bending toward me, "show up here .at this time and we'll keep you posted. In the meantime, leam the language Easy, in tills town." The sheriff didn't mind. He' was a plump little man with pink cheeks and white hair. Christ-mas Week be called the press into his office and gave each an ; envelope contains $50, with the! compliments of tire season. . Each paper had its traditions and background. One could hear"' yarns or Benjamin. Franklin and what he tried to. do there In the' print shop line. ., Hugh Graham launched the Star on a shoe string and retired ,wiih a fortune and title. .The Witness was straight-laced ..and had hard scraping. La, Presse and La, Patrie had bulging circulations and hooked alive. With world wars unknown ex pansion was , everywhere. New rail ways ..were cutting .westward, The west was tickling popular fancy. -Newspaper staffs began falling for the Idea. Charlie Hayden, head of t.he sports de partment, .went ,out to Alberta to becpme managing editor of the Calgary Herald. Still prom inent, in the publishing field, he now lives In Vernon. Soon, others fpllqwed. Meanwhile, life flowed along St. James Street, where skyscrapers and reminders of centuries ago rub elbows. Short and exceedingly narrow streets BATTLE PP BRITAIN MEMORIAL CHAPEL- This is a view of the chapel In Westminster Abbey which has been set apart for all tune us a mcmonal to the mnn of the flying forces who gave their livi s in the Battle of Britain. It was unveiled by King George VI on the seventh anniversary of the first day of the battle, in the presence of Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, Princess Elisabeth, Princess Margaret Rose and other members nf the royal family. The window of 48 lights Is the work of Hugh Eaiton. I?ach light in Its own way tells the story pf the battle. The altar Is of English ..walnut. Its f urnishings, the candelabra and altar rail, are of sliver. lead to river front and dorks (BASEBALL The Ancient . Chateau De Pm- ezay rontinues to occupy valuable ijl,rl L.UUL.L, street frontjage and the Sieur De Maisonneuve, founder of the city, contemplates, from his pedestal, the cathedral of Notre Dame. COATS - But all this was, becoming just .Allt KuriiMr uft.prnnnn . thp u'? beckoned again and life.ln Saskatchewan where mosquitoes and blyck f ijes bite aud, dusty, breeze ; blow, began. A few weeks later we opened a press despatch in Saskatoon to discover that the large water tank on the roof of the Montreal Herald had j Riven way and crashed through. I This was indeed news as well as shock. ' July 31 Savoy Nickerson August 3 Watts St Nlckerson vs Moose August -.5 Savoy vs ,Watts a sljade tedious. So, on a. pleas- Nlckerson vs Watte & August rj Moose vi Savoy & August 10 Watts St Nickerson vs Savoy Atmist J4 Mopse vi Watts, Nlckersw;: August l. Savoy vs Moose. Team Ihst mentioned is to be the Home team. MONGOLIAN JlYpiENE Many .Mongols pever bathe rrom birth until deaih. 'At Playgrounds SEAL COVE IS WINNER Displays Show Originality and Careful Execution, in Saudtox Competition (M.,E. Audever) 'Well. I w,as always told that there was no North Pole but what to do now? I can see a miniature of it." It was at the Seal Qove p)ay-Rround where the Judges hjid met at the conclusion of JJbir tour of the playgrounds after thev had been inspecting tlie entries In the san,dgx compel-tions, The trip had takn'i the udpes tranche trpplV cJiQt of the "sands of the desert" thruuth l'Sumraer Ville" to the Arctic home of Santa Cam When he marks were added ud he jwW: were- unanimous In their de"lsion Hint the Seal Cove Pbvround children were entitled to first place. Onjy'twn bovs had taken part 'n the work at Alder Park. Joe Src.t and Monte Oreen had nlanned a scene In -the desert. There were six pyramids close by an armv carnp. ,TJie , onjt) wij,h Its Individual tfnt.vwn njo-prtrt hv n wailed emibfinkrnent t each corner of . jyh'ch mvti with .pun enwlarrtnovtA. Thr-p rfl'ps ?nd p v11 Mdpd. "rior and varletv to iht ntbr-'l r1r sandy .wroiindln?n. A frv nalnn yerp. pvpnt. Leaving the heat pf the desert the Judges went to .MrClymont Park. .Here they cpqled 'off as piey suryeyed Uip project en-Mtled vSuramer VlUe.",It was a .ardn qltv set cf bv many b'oomir-r sbrubs and ftowerinc "yrfem. Thf .whole set-up had hfen. carefully planned apd car-Tied out. So realistic was, It that ven a befthadbeen.altractetd to H and waahu'r. extrietiiyg honev rrom rose hlposis. .There wa a ball mrk npJv laid out. The forcUker'.n hcoie was a credit s hUjii. It wus tWlv nivl h mfhwav .waf well pavr-d. Tbere "rp rnk rdens. a bridge and vtlve bonpi. Those responsible were Jimmy Kurulok, Bobby Cooper. Delphlne Astoria, Helen Astoria, Rose-marie Kurulok, Victor Nick, Dor-een Quast, Kenny McKinnon. Put Pier-re Judy Mintenko, Carol 'KENYA' SKIPPER WAS (Continued froci Page 1) Pauadron. which had aircraft I f'Ufd jfb tjhe latest flkpj Jl-bqat A'fanjns apdj racjar. aali -! w41h Wildcat fighter. She escorted convovs ,aMpss the Atjap-1 Uc and to Ojaliar. haybrqpn- nernbw lefpoin,ajginjt u-bost and aeralnst the gllder-Ixmib.crryiniirJH 2n, .PinalK.n April. 14, he wt; senjor officer of a force contain- Dickens, Jaekle Gustation, Ka- Genevieve Turcotle. It was a splendid co-operative piece of work. ' Then to tjie miniature city of Santa Claus. Here were laid out the varied home all neatly con strutted. There was a miniature North Poje, c,larly named. Close by were ,a btjslf d and a skatint-. rink. An imitation fire was the only suggestion of warm Ui. But Ube brnes had many, evergreen and there werq hoiiy buvhe with berrjqs addfd for color. Paper cutroiiti fh,q,wed , inta . Claii' , wltli his re4.Bdf er. There were other inhabitants, some sklinf seme tobogannlng. some skatlnz Tliere w,as fxw In ab.yndspre snujated by c$ton wppl. All,o-rejjber the jav-Autwai yery cpm-fleie ,ajd qidjle .different. fr?m .vhat might, hay e, been exncted The v't decided that this wa the winner. The children, smaller by the way than those at McCJympnt Park, responsible for such a fine job were Geraldlne .and ,roest-j ine Mporehouse, Shirley Kurd- j ziel, Barbara Narano, Heather' Stephens. Joan Le Ross, Pat. Penny. Arlene Peterson, Barry Kurdziel, Danny Pick, Pierre Le Ri ss and Darrell Stephens. i in uaf, on March 27 as the result of an i ,4in Internal explosion. There vwas I ! t ' i; heavy loss of life unfortunately I W " owing to the cold water. 1 1 "c While recovering during tj?t C summer of 1943, Captain Boswell 'o ? assisted the American scientist, I Adrr. Dr.- Ed. Salent, to apply- the- VT. ut ., fuse to British ants-aircraf; i i' i iheJl. When the firing tests were , it: ponipleted in August, Captain a Boswe.'l relievd Cautaln Abfl- Sith, R.N., in the command ' HilS. Biter, another, efcprt car r'.er. Tills ship embarked No. 81t ' . S ; mm M . v -V '" Ijin ' This SALE will Last for TWO WEEKS ONLY Starts August 1 iEnds August 16 AMAZING m IS QFFI-RING SPORTSWEAR and ACCESSORIES TIicse Yalucs. represent a great saving to you. Take advan-age of them NQy! ,Use .the SVeet Sateen budget plan or pay cash,. but you must .See these jsavjngs to beJieve.tbem. .After the sale the bulk of t),e jsaJc merch.arujisc rcinaining viI be shipped down tto Vancouver. So come KARLY! .Shop for 4these bargains .while the sIection,is,still,gopd. We assure, you it will be vorh ypur itbne ,tP cie jn .and see tJiesc yMes 4 'A - A. hi NkJ IWfUiCUl thc (ttraJ Noni draw C: Liiat- adv . ; vane? i .f ,. !' Uir r ypf ft Dally Nrt ai u.t t it i '. this rule tj rt telephc:. - J tlsing las: ..i