sweeter tastier bread V wi.i. FLEISCHMAKN'S FRESH J YEAST ' I IT'S FULL STRENGTH so it goes right to wort. ; No waiting. No extra steps. Fleischrriann's fresh active Yeast makes bread that's more delicious . and tender, sweeter-tasting every time! lYOU BAKE AT HOME Get schmann's active fresh Yeast i the familiar yellow label petuableit's been, Canada's orite for more than 70 years. 'OLICY NEEDED . Krnnrt CAmb Mall. Post Office Department, Otta.wa) irubllihcd every afternoon except Bunas by pnlly News LW.. ara Avenue itihcv im,ji:ri., oruuui luiujiiuu. rEK Managing Editor. H. O. PETOIY.-Managlnil Director. fcANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU Of CIRCULATIONS i Hniiv newsnancr devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert unltlo comprising northern and central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES week. 15e Per Montn. use; rer Tear, it.oo; Per Month, 40c; Per Year, tt.OO. iesiuii Situation Britain withdrawing its support to )utcb in their Indonesian campaign, and democratic countries looking askance at sign which has the earmarks of an attempt bid autonomy from the East Indian people Introl may be retained of the wealth of the Java and Sumatra, it is to be anticipated inge of policy on the part of the official speedily ensue. nif the Dutch have been attempting to lia) control of Indonesia against the will Dole who live there and in a manner di- posite to that which Great Britain, for is pursuing in India. The only excuse is Indonesians can keep order among them- erence in the Indonesian situation from Ji prevails in some of the central European 'is that the Indonesians have had the will rtiinity to resist subjection if such it be, sucli countries as Yugoslavia, Rumania, ux) some of the others certainly have not Opportunity if, indeed, they had the will. , I. AND GREECE lKu.-3ia of the United States proposal for reation of a border commission designed to peace to the Balkans brings the United to a major setback. The excuse of Russia ns would constitute an interference in internal" affairs. That is the excuse of IWhther it is the real reason is a matter of : doubt. Niile the fighting goes on and appears for the point where it will become a threat ational peace if it has not already become neat The nositions of Russia on the one 1 nited States and Great Britain on the licato that the Greek question is just that ( question with which the United Nations is s i deal. For in this crisis arc all the ele- ; Power conflict. 'I'eeee appears to become the test of Big lWst in the United Nations. The hone of M States and Britain to work out the "sis within the United Nations framework to have become a futile one. l "itcd Nations cannot handle the Greek w question seriously arises of just what it NAL ROAD POLICY NEEDED, .says the peg Tribune. "It is preposterous that Ma has no road worthy of the name linking un tjie west. The hodge-podge apology way that results from each individual OeiniT resnnnsihlo for flir- nnrrinn of tho r1" its bounrlnrips is :i nhtionnl disirraee Itional responsibility. It has long been evi- iic Dominion must take the responsibility yans-tanada highway if it is to be con- N the time to formulate a national road Mer which the Dominion would share the PUllclinrr nnrl tlin imlvoon nf 'n.-itinnjil' t.nnr- Few will Khnrn ihe vifw nf Mr. HrWf ?ada should wait for hard times to nrovide pt will be the major inducement to tourists th Dominion." "GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER" The following is from Hansard official record of House of Commons proceedings, Ottawa, of July 15. Mr. Crui:tehank: Why was the hospital at Prince George, represented by the OC.F,, sold and why was the hospital at Prince Rupert, represented by the C.C.F old? A hospital at Prince Rupert represented by a C.C.F member and a hospital at Halifax, represented, I presume, by a by. plectlon member, were sold for $2300 but at Chllliwack the de oartmcnt wants some $30,000 for1 a bunch of mission huts that I have no value except fcr salvage nurposcs. I have had a lot of let-' ters from the minister's depart- ment, and It wculd take a very irood lawyer to understand them. Even he would not understand them. These letters have said that because one property Is owned by the city or by the government and the other property has to be put Into shape. It accounts for the difference I won-1 der whether the minister has ever been to a real district such as Frascr Valley and has seen the piece of property at Chllliwack. If he has he would know the cost of putting that-hospital; into shape. When one considers lhat In Prince Rupert a perman-1 ' ent brick or concrete hospital has been offered for the sum of $2500 j and down In Halifax, -where I understand they had a little baseball game or some other recreation, another building has been offered for $2500 and in Prince George the samcthing has happened, and yet at Chlllhvack we have been asked $30,000 for a bunch of mission huts, one can understand how we feel about it. It would cost a fortune to light and heat these buildings in Chllliwack; yet we are asked $30,000 for them. The only reason the minister's department can give me Is that one Is on government property and the other 1 on leased property, and In one case It would take so much to put It back in shape and in the other case half the buildings are gone. I get a little bitter about this when I realize that Prince George, Prince Rupert and Hall fax can get away with murder and my riding Is expected to paj $30,000 for a bunch of cheap mission huta. - Mr. Castleden: Have a by-clection. Mr. Cruickshank: I do not want to have a by-elcctlon yet. In Chllliwack we have women In from the military camp of western Canada. Maternity cases are being looked after In our hospital at Chllliw&cK. In spite of that, we are asked to pay thU high price. I want an explana tion from the minister. He has not given me one yet. Mr. Howe: The hon. member lias not given me a chance. Mr. Cruickshank: I have been giving the minister a chance for three years, and he has been writing letters or some of his officials have been writing letters that do not jncan anything ex cept to say that Prince George and Prince Rupert can have it because In one case the property Is government pwned and In the other case is on leased property. M A WEE BIT O' SCOTCH FOR ST CATHARINES William Leslie Slorach, four, of Glasgow Scotland, has pushed his sunglasses down on his nose, the better to see the sights of New York, as he arrived aboard the SS Ernie Pyle. On his way to St. Catharines, Ont., to live with a sister, he's dressed In kilts. With him was his mother. PRINCE RUPERT i . YEARS AGO j July 31, 1912 An enclosure for deer was being constructed at Acropolis Hill and one deer has already been secured for It. Mr. Sandels, manager for Kelly, Douglas Co. and Mr. Smith of the G.T.P. Inn brought in a fine catch of rainbow trout from Fiddler Creek. ALEC MUNRO IS GLASGOW BORN chief engineer of the steamer Prince Rupert, was born ln.Glas-gow, and served his apprenticeship at Port Glasgow, the same shipbuilding centre as Robert Cameron, dry dock manager, received his training. His first home in Canada was In Prince Rupert to which he came in 1914 and lived until 1916. In 1914, he brought his bride, a Port Glasgow girl, to Prince Rupert, and It was here that their first child was born. She Is now Mrs. R. A. Vance, of Vancouver. A son, Colin, follow td his father into the engine room, and is now sailing as chief engineer with the H. R. MacMlllan Co. of Vancouver. Alec doesn't know yet what he will do with his leisure following retirement but figures he won't have much trouble passing the time. "My favorite hobbies are fishing and lawn bowljng, and I haven't had much time to do either. It will take me quite a while to catch up." vR! T TTrrrnTTTr Will r.lVF A OkrvKr.tt !1C f.PKl DCJ I finite ?W"Tl Y I DAI BATTEk.1W I CKTVHv 4f'-i('t(WJftiWN : si&(Y- ni im hi 9. sign c.-k;skb US. "That does hi I'm going home and pilch into i some nut-sweet, aelicious Grape-Nuts Flakes!' "Since they put up that sign bout scrumptious, malty-rich Tost'i Grape-Nuts Flakes I can't keep the ball in the park! "And the way these boys race round the bases, they've sure been Setting those Post' Grape-Nuts Flakes carbohydrates for energy; proteins for muscle; phosphorus for teeth and bones; iron for the blood; and other food essentials. 'Two train whrat anA moit barley make a big difference, all right! So does that special secret Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes process of blending, baking and toasting. "Tongue-tickling flavor curly, honey-golden crlspness heme run nourishment that's Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes. And recipes for delicious- cooked dishes on every package. Gimme, gimme Post's Grape-Nuli Ilakesl" Some 300 railroad workers arrived from up the line, a strike having been declared in the camps of Foley, Welch and Stewart. There was a meeting in the Majestic Theatre which was addressed by Alderman Montgomery who said that the demands being made by the men were in accord with statutory enactments which were not being adhered to by the company. July 31, 1923 Peter Black jr., 15-year old son of the manager of the Cen tral Hotel, was hailed as something of an electrical genius after developing a receiving station that picked up broadcasts Alec Munro who is making his f vom San Francisco, Seattle and farewell voyage .this week as! Vancouver. His equipment was said to be the best north' of Van couver and had "been put together by. himself. Battleship Iowa Destroyed Mine j Tha A-mprfnnn fi'itflAcVifn Trmro t li V ullVitVUil WltVVtVUltl) A i wnicn was in Vancouver earner this month, used some ot her smaller guns to sink a floating mine while enroute from British Columbia to Hawaii. The gunners trained 20 and 40 millimetre guns on the bobbing object which had been Identff led and made a thorough Jab. Several state governors, including the governor of Alaska, viewed the shooting with great interest, from the bridge. TO PHOTOGRAPH KETCHIKAN RAIN A Ketchikan photographer has received an assignment from the Saturday evening Post to illustrate an article to be written by Richard Neuberget on- that town. Thr ph;it Taplier is to take pic-tun-:, of Kchikan's heavy rainfall: There must be plenty of act" :! street sf cries with clMn" in w weather dress. AnyMiiin I bnt shevs rain and plenty of It ! aoDarently acceptable even pe nle looking over displays of rubbers, rubber boots or umbrellas. The Chronicle tells about It. Window Dressing Contest For the best dressed windows featuring: BRITISH COLUMBIA PRODUCTS B.C. Products Bureau offers: First Prize . . Second Prize Third Prize . TO THE PUBLIC OF $15 $10 $ 5 Judging will take place Monday starting at 4 p.m. Prizes will be awarded at B.C. PRODUCTS SHOW Wednesday, August 6, 8 p.m. To ensure judging, phone Green 595 of your entry. PRINCE RUPERT DUE' TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUlt CONTROL WE HAVE BEEN FORCED TO CLOSE FOR A FEW DAYS. Watch this space for further Information COMMODORE CAFE GEO. DYIUIAVN Prop. W. T. COOPER Manager DANCE SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 PORT ESS1NGTON Make up a party and enjoy a real good time at the Saturday Night Spot of. the Skecna GOOD MUSIC GOOD DOCKING FACILITIES Dancing 9 p.m. Till? (178) Dry Lumber We have just received a substantial shipment of KILN-DRIED Finishing Lumber Get Yours While It Lasts PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED PHONES G51 AND 652 Coat Lumber Hardware Paints l?rfnce Hupett DaHp JSetois Thursday, July 31, 1947 REPUDIATES COMMUNISM OTTAWA "The C.C.F. party has never had anything to do with these who accept the Russian system," said M. J. Coldwell. C.C.F. national leader, In an address last night. Those who said the party ever had anything to do with the Communists said so for political propaganda reasons. He flatly repudiated Conservation of Fish Solution 'The solution of our many fishing Uls does not lie In the consumption of more fish. As I sea it, It looks as If we are depleting our banks to such an extent that It will be difficult to get any fish. What Is true on the Pacific Coast Is also true on the east coast. Out of a hundred fish caught In a drag, from 40 to DO were not saleable and died. That was the result of a dragging experiment carried out by the halibut commission." II. G, Archibald. 1 1 ujj.ii.ur.i ij LmJLxUJUuUMiU HHHHarArOTHiH msVai McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. (E. C. Wallace, Manager) "Your Friendly Drug Store" Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 79 Remember ... The THREE SISTERS CAFE ONCE AAIN OPEN FOR BUSINESS Same Place, Same Jim Moran, Prop. SERVICE AROUND THE CLOCK From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked 512.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose $11.00 per ton No- rebate for cniantlty HYDE TRANSFER rHONE 580 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From nome Rates 79a up BO Rooms Hot md Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. BOX 188 A. MacKenzie Furniture : LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT Phone 775 337 Third Avenue For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 ajn. to ll:C0 p.m. Maybe this will Surprise you... Railroad watches never Increased In Pfjcf all during IDe war. As a matter of faet tlie price has been reduced since the exchange has been taken off Canadian funds. The Hamilton. Railroad Watch was formerly $90 and is now $82.50. The Ball watch used to be $95.00 and Is now $90.00. The Elxin Railroad Watch Is now S75.00. Wc have all three of these fine watches in stoek at present and would be glad to show you. I