e home of Mrs. Rod Farewell Party For McLeods Morrison was the ;we RCAF MEN of Prince Rupert are R chard Tweed, son of Mrs. Alex Tweed, and Paul Doumont, son of Mi m Doumont. Both enlisted at Edmonton recently and from there to No. 2 Manning Depot, St. John ust 26 —~ v i lun and oD iiieich tielibenk omnia scene Guides, Scouts Join In Field Fun, Frolic Last week saw the end a regular meetings for the season | for most Guide companies and} Scout troups in the city. To sultably finish the season, the} First Prince Rupert Scout ‘Troup (under David Fyffe) invited the Prince Rupert Guide Com pany (under Mrs. Clare Hitch- cock) to a party } Scouts proved to good | hosts and quite capable of en-| be tertaining their sisters in the} movement ; | The program started witlr several square dances, then a| few competitive games led by) Guide Commissiouer Honora L.| Silverside Each Scout, with a Guide for a partner, sat down to delicious refreshments pre- | pared by the boy Following | uppe! Scout Commissioner Anfield with the Ove! groups the holiday “wine Broup oO that the could Guides map making build a and week-en Lite nt ted for i hike teach and ZAULIC Scout the bow to bridge : . the Guides could give the Scouts vise party held Wednesday evening in honor tee pbiNts ‘on atave’ Lave. Molly McLeod who is leaving the city to make} Putting all their equipment in - ’ ' a frek Cart” the boys and in Vancouver. girls were free to draw a map of yn. on behalf of Club. Both Mr. and Mrs. Gorm- the route they went alon presented a farewell ely have been very «active iniCamp was made just before AcLeod and her son,|community work here noon and at one o'clock all were ' | , enjoying a lunch which they t visit to Prince Miss Marla Brett, daughter of! had cooked for themselves over and Mrs, George at and Mrs. G. R. Brett, 6553/4 trench fire on Don of Tatlow Street, after completing After lunch, the boys “threw Nashington, holidey Het two-year course at Si a rope bridge across the creek ated > olen Rae College, Victoria pending her Everyone was anxious tq sée 1 ust Avene holiday at home: She expects to it would be strong enough to lor is a partner return to vancouves to enter St hold them. It held, and all who Logging Com Paul's Hospital as nurse tried crossed safely hington Ing in January ea and an hour of songs and games around a campfire ended Mi Mare Gormely Miss Dorothy Recker, caughter | & ‘perros Sag om mn ; ot Fire Chiel rnd 1 karl tonight for VANCOU-| pomke, who } heen visit! their future home h Gormely has been couver ter of Prince Ru ) j { four years and is / oe [ y Zz » hier « ’ ersona yf ewetrt tof Prince Rupert Gyro} Pewes Shier, son of Mr. and | Mrs, Evan Shier, after a month’s visit with his parents here, re- LONDON © Apart from the : ’ $22 turned to C: where has | traditional regalia Queen Eliza- Best Carpets been taking a drafting course. beth HL may Wear whatever |e enters employment with an/ Pieces of her personal jewelry ol! compan she chooses for her coronation Need Goo meat Jean. Se ay’ Mee Mi Fl rice Plockt nagnificent neeKlace, earrings Mrs orence Flocktor , vas M8 . riving on tomorrow nigi ain | 8he Sraceey, St eee are in Ol T 1e from AVinnipeg to it Mi The young queen has a flair and in to nal Hi s ™'\ for the effective display of het an i Ss marhe thi jewelry and ike any other ONDON (CP) Intensive re co he value i ot only for differnt types . of JUMPS OUT its intrinsic worth but also {01 eaving methods and Ernest its association. One of her fav the production of r Grawing rooms and bed- er parent returned to RICHMOND, Va. (AP) van- Choon Way Ciieni ‘Hostesses Get Married Too Fast-- Airline Finds Replacements Hard LONDON. (Reuters)—British airline hostesses are getting married faster than British Overseas Airways Corporation can replace them. ‘ The trouble is, BOAC said today in announcing a new recruiting campaign, the qualifications for a hostess are also the qualifications for a good wife. The girls must be pretty, at least 21, speak a foreign language and have poise and a cheerful personality. As a result, they are marrying at the rate of one a week and the airline is having trouble maintaining its quota of 200 hostesses. A hostess draws about £7 a week plus £2 flying pay and out-of-Britain ‘expenses—good wages in Britain. a wedding p.es~ Harry Black Leads New Rotary Club Executive Well-known and popular 1 { Sener: emmy nner uel, - ‘ - Other officers installed by! Grain Moving Salvation Army Major WwW. Se. Poulton were Bob McKay, sere At Record Pace theatre manager, took a couple of games| Harry Black, last night was installed as president of , | Prince Rupert Rotary Club, succeeding Fred Scad- Flooding Hits” Toronto Resort TORONTO (Flooding on the | Toronto islands, caused by high | water in Lake Ontario, is cutting | down the number of passengers earried by the five ferry boats which play between the main- ‘land and the islands across the mouth of Toronto harbor. | The ferries are operated by | ithe Toronto Transportation | Commission, publicly-owned | transit service which runs street | cars and buses in the city and | suburbs. | by. A. Peters, TTC marine sup- | erintendent, says the nunmber of | passengers carried this year is | down 30 per cent from last year. He blames the flood situation in parts. of the island for dis- | couraging would-be picnickers. Within a few weeks, however, island playgrouncs will be in setter condition and the depart- | ment expects the number of visitors and picnic parties to in- crease Last year a total of 1,720,482 passengers Were transported to Double Price eant-at-arms; Walter Vance,| ; eae 7 . treasurer; Trevor Hill,. setre-| Poms ARTHUR @—Transfer) 4 Frisco tary: A. P. Crawley, Bill McAra, of about, 50 iron ore carriers to| Dr. J. D. Galbraith and ‘Mr the grain trade because of the | Caines: auaniaens ~ '|United States steel strike may | ’ pers yee : pring: the heaviest peacetime Installation was an important event for one of the city’s major | service clubs, said Maj. Poulton, , who charged the officers with) “give this year of your life to the service of your community.” | Rotary is the opportunity for service and carries ideals of which those who wish to restrict head ports in history grains. This is more than movement of grain out of Lake- | SAN FRANCISCO (AP) San | Francisco’s two morning nmews- Shipments are pouring out of |mapers, The Chronicle and The Port Arthur amd Fort William | Examines, today increased price In the last two weeks they have totalled 33,500,000 bushels of all | tons twice | lof theit daily and Sunday edi- The daily priee for a ecepy goes up from freedom are afraid.” the 1951 total of 15,500,000 bush- iets and the Sunday edition After delivering the presid-| els for the same period. — _Vprice from 1b to 20 cents. } ent’s report, Mr. Scadden was “ presented by Maj. Poulton with a “past president’s pin.” Mr! ‘Seadden cited as the main pro, | ject of the year for the club,! building of the tennis court at) a cost of $3,500 | More than 100 members, wives | and guests sat down to a delic-; |ious banquet after which ‘the ceremony was conducted. Among those at the head table were} ‘Dr. A. W. Large, representing | Prince Rupert Gyro Club, and} Stan Saville, president of the} Kinsmen Club | A community, sing-song was} led by Keith DeWitt, with piano | accompaniment by Dyke Mc- Millan. Dancing followed 5 Boy Shoots Self ° To Pay For Mistake TOLEDO, O., (AP)—A 15-yeat! old boy,.arrested recently be-| ome EAL ‘arne 5 5 . ; orite tiaras Was . . 0 OO one Sichenort teal a. th a ent from Queen Mary cause he tried to steal a gift for) ; \¢ id's “at Wave tha re © “7 anes %, aS aw ille i | roll off British fiune talaneelt ont of & window of In some photographs of the | Father's Day, killed himself to " lo boost their his home The { il was only Queen taken recently for repro- make amends, the sheriff's of- a inufacturers have reels thea tical nt ge Emm fix duction on coronation souvenirs, | fice sald. A motorist found the . y . . I re Os iO t arnerix |“ aren ae ere -s a an | bes, ig British howse- | taken to a hospita) she is shown wearing the dia- | body of Fred Grenburg yester- | J per selection and sre lkinds «Sel a ae ais aaesins mond tiata whieh was a wedding | day not far from his home. The f caring for good nn: rhe } oa * f see present from the Nizam of Hyd-|boy had shot himself in the ne ei Wi ’ ade! re i . onc : me so dur ai mac The erbad. This tiara, a magnificent | head with his dad’s .22 calibre} carpetings fall) our baisiad on lind h re for floral design, is composed of pistol. .A note to his parents | tegories, One is the the « igt ‘hh straight 4 eral pieces of jewelry which said he was “paying for my mis- ich as Brussels or Se ; y be worn separately take.” ad the other is the eae od slags | Wilton and Axmin | red er ' | pile is formed on CHILDREN’S W ‘ Med yv i\ watds withdrawn) { danct Friday July 0 a strong fabric.|P., Oddfellows Hall -y (Infants to 12 years) ermined by the }20¢Y welcome ” ends to the square @ Attention El ine quality having per-' Munday night, July pm In velvet tapestry (158 ‘ it, giving an open 7 appeurance @ United Church Vacation Located next to the Bus Depot ey rOUGH, LOXURIOUS School inning Monday July} ce | fobs for the hor 17, at 9:15 rn. in the hurch I if nt Dr s $1 49, $1.65, $1 98 | ‘ a eae ee 157) || Girls’ Dresses —Sizes 3 to 14 years ....$1.85 and bE y WONS Mile * 7 onbining hard-wear-| @ Mrs, Helen Gilbert, of Helen ‘ $1 98, $2.25, $2.98 | " ‘ ne quatities? with" a~ TexUrious Beaty Salon, ahioit Areat | Git ke’ Yersoys Slips Sizes 4 to AO ets oa 9% ' : Re a ea Mrs Rost ~ um former! Boys’ Gabardine Pants, to*size tO°yrs: $3.10, 98 Bh yy Wie Luts idl- of Modern Beauly Shoppe, wul , C C1 y knotted into the fabric, | join her staff on July (167) Boy: sport snirts, Sizes 6-8- 10 $1.98, $2.25 weft and cotton or : Girls’ Silk Panties, sizes 2 to 10 40c » threads make it stiff! @ George Cook Jeweller pre rs 1] 2 10 oH yy . tS . he width and flexible|sents for your dancing C rd ee z 65 he leneth. Axminsters | tening pleasure “Saturday Night} Girls’ Pyjamas ‘ 4 efore should always be rol-|Dance Party every Seturday Girls’ Slack sizes 8 to 12 $1.00 folded night from 11 p.m. to l-amJ|f , ty Diaper $4.75 . 7. | tt \ LzIadpers ¢ sometimes preferred|on Station ¢ FPR I'w full} ; ul ' $3 75 ore imposing rooms, having hours of enjoyment Don't miss Flant velette Diapers . e) ‘ ay j } c's Jewellers Sat ‘ | ‘ r and silkier _ pil¢,|Cook’s Jewelle Mareny night Come im and see Our many other Unlisted Bargains f woven as closely as|damee party starting tomorrow, to the inch, night (1t) — Chenille carpeting, also popu- i | | a deep velvety pile by a different method hat in most carpets. The fur is laced on to the cking with strong thread igh-quality chenitle car- have ich ves know etl should be shifted oceasionally, to distri- wear and tear, or alter the heavier furniture “cd be moved to endency to “shading” in vain or light colored oe be reduced if the mew car- ‘Way trom the light Worst enemy of carpets is grit, | Ho h if allowed to remain and ~* to the pile, causes gradu- " asintergration of the fabric "pet shoule be brushed to- the direction in which the "es. In other words when _Weeper or vacuum eleaner is thi ‘he last stroke should be in “ATS cirection oa marks or stains should be : ved as soon as they are 'ced—but Not. with soap, soda . ‘mmonia. There are many 7 a lather products sold for wil Ng delicate fabries, which “ hot harm a carpet, or 144 tufts to the| } that a} different | carpets | 'S laid so that the pile leans | | | } SPECIAL — 2 DAYS SATURDAY AND MONDAY Ladies Summer Coats Regular $31.95 i NOW ONLY $1 9.95 YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS THIS LADIES! Mechanical Fish, Boots, Balls, Trumpets, Toy Guns And all the other novelties that go to make summer enjoyable for the kiddies. Tak SUMMER TOYS R ar 4 2 single seven to 10 dt incius. HeaVieor Year c: 364 passelmcis . < er- |record was 1944 when 2,537,489 vice—148,516 less than. shat re- | tickets were sold corded for the same pcriod last Since April of this year, 27i,- year. Prince Kupert Daily News - «2 Friday, July 4, 1952 WIGHIES” 100% NYLON SOCKS AND ANKLETS as | The only socks actually air-conditioned! Monarch-Knit’s - amazing NYLO-MIST process keeps Toughies war™ in winter, cool in summer, WATTS & NICKERSON MEN’S CLOTHING For Cool Cooking... Cook Electrically SINGLE BURNER HOTPLATES ._ $ 6.65 TWO BURNER HOTPLATES $10.55 $48.65 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Besner Block — Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. TABLE RANGETTE...... Stewart, B.C CALV You'll welcome CALVERT HOUSE first for its smoothness, light body : and delightful bouquet. Here’s a whisky ._.| you'll really enjoy! You'll welcome CALVERT HOUSE brings you rare value... it’s the best buy in fine Canadian Whisky! en Com ae a ees CALVERT HOUSE | ERT DISTILLERS LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT, again because its outstanding quality ae oa ae é —