IT FORGET! i hE CIVIC CENTRE b in DRAL Saturday Mfiht irs Wood and Krhwabb ... 1 1.4.t Mi Quandt Bp Wane Wood, be-fci oi Wendelyn J-) of Mr. and SchwiAb, Overlook ;rs.'y and interest- a 11 30 Saturday St Andrews Angii- a. R; v Canon W. F. c"....i:d before a marii. ;e by F. II i bi wu beautlf a' ci-pea wcaains gown rr y : ik wnn Jong neckline. : ht up with :;,.:;-3 .t;c aims and u w;.l? piayer book ith v and pink S. . ' -i crunge bios- Enk re;:. .m.iL were the two hhe bi je Elizabeth V :d- who wore L su h scks with ve... tti.J crilcl col-cta of ;es and car-ciU ...wnbb, little f ; a v.v a dainty r Uh Kiutc f.-cck, pale vu and cslonlal bou- Jtsk dec. : miio: y. Peter ' ' 'no p onran March and v held at 1 .1. lnnlhor lil-d wner buffet re-w ' -vd and sings' - cloyed. The orrutulations riI it a beautiful ,;t ft .if Robert Rurhbrook pro- Pa- t the hrlrtn m responded. F. 1 r' -z'ci a toast to with the " '-ii-in. '' m -,hcr w ire a tur-" o-c , wii.h black 01 . '? of rnrnnllfim -mer' , costume cvscv silk In and she had a Pi -happily spent 3 darning with : cy Rufu Cameron Wend. !e c rr de for the a "36 West Third r di.2- has been em- PWF. wikery.The i tiie shipyard staff. l'D knswn and popu- K-ick was a passen l'i:.ouvir on the Co aucrnoon, salllne 1 ' r nvlnol.1 .. ' the northern part 9n- CHI .Til 1licnn.tlnn IT'S COMING AUGUST 6TH MASSETT AND PORT SIMPSON FAMILIES JOINED $100 IN CASH PRIZES Air passengers to Vancouver I 4 W 11 fVAkirvm today were: T Turner, W Lov-lflLU ALtAANUtK eiiuaui, rv. uusiiii&uii, r. jtuui- man, M. D. Jones, F. S. Doucettc, J. Botelho, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ryan.t W. A. Whyte, A. Roach, W. Hus- j band. For Sandsplt T. McKeown was a passenger. A pretty wedding unitln? Mas-;ett and Port Simpson families was solemnized at St. Andrew's Cathbdral Saturday afternoon when Lavlna Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heriry White, of MassetC became the bride of William (Sonny) Beynon, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Beynon of Port Simpson. The rite was performed by Rev. W. F. Rushbrook. Attended by Miss Dora Adams of Massctt, the bride looked lovely In a floor-length gown of ivory saCTh. Her entourajs In cluded six bridesmaids, beauti- fullly gowned. Groomsman was Henry ITeUn. Organ music was 'played by Peter Lien as the bride entered the church in the presence of about 50 friends. ,The bridegroom. Is a well known war veteran and athlete and is cmn'.oycd by the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative. Announcements All ftdvrrtlsrmenva in tnss column will be charged for a full tt 35 word. Sons of Norway meeting, Thursday, Aug. 7. Catholic Bazaar Oct. 1 and 2. Orange Tea, Oct. 16. Baptist Sale, Nov. 6, Women of the Moos-.? annual Bazaar. Nov. 12 and 13, Moose Temple. Canadian Ltgion Auxiliary Sale, Nov. 14. Presbyterian Fall Bnzaar, Nov. 20 "Salvation Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov. 28th. Orange Rale, December 5. how Available!- LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL ujr rw w! PUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. (E. C Wallace, Manager) 'Your Friendly Drug Store" P'nue at sum. ci.. piiokp. T. cm- GREETS MAYOR, I.O.D.E. LADIES Lady Alexander, wife of Canada's Governor-General, is definitely fond of Western Canada. That Is the reason she and her, family are spending their second summer vacation west of the Rockies. Lady Alexander told of her fondness for the west Saturday afternoon when the C?nadiaa Pacific steamer Princess Norah, which carried her from Alaska to Vancouver, docked at Prince Rupert briefly. Her listeners were Mayor Norah Arnold and ten ladles of local I.OD.E. chapters who visited her on board. She plans to spend several days visiting In Vancouver before BOlnc back to Ottawa t.n still ln the Yukon. . Lady Alexander received the local ladies ln the forward ob servation lounge of the Princess Norah during a 20-minute in-! terval. She received large bouquets of flowers from Mayor Arnold and from Mrs. D. C. Stuart, Regent of Municipal Chapter. The lattcr's presentation was a large box of gladioli, roses and sweet peas. The Princess Norah arrived ln port with her bell ringing in rec ognition of the vice-regal party being on board. I.O.D.E. members who called on Lady Alexander were Mrs. D. C Stuart, Regent, Municipal Chap ter, Mrs. J. A. Tcng, Regent. Queen Mary Chapter. Mrs. S. V. Cox, Mrs. John Dybhavn, Mrs. S. R. Donaldson, Regent, Hill 60 Chapter, Mrs. C. McF. Smith, Ml3. Florence Wilson, Mrs. Vic tor Grant, secretary, Cambrai Chapter and Miss Deshka Pen-eff, Galloway Rapids Chapter. Classified Aflvertlslng Paysl CCM Bicycles Men's and Ladies' Models Now In Stork Thc guaranteed bicycle that will give you the maximum of service. l! Baseball Savoy. l . III UlMfcllll II I . v-fj' I Local News Items McHride St. Tonight, Moose vs. Mrs. Elmer Clausen sailed on the Coqultlam this afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. Chamber of Commerce Con vention Ball, Frl. August 8, Civic Centre. (185) Thomas McKeown left by air craft this afternoon for a bus! ness trip to sQueen Charlotte Island points. Canadian Legion picnic, Port Edward, IJ Sundav. Amy. 3 Tirkpt t w ( 50c, now on sale. (177) Mrs. C. B. Flewin was the guest of honor at a tea arranged by Mrs. W. Dunn last Saturday. After spending a week visiting In the city Mrs. Flewin returned to her home In Port Simpson on board the Coqultlam Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Shiels were among the passengers. bound for Juneau on board the Princess Louise which was In port Monday morning. Mr. Shiels is chairman of the Pacific Am- erican Fisheries and will vint Ja.Dei. T,akR anH h.-'pi ..... ... un.aiij a Laiuicutj Bend Hlehwav In southeastern Alaska. Yesterday afternoon's arrivals here by Canadian Pacific Airlines E. V. Whiting returned to the city on Saturday night's train from a two weeks holiday trip to Prince George where he formerly resided. Weather was excellent around Prince George loin Viscount Alexander who is,while he was therc but ln .thc Burns i.aKt country there was too much! rain for the good of haying. Evidence of the bcorj ir. the limbering industrj Is appar ent at all hands in the ;-.-ince George area. Mllll lill II II III HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FUAS1.U STREET Phone Black 823 Phone 311 Im TIME TO FIX THAT ROOF! Cedar Shingles W'e have just received a large shipment of best grade ' cedar shingles. Let us sHpply jour needs now while they arc available. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED "Serving the North Since 1920" Coal Lumber Paint IUiildinj? Supplies PHONES 651 - 652 Best Wishes to Superior Auto and Body Service on their opening. C.C.F. Broadcast Wed., 8 p.m. M. J. Coldiwell MP. "The Truth About the C.C.F." (177) Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kellett and Mr. and Mrs. T.' Fraser, who have been on a vacation trip to the Babine Lake country and elsewhere ln the central interior, returned to the city on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J, McClymont and child arrived ln the city on the Princess Adelaide last night from Vernon. Mr. McClymont is here to Join' the staff of the Royal Bank of Canada as assistant accountant Leslie Bevington of the local Royal Bank staff, accompanied by his wife and young son, left last night on the Princess Ade laiae enroute to Comox wnere they will spend a holiday at the rome or Mr. Bevlngtons pas- cms. Jack Wrathall and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Petersen of "Miller aay reiurnea last week rrom a motor trip to Alberta during which they visited the Calgary Stampede. They motored eatt through the Crow's Nest Pass returning by way of Edmonton George Black, M.P. fcr Yukon, and Mrs. Black were brief visit ors to Prince Rupert; when the were A. Chapman, D. C'. Best, ! Prlncess Louise .stopped here J. G. Mann, H. R. Lang, J. Gregg, C. F. Noble and A. F. C. Ross from Vancouver and Mr. Gallagher, A. C. Wood, W. Chalmers, Miss Nancy Dawes and W. D. MacTcie from Sandspit. Monday on its way to Skagway, Mr. and Mrs. Black are returning to their home in Dawson after at tending the , session of Parlla ment in Ottawa. Building and Wiring Bylaws Under Fire City council approved a report by the Board of Works ln "which the City Engineer and City Clerk were requested to revise the Buildlng Bylaw and the Wiring Inspector to revise the Electrical Bylaw. In a report to council, City Engineer Charles Howe recommended that the present Building Bylaw be scrapped and the National Building Code be accept ed with changes necessary to the- locality. Fish Sales Canadian Rose M., 52,000, 24.1c and 19.5c, Atlln. Prosperity A.,, 36,000, 24c and 19.5c, Storage. Cape Spence, 19,000, Black Cod, Co-op. Gony, 19,000, Black Cod, Co-op. Miss Mary McCaffery, R.N., returned by air Monday afternoon to her duties at the United States Marine Hospital in Seattle after a visit here during the past few weeks with her motlier, Mrs. M. P. McCaffery. James Comer and son, James, jr., arrived in the city on the Coqultlam Sunday .afternoon from New Westminster and will be here for the next week or so visiting with Mr. Comer's mother, Mrs. Edith Comer. BLACKHEADS lmp'7 diasolft and dliipprar by thii on impl. iaf and iurc method. Gt two ounci of peroxin powder front any druf store, sprinkle on a hot, wet Hoth, and tpply gently etery blackhead will b goaa. W.VA'.V.W.VAVAV.VW.VAWJ This years' Styles Today! SMARTLY TAILORED SKIRTS Exclusive Designs AND Materials AT THE Rosa-Lee Ladies' Wear 345 THIRD AVENUE WEST V.W.V.VAW.WAWAV The Vacuum Cleaner You Have Waited For! EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER i You are Invited to make a personal Inspection of these wonderful new ..EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS. Visit McRae Bros, and arrange for a demonstration in your home. Remember, you buy the best when you buy EUREKA PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS l?rfnce Rupert Dailg Beftg Tuesday, July 29, 1947 SWEATER S JANTZEN AND PRIDE OF THE WEST Pure wool cardigans in plain colors. Pure wool pullovers with sleeves. Sleeveless pullovers in plain colors. Zipper sweater . coats in plain colors and two tones. FOR THE LATEST , IN JEWELRY MANSON'S "YOUR FRIENDLY JEU'ELIJR," De Luxe Wall Tint An Improved Sanitary Kalsomine SOLD IN, MANY PLEASING TINTS. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR HOME BRIGHT. CHEERY AND . INVITING WITH DELUXE WALL -TINTS. EASY TO MIX EASY TO APPLY 5-lb. pkg., 75 cents THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. You will find . . . SOUVENIRS NOVELTIES POST CARDS mmn of all kinds at FAMOUS RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS ! RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J, CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings or.'. . 1 " BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY t RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) , Box 548 Thone Green 075 ( NEW ENGLISH llLYY CHINA Cups and Saucers $1.00 to $15.00 -i Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA